909 resultados para clinical psychology


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Disturbed sense of self has long been identified as a common experience among people suffering with schizophrenia. More recently, metacognitive deficits have been found to be a stable and independent feature of schizophrenia that contributes to disturbed self-experience and impedes recovery. Individual psychotherapy designed to target poor metacognition has been shown to promote a more coherent sense of self and enhanced recovery in people with schizophrenia. We provide a report of a 2-year individual psychotherapy with a patient suffering with chronic schizophrenia. Progress was assessed over the course of treatment using the Metacognition Assessment Scale and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. The patient experienced improved metacognitive capacity and reduced symptom severity over the course of therapy. Implications for clinical practice are discussed.


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Objective Bullying and peer victimization in school are serious concerns for students, parents, psychologists, and school officials around the world. This descriptive study examined bullying/victimization among Iranian students and the relationship between bullying and trauma symptoms. Methods This study was a cross-sectional research and descriptive correlative study. Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation were used to analyze the data. The Revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire and Trauma symptoms checklist for children (TSCC-A) were administered to 591(325males and 266 females) students aged 10 to 14 year. Results The results revealed that 38.4 % of students reported bullying behavior. In addition, victims had the highest level of depression, anxiety, and anger compared to uninvolved students. Bullies were not related to trauma symptoms. Conclusion Conclusions include detailed recommendations for further empirical studies.


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The period between 15 and 25 years is characterised by much personal change and is the peak age of onset of mental health problems. This prompts an interest in everyday strategies that young people might use to support their well-being. Music use is the preferred leisure activity among young people yet little is known about how music is linked to well-being in this population. This study aimed to develop and test a model of the relationships between young people’s use of music and their well-being, drawing on theories from the music psychology and clinical psychology fields. A qualitative analysis of transcripts from focus groups with 11 participants aged 15–25 years revealed four ways in which music listening links with well-being: relationship building, modifying emotions, modifying cognitions and emotional immersion. These linking variables were operationalised using questionnaire scores and tested on a new sample of 107 young people. Results of a multiple mediation analysis revealed that music listening was significantly related to all four linking variables, but not directly related to well-being as measured by the Mental Health Continuum. Nevertheless, the four linking variables indirectly mediated the effect of music listening on social wellbeing. The findings are consistent with earlier research on the role of music in emotion regulation and social connection although there are clearly other factors involved in determining young peoples’ well-being. These findings will help inform music-based interventions for young people.


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Objectives. To investigate the test-retest stability of a standardized version of Nelson's (1976) Modified Card Sorting Test (MCST) and its relationships with demographic variables in a sample of healthy older adults. Design. A standard card order and administration were devised for the MCST and administered to participants at an initial assessment, and again at a second session conducted a minimum of six months later in order to examine its test-retest stability. Participants were also administered the WAIS-R at initial assessment in order to provide a measure of psychometric intelligence. Methods. Thirty-six (24 female, 12 male) healthy older adults aged 52 to 77 years with mean education 12.42 years (SD = 3.53) completed the MCST on two occasions approximately 7.5 months (SD = 1.61) apart. Stability coefficients and test-retest differences were calculated for the range of scores. The effect of gender on MCST performance was examined. Correlations between MCST scores and age, education and WAIS-R IQs were also determined. Results. Stability coefficients ranged from .26 for the percent perseverative errors measure to .49 for the failure to maintain set measure. Several measures were significantly correlated with age, education and WAIS-R IQs, although no effect of gender on MCST performance was found. Conclusions. None of the stability coefficients reached the level required for clinical decision making. The results indicate that participants' age, education, and intelligence need to be considered when interpreting MCST performance. Normative studies of MCST performance as well as further studies with patients with executive dysfunction are needed.


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This study describes the results of a controlled clinical trial involving 44 7- to 14-year-old children with recurrent abdominal pain who were randomly allocated to either cognitive-behavioral family intervention (CBFI) or standard pediatric care (SPC). Both treatment conditions resulted in significant improvements on measures of pain intensity and pain behavior. However, the children receiving CBFI had a higher rate of complete elimination of pain, lower levels of relapse at 6- and 12-month follow-up, and lower levels of interference with their activities as a result of pain and parents reported a higher level of satisfaction with the treatment than children receiving SPC. After controlling for pretreatment levels of pain, children's active self-coping and mothers' caregiving strategies were significant independent predictors of pain behavior at posttreatment.


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O psiquiatra suíço Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) é um dos principais nomes da psicologia e da psicoterapia do século XX. Algumas de suas maiores contribuições teórico-metodológicas são as idéias de realidade psíquica, complexo, arquétipo (inconsciente coletivo), processo de individuação, método dialético, método construtivo e imaginação ativa. A psicologia analítica de Jung, ao longo de sua formação, foi influenciada por diversas disciplinas, dentre elas a etnologia (ciências sociais). Este trabalho buscou dar continuidade a este processo de construção epistêmica, mediante exame das concepções de Jung por intermédio da teoria do ator-rede (TAR), uma importante corrente da sociologia contemporânea. Pretendeu-se também saber se a psicologia analítica se mantém atual ou se já é uma teoria e prática clínica anacrônicas. O principal autor relacionado à TAR a quem se recorreu neste trabalho foi o sociólogo francês Bruno Latour. De sua perspectiva, o acordo moderno, disjuntor de Natureza e Cultura, é insuficiente para explicar a complicação inerente às entidades que compõem a realidade. Para escapar das armadilhas conceptuais da modernidade, Latour opera com constructos tais como coletivo (social), ator-rede, proposição, vínculo e plasma. Além do pensamento de Latour, este trabalho valeu-se das idéias sociológicas de Gabriel Tarde e da influenciologia etnopsicanalítica de Tobie Nathan, aproveitando-se da afinidade teórica que compartilham com Latour. Nathan, por desenvolver uma prática em psicoterapia, permitiu propor à psicologia clínica de Jung determinadas questões que o enfoque mais estritamente sociológico de Latour não possibilitava. Uma vez expostas as concepções de Latour, Tarde e Nathan, apresentaram-se os elementos da psicologia analítica com os quais se esperava que elas fossem compatíveis. Concluiu-se que, apesar das diferenças, muitas aproximações são plausíveis entre psicologia analítica e TAR. Constatou-se que a concepção de Jung de um psiquismo multifacetado, em devir, cujos componentes se relacionam de diferentes maneiras, é comparável à noção de ator-rede trabalhada por Latour e à monadologia de Tarde. Verificou-se também que a abordagem pragmática e construtiva identificada na psicoterapia junguiana é em muitos aspectos análoga à prática da etnopsicanálise. Assim, foi possível afirmar que a TAR e a psicologia analítica podem formar aliança.


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A análise em tela investiga a construção do projeto político pedagógico do Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (2011), tendo como parâmetros o projeto político pedagógico inicial do curso (1999) e a produção de textos, discursos e documentos no cenário nacional que versam sobre a reforma curricular da graduação em Psicologia no Brasil. A abordagem do ciclo contínuo de políticas, proposta por Stephen Ball e a vertente analítica das comunidades epistêmicas são a base teórico-metodológica escolhida. Também há uma interlocução com o campo da Psicologia da Educação, em uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, apoiada nas contribuições de Michel Foucault sobre discurso e poder. Compreendemos, a partir desta perspectiva, que as políticas curriculares são pensadas e produzidas num processo complexo que envolve diversas ações nos contextos da influência, produção e da prática (BALL e BOWE, 1992). Ainda que o foco de nossa pesquisa seja no contexto da prática (reforma curricular do curso de Psicologia), a análise considera os outros contextos pelas relações de interdependência que há entre eles. O intervalo cronológico definido para compreensão das políticas curriculares para a formação em Psicologia (1999-2011) foi atento às definições ocorridas, neste período, as quais permitem a análise mais precisa do nosso objeto: as recontextualizações institucionais na reforma curricular da Psicologia da UEPB. Elas são analisadas a partir da identificação de dois projetos de formação em disputa no cenário nacional: um projeto generalista e outro especialista. O primeiro tem como características principais a defesa de um curso com denominação única (Curso de Psicologia), formação focada na profissionalização, substituição das antigas áreas de habilitação para ênfases curriculares, dissociação entre formação profissional e formação do professor e, por fim, extinção da terminologia de bacharel. Já o segundo defende dois aspectos que dizem respeito a reivindicação da formação do bacharel e a formação do professor. Identificamos que o projeto de formação generalista que tem como maior representante o CFP, tornou-se vencedor, no cenário nacional, tendo repercussões no contexto da prática na UEPB. Há algumas sintonias entre as diretrizes curriculares construídas para a Psicologia na universidade e as diretrizes do CFP que defendem a inclusão das práticas emergentes ao currículo da graduação em Psicologia no país. Esta constatação atesta a ação de uma comunidade epistêmica que defendeu um projeto de formação focado na profissionalização na área clínica. Assim, concluímos que, ainda que haja a definição da profissionalização como meta do curso de Psicologia da UEPB, é a área/ênfase de Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho que aparece como dominante; a área/ênfase de Psicologia Clínica tem suas horas diminuídas; as ênfases curriculares são correlatas das áreas de formação do PPPI (1999) e a formação do professor de Psicologia é excluída do NPPP (2011), ficando para o futuro a construção de um projeto específico para esta formação. Portanto, a reforma curricular de Psicologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, apesar de pretender uma formação generalista, reproduz uma lógica especialista e o perfil do curso foca na profissionalização, mas com uma ascensão da área/ênfase Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho.


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Children with sickle cell disease (SCD) have a high risk of neurocognitive impairment. No known research, however, has examined the impact of neurocognitive functioning on quality of life in this pediatric population. In addition, limited research has examined neurocognitive interventions for these children. In light of these gaps, two studies were undertaken to (a) examine the relationship between cognitive functioning and quality of life in a sample of children with SCD and (b) investigate the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a computerized working memory training program in this population. Forty-five youth (ages 8-16) with SCD and a caregiver were recruited for the first study. Participants completed measures of cognitive ability, quality of life, and psychosocial functioning. Results indicated that cognitive ability significantly predicted child- and parent-reported quality of life among youth with SCD. In turn, a randomized-controlled trial of a computerized working memory program was undertaken. Eighteen youth with SCD and a caregiver enrolled in this study, and were randomized to a waitlist control or the working memory training condition. Data pertaining to cognitive functioning, psychosocial functioning, and disease characteristics were obtained from participants. The results of this study indicated a high degree of acceptance for this intervention but poor feasibility in practice. Factors related to feasibility were identified. Implications and future directions are discussed.


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Research on future episodic thought has produced compelling theories and results in cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and clinical psychology. In experiments aimed to integrate these with basic concepts and methods from autobiographical memory research, 76 undergraduates remembered past and imagined future positive and negative events that had or would have a major impact on them. Correlations of the online ratings of visual and auditory imagery, emotion, and other measures demonstrated that individuals used the same processes to the same extent to remember past and construct future events. These measures predicted the theoretically important metacognitive judgment of past reliving and future "preliving" in similar ways. On standardized tests of reactions to traumatic events, scores for future negative events were much higher than scores for past negative events. The scores for future negative events were in the range that would qualify for a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); the test was replicated (n = 52) to check for order effects. Consistent with earlier work, future events had less sensory vividness. Thus, the imagined symptoms of future events were unlikely to be caused by sensory vividness. In a second experiment, to confirm this, 63 undergraduates produced numerous added details between 2 constructions of the same negative future events; deficits in rated vividness were removed with no increase in the standardized tests of reactions to traumatic events. Neuroticism predicted individuals' reactions to negative past events but did not predict imagined reactions to future events. This set of novel methods and findings is interpreted in the contexts of the literatures of episodic future thought, autobiographical memory, PTSD, and classic schema theory.


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Book review of: Eisen, M.L., Quas, J.A. & Goodman, G.S. (Eds.) (2002). Memory and suggestibility in the forensic interview. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISBN: 0-8058-3080-4/$55.00 Special Prepaid Price


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Research has established that individuals who tend to vary their personality depending on who they are with, show a variety of signs of psychological maladjustment in comparison to those who do not; they show more negative affect (Baird, Le and Lucas, 2006), lower life satisfaction (Suh, 2002), lower self-esteem (Sheldon et al., 1997), lower role-satisfaction (Donahue et al., 1993), higher rates of depression (Lutz and Ross, 2003), more anxiety (Diehl, Hastings and Stanton, 2001) and poorer physical health (Cross, Gore and Morris, 2003). It has also been shown that personality variability is positively related to the experience of inauthenticity and falsity (Sheldon et al., 1997). Donahue, Roberts, Robins and John (1993) found that personality inconsistency of this type is related to tension within the family. Psychoanalytic theory has also linked the operation of an adult false self to experiences with parents, particularly in early life (Winnicott, 1960). It was hypothesized that personality variability and the adult experience of falsity in social situations would be related to an emotionally unstable relationship with parents. The method to test this comprised a questionnaire-based survey given to a non-clinical population. The final sample comprised 305, with 193 women and 112 men, aged from 19 to 55. The first questionnaire asked participants to rate personality traits, including emotional stability, in three social contexts - with parents, with friends and with work colleagues. The second part involved 3 questions; participants were asked to select in which of the aforementioned three social contexts they felt “most themselves”; in which they were “most authentic” and in which they “put on a front”. It was found, consistent with predictions, that an index of overall personality variability calculated from the personality questionnaire correlated strongly with emotional instability around parents (r = 0.46, p<0.001), while not correlating with emotional instability in either of the other two contexts measured. This suggests a specific link between a person’s relationship with their parents and their overall personality integration. Furthermore, it was found that participants who cited one of the three social contexts (parents, friends, work colleagues) as being one in which they were “more themselves” or “more authentic” had significantly higher ratings of emotional instability with parents than those participants who found that they were equally authentic across settings (F = 9.8, p<0.005). The results suggest a clear link between a person’s relationships with their parents and their adult personality integration. An explanation is that individuals who experience an anxious or ambiguous attachment with their parents in childhood may fear rejection or abandonment in later life, and so habitually adapt their personality to fit in to social contexts as adults, in order to be accepted by others and to minimize the possibility of social rejection. These individuals meanwhile retain an emotionally unstable relationship with their parents in adulthood. This interpretation is speculative but is open to empirical testing. Clinicians should be aware that attachment problems with parents may underlie poor personality integration in adulthood.


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A hypnotic induction technique was used to facilitate direct observation of multiple tics in a typically developing teenager in a home setting. A comprehensive habit reversal program then was implemented, including awareness training, competing response training, relaxation training, self-monitoring, social support and contingency management. Duration of relaxation was then self-monitored using a changing criterion design. The procedure eliminated multiple tics and achieved long-term maintenance of treatment gains. Implications for assessing and treating tics are discussed.


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Using an experimentally based, computer-presented task, this study assessed cognitive inhibition and interference in individuals from the dissociative identity disorder (DID; n=12), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD; n=12) and non-clinical (n=12) populations. Participants were assessed in a neutral and emotionally negative (anxiety provoking) context, manipulated by experimental instructions and word stimuli. The DID sample displayed effective cognitive inhibition in the neutral but not the anxious context. The GAD sample displayed the opposite findings. However, the interaction between group and context failed to reach significance. There was no indication of an attentional bias to non-schema specific negative words in any sample. Results are discussed in terms of the potential benefit of weakened cognitive inhibition during anxious arousal in dissociative individuals.


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This paper investigated whether the SF-12 could replace the SF-36 in the measurement of health status among ischaemic heart disease patients. The SF-36 and SF-12 were administered to 105 cardiac patients. The SF-36 summary scores were strongly correlated and similar to the SF-12 summary scores. Also, the SF-12 scores were as powerful as the SF-36 summary scores in discriminating between subgroups of patients categorized according to their self-reported health status or angina classification. It is suggested that when there is a need to collect routine information about cardiac patients' general physical and mental health, the SF-12 is preferable to the SF-36 because of its brevity and acceptability to patients.