975 resultados para coating process


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PREPARATION OF COATED MICROTOOLS FOR ELECTROCHEMICAL MACHINING APPLICATIONS Ajaya K. Swain, M.S. University of Nebraska, 2010 Advisor: K.P. Rajurkar Coated tools have improved the performance of both traditional and nontraditional machining processes and have resulted in higher material removal, better surface finish, and increased wear resistance. However, a study on the performance of coated tools in micromachining has not yet been adequately conducted. One possible reason is the difficulties associated with the preparation of coated microtools. Besides the technical requirement, economic and environmental aspects of the material and the coating technique used also play a significant role in coating microtools. This, in fact, restricts the range of coating materials and the type of coating process. Handling is another major issue in case of microtools purely because of their miniature size. This research focuses on the preparation of coated microtools for pulse electrochemical machining by electrodeposition. The motivation of this research is derived from the fact that although there were reports of improved machining by using insulating coatings on ECM tools, particularly in ECM drilling operations, not much literature was found relating to use of metallic coating materials in other ECM process types. An ideal ECM tool should be good thermal and electrical conductor, corrosion resistant, electrochemically stable, and stiff enough to withstand electrolyte pressure. Tungsten has almost all the properties desired in an ECM tool material except being electrochemically unstable. Tungsten can be oxidized during machining resulting in poor machining quality. Electrochemical stability of a tungsten ECM tool can be improved by electroplating it with nickel which has superior electrochemical resistance. Moreover, a tungsten tool can be coated in situ reducing the tool handling and breakage frequency. The tungsten microtool was electroplated with nickel with direct and pulse current. The effect of the various input parameters on the coating characteristics was studied and performance of the coated microtool was evaluated in pulse ECM. The coated tool removed more material (about 28%) than the uncoated tool under similar conditions and was more electrochemical stable. It was concluded that nickel coated tungsten microtool can improve the pulse ECM performance.


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In the present study the effect of relative humidity (RH) during spin-coating process on the structural characteristics of cellulose acetate (CA), cellulose acetate phthalate (C-A-P), cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) and carboxymethyl cellulose acetate butyrate (CMCAB) films was investigated by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM), ellipsometry and contact angle measurements. All polymer solutions were prepared in tetrahydrofuran (THF), which is a good solvent for all cellulose esters, and used for spin-coating at RH of (35 +/- A 5)%, (55 +/- A 5)% or (75 +/- A 5)%. The structural features were correlated with the molecular characteristics of each cellulose ester and with the balance between surface energies of water and THF and interface energy between water and THF. CA, CAB, CMCAB and C-A-P films spin-coated at RH of (55 +/- A 5)% were exposed to THF vapor during 3, 6, 9, 60 and 720 min. The structural changes on the cellulose esters films due to THF vapor exposition were monitored by means of AFM and ellipsometry. THF vapor enabled the mobility of cellulose esters chains, causing considerable changes in the film morphology. In the case of CA films, which are thermodynamically unstable, dewetting was observed after 6 min exposure to THF vapor. On the other hand, porous structures observed for C-A-P, CAB and CMCAB turned smooth and homogeneous after only 3 min exposure to THF vapor.


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Pack chromising treatment is an environmentally friendly alternative to hard chromium to form wear and corrosion resistant surface layers. In this work, samples of AISI 1060 steel were pack chromised for 6 and 9 h at 1000 and 1050 degrees C using different activator concentrations. Wear tests were performed in dry conditions and corrosion tests in natural sea water for the pack chromised samples and hard chromium. Pack chromising yielded the formation of layers with high chromium concentrations, high hardness and wear resistance. Increasing activator concentration causes no significant change on the morphology and thickness of the layers. The layers produced at 1050 degrees C yielded only a (Cr,Fe)(2)N1-x phase, and those obtained at 1000 degrees C are composed of a carbide mixture with (Cr,Fe)(2)N1-x. The sample treated at 1050 degrees C for 9 h resulted in an optimum condition by means of better wear resistance and corrosion properties, which were close to that exhibited by the hard chrome, indicating that pack chromising is a promising alternative.


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Composite porcelain enamels are inorganic coatings for metallic components based on a special ceramic-vitreous matrix in which specific additives are randomly dispersed. The ceramic-vitreous matrix is made by a mixture of various raw materials and elements and in particular it is based on boron-silicate glass added with metal oxides(1) of titanium, zinc, tin, zirconia, alumina, ecc. These additions are often used to improve and enhance some important performances such as corrosion(2) and wear resistance, mechanical strength, fracture toughness and also aesthetic functions. The coating process, called enamelling, depends on the nature of the surface, but also on the kind of the used porcelain enamel. For metal sheets coatings two industrial processes are actually used: one based on a wet porcelain enamel and another based on a dry-silicone porcelain enamel. During the firing process, that is performed at about 870°C in the case of a steel substrate, the enamel raw material melts and interacts with the metal substrate so enabling the formation of a continuous varying structure. The interface domain between the substrate and the external layer is made of a complex material system where the ceramic vitreous and the metal constituents are mixed. In particular four main regions can be identified, (i) the pure metal region, (ii) the region where the metal constituents are dominant compared with the ceramic vitreous components, (iii) the region where the ceramic vitreous constituents are dominant compared with the metal ones, and the fourth region (iv) composed by the pure ceramic vitreous material. It has also to be noticed the presence of metallic dendrites that hinder the substrate and the external layer passing through the interphase region. Each region of the final composite structure plays a specific role: the metal substrate has mainly the structural function, the interphase region and the embedded dendrites guarantee the adhesion of the external vitreous layer to the substrate and the external vitreous layer is characterized by an high tribological, corrosion and thermal shock resistance. Such material, due to its internal composition, functionalization and architecture can be considered as a functionally graded composite material. The knowledge of the mechanical, tribological and chemical behavior of such composites is not well established and the research is still in progress. In particular the mechanical performances data about the composite coating are not jet established. In the present work the Residual Stresses, the Young modulus and the First Crack Failure of the composite porcelain enamel coating are studied. Due to the differences of the porcelain composite enamel and steel thermal properties the enamelled steel sheets have residual stresses: compressive residual stress acts on the coating and tensile residual stress acts on the steel sheet. The residual stresses estimation has been performed by measuring the curvature of rectangular one-side coated specimens. The Young modulus and the First Crack Failure (FCF) of the coating have been estimated by four point bending tests (3-7) monitored by means of the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique(5,6). In particular the AE information has been used to identify, during the bending tests, the displacement domain over which no coating failure occurs (Free Failure Zone, FFZ). In the FFZ domain, the Young modulus has been estimated according to ASTM D6272-02. The FCF has been calculated as the ratio between the displacement at the first crack of the coating and the coating thickness on the cracked side. The mechanical performances of the tested coated specimens have also been related and discussed to respective microstructure and surface characteristics by double entry charts.


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The use of scaffolds for Tissue Engineering (TE) is increasing due to their efficacy in helping the body rebuild damaged or diseased tissue. Hydroxyapatite (HA) is the most suitable bioactive ceramic to be used in orthopaedic reconstruction since it replicates the mineral component of the hard tissues, and it has therefore excellent biocompatibility properties. The temporal and spatial control of the tissue regeneration process is the limit to be overcome in order to treat large bone and osteochondral defects. In this thesis we describe the realization of a magnetic scaffolds able to attract and take up growth factors or other bio-agents in vivo via a driving magnetic force. This concept involves the use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) functionalized with selected growth factors or stem cells. These functionalized MNP act as shuttles transporting the bio-agents towards and inside the scaffold under the effect of the magnetic field, enhancing the control of tissue regeneration processes. This scaffold can be imagined as a fixed “station” that provides a unique possibility to adjust the scaffold activity to the specific needs of the healing tissue. Synthetic bone graft substitutes, made of collagen or biomineralized collagen (i.e. biomimetic Hydroxyapatite/collagen composites) were used as starting materials for the fabrication of magnetic scaffolds. These materials are routinely used clinically to replace damaged or diseased cartilaginous or bone tissue. Our magnetization technique is based on a dip-coating process consisting in the infilling of biologically inspired porous scaffolds with aqueous biocompatible ferrofluids’ suspensions. In this technique, the specific interconnected porosity of the scaffolds allows the ferrofluids to be drawn inside the structure by capillarity. A subsequent freeze-drying process allows the solvent elimination while keeping very nearly the original shape and porosity of the scaffolds. The remaining magnetic nanoparticles, which are trapped in the structure, lead to the magnetization of the HA/Collagen scaffold. We demonstrate here the possibility to magnetize commercially available scaffolds up to magnetization values that are used in drug delivery processes. The preliminary biocompatibility test showed that the investigated scaffolds provide a suitable micro-environment for cells. The biocompatibility of scaffold facilitates the growth and proliferation of osteogenic cells.


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In the past decade the study of superparamagnetic nanoparticles has been intensively developed for many biomedical applications such as magnetically assisted drug delivery, MRI contrast agents, cells separation and hyperthermia therapy. All of these applications require nanoparticles with high magnetization, equipped also with a suitable surface coating which has to be non-toxic and biocompatible. In this master thesis, the silica coating of commercially available magnetic nanoparticles was investigated. Silica is a versatile material with many intrinsic features, such as hydrophilicity, low toxicity, proper design and derivatization yields particularly stable colloids even in physiological conditions. The coating process was applied to commercial magnetite particles dispersed in an aqueous solution. The formation of silica coated magnetite nanoparticles was performed following two main strategies: the Stöber process, in which the silica coating of the nanoparticle was directly formed by hydrolysis and condensation of suitable precursor in water-alcoholic mixtures; and the reverse microemulsions method in which inverse micelles were used to confine the hydrolysis and condensation reactions that bring to the nanoparticles formation. Between these two methods, the reverse microemulsions one resulted the most versatile and reliable because of the high control level upon monodispersity, silica shell thickness and overall particle size. Moving from low to high concentration, within the microemulsion region a gradual shift from larger particles to smaller one was detected. By increasing the amount of silica precursor the silica shell can also be tuned. Fluorescent dyes have also been incorporated within the silica shell by linking with the silica matrix. The structure of studied nanoparticles was investigated by using transmission electron microscope (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). These techniques have been used to monitor the syntetic procedures and for the final characterization of silica coated and silica dye doped nanoparticles. Finally, field dependent magnetization measurements showed the magnetic properties of core-shell nanoparticles were preserved. Due to a very well defined structure that combines magnetic and luminescent properties together with the possibility of further functionalization, these multifunctional nanoparticles are potentially useful platforms in biomedical fields such as labeling and imaging.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen des konjugierten Modell-Polymers MEH-PPV untersucht. Dazu wurde Fällungs-fraktionierung eingesetzt, um MEH-PPV mit unterschiedlichem Molekulargewicht (Mw) zu erhalten, insbesondere MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw, da dieses für optische Wellenleiterbauelemente optimal geeignet ist Wir konnten feststellen, dass die Präparation einer ausreichenden Menge von MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw und geringer Mw-Verteilung wesentlich von der geeigneten Wahl des Lösungsmittels und der Temperatur während der Zugabe des Fällungsmittels abhängt. Alternativ dazu wurden UV-induzierte Kettenspaltungseffekte untersucht. Wir folgern aus dem Vergleich beider Vorgehensweisen, dass die Fällungsfraktionierung verglichen mit der UV-Behandlung besser geeignet ist zur Herstellung von MEH-PPV mit spezifischem Mw, da das UV-Licht Kettendefekte längs des Polymerrückgrats erzeugt. 1H NMR and FTIR Spektroskopie wurden zur Untersuchung dieser Kettendefekte herangezogen. Wir konnten außerdem beobachten, dass die Wellenlängen der Absorptionsmaxima der MEH-PPV Fraktionen mit der Kettenlänge zunehmen bis die Zahl der Wiederholeinheiten n  110 erreicht ist. Dieser Wert ist signifikant größer als früher berichtet. rnOptische Eigenschaften von MEH-PPV Wellenleitern wurden untersucht und es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die optischen Konstanten ausgezeichnet reproduzieren lassen. Wir haben die Einflüsse der Lösungsmittel und Temperatur beim Spincoaten auf Schichtdicke, Oberflächenrauigkeit, Brechungsindex, Doppelbrechung und Wellenleiter-Dämpfungsverlust untersucht. Wir fanden, dass mit der Erhöhung der Siedetemperatur der Lösungsmittel die Schichtdicke und die Rauigkeit kleiner werden, während Brechungsindex, Doppelbrechung sowie Wellenleiter-Dämpfungsverluste zunahmen. Wir schließen daraus, dass hohe Siedetemperaturen der Lösungsmittel niedrige Verdampfungsraten erzeugen, was die Aggregatbildung während des Spincoatings begünstigt. Hingegen bewirkt eine erhöhte Temperatur während der Schichtpräparation eine Erhöhung von Schichtdicke und Rauhigkeit. Jedoch nehmen Brechungsindex und der Doppelbrechung dabei ab.rn Für die Schichtpräparation auf Glassubstraten und Quarzglas-Fasern kam das Dip-Coating Verfahren zum Einsatz. Die Schichtdicke der Filme hängt ab von Konzentration der Lösung, Transfergeschwindigkeit und Immersionszeit. Mit Tauchbeschichtung haben wir Schichten von MEH-PPV auf Flaschen-Mikroresonatoren aufgebracht zur Untersuchung von rein-optischen Schaltprozessen. Dieses Verfahren erweist sich insbesondere für MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw als vielversprechend für die rein-optische Signalverarbeitung mit großer Bandbreite.rn Zusätzlich wurde auch die Morphologie dünner Schichten aus anderen PPV-Derivaten mit Hilfe von FTIR Spektroskopie untersucht. Wir konnten herausfinden, dass der Alkyl-Substitutionsgrad einen starken Einfluss auf die mittlere Orientierung der Polymerrückgrate in dünnen Filmen hat.rn


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Biodegradable polymer nanoparticles have the properties necessary to address many of the issues associated with current drug delivery techniques including targeted and controlled delivery. A novel drug delivery vehicle is proposed consisting of a poly(lactic acid) nanoparticle core, with a functionalized, mesoporous silica shell. In this study, the production of PLA nanoparticles is investigated using solvent displacement in both a batch and continuous manner, and the effects of various system parameters are examined. Using Pluronic F-127 as the stabilization agent throughout the study, PLA nanoparticles are produced through solvent displacement with diameters ranging from 200 to 250 nm using two different methods: dropwise addition and in an impinging jet mixer. The impinging jet mixer allows for easy scale-up of particle production. The concentration of surfactant and volume of quench solution is found to have minimal impact on particle diameter; however, the concentration of PLA is found to significantly impact the diameter mean and polydispersity. In addition, the stability of the PLA nanoparticles is observed to increase as residual THF is evaporated. Lastly, the isolated PLA nanoparticles are coated with a silica shell using the Stöber Process. It is found that functionalizing the silica with a phosphonic silane in the presence of excess Pluronic F-127 decreases coalescence of the particles during the coating process. Future work should be conducted to fine-tune the PLA nanoparticle synthesis process by understanding the effect of other system parameters and in synthesizing mesoporous silica shells.


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Hooked reinforcing bars (rebar) are used frequently to carry the tension forces developed in beams and transferred to columns. Research into epoxy coated hooked bars has only been minimally performed and no research has been carried out incorporating the coating process found in ASTM A934. This research program compares hooked rebar that are uncoated, coated by ASTM A775, and coated by ASTM A934. In total, forty-two full size beam-column specimens were created, instrumented and tested to failure. The program was carried out in three phases. The first phase was used to refine the test setup and procedures. Phase two explored the spacing of column ties within the joint region. Phase three explored the three coating types found above. Each specimen included two hooked rebar which were loaded and measured independently for relative rebar slip. The load and displacement of the hooked rebar were analyzed, focusing on behavior at the levels of 30 ksi, 42 ksi and 60 ksi of rebar stress. Statistical and general comparisons were made using the coating types, tie spacing, and rebar stress level. Many of the parameters composing the rebar and concrete were also tested to characterize the components and specimens. All rebar tested met ASTM standards for tensile strength, but the newer ASTM A934 method seemed to produce slightly lower yield strengths. The A934 method also produced coating thicknesses that were very inconsistent and were higher than ASTM maximum limits in many locations. Continuity of coating surfaces was found to be less than 100% for both A775 and A934 rebar, but for different reasons. The many comparisons made did not always produce clear conclusions. The data suggests that the ACI Code (318-05) parameter of 1.2 for including epoxy coating on hooked rebar may need to be raised, possibly to 2.5, but more testing needs to be performed before such a large value change is set forth. This is particularly important as variables were identified which may have a larger influence on rebar capacity than the Development Length, of which the current 1.2 factor modifies. Many suggestions for future work are included throughout the thesis to help guide other researchers in carrying out successful and productive programs which will further the highly understudied topic of hooked rebar.


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Zusammen mit einem namhaften Kettenhersteller hat das Institut für Fördertechnik und Logistik (IFT) im Rahmen eines AIF-geförderten Forschungsprojektes einen Kettenverschleißprüfstand für Last- und Treibketten entwickelt und gebaut, um neuentwickelte Ketten in kurzen Testphasen unter normierter Umgebung auf ihre Lebensdauer bzw. Verschleißfestigkeit zu prüfen. Durch steigende Rohstoffkosten und den immer größer werdenden Konkurrenzdruck im Bereich der Ketten entsteht ein hoher Bedarf an der Entwicklung neuer leistungsfähigerer Produkte. Die Neuheit dieser Projektidee liegt in dem erstmaligen Einsatz alternativer Werkstoffe und Konstruktionen in Kombination mit neuen verschleißarmen Beschichtungsverfahren für Kettenbauteile um Schmierstoffe langfristig einzulagern und bedarfsgerecht abzugeben


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For controlled caffeine release, light-responsive membranes were developed. It was possible to produce membranes that reduced their caffeine permeability resistance by about 97% when irradiated with UV-light compared to measurements at daylight. This was achieved by grafting polymers possessing photochromic units onto track-edged polycarbonate membranes. Covalently linked coatings on porous polycarbonate membranes were obtained by plasma activation of the membrane surface followed by plasma-induced graft polymerization. Copolymerization of spiro-compounds during the coating process as well as postmodification of preformed coatings with spiropyran resulted in photochromic membranes. For the copolymerization process, the synthesis of five photochromic methacrylic and acrylic spiropyrans and spirooxazines was successfully performed. Additionally, a spiropyran with carboxylic acid functionality was synthesized for the postmodification process. This enabled us to postmodify polymeric materials containing alcohol or amine groups to obtain photochromic materials. UV-irradiation of these light-responsive membranes resulted in a strong colouration of the membrane, in a reduction of surface tension, which resulted in a decreased caffeine permeability resistance. The membranes were characterized using XPS for the elemental composition of the coating, contact angle measurements for the surface tension, solid-state UV/VIS measurements for the determination of the kinetic and stability properties, and two-photon microscopy for the localisation of the photochromic substance in the porous membrane.


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As diversas aplicações tecnológicas de nanopartículas magnéticas (NPM) vêm intensificando o interesse por materiais com propriedades magnéticas diferenciadas, como magnetização de saturação (MS) intensificada e comportamento superparamagnético. Embora MNP metálicas de Fe, Co e bimetálicas de FeCo e FePt possuam altos valores de MS, sua baixa estabilidade química dificulta aplicações em escala nanométrica. Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas NPM de Fe, Co, FeCo e FePt com alta estabilidade química e rigoroso controle morfológico. NPM de óxido metálicos (Fe e Co) também foram obtidas. Dois métodos de síntese foram empregados. Usando método baseado em sistemas nanoheterogêneos (sistemas micelares ou de microemulsão inversa), foram sintetizadas NPM de Fe3O4 e Co metálico. Foram empregados surfactantes cátion-substituídos: dodecil sulfato de ferro(III) (FeDS) e dodecil sulfato de cobalto(II) (CoDS). Para a síntese das NPM, foram estudados e determinados a concentração micelar crítica do FeDS em 1-octanol (cmc = 0,90 mmol L-1) e o diagrama de fases pseudoternário para o sistema n-heptano/CoDS/n-butanol/H2O. NPM esferoidais de magnetita com3,4 nm de diâmetro e comportamento quase-paramagnético foram obtidas usando sistemas micelares de FeDS em 1-octanol. Já as NPM de Co obtidas via microemulsão inversa, apesar da larga distribuição de tamanho e baixa MS, são quimicamente estáveis e superparamagnéticas. O segundo método é baseado na decomposição térmica de complexos metálicos, pelo qual foram preparadas NPM esféricas de FePt e de óxidos metálicos (Fe3O4, FeXO1-X, (Co,Fe)XO1-X e CoFe2O4) com morfologia controlada e estabilidade química. O método não mostrou a mesma efetividade na síntese de NPM de FeAg e FeCo: a liga FeAg não foi obtida enquanto que NPM de FeCo com estabilidade química foram obtidas sem controle morfológico. NPM de Fe e FeCo foram preparadas a partir da redução térmica de NPM de Fe3O4 e CoFe2O4, as quais foram previamente recobertas com sílica. A sílica previne a sinterização inter-partículas, além de proporcionar caráter hidrofílico e biocompatibilidade ao material. As amostras reduzidas apresentaram aumento dos valores de MS (entre 21,3 e 163,9%), o qual é diretamente proporcional às dimensões das NPM. O recobrimento com sílica foi realizado via hidrólise de tetraetilortosilicato (TEOS) em sistema de microemulsão inversa. A espessura da camada de sílica foi controlada variando-se o tempo de reação e as concentrações de TEOS e de NPM, sendo então proposto um mecanismo do processo de recobrimento. Algumas amostras receberam um recobrimento adicional de TiO2 na fase anatase, para o qual foi empregado etilenoglicol como solvente e ligante para formação de glicolato de Ti como precursor. A espessura da camada de TiO2 (2-12 nm) é controlada variando as quantidades relativas entre NPM e o precursor de Ti. Ensaios de hipertermia magnética foram realizados para as amostras recobertas com sílica. Ensaios de hipertermia magnéticas mostram grande aumento da taxa de aquecimento das amostras após a redução térmica, mesmo para dispersões diluídas de NPM (0,6 a 4,5 mg mL-1). Taxas de aquecimento entre 0,3 e 3,0oC min-1 e SAR entre 37,2 e 96,3 W g-1. foram obtidos. A atividade fotocatalítica das amostras recobertas foram próximas à da fase anatase pura, com a vantagem de possuir um núcleo magnético que permite a recuperação do catalisador pela simples aplicação de campos magnéticos externos. Os resultados preliminares dos ensaios de hipertermia magnética e fotocatálise indicam um forte potencial dos materiais aqui relatados para aplicações em biomedicina e em fotocatálise.


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A novel method for tablet coating was studied where a thin polymer film was cast (pre-formed film), dried and applied as a coating hence eliminating the need for using any solvent during the actual coating process. A pre-formed film is initially heating to a temperature where it becomes flexible, a vacuum is applied and the film is then pulled around the tablet. The proposed films (gelatine or cellulose-based) were characterised in terms of their dissolution, swelling, mechanical and thermal properties prior to using them in the novel coating process; selected films were then coated onto tablets containing paracetamol or ibuprofen and the effect of the film on the subsequent dissolution was evaluated. It was found that the pre-formed films could be designed to be fast dissolving and mechanically strong to withstand the stress from the coating process. Also metoclopramide was incorporated in a gelatine film-coating formulation which was then successfully coated on paracetamol-containing core. Gelatin-based films were found to be successful in the novel coating process therefore to be suitable as finished coatings for immediate release dosage forms. Orally disintegrating dosage forms have been identified as a favourable dosage form due to the following reasons: fast onset of drug release, easy to use, not painful and possible increase of amount absorbed to systemic circulation. Selected films formulated for coating studies were also successfully formulated to contain active ingredient suitable for orally disintegrating dosage form; cellulose-based naratriptan-films were studied as orally disintegrating dosage forms of where the effect of formulation on the film properties was studied. It was found that strength of the film can affect the dissolution of the film but it may be the inclusion of specific excipients in the formulation which affect the penetration of the drug through mucosa.


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In order to inhibit the photocatalytic degradation of organic material supports induced by small titania (TiO2) nanoparticles, highly photocatalytically active, commercially available P25-TiO2 nanoparticles were first modified with a thin layer of (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTES), which were then deposited and fixed onto the surface of paper samples via a simple, dip-coating process in water at room temperature. The resultant APTES-modified P25 TiO2 nanoparticle-coated paper samples exhibit much greater stability to UV-illumination than uncoated blank reference paper. Very little, or no, photo-degradation in terms of brightness and whiteness, respectively, of the P25-TiO2-nanoparticle-treated paper is observed. There are many other potential applications for this Green Chemistry approach to protect cellulosic fibres from UV-bleaching in sunlight and to protect their whiteness and maintain their brightness. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Recent advances in nanotechnology have led to the application of nanoparticles in a wide variety of fields. In the field of nanomedicine, there is great emphasis on combining diagnostic and therapeutic modalities into a single nanoparticle construct (theranostics). In particular, anisotropic nanoparticles have shown great potential for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection due to their unique optical properties. Gold nanostars are a type of anisotropic nanoparticle with one of the highest SERS enhancement factors in a non-aggregated state. By utilizing the distinct characteristics of gold nanostars, new plasmonic materials for diagnostics, therapy, and sensing can be synthesized. The work described herein is divided into two main themes. The first half presents a novel, theranostic nanoplatform that can be used for both SERS detection and photodynamic therapy (PDT). The second half involves the rational design of silver-coated gold nanostars for increasing SERS signal intensity and improving reproducibility and quantification in SERS measurements.

The theranostic nanoplatforms consist of Raman-labeled gold nanostars coated with a silica shell. Photosensitizer molecules for PDT can be loaded into the silica matrix, while retaining the SERS signal of the gold nanostar core. SERS detection and PDT are performed at different wavelengths, so there is no interference between the diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Singlet oxygen generation (a measure of PDT effectiveness) was demonstrated from the drug-loaded nanocomposites. In vitro testing with breast cancer cells showed that the nanoplatform could be successfully used for PDT. When further conjugating the nanoplatform with a cell-penetrating peptide (CPP), efficacy of both SERS detection and PDT is enhanced.

The rational design of plasmonic nanoparticles for SERS sensing involved the synthesis of silver-coated gold nanostars. Investigation of the silver coating process revealed that preservation of the gold nanostar tips was necessary to achieve the increased SERS intensity. At the optimal amount of silver coating, the SERS intensity is increased by over an order of magnitude. It was determined that a majority of the increased SERS signal can be attributed to reducing the inner filter effect, as the silver coating process moves the extinction of the particles far away from the laser excitation line. To improve reproducibility and quantitative SERS detection, an internal standard was incorporated into the particles. By embedding a small-molecule dye between the gold and silver surfaces, SERS signal was obtained both from the internal dye and external analyte on the particle surface. By normalizing the external analyte signal to the internal reference signal, reproducibility and quantitative analysis are improved in a variety of experimental conditions.