978 resultados para cave bear
The aim of this study is to evaluate lighting conditions and speleologists’ visual performance using optical filters when exposed to the lighting conditions of cave environments. A crosssectional study was conducted. Twenty-three speleologists were submitted to an evaluation of visual function in a clinical lab. An examination of visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, stereoacuity and flashlight illuminance levels was also performed in 16 of the 23 speleologists at two caves deprived of natural lightning. Two organic filters (450 nm and 550 nm) were used to compare visual function with and without filters. The mean age of the speleologists was 40.65 (± 10.93) years. We detected 26.1% participants with visual impairment of which refractive error (17.4%) was the major cause. In the cave environment the majority of the speleologists used a head flashlight with a mean illuminance of 451.0 ± 305.7 lux. Binocular visual acuity (BVA) was -0.05 ± 0.15 LogMAR (20/18). BVA for distance without filter was not statistically different from BVA with 550 nm or 450 nm filters (p = 0.093). Significant improved contrast sensitivity was observed with 450 nm filters for 6 cpd (p = 0.034) and 18 cpd (p = 0.026) spatial frequencies. There were no signs and symptoms of visual pathologies related to cave exposure. Illuminance levels were adequate to the majority of the activities performed. The enhancement in contrast sensitivity with filters could potentially improve tasks related with the activities performed in the cave.
Frutaformas is a Portuguese micro-enterprise, specialized in the production of premium dehydrated-fruit, an emerging snack category fostered by the increasing trend for healthier alimentary habits in developed countries. The relatively small size of the domestic market and the growing competition led Frutaformas to consider Europe as an attractive for export market. A scoring model based on a set of macro and micro-level criteria suggested the United Kingdom as the preferential target country at this stage. Recommendations on the entry mode and the associated risks were elaborated taking into account the country and industry analysis as well as Frutaformas’ unique organizational platform.
Black and white circular photograph, 14 cm, of Robert Band as a young child holding a teddy bear. This is a head and shoulders photograph.
The description reads "(10) An old Niagara Guide - looking into the awe-inspiring Cave of the Winds - Niagara Falls, U.S.A.".
Cave of the Winds on the American Side. This poster contains a poem by Mary S. Pond called Cave of the Winds, 35 cm. x 19 cm. The guides are listed as F.H. Johnson and Son. There is a portion of the poster missing from the upper left hand corner. This does affect the text. This newsprint article is mounted in a cardboard frame, 1860.
Cave of the Winds, Goat Island, U.S.A. This is touted as the only place on the globe where rainbows form an entire circle. Geo. W. Wright is listed as the lessee. 30 cm. x 14 cm. newsprint. There is a slight wearing away of the edges. This does not affect text, n.d.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
El osito no puede dormir pues tiene miedo a la oscuridad aunque el papá Oso le ha colocado un gran farol encendido sobre la cama para que no se asuste. El Gran Oso encuentra una ingeniosa manera de tranquilizarlo.
Historia de un niño y un oso que van juntos a todas partes, hasta que un día al niño se le olvida el oso, que se había quedado sentado en una silla del parque. Las peripecias nocturnas que le ocurren con una lechuza y un músico, hasta que el amigo se acuerda del oso y va a buscarle.
El niño, el perro y el oso se van de excursión. El niño prepara en paquetes la comida para el almuerzo y los guarda en una caja. El oso la vigila pero el perro, como es costumbre, origina todos los problemas. Esta historia es idónea para primeros lectores.
Un padre y sus cuatro hijos se lanzan a la caza del oso, al ritmo de un tradicional canto de campamento. Resbalan por una ladera cubierta de hierba, cruzan un río, atraviesan lodos y barro y llegan a un bosque, pasan una ventisca y encuentran, al final, al oso pardo que les persigue hasta su casa. Es una lectura idónea para niños de cuatro a nueve años.