958 resultados para coastal and cruise tourism


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Biogeochemical measurements in sediment cores collected with the submersible JAGO (pusch cores) and a TV-MUC in the Black Sea during MSM15/1, Northwest Crimea (HYPOX Project), at water depths between 152-156 m. A series of microbial mats were sampled on the hypoxic region of the Crimean Shelf. Concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) and nitrogen (N) were measured on finely powdered, freeze-dried subsamples of sediment using a using a Fisons NA-1500 elemental analyzer. For organic carbon determination samples were pre-treated with 12.5% HCl to remove carbonates. Chlorophyll a (chl a), phaeopigments (PHAEO) and chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE) was measured according to Schubert et al., (2005; doi:10.1029/2004GC000837) and total hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA) and single amino acid: ASP, GLU, SER, HIS, GLY, THR, ARG, ALA, TYR, MET, VAL, PHE, ILE, LEU, LYS following Dauwe et al., 1998. High-resolution ex situ sulfide and pH microprofiles, were assessed only for station MSM15/1_492_PUC1. "in mat 1, 2 and 3" refers to 3 different profiles in 3 different spots of the microbial mat, whereas "outside mat", a profile outside the microbial mat.


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The BLM-OCS (Bureau of Land Management-Outer Continental Shelf) program was designed to establish chemical, biological, and geological baseline on the South Texas Continental Shelf. The focus for the geological program was to establish the nature and amount of the suspended sediment in the water column, of the Holocene sediments on the shelf, and to identify and locate regions of geology conditions which may be hazardous to OCS operations. To accomplish these goals three cruises were planned. The report constitutes results of the first cruise. The results of these cruises associated with the subsequent laboratory analysis, enabled to establish a detailed baseline in order to provide significant geologic and biologic data for environmental assessment. Dredges recovered are available at University of Texas (see: BLM/OCS South Texas Outer Continental Shelf (STOCS) Project Sediment Data http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/docucomp/page?xml=NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC/MGG/Geology/iso/xml/G02888.xml&view=getDataView&header=none).


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The BLM-OCS (Bureau of Land Management-Outer Continental Shelf) program was designed to establish chemical, biological, and geological baseline on the South Texas Continental Shelf. The focus for the geological program was to establish the nature and amount of the suspended sediment in the water column, of the Holocene sediments on the shelf, and to identify and locate regions of geology conditions which may be hazardous to OCS operations. To accomplish these goals three cruises were planned. The report constitutes results of the second cruise. The results of these cruises associated with the subsequent laboratory analysis, enabled to establish a detailed baseline in order to provide significant geologic and biologic data for environmental assessment. Dredges recovered are available at University of Texas (see: BLM/OCS South Texas Outer Continental Shelf (STOCS) Project Sediment Data http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/docucomp/page?xml=NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC/MGG/Geology/iso/xml/G02888.xml&view=getDataView&header=none).


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The success of tourism development depends on the capacity of a region’s tourism agents to establish and sustain networks, involving both private-sector companies and the public sector. Creating an attractive destination able to compete with others that are better positioned and consolidated requires cooperative behaviour among the various agents involved. This behaviour will facilitate both external and internal competition, which in turn will assure better product quality, continuous product renewal, a strong offer of unique experiences and the efficient use of endogenous resources. In this paper, the authors discuss the results of a survey of restaurant owners and of interviews conducted with the main institutional agents concerned with tourism promotion and the economic development of the Minho–Lima region. Such an approach, the authors argue, can be valuable in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the area in question with regard to future tourism development. The authors work from the premise that the commitment of tourism agents constitutes a precondition for the success of the strategy to be defined. This is especially applicable to Minho–Lima, which to date has suffered from an absence of commitment and coordination on the part of those agents.