975 resultados para catastrophe bonds


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Ce texte s’inspire d’une communication faite au IXe Congrès de l’Association internationale de méthodologie juridique (Tunis, nov. 2005) : « Les principes généraux de droit ».


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Chaque apparition d’une nouvelle technologie remet inévitablement en cause le cadre législatif établi pour protéger les droits de propriété. Cependant, avec la numérisation de l’information et l’avènement d’Internet, il est de plus en plus facile de reproduire et de distribuer librement des œuvres protégées. Toutefois, depuis le 20 décembre 1996, l’Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OMPI) a adopté deux traités ayant pour objectif principal d’adapter le cadre juridique du droit d’auteur aux nouvelles technologies. C’est pour se conformer à ces traités que l’administration Clinton a adopté le Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) en 1998. Cet article examine d’abord les dimensions constitutionnelle du Copyright américain, et plus spécifiquement certaines limites qui viennent tempérer les prérogatives exclusives des titulaires de droits, notamment le domaine public et les usages équitables possibles d’ une œuvre. Sont ensuite examinés le DMCA et sa conformité aux principes énoncés à la clause constitutionnelle, source du pouvoir législatif du Congrès américain en matière de Copyright. De plus, comme le DMCA interdit non seulement le contournement de technologies protégeant une œuvre en format numérique, mais également la fabrication et la diffusion de technologies permettant d’arriver à cette fin, cet article analyse les répercussions de cette loi sur la liberté d’expression.


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L'objectif de cette étude est d'apprendre à créer de nouveaux matériaux moléculaires par design. À l'heure actuelle, il n'existe aucune méthode générale pour la prédiction des structures et des propriétés, mais des progrès importants ont été accomplis, en particulier dans la fabrication de matériaux moléculaires ordonnés tels que des cristaux. En ces matériaux, l'organisation peut être contrôlée efficacement par la stratégie de la tectonique moléculaire. Cette approche utilise des molécules appelées “tectons”, qui peuvent s’associer de manière dirigée par des interactions non covalentes prévisibles. De cette façon, la position de chaque molécule par rapport à ses voisins peut être programmée avec un degré élevé de fiabilité pour créer des cristaux et d'autres matériaux organisés avec des caractéristiques et des propriétés structurelles souhaitables. Le travail que nous allons décrire est axé sur l'utilisation de l'association des cations bis(aminidinium) avec des carboxylates, sulfonates, phosphonates et phosphates, afin de créer des réseaux moléculaires prévisibles. Ces réseaux promettent d'être particulièrement robuste, car ils sont maintenus ensemble par de multiples liaisons hydrogène assistées par des interactions électrostatiques.


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This paper is an attempt to analyze bonds and their relevance within the confines of economics. They are discussed as both exogenous and endogenous variables. More specifically, the bonds of democratic politics are compared with those of non-democratic politics. It is argued that only those societies that have at their disposition certain kinds of bonds will be able to sustain democracy. It is further argued that the differential effects of democratic vs. non-democratic regimes on the respective bonds are rather weak. But then again, different kinds of democratic institutions might well have an effect on the prevalent bonds found in a society.


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Un pont de dihidrogen (dihydrogen bond,DHB) és un tipus de pont d'hidrogen atípic que s'estableix entre un hidrur metàl·lic i un donador de protons com un grup OH o NH. Els ponts de dihidrogen són claus en les característiques geomètriques i altres propietats de compostos que en presenten tan de molècules petites com el dímer de NH3BH3, com d'estructures superiors més complicades com complexes metàl·lics o sòlids. Poden ser útils aplicats a certes molècules o síntesis moleculars per a obtenir nous materials amb propietats o característiques fetes a mida. El treball d'aquesta tesi està orientat a millorar la comprensió dels ponts de dihidrogen, aprofundint en certs aspectes de la seva naturalesa atòmica/molecular utilitzant mètodes teòrics basats en la química física quàntica.


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A family of 16 isomolecular salts (3-XpyH)(2)[MX'(4)] (3-XpyH=3-halopyridinium; M=Co, Zn; X=(F), Cl, Br, (I); X'=Cl, Br, I) each containing rigid organic cations and tetrahedral halometallate anions has been prepared and characterized by X-ray single crystal and/or powder diffraction. Their crystal structures reflect the competition and cooperation between non-covalent interactions: N-H center dot center dot center dot X'-M hydrogen bonds, C-X center dot center dot center dot X'-M halogen bonds and pi-pi stacking. The latter are essentially unchanged in strength across the series, but both halogen bonds and hydrogen bonds are modified in strength upon changing the halogens involved. Changing the organic halogen (X) from F to I strengthens the C-X center dot center dot center dot X'-M halogen bonds, whereas an analogous change of the inorganic halogen (X') weakens both halogen bonds and N-H center dot center dot center dot X'-M hydrogen bonds. By so tuning the strength of the putative halogen bonds from repulsive to weak to moderately strong attractive interactions, the hierarchy of the interactions has been modified rationally leading to systematic changes in crystal packing. Three classes of crystal structure are obtained. In type A (C-F center dot center dot center dot X'-M) halogen bonds are absent. The structure is directed by N-H center dot center dot center dot X'-M hydrogen bonds and pi-stacking interactions. In type B structures, involving small organic halogens (X) and large inorganic halogens (X'), long (weak) C-X center dot center dot center dot X'-M interactions are observed with type I halogen-halogen interaction geometries (C-X center dot center dot center dot X' approximate to X center dot center dot center dot X'-M approximate to 155 degrees), but hydrogen bonds still dominate. Thus, minor but quite significant perturbations from the type A structure arise. In type C, involving larger organic halogens (X) and smaller inorganic halogens (X'), stronger halogen bonds are formed with a type II halogen-halogen interaction geometry (C-X center dot center dot center dot X' approximate to 180 degrees; X center dot center dot center dot X'-M approximate to 110 degrees) that is electrostatically attractive. The halogen bonds play a major role alongside hydrogen bonds in directing the type C structures, which as a result are quite different from type A and B.


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Financial Protection in the UK Building Industry provides comprehensive treatment of a complex aspect of construction management which is increasingly important in modern construction contracts. The term 'Financial Protection' refers to refers to the various mechanisms by which funds are made available to ensure the due performance of a partys contractual obligations. This book is based on material written for a research project funded by the Reading Construction Forum. Financial Protection in the UK Building Industry looks at the legal and economic background to the problem of providing financial protection to clients to guard against poor performance and or the insolvency of contractors, consultants and sub-contractors. The inclusion of practical guidance notes and summaries makes this a valuable guide for the construction professional as well as for the researcher. * provides in-depth analysis of financial protection measures * explores the ways in which financial protection can increase efficiency in the industry * financial protection in construction is beset with problems - this book points toward practical solutions


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Motivation: Hydrogen bonds are one of the most important inter-atomic interactions in biology. Previous experimental, theoretical and bioinformatics analyses have shown that the hydrogen bonding potential of amino acids is generally satisfied and that buried unsatisfied hydrogen-bond-capable residues are destabilizing. When studying mutant proteins, or introducing mutations to residues involved in hydrogen bonding, one needs to know whether a hydrogen bond can be maintained. Our aim, therefore, was to develop a rapid method to evaluate whether a sidechain can form a hydrogen-bond. Results: A novel knowledge-based approach was developed in which the conformations accessible to the residues involved are taken into account. Residues involved in hydrogen bonds in a set of high resolution crystal structures were analyzed and this analysis is then applied to a given protein. The program was applied to assess mutations in the tumour-suppressor protein, p53. This raised the number of distinct mutations identified as disrupting sidechain-sidechain hydrogen bonding from 181 in our previous analysis to 202 in this analysis.


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The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope (Env) glycoprotein (gp) 120 is a highly disulfide-bonded molecule that attaches HIV to the lymphocyte surface receptors CD4 and CXCR4. Conformation changes within gp120 result from binding and trigger HIV/cell fusion. Inhibition of lymphocyte surface-associated protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) blocks HIV/cell fusion, suggesting that redox changes within Env are required. Using a sensitive assay based on a thiol reagent, we show that (i) the thiol content of gp120, either secreted by mammalian cells or bound to a lymphocyte surface enabling CD4 but not CXCR4 binding, was 0.5-1 pmol SH/pmol gp120 (SH/gp120), whereas that of gp120 after its interaction with a surface enabling both CD4 and CXCR4 binding was raised to 4 SH/gp120; (ii) PDI inhibitors prevented this change; and (iii) gp120 displaying 2 SH/gp120 exhibited CD4 but not CXCR4 binding capacity. In addition, PDI inhibition did not impair gp120 binding to receptors. We conclude that on average two of the nine disulfides of gp120 are reduced during interaction with the lymphocyte surface after CXCR4 binding prior to fusion and that cell surface PDI catalyzes this process. Disulfide bond restructuring within Env may constitute the molecular basis of the post-receptor binding conformational changes that induce fusion competence.


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Two structurally characterised examples of air stable Cu-1 (amino N)(2)(imino N)(2) chromophores having a Cu(II/I) potential of 0.01-0.19 V vs SCE in CH2Cl2 are provided using two tetradentate N-donor ligands.


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Asymmetric hydrogenation of C=C bonds is of the highest importance in organic synthesis, and such reactions are currently carried out with organometallic homogeneous catalysts. Achieving heterogeneous metal-catalyzed hydrogenation, a highly desirable goal, necessitates forcing the crucial enantiodifferentiating step to take place at the metal surface. By synthesis and application of six chiral sulfide ligands that anchor robustly to Pd nanoparticles and resist displacement, we have for the first time accomplished heterogeneous enantioselective catalytic hydrogenation of isophorone. High resolution XPS data established that ligand adsorption from solution occurred exclusively on the Pd nanoparticles and not on the carbon support. All ligands contained a pyrrolidine nitrogen to enable their interaction with the isophorone substrate while the sulfide functionality provided the required interaction with the Pd surface. Enantioselective turnover numbers of up to similar to 100 product molecules per ligand molecule were found with a very large variation in asymmetric induction between ligands: observed enantiomeric excesses increased with increasing size of the alkyl group in the sulfide. This likely reflects varying degrees of ligand dispersion on the surface: bulky substituent groups hinder close approach of ligand molecules to each other, inhibiting close-packed island formation, favoring dispersion as separate molecules, and leading to effective asymmetric induction. Conversely, small substituents favor island formation leading to very low asymmetric induction. Enantioselective reaction most likely involves initial formation of an enamine or iminium species, confirmed by use of an analogous tertiary amine, which leads to racemic product. Ligand rigidity and resistance to self-assembled monolayer formation are important attributes that should be designed into improved chiral modifiers.


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The title cocrystal, C18H15OP center dot C6H6O2, belongs to a series of molecular systems based on triphenylphosphine P-oxide. The O atom of the oxide group acts as an acceptor for hydrogen bonds from OH groups of two hydroquinone molecules which lie on inversion centres [O center dot center dot center dot O = 2.7451 (17) and 2.681 (2) A S]. The crystal structure is stabilized by weak C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds, forming a C-2(1)(8) chain which runs parallel to the [100] direction.


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IR, UV-vis, and EPR spectroelectrochemistry at variable temperatures and in different solvents were applied to investigate in situ the formation of electroactive molecular chains with a nonbridged Os-Os backbone, in particular, the polymer [Os-0(bpy)(CO)(2)](n), (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine), from a mononuclear Os(II) carbonyl precursor, [Os-II(bpy)(CO)(2)Cl-2]. The one-electron-reduced form, [Os-II(bpy(.-))(CO)(2)Cl-2](-), has been characterized spectroscopically at low temperatures. This radical anion is the key intermediate in the electrochemical propagation process responsible for the metal-metal bond formation. Unambiguous spectroscopic evidence has been gained also for the formation of [{Os-0(bpy(.-))(CO)(2)}(-)](n), the electron-rich electrocatalyst of CO2 reduction. The polymer species are fairly well soluble in butyronitrile, which is important for their potential utilization in nanoscience, for example, as conducting molecular wires. We have also shown that complete solubility is accomplished for the monocarbonyl-acetonitrile derivative of the polymer, [Os-0(bpy)(CO)(MeCN)(2)Cl](n).


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[(VO)-O-IV(acac) 2] reacts with the methanol solution of tridentate ONO donor hydrazone ligands (H2L1-4, general abbreviation H2L; are derived from the condensation of benzoyl hydrazine with 2-hydroxyacetophenone and its 5-substituted derivatives) in presence of neutral monodentate alkyl amine bases having stronger basicity than pyridine e. g., ethylamine, diethylamine, triethylamine and piperidine (general abbreviation B) to produce BH+[VO2L] (1-16) complexes. Five of these sixteen complexes are structurally characterized revealing that the vanadium is present in the anionic part of the molecule, [VO2L] in a distorted square pyramidal environment. The complexes 5, 6, 15 and 16 containing two H-atoms associated with the amine-N atom in their cationic part (e. g., diethylammonium and piperidinium ion) are involved in H-bonding with a neighboring molecule resulting in the formation of centrosymmetric dimers while the complex 12 (containing only one hydrogen atom in the cationic part) exhibits normal H-bonding. The nature of the H-bonds in each of the four centrosymmetric dimeric complexes is different. These complexes have potential catalytic activity in the aerial oxidation of L-ascorbic acid and are converted into the [VO(L)(hq)] complexes containing VO3+ motif on reaction with equimolar amount of 8-hydroxyquinoline (Hhq) in methanol.