999 resultados para cattle monitoring
In order to evaluate the capability of H-1 MRS to monitor longitudinal changes in subjects with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD), the temporal stability of the metabolite measures N-acetylaspartate and N-acetylas-partylglutamate (NA), total Creatine (Cr), myo-Inositol (mI), total Choline (Chol), NA/Cr, mI/Cr, Chol/Cr and NA/mI were investigated in a cohort of normal older adults. Only the metabolite measures NA, mi, Cr, NA/Cr, mI/Cr, and NA/mI were found to be stable after a mean interval of 260 days. Relative and absolute metabolite measures from a cohort of patients with probable AD were subsequently compared with data from a sample of normal older adult control subjects, and correlated with mental status and the degree of atrophy in the localized voxel. Concentrations of NA, NA/Cr, and NA/mI were significantly reduced in the AD group with concomitant significant increases in mi and mI/Cr. There were no differences between the two groups in measures of Cr, Chol, or Chol/Cr. Significant correlations between mental status as measured by the Mini-Mental State Examination and NA/mI, mI/Cr and NA were found. These metabolite measures were also significantly correlated with the extent of atrophy (as measured by CSF and GM composition) in the spectroscopy voxel. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.
Objective To assess the efficacy of zeta-cypermethrin pour-on to control cattle lice. Design Five field trials in south-eastern Australia. Procedure Zeta-cypermethrin pour-on, deltamethrin pour-on and pour-on vehicle were applied to groups of 10 cattle. Lice were counted before treatment and 14, 28, 42 and 56 days after treatment. Results Zeta-cypermethrin pour-on given at 2.5 mg/kg was equivalent to, or marginally more effective than a deltamethrin pour-on at 0.75 mg/kg. It eliminated B bovis and H eurysternus and gave good control of L vituli and S capillatus. Zeta-cypermethrin at 1 mg/kg gave good control of B bovis and H eurysternus but was not satisfactory against L vituli and S capillatus. Conclusion Zeta-cypermethrin pour-on, given at 2.5 mg/kg, is an effective treatment for cattle lice control. Zeta-cypermethrin, and other synthetic pyrethroid pour-ons, are the treatment of choice to control B bovis.
We isolated and sequenced the first known cytochrome P450 gene and pseudogene from an arachnid, the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus. Bath the gene and pseudogene belong to the family CYP4, but a new subfamily, CYP4W, had to be created for these genes because they are substantially different to other CYP4 genes. The gene, CPP4W1, has greatest homology with CYP4C1 from a cockroach, Blaberus discoidalis. The predicted molecular weight of the protein encoded by CYP4W1 (63 KDa) is greater than that of the other CYP4 genes. The pseudogene, CYP4W1P, is probably a processed pseudogene derived from the functional gene CYP4W1. This is only the third CYP processed pseudogene to be identified. The pseudogene is 98% identical to the functional gene, CYP4W1, therefore we hypothesise that this pseudogene evolved recently from the functional gene. The CYP4 genes from arthropods have diverged from each other more than those of mammals; consequently the phylogeny of the arthropod genes could not be resolved. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We sequenced across all of the gene boundaries in the mitochondrial genome of the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, to determine the arrangement of its genes. The mtDNA of B. microplus has a coding region, composed of tRNA(Glu) and 60 bp of the 3' end of ND1, that is repeated five times. Boophilus microplus is the first coelomate animal known to have more than two copies of a coding sequence. The mitochondrial genome of B, microplus has other unusual features, including (1) reduced T arms in tRNAs, (2) an AT bias in codon use, (3) two control regions that have evolved in concert, (4) three gene rearrangements, and (5) a stem-loop between tRNA(Gln) and tRNA(Phe). The short T arms and small control regions (CRs) of B. microplus and other ticks suggest strong selection for small genomes. Imprecise termination of replication beyond its origin, which can account for the evolution of tandem repeats of coding regions in other mitochondrial genomes, cannot explain the evolution of the fivefold repeated sequence in the mitochondrial genome of B. microplus. Instead, slipped-strand mispairing or recombination are the most plausible explanations for the evolution of these tandem repeats.
Octopamine is a biogenic amine neurotransmitter of invertebrates that binds to a G-protein coupled receptor that has seven transmembrane domains. Formamidine pesticides like amitraz are highly specific agonists of the octopamine receptor. Amitraz is used extensively to control the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, and many other ticks but now there are strains of ticks that are resistant to amitraz. We have isolated a cDNA from the cattle tick, B. miciroplus, that belongs to the biogenic amine family of receptors. The predicted amino acid sequence from this cDNA is most similar to octopamine receptors from insects. The nucleotide sequence of this gene from amitraz-resistant and amitraz-susceptible cattle ticks was identical. Thus, a point mutation/s did not confer resistance to amitraz in the strains we studied. Alternative explanations for resistance to amitraz in B. microplus are discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We investigated the role of monooxygenases in resistance to synthetic pyrethroids (SPs) in the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus. We found that monooxygenases play only a minor role in resistance to SPs in both resistant and susceptible strains of B. microplus. We blocked the monooxygenases with piperonyl butoxide (PBO) and simultaneously applied the SPs, flumethrin and cypermethrin to larval B. microplus. PBO increased the effect of flumethrin (synergism ratios 2.7-8.9) more than it increased the effect of cypermethrin (synergism ratios 1.9-3.1). Of the four strains tested, Parkhurst, which is resistant to SPs, was the least affected by the addition of PBO (synergism ratios after cypermethrin was applied 1.9; after flumethrin 2.7) whereas N.R.F.S., the strain susceptible to SPs, was the most affected by synergism between PBO and SPs (synergism ratio after cypermethrin was applied 3.1; after flumethrin 8.9). We hypothesize that B. microplus lacks monooxygenases capable of conferring resistance to SPs because it and its recent ancestors were blood-feeders rather than herbivores.
We describe the isolation and characterisation of two putatively new acetylcholinesterase genes from the African cattle ticks Boophilus decoloratus and Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. The nucleotide sequences of these genes had 93% homology to each other and 95% and 91% identity, respectively, to the acetylcholinesterase gene from an Australian strain of another cattle tick, Boophilus microplus. Translation of the nucleotide sequences revealed putative amino acids that are essential for acetylcholinesterase activity: the active site serine, and the histidine and glutamate residues that associate with this serine to form the catalytic triad. All known acetylcholinesterases have three sets of cysteines that form disulfide bonds; however, the acetylcholinesterase genes of these three species of ticks encode only two sets of cysteines. Acetylcholinesterases of B. microplus from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Mexico had 98-99% identity with acetylcholinesterase from B. microplus from Australia, whereas acetylcholinesterase from B. microplus from Indonesia was identical to that from Australia. Preliminary phylogenetic analyses surprisingly indicate that the acetylcholinesterases of ticks are closer phylogenetically to acetylcholinesterases of vertebrates than they are to those of other arthropods. (C) 1999 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Urbanization and the ability to manage for a sustainable future present numerous challenges for geographers and planners in metropolitan regions. Remotely sensed data are inherently suited to provide information on urban land cover characteristics, and their change over time, at various spatial and temporal scales. Data models for establishing the range of urban land cover types and their biophysical composition (vegetation, soil, and impervious surfaces) are integrated to provide a hierarchical approach to classifying land cover within urban environments. These data also provide an essential component for current simulation models of urban growth patterns, as both calibration and validation data. The first stages of the approach have been applied to examine urban growth between 1988 and 1995 for a rapidly developing area in southeast Queensland, Australia. Landsat Thematic Mapper image data provided accurate (83% adjusted overall accuracy) classification of broad land cover types and their change over time. The combination of commonly available remotely sensed data, image processing methods, and emerging urban growth models highlights an important application for current and next generation moderate spatial resolution image data in studies of urban environments.
There is a need for improved monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of participatory research with smallholder farmers, in particular to help differentiate between different types of farm household with different needs. This paper reports some of the results of a study to develop participatory M&E tools for the Forages for Smallholders Project in Southeast Asia, focusing on an upland commune in central Vietnam with a highly diverse crop-livestock system. Participatory rural appraisal techniques were used within a rural livelihoods framework to assess the differing livelihoods of poor, average, and better-off households. There were found to be marked differences between households, particularly in human resources, landholdings, and cattle numbers, affecting the livelihood strategies pursued. The improved understanding of livelihood strategies was gained in a cost-effective way and could be readily used by project participants to monitor the impacts of the introduced forages within the commune, enabling better focusing of the participatory research process on the needs and circumstances of poor farmers. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ArtinM is a D-mannose binding lectin that has been arousing increasing interest because of its biomedical properties, especially those involving the stimulation of Th1 immune response, which confers protection against intracellular pathogens The potential pharmaceutical applications of ArtinM have motivated the production of its recombinant form (rArtinM) so that it is important to compare the sugar-binding properties of jArtinM and rArtinM in order to take better advantage of the potential applications of the recombinant lectin. In this work, a biosensor framework based on a Quartz Crystal Microbalance was established with the purpose of making a comparative study of the activity of native and recombinant ArtinM protein The QCM transducer was strategically functionalized to use a simple model of protein binding kinetics. This approach allowed for the determination of the binding/dissociation kinetics rate and affinity equilibrium constant of both forms of ArtinM with horseradish peroxidase glycoprotein (HRP), a N-glycosylated protein that contains the trimannoside Man alpha 1-3[Man alpha 1-6]Man, which is a known ligand for jArtinM (Jeyaprakash et al, 2004). Monitoring of the real-time binding of rArtinM shows that it was able to bind HRP, leading to an analytical curve similar to that of jArtinM, with statistically equivalent kinetic rates and affinity equilibrium constants for both forms of ArtinM The lower reactivity of rArtinM with HRP than jArtinM was considered to be due to a difference in the number of Carbohydrate Recognition Domains (CRDs) per molecule of each lectin form rather than to a difference in the energy of binding per CRD of each lectin form. (C) 2010 Elsevier B V. All rights reserved
Three experiments explored the effectiveness of continuous auditory displays, or sonifications, for conveying information about a simulated anesthetized patient's respiration. Experiment 1 established an effective respiratory sonification. Experiment 2 showed an effect of expertise in the use of respiratory sonification and revealed that some apparent differences in sonification effectiveness could be accounted for by response bias. Experiment 3 showed that sonification helps anesthesiologists to maintain high levels of awareness of the simulated patient's state while performing other tasks more effectively than when relying upon visual monitoring of the simulated patient state. Overall, sonification of patient physiology beyond traditional pulse oximetry appears to be a viable and useful adjunct to visual monitors. Actual and potential applications of this research include monitoring in a wide variety of busy critical care contexts.
Evaluation of the aquatic macroinvertebrate community as a tool for monitoring a reservoir in the Pitangui river basin, Parana, Brazil. Benthic and nektonic macroinvertebrates play an important role in the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems and their distribution is influenced by chemical features of the substrate, vegetation composition, and water depth. Knowledge on the fauna contributes to the assessment of water quality and development of biodiversity conservation activities. Different biotic factors affecting the invertebrate community were evaluated in the Alagados reservoir, the main water source of the city of Ponta Grossa, Parana. In five different sampling points, 18,473 specimens of aquatic or semiaquatic macroinvertebrates were collected, belonging to 46 taxa of the phylla Annelida (Hirudinea and Oligochaeta), Mollusca (Gastropoda), Platyhelminthes (Turbellaria), Nematoda and Arthropoda (Arachnida, Crustacea and Insecta). This community was composed mainly of predators (45.7% of the taxa sampled), collectors and/or filterers (23.9%), scrapers (15.2%), shredders (13.0%) and detritivores (2.2%). Diversity (H`) and evenness (J) indices were significantly low for the sites examined, and H` ranged between 0.3301 and 1.0396. Regarding tolerance of organisms to organic pollution, more sensitive taxa were very rare (Plecoptera) or unusual (Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera). Among the more resistant groups are Chironomidae and Hirudinea, both fairly common in the samples. This study corroborates the importance of bioindicators as a tool to assess water quality for human consumption and for the conservation of aquatic environments, integrating physical, chemical and biological factors in monitoring programs.