962 resultados para cause of formation


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The high temperature ceramic oxide superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-x (1–2–3 compound) is generally synthesized in an oxygen-rich environment. Hence any method for determining its thermodynamic stability should operate at a high oxygen partial pressure. A solid-state cell incorporating CaF2 as the electrolyte and functioning under pure oxygen at a pressure of 1·01 × 105 Pa has been employed for the determination of the Gibbs’ energy of formation of the 1–2–3 compound. The configuration of the galvanic cell can be represented by: Pt, O2, YBa2Cu3O7−x , Y2BaCuO5, CuO, BaF2/CaF2/BaF2, BaZrO3, ZrO2, O2, Pt. Using the values of the standard Gibbs’ energy of formation of the compounds BaZrO3 and Y2BaCuO5 from the literature, the Gibbs’ energy of formation of the 1–2–3 compound from the constituent binary oxides has been computed at different temperatures. The value ofx at each temperature is determined by the oxygen partial pressure. At 1023 K for O content of 6·5 the Gibbs’ energy of formation of the 1–2–3 compound is −261·7 kJ mol−1.


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A solid state galvanic cell incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia electrolyte and ruthenium(IV) oxide electrodes has been used to measure the equilibrium chemical potential of oxygen corresponding to the decomposition of CuCrO4 in the range 590–760 K. For the reaction CuO(tenorite) + CuCr2O4(spinel) + 1.5O2(g)→2CuCrO4(orth), ΔGXXX = −183540 + 249.6T(±900) J mol−1. The decomposition temperature of CuCrO4 in pure oxygen at a pressure of 1.01 × 105 Pa is 735(±1) K. By combining the results obtained in this study with data on the Gibbs energy of formation of CuCr2O4 and CuCrO2 reported earlier, the standard Gibbs energy of formation of CuCrO4 and the phase relations in the system Cu-Cr-O at temperatures below 735 K have been deduced. Electron microscopic studies have indicated that the decomposition of CuCrO4 to CuCr2O4 is topotactic.


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The standard Gibbs' free energies of formation of compounds of type Cu2L%05 (Ln = Tb,Dy,Er,Yb) were measured using the solid state cell in the temperature range of 970 to 1323 K For formation of Cu2L?O5 compounds from their binary component oxides according to the reaction 2 CUO (s) + L%03 (s) -, Cu,,L%05 (s),the Gibbs' free energy changes can be represented by the following equations:AGO = 13 080 - 13.70 'I" (+80) J mol-' (Ln = Tb)AGq = 11 480 - 13.51 T (260) J mol-I (Ln = Dy)AGO = 10 750 - 13.99 T (260) J mol-I (Ln = Er)AGO = 9 920 - 13.90 T (260) J mol-' (Ln = Yb) Since formation of the compounds is endothermic, the compounds become thermodynamically unstable with respect to their component oxides below 955 K for Cu2Tb205, 850 K for Cu2Dy205, 768 K for Cu2Er205 and 714 K for Cu2Yb2OS When the oxygen partial pressure over Cu2L%05 is lowered, they decompose according to the scheme, 2 CU,L%O, (s) -r 2 L%03 (s) +2 cu20 (s) + 02(g)The equilibrium chemical potentials of oxygen corresponding to the dissociation reactions are computed from the emf data and auxiliary information on Cu20 and CuO. The computed decomposition temperatures at an oxygen partial pressure of 5.0 x ld Pa are compared with those obtained directly from combined thermogravimetric (TGA) and differential thermal analyses (DTA).The free energy, enthalpy and entropy of formation of Cu2Ln205 compounds show systematic variation with the ionic radius of the trivalent lanthanide ion. The trends obtained in this study are compared with information available in the literature. The staZbility of Cu2Ln205 compounds increases with the decrease in ionic radii of the ~ n ion~. +


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Phase relations in the pseudoternary system NiO-CaO-SiO2 at 1373 K are established. The coexisting phases are identified by X-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis of equilibrated samples. There is only one quaternary oxide CaNiSi2O6 with clinopyroxene structure. The Gibbs energy of formation of CaNiSi2O6 is measured using a solid state galvanic cell incorporating stabilized zirconia as the solid electrolyte in the temperature range of 1000 to 1400 K:Pt, Ni + SiO2 + CaSiO3 + CaNiSi2O6 \ (Y2O3)ZrO2 \ Ni + NiO, Pt From the electromotive force (emf) of the cell, the Gibbs energy of formation of CaNiSi2O6 from NiO, SiO2, and CaSiO3 is obtained. To derive the Gibbs energy of formation of the quaternary oxide from component binary oxides, the free energy of formation of CaSiO, is determined separately using a solid state cell based on single crystal CaF2 as the electrolyte: Pt, O-2, CaO + CaF2 \ CaF2 \ CaSiO3 + SiO2 + CaF2, O-2, Pt The results can be expressed by the following equations: NiO (r.s) + CaO (r.s) + 2SiO(2) (qz) --> CaNiSi2O6 (pyr) Delta G degrees = -115,700 + 10.63T (+/-100) J mol(-1) CaO (r.s) + SiO2 (qz) --> CaSiO3 (wol) Delta G degrees = -90,030 -0.61T (+/-60) J mol(-1).


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The standard Gibbs energy of formation of the spinel MgAl2O4 from component oxides, MgO and α-Al2O3, has been determined in the temperature range 900 to 1250 K using a solid-state cell incorporating single-crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The cell can be represented as—Pt,O2,MgO+MgF2|CaF2|MgF2+MgAl2O4+α-Al2O3,O2,Pt—The standard Gibbs energy of formation from binary oxides, computed from the reversible emf, can be represented by the expression—capdeltaG°f,ox=−23600 − 5.91T(±150) J/mol—The ‘second-law’ enthalpy of formation of MgAl2O4 obtained in this study is in good agreement with high-temperature solution calorimetric studies reported in the literature.


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The standard Gibbs energy of formation of Rh203 at high temperature has been determined recently with high precision. The new data are significantly different from those given in thermodynamic compilations.Accurate values for enthalpy and entropy of formation at 298.15 K could not be evaluated from the new data,because reliable values for heat capacity of Rh2O3 were not available. In this article, a new measurement of the high temperature heat capacity of Rh2O3 using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is presented.The new values for heat capacity also differ significantly from those given in compilations. The information on heat capacity is coupled with standard Gibbs energy of formation to evaluate values for standard enthalpy and entropy of formation at 289.15 K using a multivariate analysis. The results suggest a major revision in thermodynamic data for Rh2O3. For example, it is recommended that the standard entropy of Rh203 at 298.15 K be changed from 106.27 J mol-' K-'given in the compilations of Barin and Knacke et al. to 75.69 J mol-' K". The recommended revision in the standard enthalpy of formation is from -355.64 kJ mol-'to -405.53 kJ mol".


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The activity of Ti02 in single and two··phase regions of ihe system ZrOrTi02 has heen measured lIsing solid state cells based on yttria··doped tho ria (YDT) as the solid electrolyte at 1373 K. The cells used can be represented as: Pt, Tio.07PtO.Y3 + Zrj.,Tix0 2 / YDT / Ti02 + Tio.07Pto.93, Pt Pt, Tio.07Pto.93 + ZrJ.xTix02 + ZrTi04 / YDT / Ti02+ Tio.07PtO.93, Pt In each cell the composition of Pt-Ti alloy was identical at hoth electrodes. The emf of the cell is therefore directly related to the activity of Ti02 in oxide phase or oxide phase mixture: aTiO~ :;: cxp (-4FE/RT). The activity coefficient of Ti02 in th~ zirconia-rich solid solution with monoclinic structure (CUl2 2" XTi02 2" 0) can be expressed as:In the zirconia-rich solid solution with tetragonal structure (0.085 2" X ri02 2" 0.03), the activity coefficient is given by:In YTi02 (± 0.012) = 2.354 (1-XTiO? )2 +0.064 The standard Gibbs energy of formation of ZrTi04 is -5650 (± 200) J/mol at 1373 K .


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he standard Gibbs energy of formation of CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) from CaTiO3, CuO and TiO2 has been determined as a function of temperature from 925 to 1350 K using a solid-state electrochemical cell with yttria-stabilized zirconia as the solid electrolyte. Combining this result with information in the literature on CaTiO3, the standard Gibbs energy of formation of CCTO from its component binary oxides, CaO, CuO and TiO2, has been obtained: View the MathML source (CaCu3Ti4O12)/J mol−1 (±600) = −125231 + 6.57 (T/K). The oxygen chemical potential corresponding to the reduction of CCTO to CaTiO3, TiO2 and Cu2O has been calculated from the electrochemical measurements as a function of temperature and compared on an Ellingham diagram with those for the reduction of CuO to Cu2O and Cu2O to Cu. The oxygen partial pressures corresponding to the reduction reactions at any chosen temperature can be read using the nomograms provided on either side of the diagram. The effect of the oxygen partial pressure on phase relations in the pseudo-ternary system CaO–CuO/Cu2O–TiO2 at 1273 K has been evaluated. The phase diagrams allow identification of secondary phases that may form during the synthesis of the CCTO under equilibrium conditions. The secondary phases may have a significant effect on the extrinsic component of the colossal dielectric response of CCTO.


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An isothermal section of the system Al2O3-CaO-CoO at 1500 K has been established by equilibrating 22 samples of different compositions at high temperature and phase identification by optical and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and energy dispersive spectroscopy after quenching to room temperature. Only one quaternary oxide, Ca3CoAl4O10, was identified inside the ternary triangle. Based on the phase relations, a solid-state electrochemical cell was designed to measure the Gibbs energy of formation of Ca3CoAl4O10 in the temperature range from 1150 to 1500 K. Calcia-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and a mixture of Co + CoO as the reference electrode. The cell can be represented as: ( - )\textPt,\textCaAl 2 \textO 4 + \textCa 1 2 \textAl 1 4 \textO 3 3 + \textCa 3 \textCoAl 4 \textO 10 + \textCo//(CaO)ZrO 2 \text// \textCoO + \textCo,\text Pt ( + ). (−)PtCaAl2O4+Ca12Al14O33+Ca3CoAl4O10+Co//(CaO)ZrO2//CoO+Co Pt (+) From the emf of the cell, the standard Gibbs energy change for the Ca3CoAl4O10 formation reaction, CoO + 3/5CaAl2O4 + 1/5Ca12Al14O33 → Ca3CoAl4O10, is obtained as a function of temperature: \Updelta Gr\texto Unknown control sequence '\Updelta'/J mol−1 (±50) = −2673 + 0.289 (T/K). The standard Gibbs energy of formation of Ca3CoAl4O10 from its component binary oxides, Al2O3, CaO, and CoO is derived as a function of temperature. The standard entropy and enthalpy of formation of Ca3CoAl4O10 at 298.15 K are evaluated. Chemical potential diagrams for the system Al2O3-CaO-CoO at 1500 K are presented based on the results of this study and auxiliary information from the literature.


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The ultrastructural functions of the electron-dense glycopeptidolipid-containing outermost layer (OL), the arabinogalactan-mycolic acid-containing electron-transparent layer (ETL), and the electron-dense peptidoglycan layer (PGL) of the mycobacterial cell wall in septal growth and constriction are not clear. Therefore, using transmission electron microscopy, we studied the participation of the three layers in septal growth and constriction in the fast-growing saprophytic species Mycobacterium smegmatis and the slow-growing pathogenic species Mycobacterium xenopi and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in order to document the processes in a comprehensive and comparative manner and to find out whether the processes are conserved across different mycobacterial species. A complete septal partition is formed first by the fresh synthesis of the septal PGL (S-PGL) and septal ETL (S-ETL) from the envelope PGL (E-PGL) in M. smegmatis and M. xenopi. The S-ETL is not continuous with the envelope ETL (E-ETL) due to the presence of the E-PGL between them. The E-PGL disappears, and the S-ETL becomes continuous with the E-ETL, when the OL begins to grow and invaginate into the S-ETL for constriction. However, in M. tuberculosis, the S-PGL and S-ETL grow from the E-PGL and E-ETL, respectively, without a separation between the E-ETL and S-ETL by the E-PGL, in contrast to the process in M. smegmatis and M. xenopi. Subsequent growth and invagination of the OL into the S-ETL of the septal partition initiates and completes septal constriction in M. tuberculosis. A model for the conserved sequential process of mycobacterial septation, in which the formation of a complete septal partition is followed by constriction, is presented. The probable physiological significance of the process is discussed. The ultrastructural features of septation and constriction in mycobacteria are unusually different from those in the well-studied organisms Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis.


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The quaternary oxide in the system Al2O3-CaO-TiO2 is found to have the composition Ca3Ti8Al12O37 rather than CaTi3Al8O19 as reported in the literature. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of Ca3Ti8Al12O37 from component binary oxides is measured in the temperature range from 900 to 1250 K using a solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating single crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The results can be represented by the equation: delta G(f(0x))(0) (+/- 70)/J mol(-1) = -248474 - 15.706(T/K). Combining this information with thermodynamic data on calcium aluminates and titanates available in the literature, subsolidus phase relations in the pseudo-ternary system Al2O3-CaO-TiO2 are computed and presented as isothermal sections. The evolution of phase relations with temperature is highlighted. Chemical potential diagrams are computed at 1200 K, showing the stability domains of the various phases in the chemical potential-composition space. In each chemical potential diagram, chemical potential of one component is plotted against the cationic fraction of the other two components. The diagrams are valid at relatively high oxygen potentials where Ti is present in its four-valent state in all the oxide phases.


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The thermodynamic properties of the HoRhO3 were determined in the temperature range from 900 to 1300 K by using a solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating calcia-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte. The standard Gibbs free energy of formation of orthorhombic perovskite HoRhO3, from Ho2O3 with C-rare earth structure and Rh2O3 with orthorhombic structure, can be expressed by the equation; Delta G(f)degrees((ox)) (+/- 78)/(J/mol) = -50535 + 3.85(T/K) Using the thermodynamic data of HoRhO3 and auxiliary data for binary oxides from the literature, the phase relations in the Ho-Rh-O system were computed at 1273 K. Thermodynamic data for intermetallic phases in the binary Ho-Rh were estimated from experimental enthalpy of formation for three compositions from the literature and Miedema's model, consistent with the phase diagram. The oxygen potential-composition diagram and three-dimensional chemical potential diagram at 1273 K, and temperature-composition diagrams at constant oxygen partial pressures were computed for the system Ho-Rh-O. The decomposition temperature of HoRhO3 is 1717(+/- 2) K in pure O-2 and 1610(+/- 2) K in air at a total pressure p(o) = 0.1 MPa.


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The nucleation and growth of vanadium oxide nanotubes (VOx-NT) have been followed by a combination of numerous ex situ techniques. long the hydrothermal process. Intermediate solid phases extracted at different reaction times have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron spin resonance, and V-K edge :X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy. The supernatant vanadate solutions extracted during the hydrothermal treatment have been studied by liquid V-51 NMR and flame. spectroscopy. For short durations of the hydrothermal synthesis, the initial V2O5-surfactant intercalate. is progressively transformed into VOx-NT whose crystallization starts to be detected after a hydrothermal treatment of 24 h. Upon heating from 24 h to 7 days, VOx-NT are obtained in larger amount and with an improved crystallinity. The detection of soluble amines and cyclic metavanadate V4O12](4-) in the supernatant solution along the hydrothermal process suggests that VOx-NT result from a dissolution precipitation mechanism. Metavanadate species V4O12](4-) could behave as molecular precursors in the polymerization reactions leading to VOx-NT.


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Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by the accumulation of excess collagen, and areca nut chewing has been proposed as an important etiological factor for disease manifestation. Activation of transforming growth factor-beta signaling has been postulated as the main causative event for increased collagen production in OSF. Oral epithelium plays important roles in OSF, and arecoline has been shown to induce TGF-beta in epithelial cells. In an attempt to understand the role of areca nut constituents in the manifestation of OSF, we studied the global gene expression profile in epithelial cells (HaCaT) following treatment with areca nut water extract or TGF-beta. Interestingly, 64% of the differentially regulated genes by areca nut water extract matches with the TGF-beta induced gene expression profile. Out of these, expression of 57% of genes was compromised in the presence of ALK5 (T beta RI) inhibitor and 7% were independently induced by areca nut, highlighting the importance of TGF-beta in areca nut actions. Areca nut water extract treatment induced p-SMAD2 and TGF-beta downstream targets in HaCaT cells but not in human gingival fibroblast cells (hGF), suggesting epithelial cells could be the source of TGF-beta in promoting OSF. Water extract of areca nut consists of polyphenols and alkaloids. Both polyphenol and alkaloid fractions of areca nut were able to induce TGF-beta signaling and its downstream targets. Also, SMAD-2 was phosphorylated following treatment of HaCaT cells by Catechin, Tannin and alkaloids namely Arecoline, Arecaidine and Guvacine. Moreover, both polyphenols and alkaloids induced TGF-beta 2 and THBS1 (activator of latent TGF-beta) in HaCaT cells suggesting areca nut mediated activation of p-SMAD2 involves up-regulation and activation of TGF-beta. These data suggest a major causative role for TGF-beta that is induced by areca nut in OSF progression.


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Here, we report for the first time a simple thermal oxidation strategy for the large area synthesis of Ge/GeO2 nanoholes from Ge and studied the luminescence of Ge/GeO2 and hole formation mechanism through phase and luminescence mapping. Photoluminescence mapping reveals that the emission in the visible range is only from the hole region, which provokes the necessity of the nanoholes. Such materials can also be used to convert ultraviolet to visible radiation for detection by conventional phototubes and to coat blue or ultraviolet diodes to obtain white light.