971 resultados para cell components
A comparative study of the antigenic profile of bloodstream and cell culture derived trypomastigotes showed many differences in their components. Using mouse anti-T. cruzi antibodies the differences were located mostly in the 120 kDa band, whereas using chagasic patient sera the differences were located in the 85 and 52 kDa bands. These findings might explain known physiological differences between trypomatigotes obtained from cell culture and from infected blood. A brief report of this work has already been published9.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry, Neuroscience
This dissertation is presented to obtain a Master degree in Structural and Functional Biochemistry
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) may induce metastases when detached from the primary tumor. The numbers of these cells in blood offers a valuable prognostic indication. Magnetoresistive sensing is an attractive option for CTC counting. In this technique, cells are labeled with nancomposite polymer beads that provide the magnetic signal. Bead properties such as size and magnetic content must be optimized in order to be used as a detection tool in a magnetoresistive platform. Another important component of the platform is the magnet required for proper sensing. Both components are addressed in this work. Nanocomposite polymer beads were produced by nano-emulsion and membrane emulsification. Formulations of the oil phase comprising a mixture of aromatic monomers and iron oxide were employed. The effect of emulsifier (surfactant) concentration on bead size was studied. Formulations of polydimethilsiloxane (PDMS) with different viscosities were also prepared with nano-emulsion method resulting in colloidal beads. Polycaprolactone (PCL) beads were also synthetized by the membrane emulsification method. The beads were characterized by different techiques such as dynamic light scattering (DLS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Additionally, the magnet dimensions of the platform designed to detect CTCs were optimized through a COMSOL multiphysics simulation.
In tissue engineering of cartilage, polymeric scaffolds are implanted in the damaged tissue and subjected to repeated compression loading cycles. The possibility of failure due to mechanical fatigue has not been properly addressed in these scaffolds. Nevertheless, the macroporous scaffold is susceptible to failure after repeated loading-unloading cycles. This is related to inherent discontinuities in the material due to the micropore structure of the macro-pore walls that act as stress concentration points. In this work, chondrogenic precursor cells have been seeded in Poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) scaffolds with fibrin and some were submitted to free swelling culture and others to cyclic loading in a bioreactor. After cell culture, all the samples were analyzed for fatigue behavior under repeated loading-unloading cycles. Moreover, some components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) were identified. No differences were observed between samples undergoing free swelling or bioreactor loading conditions, neither respect to matrix components nor to mechanical performance to fatigue. The ECM did not achieve the desired preponderance of collagen type II over collagen type I which is considered the main characteristic of hyaline cartilage ECM. However, prediction in PCL with ECM constructs was possible up to 600 cycles, an enhanced performance when compared to previous works. PCL after cell culture presents an improved fatigue resistance, despite the fact that the measured elastic modulus at the first cycle was similar to PCL with poly(vinyl alcohol) samples. This finding suggests that fatigue analysis in tissue engineering constructs can provide additional information missed with traditional mechanical measurements.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Engenharia Clínica)
Univariate statistical control charts, such as the Shewhart chart, do not satisfy the requirements for process monitoring on a high volume automated fuel cell manufacturing line. This is because of the number of variables that require monitoring. The risk of elevated false alarms, due to the nature of the process being high volume, can present problems if univariate methods are used. Multivariate statistical methods are discussed as an alternative for process monitoring and control. The research presented is conducted on a manufacturing line which evaluates the performance of a fuel cell. It has three stages of production assembly that contribute to the final end product performance. The product performance is assessed by power and energy measurements, taken at various time points throughout the discharge testing of the fuel cell. The literature review performed on these multivariate techniques are evaluated using individual and batch observations. Modern techniques using multivariate control charts on Hotellings T2 are compared to other multivariate methods, such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The latter, PCA, was identified as the most suitable method. Control charts such as, scores, T2 and DModX charts, are constructed from the PCA model. Diagnostic procedures, using Contribution plots, for out of control points that are detected using these control charts, are also discussed. These plots enable the investigator to perform root cause analysis. Multivariate batch techniques are compared to individual observations typically seen on continuous processes. Recommendations, for the introduction of multivariate techniques that would be appropriate for most high volume processes, are also covered.
The RP protein (RPP) array approach immobilizes minute amounts of cell lysates or tissue protein extracts as distinct microspots on NC-coated slide. Subsequent detection with specific antibodies allows multiplexed quantification of proteins and their modifications at a scale that is beyond what traditional techniques can achieve. Cellular functions are the result of the coordinated action of signaling proteins assembled in macromolecular complexes. These signaling complexes are highly dynamic structures that change their composition with time and space to adapt to cell environment. Their comprehensive analysis requires until now relatively large amounts of cells (>5 x 10(7)) due to their low abundance and breakdown during isolation procedure. In this study, we combined small scale affinity capture of the T-cell receptor (TCR) and RPP arrays to follow TCR signaling complex assembly in human ex vivo isolated CD4 T-cells. Using this strategy, we report specific recruitment of signaling components to the TCR complex upon T-cell activation in as few as 0.5 million of cells. Second- to fourth-order TCR interacting proteins were accurately quantified, making this strategy specially well-suited to the analysis of membrane-associated signaling complexes in limited amounts of cells or tissues, e.g., ex vivo isolated cells or clinical specimens.
In recent years, one of the most significant progress in the understanding of liver diseases was the demonstration that liver fibrosis is a dynamic process resulting from a balance between synthesis and degradation of several matrix components, collagen in particular. Thus, fibrosis has been found to be a very early event during liver diseases, be it of toxic, viral or parasitic origin, and to be spontaneously reversible, either partially or totally. In liver fibrosis cell matrix interactions are dependent on the existence of the many factors (sometimes acting in combination) which produce the same events at the cellular and molecular levels. These events are: (i) the recruitment of fiber-producing cells, (ii) their proliferation, (iii) the secretion of matrix constituents of the extracellular matrix, and (iv) the remodeling and degradation of the newly formed matrix. All these events represent, at least in principle, a target for a therapeutic intervention aimed at influencing the experimentally induced hepatic fibrosis. In this context, hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is of particular interest, being an immune cell-mediated granulomatous disease and a model of liver fibrosis allowing extensive studies in human and animals as well as providing original in vitro models.
Cell-free hemolymph (serum) and hemocytes from Schistosoma mansoni-susceptible (PR albino M-line) and resistant (10-R2) strains of Biomphalaria glabrata were compared by SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting and radioiodination. Whole serum of both snail strains is dominated by hemoglobin (Hb) (MW = 160 Kd). SDS-PAGE. of Hb-depleted serum indicated that the 10-R2 strain has dominant polypeptides in the 50 to 30 Kd range whereas PR albino snails have few low MW proteins. Antibodies raised to whole PR albino and 10-R2 serum, and the 160 Kd (Hb) band reacted similarly in immunoblot assays. Analysis of hemocytes revealed that 10-R2 snails have a surface-exposed protein at about 80 Kd which is not present on PR albino hemocytes. An examination of primary cultured sporocysts indicated the presence of four major surface proteins (40, 50, 55, 70 Kd) and two minor surface-exposed polypeptides (92, 170 Kd). Antibodies raised against live, intact sporocysts reacted almost exclusively with sporocyst-surface proteins when tested by immunoblotting.
Peripheral nerve injury is a serious problem affecting significantly patients' life. Autografts are the "gold standard" used to repair the injury gap, however, only 50% of patients fully recover from the trauma. Artificial conduits are a valid alternative to repairing peripheral nerve. They aim at confining the nerve environment throughout the regeneration process, and providing guidance to axon outgrowth. Biocompatible materials have been carefully designed to reduce inflammation and scar tissue formation, but modifications of the inner lumen are still required in order to optimise the scaffolds. Biomicking the native neural tissue with extracellular matrix fillers or coatings showed great promises in repairing longer gaps and extending cell survival. In addition, extracellular matrix molecules provide a platform to further bind growth factors that can be released in the system over time. Alternatively, conduit fillers can be used for cell transplantation at the injury site, reducing the lag time required for endogenous Schwann cells to proliferate and take part in the regeneration process. This review provides an overview on the importance of extracellular matrix molecules in peripheral nerve repair.
We herein present an improved assay for detecting the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi in infected cultures. Using chagasic human sera (CHS), we were able to detect T. cruzi infection in primary cultures of both peritoneal macrophages and heart muscle cells (MHC). To avoid elevated background levels - hitherto observed in all experiments especially in those using HMC - CHS were preincubated with uninfected cells in monolayers or suspensions prior to being used for detection of T. cruzi in infected monolayers. Preincubation with cell suspensions gave better results than with monolayers, reducing background by up to three times and increasing sensitivity by to twenty times. In addition, the continous fibroplastic cell line L929 was shown to be suitable for preadsorption of CHS. These results indicate that the high background levels observed in previous reports may be due to the presence of human autoantibodies that recognize surface and/or extracellular matrix components in cell monolayers. We therefore propose a modified procedure that increases the performance of the ELISA method, making it an useful tool even in cultures that would otherwise be expected to present low levels of infection or high levels of background
Adherens junctions (AJs) and cell polarity complexes are key players in the establishment and maintenance of apical-basal cell polarity. Loss of AJs or basolateral polarity components promotes tumor formation and metastasis. Recent studies in vertebrate models show that loss of AJs or loss of the basolateral component Scribble (Scrib) cause deregulation of the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway and hyperactivation of its downstream effectors Yes-associated protein (YAP) and Transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ). However, whether AJs and Scrib act through the same or independent mechanisms to regulate Hippo pathway activity is not known. Here, we dissect how disruption of AJs or loss of basolateral components affect the activity of the Drosophila YAP homolog Yorkie (Yki) during imaginal disc development. Surprisingly, disruption of AJs and loss of basolateral proteins produced very different effects on Yki activity. Yki activity was cell-autonomously decreased but non-cell-autonomously elevated in tissues where the AJ components E-cadherin (E-cad) or α-catenin (α-cat) were knocked down. In contrast, scrib knockdown caused a predominantly cell-autonomous activation of Yki. Moreover, disruption of AJs or basolateral proteins had different effects on cell polarity and tissue size. Simultaneous knockdown of α-cat and scrib induced both cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous Yki activity. In mammalian cells, knockdown of E-cad or α-cat caused nuclear accumulation and activation of YAP without overt effects on Scrib localization and vice versa. Therefore, our results indicate the existence of multiple, genetically separable inputs from AJs and cell polarity complexes into Yki/YAP regulation.
The type three secretion system (T3SS) operons of Chlamydiales bacteria are distributed in different clusters along their chromosomes and are conserved at both the level of sequence and genetic organization. A complete characterization of the temporal expression of multiple T3SS components at the transcriptional and protein levels has been performed in Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, replicating in its natural host cell Acanthamoeba castellanii. The T3SS components were classified in four different temporal clusters depending on their pattern of expression during the early, mid- and late phases of the infectious cycle. The putative T3SS transcription units predicted in Parachlamydia are similar to those described in Chlamydia trachomatis, suggesting that T3SS units of transcriptional expression are highly conserved among Chlamydiales bacteria. The maximal expression and activation of the T3SS of Parachlamydia occurred during the early to mid-phase of the infectious cycle corresponding to a critical phase during which the intracellular bacterium has (1) to evade and/or block the lytic pathway of the amoeba, (2) to differentiate from elementary bodies (EBs) to reticulate bodies (RBs), and (3) to modulate the maturation of its vacuole to create a replicative niche able to sustain efficient bacterial growth.