987 resultados para color vision.


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Many animal species make use of ultraviolet (UV) light in a number of behaviors, such as feeding and mating. The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is among those with a UV photoreceptor and pronounced UV sensitivity. Little is known, however, about the retinal processing of this input. We addressed this issue by recording intracellularly from second-order neurons in the adult goldfish retina. In order to test whether cone-driven horizontal cells (HCs) receive UV cone inputs, we performed chromatic adaptation experiments with mono- and biphasic HCs. We found no functional evidence of a projection from the UV-sensitive cones to these neurons in adult animals. This suggests that goldfish UV receptors may contact preferentially triphasic HCs, which is at odds with the hypothesis that all cones contact all cone-driven HC types. However, we did find evidence of direct M-cone input to monophasic HCs, favoring the idea that cone-HC contacts are more promiscuous than originally proposed. Together, our results suggest that either UV cones have a more restricted set of post-synaptic partners than the other three cone types, or that the UV input to mono- and biphasic HCs is not very pronounced in adult animals.


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We assessed chromatic discrimination in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients both with (ON) and without (no ON) a history of optic neuritis using the Cambridge color test (CCT). Our goal was to determine the magnitude and chromatic axes of any color vision losses in both patient groups, and to evaluate age-related changes in chromatic discrimination in both patient groups compared to normals. Using the CCT, we measured chromatic discrimination along the protan, deutan and tritan axes in 35 patients with MS (17 ON eyes) and 74 age matched controls. Color thresholds for both patient groups were significantly higher than controls` along the protan and tritan axes (P < 0.001). In addition, the ON and no-ON groups differed significantly along all three-color axes (p < 0.001). MS patients presented a progressive color discrimination impairment with age (along the deutan and tritan axes) that was almost two times faster than controls, even in the absence of ON. These findings suggest that demyelinating diseases reduce sensitivity to color vision in both red-green and blue-yellow axes, implying impairment in both parvocellular and koniocellular visual pathways. The CCT is a useful tool to help characterize vision losses in MS and the relationship between these losses and degree of optic nerve involvement.


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The visual system is particularly sensitive to methylmercury (MeHg) exposure and, therefore, provides a useful model for investigating the fundamental mechanisms that direct toxic effects. During a period of 70 days, adult of a freshwater fish species Hoplias malabaricus were fed with fish prey previously labeled with two different doses of methylmercury (0.075 and 0.75 mu g g(-1)) to determine the mercury distribution and morphological changes in the retina. Mercury deposits were found in the photoreceptor layer, in the inner plexiform layer and in the outer plexiform layer, demonstrating a dose-dependent bioaccumulation. The ultrastructure analysis of retina revealed a cellular deterioration in the photoreceptor layer, morphological changes in the inner and outer segments of rods, structural changes in the plasma membrane of rods and double cones, changes in the process of removal of membranous discs and a structural discontinuity. These results lead to the conclusion that methylmercury is able to cross the blood-retina barrier, accumulate in the cells and layers of retina and induce changes in photoreceptors of H. malabaricus even under subchronic exposure. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Der Goldfisch besitzt, im Gegensatz zum Menschen, ein tetrachromatisches Farbensehsystem, das außerordentlich gut untersucht ist. Die Farben gleicher Helligkeit lassen sich hier in einem dreidimensionalen Tetraeder darstellen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es herauszufinden, wie gut der Goldfisch Farben, die dem Menschen ungesättigt erscheinen und im Inneren des Farbtetraeders liegen, unterscheiden kann. Des Weiteren stellte sich die Frage, ob sowohl „Weiß“ (ohne UV) als auch Xenonweiß (mit UV) vom Fisch als „unbunt“ oder „neutral“ wahrgenommenen werden. Um all dies untersuchen zu können, musste ein komplexer Versuchsaufbau entwickelt werden, mit dem den Fischen monochromatische und mit Weiß gemischte Lichter gleicher Helligkeit, sowie Xenonweiß gezeigt werden konnte. Die Fische erlernten durch operante Konditionierung einen Dressurstimulus (monochromatisches Licht der Wellenlängen 660 nm, 599 nm, 540 nm, 498 nm oder 450 nm) von einem Vergleichsstimulus (Projektorweiß) zu unterscheiden. Im Folgenden wurde dem Vergleichstimulus in 10er-Schritten immer mehr der jeweiligen Dressurspektralfarbe beigemischt, bis die Goldfische keine sichere Wahl für den Dressurstimulus mehr treffen konnten. Die Unterscheidungsleistung der Goldfische wurde mit zunehmender Beimischung von Dressurspektralfarbe zum Projektorweiß immer geringer und es kristallisierte sich ein Bereich in der Grundfläche des Tetraeders heraus, in dem die Goldfische keine Unterscheidung mehr treffen konnten. Um diesen Bereich näher zu charakterisieren, bekamen die Goldfische Mischlichter, bei denen gerade keine Unterscheidung mehr zum Projektorweiß möglich war, in Transfertests gezeigt. Da die Goldfische diese Mischlichter nicht voneinander unterscheiden konnten, läßt sich schließen, dass es einen größeren Bereich gibt, der, ebenso wie Weiß (ohne UV) für den Goldfisch „neutral“ erscheint. Wenn nun Weiß (ohne UV) für den Goldfisch „neutral“ erscheint, sollte es dem Xenonweiß ähnlich sein. Die Versuche zeigten allerdings, dass die Goldfische die Farben Weiß (ohne UV) und Xenonweiß als verschieden wahrnehmen. Betrachtet man die Sättigung für die Spektralfarben, so zeigte sich, dass die Spektralfarbe 540 nm für den Goldfisch am gesättigsten, die Spektralfarbe 660 nm am ungesättigsten erscheint.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgte mehrere Ziele. Die Hauptaufgabe war es, farbsensitive und bewegungssensitive Neurone im Tectum opticum des Goldfisches zu finden und diese hinsichtlich ihres Antwortverhaltens zu charakterisieren. Aus Verhaltensversuchen ist bekannt, dass sowohl das Ganzfeldbewegungssehen als auch das Objektbewegungssehen „farbenblind“ ist, da die Verarbeitung dieser Sehleistungen jeweils nur von einem Zapfentyp getrieben wird. Es sollte untersucht werden, ob sich diese Farbenblindheit auch auf Ebene der tectalen bewegungsempfindlichen Neurone finden lässt. Schließlich sollten die Ableitorte im Tectum opticum kartiert werden, um festzustellen, ob es jeweils bestimmte örtlich abgegrenzte Areale für Farbe einerseits und für Bewegung andererseits gibt.rnDie Aktivität von tectalen Units wurde durch extrazelluläre Ableitungen registriert. Um farbspezifische Neurone zu identifizieren und zu charakterisieren, wurden 21 verschiedene Farbpapiere (HKS-Standard) aus dem gesamten Farbenkreis (ausgenommen UV) präsentiert. Auf jedes Farbpapier folgte ein neutrales Graupapier. Des Weiteren wurde eine Schwarz-Weiß-Grau-Sequenz gezeigt, um das Antwortverhalten der Units auf Helligkeitswechsel zu prüfen. Jeder Stimulus wurde für fünf Sekunden präsentiert und die gesamte Stimulussequenz wurde mindestens dreimal wiederholt. Zur Identifizierung bewegungssensitiver Neurone wurde ein sich exzentrisch bewegendes schwarz-weißes Zufallspunktmuster präsentiert. Um die „Farbenblindheit“ des Bewegungssehens zu testen, wurden zwei rot-grüne Zufallspunktmuster präsentiert, die den L-Zapfen des Goldfisches unterschiedlich stark modulierten. Den meisten Units wurden sowohl die Farb- als auch die Bewegungsstimuli gezeigt.rnEs konnten 69 Units abgeleitet werden. Von diesen antworteten 34 sowohl auf Farbstimuli als auch auf Helligkeitsreize, 19 Units reagierten ausschließlich auf Farbstimuli, 15 Units zeigten sich nur für den Bewegungsstimulus sensitiv und zwei Units beantworteten ausschließlich Helligkeitswechsel. Die farbempfindlichen Units konnten in 14 Gruppen eingeteilt werden: sechs Gruppen im Rotbereich (22 Units), fünf Gruppen im Blau-Grünbereich (21 Units), eine Gruppe im Gelbbereich (zwei Units), eine Gruppe, die alle Farbstimuli mit Erhöhung der Aktivität (sechs Units) und eine Gruppe, die alle Farbstimuli mit Erniedrigung der Aktivität (eine Unit) beantwortete. Es wurden zwei Arten von Gegenfarbzellen gefunden: Rot-ON/Blau-und-Grün-OFF (12 Units) und Rot-OFF/Blau-und-Grün-ON (sieben Units). Es wurden verschiedene zeitliche Antwortmuster gefunden. Während einige Units nur Reizwechsel beantworteten, zeigten die meisten Units ein tonisches Antwortverhalten. Manche Units beantworteten jeden Stimuluswechsel phasisch und darüber hinaus bestimmte Stimuli tonisch. Die meisten tectalen Neurone zeigten eine Grundaktivität. Alle Units, denen sowohl der Farb- als auch der Bewegungsstimulus gezeigt wurden, antworteten nur auf eine Stimulusart. rnDiese Ergebnisse lassen folgende Schlüsse zu: Die Verarbeitung von Farbe und Bewegung im Tectum opticum des Goldfischs wird über zwei unterschiedlichen Verarbeitungswegen geleistet, da alle Units entweder auf Farb- oder auf Bewegungsstimuli antworten. Das Bewegungssehen wird im Goldfisch durch nur einen Zapfentyp (M- oder L-Zapfen) vermittelt und ist somit “farbenblind”, da alle bewegungssensitiven Units die Aktivität einstellten, wenn der Stimulus nur noch einen Zapfentyp modulierte. Es scheint spezifische Areale für „Farbe“ und „Bewegung“ im Tectum opticum des Goldfisches zu geben, da bewegungssensitive Units bevorzugt im posterio-medialen Bereich in einer Tiefe zwischen 200-400 µm gefunden und farbspezifische Units vor allem im anterio-medialen Bereich entdeckt wurden.


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PURPOSE: To quantify optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the central retina in patients with blue-cone monochromatism (BCM) and achromatopsia (ACH) compared with healthy control individuals. METHODS: The study included 15 patients with ACH, 6 with BCM, and 20 control subjects. Diagnosis of BCM and ACH was established by visual acuity testing, morphologic examination, color vision testing, and Ganzfeld ERG recording. OCT images were acquired with the Stratus OCT 3 (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oberkochen, Germany). Foveal OCT images were analyzed by calculating longitudinal reflectivity profiles (LRPs) from scan lines. Profiles were analyzed quantitatively to determine foveal thickness and distances between reflectivity layers. RESULTS: Patients with ACH and BCM had a mean visual acuity of 20/200 and 20/60, respectively. Color vision testing results were characteristic of the diseases. The LRPs of control subjects yielded four peaks (P1-P4), presumably representing the RPE (P1), the ovoid region of the photoreceptors (P2), the external limiting membrane (ELM) (P3), and the internal limiting membrane (P4). In patients with ACH, P2 was absent, but foveal thickness (P1-P4) did not differ significantly from that in the control subjects (187 +/- 20 vs. 192 +/- 14 microm, respectively). The distance from P1 to P3 did not differ significantly (78 +/- 10 vs. 82 +/- 5 microm) between ACH and controls subjects. In patients with BCM, P3 was lacking, and P2 advanced toward P1 compared with the control subjects (32 +/- 6 vs. 48 +/- 4 microm). Foveal thickness (153 +/- 16 microm) was significantly reduced compared with that in control subjects and patients with ACH. CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative OCT image analysis reveals distinct patterns for controls subjects and patients with ACH and BCM, respectively. Quantitative analysis of OCT imaging can be useful in differentiating retinal diseases affecting photoreceptors. Foveal thickness is similar in both normal subjects and patients with ACH but is decreased in patients with BCM.


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BACKGROUND: The sensory drive hypothesis predicts that divergent sensory adaptation in different habitats may lead to premating isolation upon secondary contact of populations. Speciation by sensory drive has traditionally been treated as a special case of speciation as a byproduct of adaptation to divergent environments in geographically isolated populations. However, if habitats are heterogeneous, local adaptation in the sensory systems may cause the emergence of reproductively isolated species from a single unstructured population. In polychromatic fishes, visual sensitivity might become adapted to local ambient light regimes and the sensitivity might influence female preferences for male nuptial color. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of speciation by sensory drive as a byproduct of divergent visual adaptation within a single initially unstructured population. We use models based on explicit genetic mechanisms for color vision and nuptial coloration. RESULTS: We show that in simulations in which the adaptive evolution of visual pigments and color perception are explicitly modeled, sensory drive can promote speciation along a short selection gradient within a continuous habitat and population. We assumed that color perception evolves to adapt to the modal light environment that individuals experience and that females prefer to mate with males whose nuptial color they are most sensitive to. In our simulations color perception depends on the absorption spectra of an individual's visual pigments. Speciation occurred most frequently when the steepness of the environmental light gradient was intermediate and dispersal distance of offspring was relatively small. In addition, our results predict that mutations that cause large shifts in the wavelength of peak absorption promote speciation, whereas we did not observe speciation when peak absorption evolved by stepwise mutations with small effect. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that speciation can occur where environmental gradients create divergent selection on sensory modalities that are used in mate choice. Evidence for such gradients exists from several animal groups, and from freshwater and marine fishes in particular. The probability of speciation in a continuous population under such conditions may then critically depend on the genetic architecture of perceptual adaptation and female mate choice.


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Kathleen Akins argues that "the traditional view" of sensory systems assumes too quickly that their function is detecting features of the outside environment. Instead, some systems are "narcissistic"--their signals tell their own states--and others may send signals that are not about anything at all. But Akins overlooks that "traditionalists" may argue, with Millikan, that the function of sensory systems may be steering motor routines. Aboutness comes in as how the systems have steered in ways evolution liked--by gearing steering to external features. Color vision and olfaction, for example, are thus, about external features.


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Cichlid fish species of Lake Victoria can interbreed without loss of fertility but are sexually isolated by mate choice. Mate choice is determined on the basis of coloration, and strong assortative mating can quickly lead to sexual isolation of color morphs. Dull fish col- oration, few color morphs, and low species diversity are found in areas that have become turbid as a result of recent eutrophication. By constraining color vision, turbidity interferes with mate choice, relaxes sexual selection, and blocks the mechanism of reproductive isolation. In this way, human activities that increase turbidity destroy both the mechanism of diversification and that which maintains diversity.


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Although more than 100 genes associated with inherited retinal disease have been mapped to chromosomal locations, less than half of these genes have been cloned. This text includes identification and evaluation of candidate genes for three autosomal dominant forms of inherited retinal degeneration: atypical vitelliform macular dystrophy (VMD1), cone-rod dystrophy (CORD), and retinitis pigmentosa (RP). ^ VMD1 is a disorder characterized by complete penetrance but extremely variable expressivity, and includes macular or peripheral retinal lesions and peripappilary abnormalitites. In 1984, linkage was reported between VMD1 and soluble glutamate-pyruvate transaminase GPT); however, placement of GPT to 8q24 on linkage maps had been debated, and VMD1 did not show linkage to microsatellite markers in that region. This study excluded linkage between the loci by cloning GPT, identifying the nucleotide substitution associated with the GPT sozymes, and by assaying VMD1 family samples with an RFLP designed to detect the substitution. In addition, linkage of VMD1 to the known dominant macular degeneration loci was excluded. ^ CORD is characterized by early onset of color-vision deficiency, and decreased visual acuity, However, this retinal degeneration progresses to no light perception, severe macular lesion, and “bone-spicule” accumulations in the peripheral retina. In this study, the disorder in a large Texan family was mapped to the CORD2 locus of 19q13, and a mutation in the retina/pineal-specific cone-rod homeobox gene (CRX) was identified as the disease cause. In addition, mutations in CRX were associated with significantly different retinal disease phenotypes, including retinitis pigmentosa and Leber congenital amaurosis. ^ Many of the mutations leading to inherited retinal disorders have been identified in genes like CRX, which are expressed predominantly in the retina and pineal gland. Therefore, a combination of database analysis and laboratory investigation was used to identify 26 novel retina/pineal-specific expressed sequence tag (EST) clusters as candidate genes for inherited retinal disorders. Eight of these genes were mapped into the candidate regions of inherited retinal degeneration loci. ^ Two of the eight clusters mapped into the retinitis pigmentosa RP13 candidate region of 17p13, and were both determined to represent a single gene that is highly expressed in photoreceptors. This gene, the Ah receptor-interacting like protein-1 (AIPL1), was cloned, characterized, and screened for mutations in RP13 patient DNA samples. ^


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Diversification of cone pigment spectral sensitivities during evolution is a prerequisite for the development of color vision. Previous studies have identified two naturally occurring mechanisms that produce variation among vertebrate pigments by red-shifting visual pigment absorbance: addition of hydroxyl groups to the putative chromophore binding pocket and binding of chloride to a putative extracellular loop. In this paper we describe the use of two blue-shifting mechanisms during the evolution of rodent long-wave cone pigments. The mouse green pigment belongs to the long-wave subfamily of cone pigments, but its absorption maximum is 508 nm, similar to that of the rhodopsin subfamily of visual pigments, but blue-shifted 44 nm relative to the human red pigment, its closest homologue. We show that acquisition of a hydroxyl group near the retinylidene Schiff base and loss of the chloride binding site mentioned above fully account for the observed blue shift. These data indicate that the chloride binding site is not a universal attribute of long-wave cone pigments as generally supposed, and that, depending upon location, hydroxyl groups can alter the environment of the chromophore to produce either red or blue shifts.


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The retinas of macaque monkeys usually contain three types of photopigment, providing them with trichromatic color vision homologous to that of humans. However, we recently used molecular genetic analysis to identify several macaques with a dichromatic genotype. The affected X chromosome of these animals contains a hybrid gene of long-wavelength-sensitive (L) and middle-wavelength-sensitive (M) photopigments instead of separate genes encoding L and M photopigments. The product of the hybrid gene exhibits a spectral sensitivity close to that of M photopigment; consequently, male monkeys carrying the hybrid gene are genetic protanopes, effectively lacking L photopigment. In the present study, we assessed retinal expression of L photopigment in monkeys carrying the hybrid gene. The relative sensitivities to middle-wavelength (green) and long-wavelength (red) light were measured by electroretinogram flicker photometry. We found the sensitivity to red light to be extremely low in protanopic male monkeys compared with monkeys with the normal genotype. In female heterozygotes, sensitivity to red light was intermediate between the genetic protanopes and normal monkeys. Decreased sensitivity to long wavelengths was thus consistent with genetic loss of L photopigment.


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For suitable illumination and observation conditions, sparkles may be observed in metallic coatings. The visibility of these sparkles depends critically on their intensity, and on the paint medium surrounding the metallic flakes. Based on previous perception studies from other disciplines, we derive equations for the threshold for sparkles to be visible. The resulting equations show how the visibility of sparkles varies with the luminosity and distance of the light source, the diameter of the metallic flakes, and the reflection properties of the paint medium. The predictions are confirmed by common observations on metallic sparkle. For example, under appropriate conditions even metallic flakes as small as 1 μm diameter may be visible as sparkle, whereas under intense spot light the finer grades of metallic coatings do not show sparkle. We show that in direct sunlight, dark coarse metallic coatings show sparkles that are brighter than the brightest stars and planets in the night sky. Finally, we give equations to predict the number of visually distinguishable flake intensities, depending on local conditions. These equations are confirmed by previous results. Several practical examples for applying the equations derived in this article are provided.


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Our purpose is to report alterations in contrast sensitivity function (CSF) and in the magno, parvo and koniocellular visual pathways by means of a multichannel perimeter in case of an essential tremor (ET). A complete evaluation of the visual function was performed in a 69-year old patient, including the analysis of the chromatic discrimination by the Fansworth–Munsell 100 hue test, the measurement of the CSF by the CSV-1000E test, and the detection of potential alteration patterns in the magno, parvo and koniocellular visual pathways by means of a multichannel perimeter. Visual acuity and intraocular pressure (IOP) were within the ranges of normality in both eyes. No abnormalities were detected in the fundoscopic examination and in the optical coherence tomography (OCT) exam. The results of the color vision examination were also within the ranges of normality. A significant decrease in the achromatic CSFs for right eye (RE) and left eye (LE) was detected for all spatial frequencies. The statistical global values provided by the multichannel perimeter confirms that there were significant absolute sensitivity losses compared to the normal pattern in RE. In the LE, only a statistically significant decrease in sensitivity was detected for the blue-yellow (BY) channel. The pattern standard deviation (PSD) values obtained in our patient indicated that there were significant localized losses compared to the normality pattern in the achromatic channel of the RE and in the red-green (RG) channel of the LE. Some color vision alterations may be present in ET that cannot be detected with conventional color vision tests, such as the FM 100 Hue.


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