965 resultados para children - genetic origin
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder with recessive transmission, caused by the mutation HBB:c.20A>T. It originates hemoglobin S that forms polymers inside the erythrocyte, upon deoxygenation, deforming it and ultimately leading to premature hemolysis. The disease presents with high heterogeneity of clinical manifestations, the most devastating of which, ischemic stroke, occurs in 11% of patients until 20 years of age. In this study, we tried to identify genetic modifiers of risk and episodes of stroke by studying 66 children with SCD, grouped according to the degree of cerebral vasculopathy (Stroke, Risk and Control). Association studies were performed between the three phenotypic groups and hematological and biochemical parameters of patients, as well as with 23 polymorphic regions in genes related to vascular cell adhesion (VCAM-1, THBS-1 and CD36), vascular tonus (NOS3 and ET-1) and inflammation (TNF-α and HMOX-1). Relevant data was collected from patient’s medical records. Known genetic modulators of SCD (beta-globin cluster haplotype and HBA and BCL11A genotypes) and putative genetic modifiers of cerebral vasculopathy were characterized. Differences in their distribution among groups were assessed. VCAM-1 rs1409419 allele C and NOS3 rs207044 allele C were associated to stroke events, while VCAM-1 rs1409419 allele T was found to be protective. Alleles 4a and 4b of NOS3 27 bp VNTR appeared to be respectively associated to stroke risk and protection. HMOX-1 longer STRs seemed to predispose to stroke. Higher hemoglobin F levels were found in Control group, as a result of Senegal haplotype or of BCL11A rs11886868 allele T, and higher lactate dehydrogenase levels, marker of hemolysis, were found in Risk group. Molecular mechanisms underlying the modifier functions of the relevant genetic variants are discussed.
Human astroviruses (HAstV) have been increasingly identified as important etiological agents of acute gastroenteritis in children up to five years old. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and genotype diversity of HAstV in children with symptomatic and asymptomatic infections in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. From June 1997 to July 1999 a total of 183 fecal samples 84 from symptomatic and 99 from asymptomatic children were tested by enzyme immunoassay for HAstV. Prevalence rates were found to be 11 and 3% for symptomatic and asymptomatic children, respectively. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was carried out in 46 specimens (26 symptomatic and 20 asymptomatic) including the 12 samples that were positive by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). The overall positivity yielded by both methods was 8% (15/184); of these, 11% (9/84) for symptomatic and 5% (5/99) for those without symptoms or signs. Sequence analysis of amplicons revealed that HAstV-1 genotype was the most prevalent, accounting for 60% of isolates. Genotypes 2, 3, 4, and 5 were also detected, as one single isolate (10%) for each type. Variations in the sequences were observed when Brazilian isolates were compared to prototype strains identified in the United Kingdom. No seasonal pattern of occurrence was observed during these two years of study, and peak detection rate was observed in children aged between 3 and 6 months in the symptomatic group, and between 18 and 24 months in the controls.
BACKGROUND: CODIS-STRs in Native Mexican groups have rarely been analysed for human identification and anthropological purposes. AIM:To analyse the genetic relationships and population structure among three Native Mexican groups from Mesoamerica.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 531 unrelated Native individuals from Mexico were PCR-typed for 15 and 9 autosomal STRs (Identifiler™ and Profiler™ kits, respectively), including five population samples: Purépechas (Mountain, Valley and Lake), Triquis and Yucatec Mayas. Previously published STR data were included in the analyses. RESULTS:Allele frequencies and statistical parameters of forensic importance were estimated by population. The majority of Native groups were not differentiated pairwise, excepting Triquis and Purépechas, which was attributable to their relative geographic and cultural isolation. Although Mayas, Triquis and Purépechas-Mountain presented the highest number of private alleles, suggesting recurrent gene flow, the elevated differentiation of Triquis indicates a different origin of this gene flow. Interestingly, Huastecos and Mayas were not differentiated, which is in agreement with the archaeological hypothesis that Huastecos represent an ancestral Maya group. Interpopulation variability was greater in Natives than in Mestizos, both significant.CONCLUSION: Although results suggest that European admixture has increased the similarity between Native Mexican groups, the differentiation and inconsistent clustering by language or geography stresses the importance of serial founder effect and/or genetic drift in showing their present genetic relationships.
Among the traits of breeding interest for the common walnut tree Juglans regia L., characteristics such as timing of budbreak and leaf fall, water-use efficiency and growth performance are regarded as being of utmost relevance in Mediterranean conditions. The authors evaluated intraspecific variation in $\delta$13C (carbon isotope composition, surrogate of intrinsic water-use efficiency, WUE$_{\rm i}$) for 22 J. regia families grown in a progeny test under supplementary irrigation, and investigated whether such variation correlated with climatic indicators of native habitats. The genetic relationships between $\delta$13C, growth and phenology were also assessed during two consecutive years. Overall, the most water-use-efficient families (i.e. with higher $\delta$13C), which originated mainly from drought-prone provenance regions which have a high vapour pressure deficit and low rainfall, exhibited less height growth and smaller DBH. Using a stepwise regression procedure, $\delta$13C was included as the main explanatory variable of genotypic variation in growth traits, together with growing season duration (for DBH in both years) and flushing (for height in 2007). It was concluded that WUE$_{\rm i}$ is largely unconnected to phenology effects in the explanation of growth performance for J. regia, therefore suggesting the opportunity of simultaneously selecting for low WUE$_{\rm i}$ and extended growing period to maximise productivity in non-water-limited environments.
Background: Celiac disease is a lifelong, gluten-sensitive, autoimmune-mediated chronic enteropathy, tightly associated with risk alleles at the HLA class II genes. Aims: This study was carried out as a part of the population-based Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) Project. The first aim was to study the natural history of celiac disease-associated antibodies before the diagnosis of celiac disease was made. The second aim was to describe when and in which order celiac disease-associated and type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies appeared in children with genetic risk for both diseases. Subjects and Methods: Antibodies against tissue transglutaminase (TGA) and other celiac disease-associated antibodies were measured in serum samples collected at 3- to 12-month intervals of children at genetic risk for celiac disease who participated in the DIPP project. Celiac disease was confirmed by duodenal biopsy. Type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies were measured in all samples that had been collected. Overt disease was diagnosed according to World Health Organization criteria. Follow-up continued until a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes or until the end of a defined follow-up period. Results: TGA appeared in children at genetic risk for celiac disease only after the first year of life, but anti-gliadin antibodies often emerged significantly earlier, at age 6 months. The data show that spontaneous disappearance of celiac disease-associated antibodies, transient or persisting, is a common phenomenon, at least in prepubertal children. In children with genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes and celiac disease, celiac disease-associated antibodies usually develop earlier than the type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies. Conclusions: The transient nature of celiac disease-associated antibodies emphasizes the significance of establishing seropositivity repeatedly in screening detected celiac disease before gastroscopy and duodenal biopsy are considered and emphasized the importance of duodenal biopsy for diagnosing celiac disease.
The epidemiology of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection is shifting from high to intermediate endemicity in Brazil, resulting in increased numbers of susceptible individuals and a greater potential for the emergence of outbreaks. Universal vaccination against HAV has been recommended for children, but updated sero-epidemiological data are necessary to analyze the level of natural immunity and to identify candidates for preventive measures. In addition, more molecular studies are necessary to characterize the genotypes involved in HAV infections and outbreaks. Sera from 299 school children (5-15 years old) and 25 school staff members, collected during an outbreak of HAV at a rural public school in June 2000, were tested for IgM and total anti-HAV antibodies (ELISA). Viral RNA was amplified by RT-PCR from anti-HAV IgM-positive sera and from 19 fecal samples. Direct nucleotide sequencing of the VP1/2A region was carried out on 18 PCR-positive samples. Acute HAV infection was detected by anti-HAV IgM in 93/299 children and in 3/25 adult staff members. The prevalence of total anti-HAV antibodies in IgM-negative children under 5 years of age was only 10.5%. HAV-RNA was detected in 46% IgM-positive serum samples and in 16% stool samples. Sequence analysis showed that half the isolates belonged to subgenotype IA and the other half to IB. On the basis of these data, mass vaccination against HAV is recommended without prevaccination screening, especially for children before they enter school, since nearly 90% of the children under 5 years were susceptible. Molecular characterization indicated the endemic circulation of specific HAV strains belonging to subgenotypes IA and IB.
The purpose of the present study was to determine the frequency of hepatitis B virus (HBV) markers in families of HBsAg-positive patients with chronic liver disease. Serum anti-HBc, HBsAg and anti-HBs were determined by enzyme immunoassay and four subpopulations were considered: genetically related (consanguineous) and non-genetically related (non-consanguineous) Asian subjects and genetically related and non-genetically related Western subjects. A total of 165 and 186 relatives of Asian and Western origin were enrolled, respectively. The occurrence of HBsAg and anti-HBs antibodies was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in family members of Asian origin (81.8%) than in family members of Western origin (36.5%). HBsAg was also more frequent among brothers (79.6 vs 8.5%; P < 0.0001), children (37.9 vs 3.3%; P < 0.0001) and other family members (33.9 vs 16.7%; P < 0.0007) of Asian than Western origin, respectivelly. No difference between groups was found for anti-HBs, which was more frequently observed in fathers, spouses and other non-genetic relatives. HBV infection was significantly higher in children of Asian than Western mothers (P < 0.0004). In both ethnic groups, the mothers contributed more to their children's infection than the fathers (P < 0.0001). Furthermore, HBsAg was more frequent among consanguineous members and anti-HBs among non-consanguineous members. These results suggest the occurrence of vertical transmission of HBV among consanguineous members and probably horizontal sexual transmission among non-consanguineous members of a family cluster. Thus, the high occurrence of dissemination of HBV infection characterizes family members as a high-risk group that calls for immunoprophylaxis. Finally, the study showed a high familial aggregation rate for both ethnic groups, 18/19 (94.7%) and 23/26 (88.5%) of the Asian and Western origin, respectively.
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a periodic autoinflammatory disease characterized by chronic inflammation. This study investigated the relationship between acute-phase reactants and gene mutations in attack-free periods of childhood FMF. Patients diagnosed with FMF were divided into four groups based on genetic features: no mutation, homozygous, heterozygous, and compound heterozygous. These groups were monitored for 2 years, and blood samples were collected every 6 months during attack-free periods. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and white blood cell count were measured. A disease severity score was determined for each patient. Mean values for erythrocyte sedimentation rate and fibrinogen were significantly different in the homozygous group. White blood cell count and C-reactive protein were similar between the groups. Disease severity score was higher in patients with the M694V mutation than in individuals without the mutation, as well as in those with other mutation groups. Periodic follow-up of patients with FMF MEFV mutations in subjects with acute-phase reactants may be useful in the prevention of morbidity.
Genetic, Prenatal and Postnatal Determinants of Weight Gain and Obesity in Young Children – The STEPS Study University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Paediatrics, University of Turku Doctoral Program of Clinical Investigation (CLIPD), Turku Institute for Child and Youth Research. Conditions of being overweight and obese in childhood are common health problems with longlasting effects into adulthood. Currently 22% of Finnish boys and 12% of Finnish girls are overweight and 4% of Finnish boys and 2% of Finnish girls are obese. The foundation for later health is formed early, even before birth, and the importance of prenatal growth on later health outcomes is widely acknowledged. When the mother is overweight, had high gestational weight gain and disturbances in glucose metabolism during pregnancy, an increased risk of obesity in children is present. On the other hand, breastfeeding and later introduction of complementary foods are associated with a decreased obesity risk. In addition to these, many genetic and environmental factors have an effect on obesity risk, but the clustering of these factors is not extensively studied. The main objective of this thesis was to provide comprehensive information on prenatal and early postnatal factors associated with weight gain and obesity in infancy up to two years of age. The study was part of the STEPS Study (Steps to Healthy Development), which is a follow-up study consisting of 1797 families. This thesis focused on children up to 24 months of age. Altogether 26% of boys and 17% of girls were overweight and 5% of boys and 4% of girls were obese at 24 months of age according to New Finnish Growth references for Children BMI-for-age criteria. Compared to children who remained normal weight, the children who became overweight or obese showed different growth trajectories already at 13 months of age. The mother being overweight had an impact on children’s birth weight and early growth from birth to 24 months of age. The mean duration of breastfeeding was almost 2 months shorter in overweight women in comparison to normal weight women. A longer duration of breastfeeding was protective against excessive weight gain, high BMI, high body weight and high weight-for-length SDS during the first 24 months of life. Breast milk fatty acid composition differed between overweight and normal weight mothers, and overweight women had more saturated fatty acids and less n-3 fatty acids in breast milk. Overweight women also introduced complementary foods to their infants earlier than normal weight mothers. Genetic risk score calculated from 83 obesogenic- and adiposity-related single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) showed that infants with a high genetic risk for being overweight and obese were heavier at 13 months and 24 months of age than infants with a low genetic risk, thus possibly predisposing to later obesity in obesogenic environment. Obesity Risk Score showed that children with highest number of risk factors had almost 6-fold risk of being overweight and obese at 24 months compared to children with lowest number of risk factors. The accuracy of the Obesity Risk Score in predicting overweight and obesity at 24 months was 82%. This study showed that many of the obesogenic risk factors tend to cluster within children and families and that children who later became overweight or obese show different growth trajectories already at a young age. These results highlight the importance of early detection of children with higher obesity risk as well as the importance of prevention measures focused on parents. Keywords: Breastfeeding, Child, Complementary Feeding, Genes, Glucose metabolism, Growth, Infant Nutrition Physiology, Nutrition, Obesity, Overweight, Programming
AbstractWith the aim of comparing the acceptance of milk obtained from cloned, genetically modified (GM) and conventionally bred cows among working adults and university students, and identifying and characterizing typologies among both subsamples in terms of their preferences, a survey was applied to 400 people in southern Chile, distributed using a simple allocation among the subsamples. Using a conjoint analysis, it was found that consumers preferred milk from a conventional cow. Using a cluster analysis, in both subsamples two segments sensitive to production technology were identified. Rejection of cloning was greatest among university students, whereas a higher proportion of working adults rejected GM. The segments differed in terms of area of residence, knowledge about GM, and milk consumption habits. Contrary to what was expected, no differences were found according to education, gender or degree of satisfaction with food-related life.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The PPARGC1A gene coactivates multiple nuclear transcription factors involved in cellular energy metabolism and vascular stasis. In the present study, we genotyped 35 tagging polymorphisms to capture all common PPARGC1A nucleotide sequence variations and tested for association with metabolic and cardiovascular traits in 2,101 Danish and Estonian boys and girls from the European Youth Heart Study, a multicentre school-based cross-sectional cohort study. METHODS: Fasting plasma glucose concentrations, anthropometric variables and blood pressure were measured. Habitual physical activity and aerobic fitness were objectively assessed using uniaxial accelerometry and a maximal aerobic exercise stress test on a bicycle ergometer, respectively. RESULTS: In adjusted models, nominally significant associations were observed for BMI (rs10018239, p = 0.039), waist circumference (rs7656250, p = 0.012; rs8192678 [Gly482Ser], p = 0.015; rs3755863, p = 0.02; rs10018239, beta = -0.01 cm per minor allele copy, p = 0.043), systolic blood pressure (rs2970869, p = 0.018) and fasting glucose concentrations (rs11724368, p = 0.045). Stronger associations were observed for aerobic fitness (rs7656250, p = 0.005; rs13117172, p = 0.008) and fasting glucose concentrations (rs7657071, p = 0.002). None remained significant after correcting for the number of statistical comparisons. We proceeded by testing for gene x physical activity interactions for the polymorphisms that showed nominal evidence of association in the main effect models. None of these tests was statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Variants at PPARGC1A may influence several metabolic traits in this European paediatric cohort. However, variation at PPARGC1A is unlikely to have a major impact on cardiovascular or metabolic health in these children.
Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a significant cause of acute lower respiratory tract infection in all age groups, particularly in children. Two genetic groups and four subgroups of hMPV have been described. They co-circulate during an epidemic in variable proportions. The aims were to characterize the genotypes of hMPV recovered from children hospitalized for acute lower respiratory tract infection and to establish the molecular epidemiology of strains circulating in Santiago of Chile during a 2-year period. The detection of the N gene by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction was carried out for screening 545 infants hospitalized for acute lower respiratory tract infection in Santiago during 2003-2004. The genetic typing of hMPV was performed by analyzing the fusion gene sequences. hMPV was detected in 10.2% (56/545 cases). Phylogenetic analysis of F gene sequences from 39 Chilean hMPV strains identified the two groups and four subgroups previously described. Strains clustered into group A were split further into the sub lineages A1, A2, and A3. Most Chilean strains clustered into the proposed novel A3 sub lineage (59%). A3 viruses were present in both years, while A1 and A2 circulated just in I year. In conclusion, hMPV is a relevant cause of acute lower respiratory infection in Chilean children and the potential novel cluster of group A emphasize the need for further regional genetic variability studies. J. Med. Virol. 81:340-344, 2009. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Using molecular markers, this work compares the genetic diversity in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting species of the tropical forage legume Stylosanthes at the center of origin in Brazil and Colombia with that of Australia, China, and India, where Srylosanthes spp. have been introduced for commercial use. There was extensive diversity in the pathogen population from Brazil, Colombia, China, and India. The Australian pathogen population was least diverse probably due to its geographical isolation and effective quarantine. The extensive diversity in China and India means that threats from exotic pathogen races to Stylosanthes pastures can potentially come from countries outside the South American center of origin. In Brazil and India, both with native Stylosanthes populations, a high level of genetic differentiation in the pathogen population was associated with sites where native or naturalized host population was widely distributed. There was limited genetic diversity at germplasm evaluation sites, with a large proportion of isolates having identical haplotypes. This contrasts recent pathogenicity results for 78 of the Brazilian isolates that show hot spots of complex races are more common around research stations where host germplasm are tested, but few are found at sites containing wild host populations. For a pathogen in which the same races arise convergently from different genetic backgrounds, this study highlights the importance of using both virulence and selectively neutral markers to understand pathogen population structure.
Background: Despite the extensive polymorphism at the merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) locus of Plasmodium falciparum, that encodes a major repetitive malaria vaccine candidate antigen, identical and nearly identical alleles frequently occur in sympatric parasites. Here we used microsatellite haplotyping to estimate the genetic distance between isolates carrying identical and nearly identical MSP-1 alleles. Methods: We analyzed 28 isolates from hypoendemic areas in north-western Brazil, collected between 1985 and 1998, and 23 isolates obtained in mesoendemic southern Vietnam in 1996. MSP-1 alleles were characterized by combining PCR typing with allele-specific primers and partial DNA sequencing. The following single-copy microsatellite markers were typed: Polyα, TA42 (only for Brazilian samples), TA81, TA1, TA87, TA109 (only for Brazilian samples), 2490, ARAII, PfG377, PfPK2, and TA60. Results: The low pair-wise average genetic distance between microsatellite haplotypes of isolates sharing identical MSP-1 alleles indicates that epidemic propagation of discrete parasite clones originated most identical MSP-1 alleles in parasite populations from Brazil and Vietnam. At least one epidemic clone propagating in Brazil remained relatively unchanged over more than one decade. Moreover, we found no evidence that rearrangements of MSP-1 repeats, putatively created by mitotic recombination events, generated new alleles within clonal lineages of parasites in either country. Conclusion: Identical MSP-1 alleles originated from co-ancestry in both populations, whereas nearly identical MSP-1 alleles have probably appeared independently in unrelated parasite lineages.