971 resultados para commercial property


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Opinions differ about what types of policies are likely to be most effective in conserving wildlife species. For example, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) is based on the premise that curbing the commercial use of endangered species favours their conservation, whereas the Convention on Biological Diversity envisages the possibility that such use may contribute to the conservation of species. In Australia, as illustrated in the case of the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), the governments of the Northern Territory and Western Australia have favoured the latter policy in recent years, whereas Queensland has favoured the former approach. The saltwater crocodile management plan of the Northern Territory provides an instructive case study of the consequences of adopting a commercial use strategy to promote wildlife conservation. The methodology used in this study, which involves a survey of crocodile farm managers and managers of cattle properties in the Northern Territory as well as secondary data, is outlined, after providing background on the conservation status of saltwater crocodiles in Australia and the saltwater crocodile management plan of the Northern Territory. In the results section, after outlining the nature and structure of the Northern Territory crocodile farming industry, evidence is presented on whether or not the crocodile management plan of the Northern Territory encourages pastoralists to conserve crocodiles on their properties. This study concludes with a discussion of the overall conservation effectiveness of the crocodile management scheme of the Northern Territory and considers its possible implications for saltwater crocodile management in areas of Asia where the species occurs.


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The Iowana Farms Milk Company factory building was considered to retain sufficient integrity and possess sufficient significance to be considered eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criteria A and C for its historical and architectural significance in the Bettendorf community. The Iowana Farms Milk Company was an important early to mid-twentieth-century business in Bettendorf, and was among the few that was not owned or operated by the Bettendorf Company. It was a strong and thriving business for many years, and its products were well known in the Quad Cities region. The importance of this property becomes even more significant when one considers that most of the buildings once associated with the actual Bettendorf Company, which was undeniably the most important business and industry in town, are now gone. As a result, the Iowana Farms Milk Company factory building was a physical vestige of the once-thriving commercial industries that made Bettendorf into a city in the twentieth century. This property was further significant for its representation of the evolution of the dairy industry in the twentieth century from farm to factory production. It also reflected the changes to the industry based on scientific discoveries, mechanical innovations, and governmental regulations related to improved sanitation and the pure milk movement. The Iowana Farms Milk Company represented a model plant for the time, and the marketing strategies it employed followed the trends of the industry. The Iowana Farms Milk Company plant had to be removed to make room for a new I-74 bridge over the Mississippi River at Bettendorf. The construction of the new bridge also required removal of the historic Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge. The documentation reported herein and for that of the Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge fulfills the requirements of the Memorandum of Agreement regarding the removal of these historic properties.


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Organic acids are present in sour cassava starch ("polvilho azedo") and contribute with organoleptic and physical characteristics like aroma, flavor and the exclusive baking property, that differentiate this product from the native cassava starch. Samples of commercial sour cassava starch collected in South and Southeast Brazil were prepared for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. The HPLC equipment had a Biorad Aminex HPX-87H column for organic acid analysis and a refractometric detector. Analysis was carried out with 0.005M sulfuric acid as mobile phase, 0.6ml/min flow rate and column temperature of 60° C. The acids quantified were lactic (0.036 to 0.813 g/100g), acetic (0 to 0.068 g/100g), propionic (0 to 0.013 g/100g) and butyric (0 to 0.057 g/100g), that are produced during the natural fermentation of cassava starch. Results showed large variation among samples, even within the same region. Some samples exhibited high acid levels, mainly lactic acid, but in these neither propionic nor butyric acids were detected. Absence of butyric acid was not expected because this is an important component of the sour cassava starch aroma, and the lack of this acid may suggest that such samples were produced without the natural fermentation step.


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Poly-L-lactide (PLLA) is a widely used sustainable and biodegradable alternative to replace synthetic non-degradable plastic materials in the packaging industry. Conversely, its processing properties are not always optimal, e.g. insufficient melt strength at higher temperatures (necessary in extrusion coating processes). This thesis reports on research to improve properties of commercial PLLA grade (3051D from NatureWorks), to satisfy and extend end-use applications, such as food packaging by blending with modified PLLA. Adjustment of the processability by chain branching of commercial poly-L-lactide initiated by peroxide was evaluated. Several well-defined branched structures with four arms (sPLLA) were synthesized using pentaerythritol as a tetra-functional initiator. Finally, several block copolymers consisting of polyethylene glycol and PLLA (i.e. PEGLA) were produced to obtain a well extruded material with improved heat sealing properties. Reactive extrusion of poly-L-lactide was carried out in the presence of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 wt% of various peroxides [tert-butyl-peroxybenzoate (TBPB), 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-(tert-butylperoxy)-hexane (Lupersol 101; LOL1) and benzoyl peroxide (BPO)] at 190C. The peroxide-treated PLLAs showed increased complex viscosity and storage modulus at lower frequencies, indicating the formation of branched/cross linked architectures. The material property changes were dependent on the peroxide, and the used peroxide concentration. Gel fraction analysis showed that the peroxides, afforded different gel contents, and especially 0.5 wt% peroxide, produced both an extremely high molar mass, and a cross linked structure, not perhaps well suited for e.g. further use in a blending step. The thermal behavior was somewhat unexpected as the materials prepared with 0.5 wt% peroxide showed the highest ability for crystallization and cold crystallization, despite substantial cross linking. The peroxide-modified PLLA, i.e. PLLA melt extruded with 0.3 wt% of TBPB and LOL1 and 0.5 wt% BPO was added to linear PLLA in ratios of 5, 15 and 30 wt%. All blends showed increased zero shear viscosity, elastic nature (storage modulus) and shear sensitivity. All blends remained amorphous, though the ability of annealing was improved slightly. Extrusion coating on paperboard was conducted with PLLA, and peroxide-modified PLLA blends (90:10). All blends were processable, but only PLLA with 0.3 wt% of LOL1 afforded a smooth high quality surface with improved line speed. Adhesion levels between fiber and plastic, as well as heat seal performance were marginally reduced compared with pure 3051D. The water vapor transmission measurements (WVTR) of the blends containing LOL1 showed acceptable levels, only slightly lower than for comparable PLLA 3051D. A series of four-arm star-shaped poly-L-lactide (sPLLA) with different branch length was synthesized by ring opening polymerization (ROP) of L-lactide using pentaerythritol as initiator and stannous octoate as catalyst. The star-shaped polymers were further blended with its linear resin and studied for their melt flow and thermal properties. Blends containing 30 wt% of sPLLA with low molecular weight (30 wt%; Mwtotal: 2500 g mol-1 and 15000 g mol-1) showed lower zero shear viscosity and significantly increased shear thinning, while at the same time slightly increased crystallization of the blend. However, the amount of crystallization increased significantly with the higher molecular weight sPLLA, therefore the star-shaped structure may play a role as nucleating agent. PLLA-polyethylene glycol–PLLA triblock copolymers (PEGLA) with different PLLA block length were synthesized and their applicability as blends with linear PLLA (3051D NatureWorks) was investigated with the intention of improving heat-seal and adhesion properties of extrusion-coated paperboard. PLLA-PEG-PLLA was obtained by ring opening polymerization (ROP) of L-lactide using PEG (molecular weight 6000 g mol-1) as an initiator, and stannous octoate as catalyst. The structures of the PEGLAs were characterized by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR). The melt flow and thermal properties of all PEGLAs and their blends were evaluated using dynamic rheology, and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). All blends containing 30 wt% of PEGLAs showed slightly higher zero shear viscosity, higher shear thinning and increased melt elasticity (based on tan delta). Nevertheless, no significant changes in thermal properties were distinguished. High molecular weight PEGLAs were used in extrusion coating line with 3051D without problems.


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Dans l’optique que la télésurveillance est devenue un outil indispensable en matière de sécurité, notre projet de recherche porte sur la manière dont elle est utilisée à des fins de gestion de l’ordre dans une propriété privée de masse (propriété privée que le public général est invité à visiter). Il s’agit de comprendre le rôle du centre de contrôle de télésurveillance dans la gestion d’un centre commercial. De façon plus spécifique, nous voulons décrire le fonctionnement et les objectifs des technologies de télésurveillance et les méthodes de contrôle utilisées dans un espace privé de masse. Nous voulons décrire les pratiques des agents affectés au centre de contrôle de télésurveillance ainsi que leur perception des notions de sécurité et d’ordre, avec une attention particulière accordée à la surveillance des lieux. Le site que nous avons sélectionné est un édifice situé en plein cœur du centre-ville de Montréal, où nous retrouvons des galeries commerciales abritant plusieurs restaurants et boutiques. Afin d’atteindre nos objectifs de recherche, nous avons fait plus de 150 heures d’observation participante dans le centre de contrôle de télésurveillance. Nos observations étaient complétées par des entretiens spontanés, afin de bien comprendre la dynamique et les interactions entre les agents, les autres employés et les visiteurs. Ainsi, notre matériel empirique est surtout de nature qualitative, mais nous avons complété ces données avec une grille d’analyse quantitative permettant une analyse minutieuse de l’emploi du temps des agents de sécurité à l’aide d’un fichier informatisé. Nous sommes en mesure d’établir que la surveillance dans une propriété privée de masse vise, à biens des égards, la gestion de l’image. La sécurité proprement dite est reléguée au second plan, derrière tout ce qui est relatif au marketing et à l’encouragement à la consommation. De plus, nous avons constaté que les agents de sécurité dans de tels lieux servent surtout à répondre à des besoins organisationnels ponctuels, leur quotidien n’étant guidé par aucune mission globale. Quant au centre de contrôle de vidéosurveillance, nous pouvons affirmer que son rôle est de s’assurer que toutes les activités au centre se déroulent comme convenu par les gestionnaires de l’établissement.


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"L’auteure Lucie Guibault aborde la question des ""logiciels libres"" dans le cadre des droits d’auteurs et des brevets. Ces logiciels sont des programmes informatiques qui sont gratuitement distribués au public, dont la modification et la redistribution sont fortement encouragées, mais dont la vente ou la commercialisation est découragée ou même carrément prohibée. Ces caractéristiques particulières distinguent les logiciels libres des ""programmes propriétés"" traditionnels, qui se basent sur le principe que le créateur d’un programme en possède les droits de propriété et qu’il est le seul autorisé à le modifier ou le vendre, sous réserve de sa capacité à faire cession de ces droits. Les logiciels libres sont fondés sur une idéologie de coopération, qui promeut la propagation des idées et des connaissances et qui favorise ainsi la création de meilleurs logiciels. L’auteure présente les grandes caractéristiques des trois principales licences de logiciels libres, soit la ""General Public License"", la licence ""Berkeley Software Distribution"" et la ""Mozilla Public License"". Elle soutient que ces logiciels libres et les régimes normatifs qui les encadrent sont à l’origine d’un changement de paradigme au sein des régimes européens et hollandais de protection des droits d’auteurs et des brevets. La première partie de l’article analyse les régimes des droits d’auteur des trois licences de logiciels libres. L’auteure souligne que ces régimes ont été établis en se basant sur la prémisse qu’il n’y a pas de distinction significative entre les créateurs et les utilisateurs de logiciels libres. Les régimes normatifs reflètent cette situation en prévoyant un ensemble de droits et d’obligations pour les utilisateurs dans le cadre de l’utilisation, de la reproduction, de la modification et de la redistribution gratuite des logiciels libres. L’auteur explique comment ces régimes normatifs s’intègrent au sein de la législation européenne et hollandaise, entre autre au niveau du droit de propriété, du droit commercial, du droit des communications et du droit des obligations. L’auteur démontre que, de façon générale, ces régimes normatifs législatifs semblent s’être adéquatement adaptés aux nouvelles réalités posées par les règles de droits d’auteurs des logiciels libres. La seconde partie aborde la problématique du droit des brevets, tel que défini par la législation européenne et hollandaise. La plupart des utilisateurs et créateurs de logiciels libres s’opposent aux régimes de brevets traditionnels, qui limitent l’innovation et les possibilités de développement techniques. L’auteur décrit les différents régimes alternatifs de brevets offerts par les trois licences de logiciels libres. De plus, l’auteur présente l’encadrement légal pour ces nouveaux brevets, tel que défini par les législations européennes et hollandaises. Elle soutient que cet encadrement légal est inadéquat et qu’il n’est pas adapté aux besoins des utilisateurs de logiciels libres."


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One of the recurring themes of the debates concerning the application of genetic transformation technology has been the role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). This term covers both the content of patents and the confidential expertise usually related to methodology and referred to as 'Trade Secrets'. This review explains the concepts behind patent protection, and discusses the wide-ranging scope of existing patents that cover all aspects of transgenic technology, from selectable markers and novel promoters to methods of gene introduction. Although few of the patents in this area have any real commercial value, there are a small number of key patents that restrict the 'freedom to operate' of new companies seeking to exploit the methods. Over the last 20 years, these restrictions have forced extensive cross-licensing between ag-biotech companies and have been one of the driving forces behind the consolidation of these companies. Although such issues are often considered of little interest to the academic scientist working in the public sector, they are of great importance in any discussion of the role of 'public-good breeding' and of the relationship between the public and private sectors.


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The term commercial management has been used for some time, similarly the job title commercial manager. However, as of yet, little emphasis has been placed on defining. This paper presents the findings from a two-year research initiative that has compared and contrasted the role of commercial managers from a range of organisations and across industry sectors, as a first step in developing a body of knowledge for commercial. It is argued that there are compelling arguments for considering commercial management, not solely as atask undertaken by commercial managers, but as a discipline in itself: a discipline that, arguably, bridges traditional project management and organisational theories. While the study has established differences in approach and application both between and within industry sectors, it has established sufficient similarity and synergy in practice to identify a specific role of commercial management in project-based organisations. These similarities encompass contract management and dispute resolution; the divergences include a greater involvement in financial and value management in construction and in bid management in defence/aerospace.


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In this paper we investigate the commonly used autoregressive filter method of adjusting appraisal-based real estate returns to correct for the perceived biases induced in the appraisal process. Since the early work by Geltner (1989), many papers have been written on this topic but remarkably few have considered the relationship between smoothing at the individual property level and the amount of persistence in the aggregate appraised-based index. To investigate this issue in more detail we analyse a sample of individual property level appraisal data from the Investment Property Database (IPD). We find that commonly used unsmoothing estimates overstate the extent of smoothing that takes place at the individual property level. There is also strong support for an ARFIMA representation of appraisal returns.


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This paper examines the regional investment practices of institutional investors in the commercial real estate office market in 1998 and 2003 in England and Wales. Consistent with previous studies in the US the findings show that investors concentrate their holdings in a few (urban) areas and that this concentration has become more pronounced as investors have rationalised their portfolio holdings. The findings also indicate that office investment does not fully correlate with the UK urban hierarchy, as measured by population, but is focused on urban areas with high service sector employment. Finally, the pre-eminence of the City of London and and West End office markets as the key focus of institutional investment is confirmed.


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Depreciation is a key element of understanding the returns from and price of commercial real estate. Understanding its impact is important for asset allocation models and asset management decisions. It is a key input into well-constructed pricing models and its impact on indices of commercial real estate prices needs to be recognised. There have been a number of previous studies of the impact of depreciation on real estate, particularly in the UK. Law (2004) analysed all of these studies and found that the seemingly consistent results were an illusion as they all used a variety of measurement methods and data. In addition, none of these studies examined impact on total returns; they examined either rental value depreciation alone or rental and capital value depreciation. This study seeks to rectify this omission, adopting the best practice measurement framework set out by Law (2004). Using individual property data from the UK Investment Property Databank for the 10-year period between 1994 and 2003, rental and capital depreciation, capital expenditure rates, and total return series for the data sample and for a benchmark are calculated for 10 market segments. The results are complicated by the period of analysis which started in the aftermath of the major UK real estate recession of the early 1990s, but they give important insights into the impact of depreciation in different segments of the UK real estate investment market.


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