998 resultados para charge exchange


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The layered double hydroxides (LDH) or anionic clays are an important class of ion-exchange materials. They consist of positively charged brucite-like inorganic sheets with charge-compensating exchangeable anions in the interlamellar space. Here we show how neutral TCNQ (7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) molecules can be included within the galleries of an LDH. To do so, we exploit the fact that TCNQ is a good electron acceptor that forms donor acceptor complexes with a variety of donors. The electron donor aniline was intercalated into a Mg-Al LDH as p-aminobenzoate (AB) ions by a conventional ion-exchange reaction. We show here that neutral TCNQ molecules may be driven into the galleries of the layered solid by charge-transfer complex formation with the intercalated p-aminobenzoate anions. We use diffraction and spectroscopic measurements in combination with molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical calculations to establish the nature of interactions and arrangement of the charge-transfer complex within the galleries of the layered double hydroxide. Electrostatic interactions between the TCNQ molecules and the anchored AB ions, subsequent to charge transfer, are the driving force for the inclusion of TCNQ molecules in the galleries of the LDH.


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We report the localized charge carrier transport of two-phase composite Zn1-x Ni (x) O/NiO (0 a parts per thousand currency sign x a parts per thousand currency sign 1) using the temperature dependence of ac-resistivity rho (ac)(T) across the N,el temperature T (N) (= 523 K) of nickel oxide. Our results provide strong evidence to the variable range hopping of charge carriers between the localized states through a mechanism involving spin-dependent activation energies. The temperature variation of carrier hopping energy epsilon (h)(T) and nearest-neighbor exchange-coupling parameter J (ij)(T) evaluated from the small poleron model exhibits a well-defined anomaly across T (N). For all the composite systems, the average exchange-coupling parameter (J (ij))(AVG) nearly equals to 70 meV which is slightly greater than the 60-meV exciton binding energy of pure zinc oxide. The magnitudes of epsilon (h) (similar to 0.17 eV) and J (ij) (similar to 11 meV) of pure NiO synthesized under oxygen-rich conditions are consistent with the previously reported theoretical estimation based on Green's function analysis. A systematic correlation between the oxygen stoichiometry and, epsilon (h)(T) and J (ij)(T) is discussed.


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In contrast to cost modeling activities, the pricing of services must be simple and transparent. Calculating and thus knowing price structures, would not only help identify the level of detail required for cost modeling of individual instititutions, but also help develop a ”public” market for services as well as clarify the division of task and the modeling of funding and revenue streams for data preservation of public institutions. This workshop has built on the results from the workshop ”The Costs and Benefits of Keeping Knowledge” which took place 11 June 2012 in Copenhagen. This expert workshop aimed at: •Identifying ways for data repositories to abstract from their complicated cost structures and arrive at one transparent pricing structure which can be aligned with available and plausible funding schemes. Those repositories will probably need a stable institutional funding stream for data management and preservation. Are there any estimates for this, absolute or as percentage of overall cost? Part of the revenue will probably have to come through data management fees upon ingest. How could that be priced? Per dataset, per GB or as a percentage of research cost? Will it be necessary to charge access prices, as they contradict the open science paradigm? •What are the price components for pricing individual services, which prices are currently being paid e.g. to commercial providers? What are the description and conditions of the service(s) delivered and guaranteed? •What types of risks are inherent in these pricing schemes? •How can services and prices be defined in an all-inclusive and simple manner, so as to enable researchers to apply for specific amount when asking for funding of data-intensive projects?Please


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The electronic and magnetic properties of the transition metal sesqui-oxides Cr(2)O(3), Ti(2)O(3), and Fe(2)O(3) have been calculated using the screened exchange (sX) hybrid density functional. This functional is found to give a band structure, bandgap, and magnetic moment in better agreement with experiment than the local density approximation (LDA) or the LDA+U methods. Ti(2)O(3) is found to be a spin-paired insulator with a bandgap of 0.22 eV in the Ti d orbitals. Cr(2)O(3) in its anti-ferromagnetic phase is an intermediate charge transfer Mott-Hubbard insulator with an indirect bandgap of 3.31 eV. Fe(2)O(3), with anti-ferromagnetic order, is found to be a wide bandgap charge transfer semiconductor with a 2.41 eV gap. Interestingly sX outperforms the HSE functional for the bandgaps of these oxides.


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The formation energies of the oxygen vacancy and titanium interstitial in rutile TiO 2 were calculated by the screened-exchange (sX) hybrid density functional method, which gives a band gap of 3.1 eV, close to the experimental value. The oxygen vacancy gives rise to a gap state lying 0.7 eV below the conduction band edge, whose charge density is localized around the two of three Ti atoms next to the vacancy. The Ti interstitial (Ti int) generates four defect states in the gap, whose unpaired electrons lie on the interstitial and the adjacent Ti 3d orbitals. The formation energy for the neutral oxygen vacancy is 1.9 eV for the O-poor chemical potential. The neutral Ti interstitial has a lower formation energy than the O vacancy under O-poor conditions. This indicates that both the O vacancy and Ti int are relevant for oxygen deficiency in rutile TiO 2 but the O vacancy will dominate under O-rich conditions. This resolves questions about defect localization and defect predominance in the literature. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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The ion-exchange equilibrium of bovine serum albumin (BSA) to an anion exchanger, DEAE Spherodex M, has been studied by batch adsorption experiments at pH values ranging from 5.26 to 7.6 and ionic strengths from 10 to 117.1 mmol/l. Using the unadjustable adsorption equilibrium parameters obtained from batch experiments, the applicability of the steric mass-action (SMA) model was analyzed for describing protein ion-exchange equilibrium in different buffer systems. The parametric sensitivity analysis was performed by perturbing each of the model parameters, while holding the rest constant. The simulation results showed that, at high salt concentrations or low pHs close to the isoelectric point of the protein, the precision of the model prediction decreased. Parametric sensitivity analysis showed that the characteristic charge and protein steric factor had the largest effects on ion-exchange equilibrium, while the effect of equilibrium constant was about 70%-95% smaller than those of characteristic charge and steric factor under all conditions investigated. The SMA model with the relationship between the adjusted characteristic charge and the salt concentration can well predict the protein adsorption isotherms in a wide pH range from 5.84 to 7.6. It is considered that the SMA model could be further improved by taking into account the effect of salt concentration on the intermolecular interactions of proteins. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A pressurized capillary electrochromatography (pCEC) instrument with solvent gradient capability has been used for the separation of a peptide mixture. Retention mechanism and selectivity of the peptides were studied by pCEC using a strong cation exchange (SCX) column. The effects of applied voltage, supplementary pressure, organic modifier concentration, ionic strength,, and pH value on pCEC separation were investigated. It was found that the retention mechanism of the peptides in this system is based on a mixed mode of hydrophilic interaction, strong cation exchange, and electrophoresis. Compared with the separation results obtained by reverse phase pCEC and capillary electrophoresis (CE), this mixed-mode pCEC is more powerful for the separation of hydrophilic peptides with similar charge-to-mass ratio.


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We report a general method for incorporation of nanoparticles into polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) thin films by utilizing the excess charges and associated counterions present in the PEMs. Silver ions were introduced directly into multilayers assembled from poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) and poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS), (PDDA/PSS)(n), by a rapid ion exchange process, which were then converted into silver nanoparticles via in situ reduction to create composite thin films. The size and the content of the nanoparticles in the film call be tuned by adjusting the ionic strength in the polyelectrolyte solutions used for the assembly. Spatial control over the distribution of the nanoparticles in the PEM was achieved via the use of multilayer heterostructure containing PDDA/PSS bilayer blocks assembled at different salt concentrations. Because excess charges and counterions are always present in any PEM, this approach can be applied to fabricate a wide variety of composite thin Films based on electrostatic self-assembly.


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Counterions present at the surface of polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) were utilized for modulation of surface wettability via ion exchange. The PEM film was dipped in aqueous solutions of different anions, respectively, and the water contact angle of the surface varied from about 10 degrees to 120 degrees, depending on the hydration characteristics of the anion. The ion exchange mechanism was verified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The process was rapid and reversible. Ionic strength of the polyelectrolyte solution used for preparing the PEMs was found to be crucial to the surface wetting properties and the reversibility and kinetics of the process, and the effects were correlated to the surface density of the excess charge and counterion. This work provides a general, facile and rapid approach of surface property modulation.


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Probe beam deflection(PBD) technique together with electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry was used to study the ion exchange in prussian blue(PB) film and its analogue indium hexacyanoferrate (InHCF) chemically modified electrodes, The ion exchange mechanism of PB was verified as following: K2Fe2+FeI(CN)(6)(-e--K+)reversible arrow(+e-+K+)KFe(3+)Fe(I)(CN)(6)(-xe--xK+)reversible arrow(+xe-+xK+) [Fe3+FeI(CN)(6)](x)[KFe3+FeI(CN)(6)](1-x) where on reduction in contact with an acidic KCl electrolyte, H+ enter PB film before K+. Both the cations and anions participate concurrently in the redox process of InHCF, meanwhile K+ ion plays a major role in the whole charge transfer process of this film with increasing radii of anions.


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Whilst there are a number of methods available to characterise the cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH) and cell surface charge (CSC) of microorganisms, there is still debate concerning the correlation of results between individual methods. In this study, the techniques of bacterial adherence to hydrocarbons (BATH) and hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HTC) were used to measure CSH. Electrostatic interaction chromatography (ESIC) and zeta potential (ZP) measurements were used to determine CSC. To allow meaningful comparisons between the BATH and HIC tests, between ESIC and ZP and also between CSH and CSC, the buffer systems employed in each test were standardised (phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.3, 0.01 mM). Isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis derived from microbial biofilm were used as the test organism in this study. The isolates examined exhibited primarily medium to high CSH and a highly negative CSC. Good correlation of CSH measurement was observed between the BATH and HIC tests (r = 0.89). Good correlation was observed between ESIC (anionic exchange column) and ZP measurements. No correlations were observed between isolate CSC and either increased or decreased CSH. It is recommended that whenever comparisons of various methods to determine either CSC or CSH (by partitioning methods), the buffer systems should remain constant throughout to achieve consistency of results.


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Exchange reactions between molecular complexes and excess acid or base are well known and have been extensively surveyed in the literature(l). Since the exchange mechanism will, in some way involve the breaking of the labile donor-acceptor bond, it follows that a discussion of the factors relating to bonding in molecular complexes will be relevant. In general, a strong Lewis base and a strong Lewis acid form a stable adduct provided that certain stereochemical requirements are met. A strong Lewis base has the following characteristics (1),(2) (i) high electron density at the donor site. (ii) a non-bonded electron pair which has a low ionization potential (iii) electron donating substituents at the donor atom site. (iv) facile approach of the site of the Lewis base to the acceptor site as dictated by the steric hindrance of the substituents. Examples of typical Lewis bases are ethers, nitriles, ketones, alcohols, amines and phosphines. For a strong Lewis acid, the following properties are important:( i) low electron density at the acceptor site. (ii) electron withdrawing substituents. (iii) substituents which do not interfere with the close approach of the Lewis base. (iv) availability of a vacant orbital capable of accepting the lone electron pair of the donor atom. Examples of Lewis acids are the group III and IV halides such (M=B, AI, Ga, In) and MX4 - (M=Si, Ge, Sn, Pb). The relative bond strengths of molecular complexes have been investigated by:- (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v] (vi) dipole moment measurements (3). shifts of the carbonyl peaks in the IIIR. (4) ,(5), (6) .. NMR chemical shift data (4),(7),(8),(9). D.V. and visible spectrophotometric shifts (10),(11). equilibrium constant data (12), (13). heats of dissociation and heats of reactions (l~), (16), (17), (18), (19). Many experiments have bben carried out on boron trihalides in order to determine their relative acid strengths. Using pyridine, nitrobenzene, acetonitrile and trimethylamine as reference Lewis bases, it was found that the acid strength varied in order:RBx3 > BC1 3 >BF 3 • For the acetonitrile-boron trihalide and trimethylamine boron trihalide complexes in nitrobenzene, an-NMR study (7) showed that the shift to lower field was. greatest for the BB~3 adduct ~n~ smallest for the BF 3 which is in agreement with the acid strengths. If electronegativities of the substituents were the only important effect, and since c~ Br ,one would expect the electron density at the boron nucleus to vary as BF3charge transferred, i.e. to the nature of the base, and they have rejected the earlier concept of reorganization energy in explaining the formation of the adduct bond (19).


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At the heart of the ‘special relationship’ ideology, there is supposed to be a grand bargain. In exchange for paying the ‘blood price’ as America's ally, Britain will be rewarded with exceptional influence over American foreign policy and its strategic behaviour. Soldiers and statesman continue to articulate this idea. Since 9/11, the notion of Britain playing ‘Greece’ to America's ‘Rome’ gained new life thanks to Anglophiles on both sides of the Atlantic. One potent version of this ideology was that the more seasoned British would teach Americans how to fight ‘small wars’ in Iraq and Afghanistan, thereby bolstering their role as tutor to the superpower. Britain does derive benefits from the Anglo-American alliance and has made momentous contributions to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yet British solidarity and sacrifices have not purchased special influence in Washington. This is partly due to Atlanticist ideology, which sets Britain unrealistic standards by which it is judged, and partly because the notion of ‘special influence’ is misleading as it loses sight of the complexities of American policy-making. The overall result of expeditionary wars has been to strain British credibility in American eyes and to display its lack of consistent influence both over high policy and the design and execution of US military campaigns. While there may be good arguments in favour of the UK continuing its efforts in Afghanistan, the notion that the war fortifies Britain's vicarious world status is a dangerous illusion that leads to repeated overstretch and disappointment. Now that Britain is in the foothills of a strategic defence review, it is important that the British abandon this false consciousness.


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The structural and electronic properties of perylene diimide liquid crystal PPEEB are studied using ab initio methods based on the density functional theory (I)FT). Using available experimental crystallographic data as a guide, we propose a detailed structural model for the packing of solid PPEEB. We find that due to the localized nature of the band edge wave function, theoretical approaches beyond the standard method, such as hybrid functional (PBE0), are required to correctly characterize the band structure of this material. Moreover, unlike previous assumptions, we observe the formation of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of different molecules, which leads to a dispersion of the energy levels. This result indicates that the side chains of the molecular crystal not only are responsible for its structural conformation but also can be used for tuning the electronic and optical properties of these materials.


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The exchange energy of an arbitrary collinear-spin many-body system in an external magnetic field is a functional of the spin-resolved charge and current densities, E(x)[n(up arrow), n(down arrow), j(up arrow), j(down arrow)]. Within the framework of density-functional theory (DFT), we show that the dependence of this functional on the four densities can be fully reconstructed from either of two extreme limits: a fully polarized system or a completely unpolarized system. Reconstruction from the limit of an unpolarized system yields a generalization of the Oliver-Perdew spin scaling relations from spin-DFT to current-DFT. Reconstruction from the limit of a fully polarized system is used to derive the high-field form of the local-spin-density approximation to current-DFT and to magnetic-field DFT.