318 resultados para catabolism


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We explored the CE with Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) electrochemiluminescence detection for the kinetic study of drug-enzyme interaction. Effects of four nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drugs including aspirin, paracetamol, sodium salicylate and phenacetin on prolidase (PLD) activity in erythrocytes were investigated. Aspirin enhanced PLD activity whereas the other three had inhibiting effects. This may reveal their different effects on the collagen biosynthesis and catabolism that influence tumor invasiveness. Kinetic study of paracetamol on PLD showed that the value of Michaelis constant Km for PLD was 1.23 mM. The mechanism of PLD inhibition by paracetamol is noncompetitive inhibition, and the inhibitor constant K-i value obtained in our research was 9.73 x 10(3) mu g/L.


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High resolution H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR) spectroscopy has been employed to assess long-term toxicological effects of ChangLe (a kind of rare earth complex applied in agriculture). Male Wistar rats were administrated orally with ChangLe at doses of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 2.0, 10 and 20 mg/kg body weight daily, respectively, for 6 months. Urine was collected at-day 30, 60, go and serum samples were taken after 6 months. Many low-molecular weight metabolites were identified by H-1 NMR spectra of rat urine. A decrease in citrate and an increase in ketone bodies, creatinine, DMA, DMG, TMAO, and taurine in the urine of the rats. receiving high doses were found by H-1 NMR spectra. These may mean that high-dosage of ChangLe impairs the specific region of liver and kidney, such as renal tubule and mitochondria. The decrease in citrate and the increase in succinate and alpha-ketoglutarate were attributed to a combination of the inhibition of certain citric acid enzymes, renal tubular acidosis and the abnormal fatty acid catabolism. The information of the renal capillary necrosis could be derived from the increase in DMIA, DMG and TMAO. The increase in taurine was due to hepatic mitochondria dysfunction. The conclusions were supported by the results of biochemical measure. merits and enzymatic assay.


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Iain S. Donnison, Donal M. O Sullivan, Ann Thomas, Peter Canter, Beverley Moore, Ian Armstead, Howard Thomas, Keith J. Edwards and Ian P. King (2005). Construction of a Festuca pratensis BAC library for map-based cloning in Festulolium substitution lines. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 110 (5) pp.846-851 Sponsorship: BBSRC;BBSRC RAE2008


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Armstead, I. P., Donnison, I. S., Aubry, S., Harper, J. A., H?rtensteiner, S., James, C. L., Mani, J., Moffet, M., Ougham, H. J., Roberts, L. A., Thomas, A. M., Weeden, N., Thomas, S., King, I. P. (2007). Cross-species identification of Mendel's/locus. Science, 315 (5808), 73. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Petrochemical plastics/polymers are a common feature of day to day living as they occur in packaging, furniture, mobile phones, computers, construction equipment etc. However, these materials are produced from non-renewable materials and are resistant to microbial degradation in the environment. Considerable research has therefore been carried out into the production of sustainable, biodegradable polymers, amenable to microbial catabolism to CO2 and H2O. A key group of microbial polyesters, widely considered as optimal replacement polymers, are the Polyhydroxyalkaonates (PHAs). Primary research in this area has focused on using recombinant pure cultures to optimise PHA yields, however, despite considerable success, the high costs of pure culture fermentation have thus far hindered the commercial viability of PHAs thus produced. In more recent years work has begun to focus on mixed cultures for the optimisation of PHA production, with waste incorporations offering optimal production cost reductions. The scale of dairy processing in Ireland, and the high organic load wastewaters generated, represent an excellent potential substrate for bioconversion to PHAs in a mixed culture system. The current study sought to investigate the potential for such bioconversion in a laboratory scale biological system and to establish key operational and microbial characteristics of same. Two sequencing batch reactors were set up and operated along the lines of an enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) system, which has PHA accumulation as a key step within repeated rounds of anaerobic/aerobic cycling. Influents to the reactors varied only in the carbon sources provided. Reactor 1 received artificial wastewater with acetate alone, which is known to be readily converted to PHA in the anaerobic step of EBPR. Reactor 2 wastewater influent contained acetate and skim milk to imitate a dairy processing effluent. Chemical monitoring of nutrient remediation within the reactors as continuously applied and EBPR consistent performances observed. Qualitative analysis of the sludge was carried out using fluorescence microscopy with Nile Blue A lipophillic stain and PHA production was confirmed in both reactors. Quantitative analysis via HPLC detection of crotonic acid derivatives revealed the fluorescence to be short chain length Polyhydroxybutyrate, with biomass dry weight accumulations of 11% and 13% being observed in reactors 1 and 2, respectively. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for medium chain length methyl ester derivatives revealed the presence of hydroxyoctanoic, -decanoic and -dodecanoic acids in reactor 1. Similar analyses in reactor 2 revealed monomers of 3-hydroxydodecenoic and 3-hydroxytetradecanoic acids. Investigation of the microbial ecology of both reactors as conducted in an attempt to identify key species potentially contributing to reactor performance. Culture dependent investigations indicated that quite different communities were present in both reactors. Reactor 1 isolates demonstrated the following species distributions Pseudomonas (82%), Delftia acidovorans (3%), Acinetobacter sp. (5%) Aminobacter sp., (3%) Bacillus sp. (3%), Thauera sp., (3%) and Cytophaga sp. (3%). Relative species distributions among reactor 2 profiled isolates were more evenly distributed between Pseudoxanthomonas (32%), Thauera sp (24%), Acinetobacter (24%), Citrobacter sp (8%), Lactococcus lactis (5%), Lysinibacillus (5%) and Elizabethkingia (2%). In both reactors Gammaproteobacteria dominated the cultured isolates. Culture independent 16S rRNA gene analyses revealed differing profiles for both reactors. Reactor 1 clone distribution was as follows; Zooglea resiniphila (83%), Zooglea oryzae (2%), Pedobacter composti (5%), Neissericeae sp. (2%) Rhodobacter sp. (2%), Runella defluvii (3%) and Streptococcus sp. (3%). RFLP based species distribution among the reactor 2 clones was as follows; Runella defluvii (50%), Zoogloea oryzae (20%), Flavobacterium sp. (9%), Simplicispira sp. (6%), Uncultured Sphingobacteria sp. (6%), Arcicella (6%) and Leadbetterella bysophila (3%). Betaproteobacteria dominated the 16S rRNA gene clones identified in both reactors. FISH analysis with Nile Blue dual staining resolved these divergent findings, identifying the Betaproteobacteria as dominant PHA accumulators within the reactor sludges, although species/strain specific allocations could not be made. GC analysis of the sludge had indicated the presence of both medium chain length as well short chain length PHAs accumulating in both reactors. In addition the cultured isolates from the reactors had been identified previously as mcl and scl PHA producers, respectively. Characterisations of the PHA monomer profiles of the individual isolates were therefore performed to screen for potential novel scl-mcl PHAs. Nitrogen limitation driven PHA accumulation in E2 minimal media revealed a greater propensity among isoates for mcl-pHA production. HPLC analysis indicated that PHB production was not a major feature of the reactor isolates and this was supported by the low presence of scl phaC1 genes among PCR screened isolates. A high percentage distribution of phaC2 mcl-PHA synthase genes was recorded, with the majority sharing high percentage homology with class II synthases from Pseudomonas sp. The common presence of a phaC2 homologue was not reflected in the production of a common polymer. Considerable variation was noted in both the monomer composition and ratios following GC analysis. While co-polymer production could not be demonstrated, potentially novel synthase substrate specificities were noted which could be exploited further in the future.


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This thesis investigates the mechanisms by which HRG-1 contributes to the invasive and cytoprotective signalling pathways in cancer cells through its effects on VATPase activity and heme transport. Plasma membrane-localised V-ATPase activity correlates with enhanced metastatic potential in cancer cells, which is attributed to extrusion of protons into the extracellular space and activation of pH-sensitive, extracellular matrix degrading-proteases. We found that HRG-1 is co-expressed with the V-ATPase at the plasma membrane of certain aggressive cancer cell types. Modulation of HRG-1 expression altered both the localisation and activity of the VATPase. We also found that HRG-1 enhances trafficking of essential transporters such as the glucose transporter (GLUT-1) in cancer cells, and increases glucose uptake, which is required for cancer cell growth, metabolism and V-ATPase assembly. Heme is potentially cytotoxic, owing to its iron moiety, and therefore the trafficking of heme is tightly controlled in cells. We hypothesised that HRG-1 is required for the transport of heme to intracellular compartments. Importantly, we found that HRG-1 interacts with the heme oxygenases that are necessary for heme catabolism. HRG-1 is also required for trafficking of both heme-bound and nonheme-bound receptors and suppression of HRG-1 results in perturbed receptor trafficking to the lysosome. Suppression of HRG-1 in HeLa cells increases toxic heme accumulation, reactive oxygen species accumulation, and DNA damage resulting in caspasedependent cell death. Mutation of essential heme binding residues in HRG-1 results in decreased heme binding to HRG-1. Interestingly, cells expressing heme-binding HRG-1 mutants exhibit decreased internalisation of the transferrin receptor compared to cells expressing wildtype HRG-1. These findings suggest that HRG- 1/heme trafficking contributes to a hitherto unappreciated aspect of receptormediated endocytosis. Overall, the findings of this thesis show that HRG-1-mediated regulation of intracellular and extracellular pH through V-ATPase activity is essential for a functioning endocytic pathway. This is critical for cells to acquire nutrients such as folate, iron and glucose and to mediate signalling in response to growth factor activation. Thus, HRG-1 facilitates enhanced metabolic activity of cancer cells to enable tumour growth and metastasis.


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Cells have evolved oscillators with different frequencies to coordinate periodic processes. Here we studied the interaction of two oscillators, the cell division cycle (CDC) and the yeast metabolic cycle (YMC), in budding yeast. Previous work suggested that the CDC and YMC interact to separate high oxygen consumption (HOC) from DNA replication to prevent genetic damage. To test this hypothesis, we grew diverse strains in chemostat and measured DNA replication and oxygen consumption with high temporal resolution at different growth rates. Our data showed that HOC is not strictly separated from DNA replication; rather, cell cycle Start is coupled with the initiation of HOC and catabolism of storage carbohydrates. The logic of this YMC-CDC coupling may be to ensure that DNA replication and cell division occur only when sufficient cellular energy reserves have accumulated. Our results also uncovered a quantitative relationship between CDC period and YMC period across different strains. More generally, our approach shows how studies in genetically diverse strains efficiently identify robust phenotypes and steer the experimentalist away from strain-specific idiosyncrasies.


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© 2016 Burnetti et al. Cells have evolved oscillators with different frequencies to coordinate periodic processes. Here we studied the interaction of two oscillators, the cell division cycle (CDC) and the yeast metabolic cycle (YMC), in budding yeast. Previous work suggested that the CDC and YMC interact to separate high oxygen consumption (HOC) from DNA replication to prevent genetic damage. To test this hypothesis, we grew diverse strains in chemostat and measured DNA replication and oxygen consumption with high temporal resolution at different growth rates. Our data showed that HOC is not strictly separated from DNA replication; rather, cell cycle Start is coupled with the initiation of HOC and catabolism of storage carbohydrates. The logic of this YMC-CDC coupling may be to ensure that DNA replication and cell division occur only when sufficient cellular energy reserves have accumulated. Our results also uncovered a quantitative relationship between CDC period and YMC period across different strains. More generally, our approach shows how studies in genetically diverse strains efficiently identify robust phenotypes and steer the experimentalist away from strain-specific idiosyncrasies.


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The 2-wk TLm of stepwise-acclimated Thais lapillus (L.) (>20 mm long) was 14.2–16.2%. salinity (S) at 5, 10, 15, and 20°C. The same TLm occurred at 10 °C after direct transfer of snails to the final salinity but stepwise-acclimated small snails (<20 mm) tolerated a significantly lower salinity (12.7%. S). Oxygen consumption rates () fit the allometric equation . Salinity and temperature had a significant effect on , which was highest at 30%. S and depressed at 17.5%. S and at 5°C. Ammonia excretion rates fit the allometric equation . Both salinity and temperature affected . Ammonia excretion was significantly lower at 17.5 %. S than at higher salinities at 10, 15, and 20°C, but did not vary as a function of salinity at 5°C. Primary amines were lost from snails under all conditions without any obvious relationship with temperature or salinity. Primary-amine loss, expressed as a percentage of , was significantly higher at 17.5 %. S than at higher salinities. Oxygen : nitrogen ratios ranged from 4.2–15.6, indicating protein was the primary metabolic substrate, and were highest at 15 °C and lowest at 5 °C. Snails withstood 89 days starvation without mortality at 10°C. Oxygen consumption of snails declined by 28% during starvation due to a 37% decline in dry weight; consequently, weight-specific respiration rate increased by 17%. The intercept (a) for the allometric equations did not change during starvation. Ammonia excretion increased during starvation, and primary-amine loss increased until Day 21, then declined. Oxygen: nitrogen ratios declined from 14 to 8, indicating an increased catabolism of protein during starvation.


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Analysis of the bacterial population of soil surface samples from a creosote-contaminated site showed that up to 50% of the culturable micro-organisms detected were able to utilise a mixture of cresols. From fifty different microbial isolates fourteen that could utilise more than one cresol isomer were selected and identified by 16S rRNA analysis. Eight isolates were Rhodococcus strains and six were Pseudomonas strains. In general, the Rhodococcus strains exhibited a broader growth substrate range than the Pseudomonas strains. The distribution of various extradiol dioxygenase (edo) genes, previously associated with aromatic compound degradation in rhodococci, was determined for the Rhodococcus strains by PCR detection and Southern-blot hybridization. One strain, Rhodococcus sp. I1 exhibited the broadest growth substrate range and possessed five different edo genes. Gene disruption experiments indicated that two genes (edoC and edoD) were associated with isopropylbenzene and naphthalene catabolism respectively. The other Rhodococcus strains also possessed some of the edo genes and one (edoB) was present in all of the Rhodococcus strains analysed. None of the rhodococcal edo genes analysed were present in the Pseudomonas strains isolated from the site. It was concluded that individual strains of Rhodococcus possess a wide degradative ability and may be very important in the degradation of complex mixtures of substrates found in creosote.


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Pseudomonas putida KT2440 is the only fully sequenced P. putida strain. Thus, for transcriptomics and proteomics studies with other P. putida strains, the P. putida KT2440 genomic database serves as standard reference. The utility of KT2440 whole-genome, high-density oligonucleotide microarrays for transcriptomics studies of other Pseudomonas strains was investigated. To this end, microarray hybridizations were performed with genomic DNAs of subcultures of P. putida KT2440 (DSM6125), the type strain (DSM291(T)), plasmid pWW0-containing KT2440-derivative strain mt-2 (DSM3931), the solvent-tolerant P. putida S12, and several other Pseudomonas strains. Depending on the strain tested, 22 to 99% of all genetic elements were identified in the genomic DNAs. The efficacy of these microarrays to study cellular function was determined for all strains included in the study. The vast majority of DSM6125 genes encoding proteins of primary metabolism and genes involved in the catabolism of aromatic compounds were identified in the genomic DNA of strain S12: a prerequisite for reliable transcriptomics analyses. The genomotypic comparisons between Pseudomonas strains were used to construct highly discriminative phylogenetic relationships. DSM6125 and DSM3931 were indistinguishable and clustered together with strain S12 in a separate group, distinct from DSM291(T). Pseudomonas monteilii (DSM14164) clustered well with P. putida strains.


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The bacterium Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064, isolated from an industrial site, could use a wide range of 1-haloalkanes as sole carbon source but apparently utilized several different mechanisms simultaneously for assimilation of substrate. Catabolism of 1-chlorobutane occurred mainly by attack at the C-1 atom by a hydrolytic dehalogenase with the formation of butanol which was metabolized via butyric acid. The detection of small amounts of gamma-butyrolactone in the medium suggested that some oxygenase attack at C-4 also occurred, leading to the formation of 4-chlorobutyric acid which subsequently lactonized chemically to gamma-butyrolactone. Although 1-chlorobutane-grown cells exhibited little dehalogenase activity on 1-chloroalkanes with chain lengths above C-10, the organism utilized such compounds as growth substrates with the release of chloride. Concomitantly, gamma-butyrolactone accumulated to 1 mM in the culture medium with 1-chlorohexadecane as substrate. Traces of 4-hydroxybutyric acid were also detected. It is suggested that attack on the long-chain chloroalkane is initiated by an oxygenase at the non-halogenated end of the molecule leading to the formation of an omega-chlorofatty acid. This is degraded by beta-oxidation to 4-chlorobutyric acid which is chemically lactonized to gamma-butyrolactone which is only slowly further catabolized via 4-hydroxybutyric acid and succinic acid. However, release of chloride into the medium during growth on long-chain chloroalkanes was insufficient to account for all the halogen present in the substrate. Analysis of the fatty acid composition of 1-chlorohexadecane-grown cells indicated that chlorofatty acids comprised 75% of the total fatty acid content with C-14:0, C-16:0, C-16:1, and C-18:1 acids predominating. Thus the incorporation of 16-chlorohexadecanoic acid, the product of oxygenase attack directly into cellular lipid represents a third route of chloroalkane assimilation. This pathway accounts at least in part for the incomplete mineralization of long-chain chloroalkane substrates. This is the first report of the coexistence of a dehalogenase and the ability to incorporate long-chain haloalkanes into the lipid fraction within a single organism and raises important questions regarding the biological treatment of haloalkane containing effluents.


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Vitamin B-6 deficiency causes mild elevation in plasma homocysteine, but the mechanism has not been clearly established. Serine is a substrate in one-carbon metabolism and in the transsulfuration pathway of homocysteine catabolism, and pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) plays a key role as coenzyme for serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) and enzymes of transsulfuration. In this study we used [H-2(3)]serine as a primary tracer to examine the remethylation pathway in adequately nourished and vitamin B-6-deficient rats pi and 0.1 mg pyridoxine (PN)/kg diet]. [H-2(3)]Leucine and [1-C-13]methionine were also used to examine turnover of protein and methionine pools, respectively, All tracers were injected intraperitoneally as a bolus dose, and then rats were killed (n = 4/time point) after 30, 60 and 120 min. Rats fed the low-PN diet had significantly lower growth and plasma and liver PLP concentrations, reduced liver SHMT activity, greater plasma and liver total homocysteine concentration, and reduced liver S-adenosylmethionine concentration. Hepatic and whole body protein turnover were reduced in vitamin B-6-deficient rats as evidenced by greater isotopic enrichment of [H-2(3)]leucine. Hepatic [H-2(2)]methionine production from [H-2(3)]serine via cytosolic SHMT and the remethylation pathway was reduced by 80.6% in vitamin B-6 deficiency. The deficiency did not significantly reduce hepatic cystathionine-beta-synthase activity, and in vivo hepatic transsulfuration flux shown by production of [H-2(3)]cysteine from the [H-2(3)]serine increased over twofold. In contrast, plasma appearance of [H-2(3)]cysteine was decreased by 89% in vitamin B-6 deficiency. The rate of hepatic homocysteine production shown by the ratio of [1-C-13]homocysteine/[1-C-13]methionine areas under enrichment vs. time curves was not affected by vitamin B-6 deficiency. Overall, these results indicate that vitamin B-6 deficiency substantially affects one-carbon metabolism by impairing both methyl group production for homocysteine remethylation and flux through whole-body transsulfuration.


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UDP-galactose 4'-epimerase (GALE) catalyzes the interconversion of UDP-galactose and UDP-glucose, an important step in galactose catabolism. Type III galactosemia, an inherited metabolic disease, is associated with mutations in human GALE. The V94M mutation has been associated with a very severe form of type III galactosemia. While a variety of structural and biochemical studies have been reported that elucidate differences between the wildtype and this mutant form of human GALE, little is known about the dynamics of the protein and how mutations influence structure and function. We performed molecular dynamics simulations on the wildtype and V94M enzyme in different states of substrate and cofactor binding. In the mutant, the average distance between the substrate and both a key catalytic residue (Tyr157) and the enzyme-bound NAD(+) cofactor and the active site dynamics are altered making substrate binding slightly less stable. However, overall stability or dynamics of the protein is not altered. This is consistent with experimental findings that the impact is largely on the turnover number (kcat), with less substantial effects on Km. Active site fluctuations were found to be correlated in enzyme with substrate bound to just one of the subunits in the homodimer suggesting inter-subunit communication. Greater active site loop mobility in human GALE compared to the equivalent loop in Escherichia coli GALE explains why the former can catalyze the interconversion of UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine while the bacterial enzyme cannot. This work illuminates molecular mechanisms of disease and may inform the design of small molecule therapies for type III galactosemia.


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The host genotype has been proposed to contribute to individually composed bacterial communities in the gut. To provide deeper insight into interactions between gut bacteria and host, we associated germ-free C3H and C57BL/10 mice with intestinal bacteria from a C57BL/10 donor mouse. Analysis of microbiota similarity between the animals with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed the development of a mouse strain-specific microbiota. Microarray-based gene expression analysis in the colonic mucosa identified 202 genes whose expression differed significantly by a factor of more than 2. Application of bioinformatics tools demonstrated that functional terms including signaling/secretion, lipid degradation/catabolism, guanine nucleotide/guanylate binding and immune response were significantly enriched in differentially expressed genes. We had a closer look at the 56 genes with expression differences of more than 4 and observed a higher expression in C57BL/10 mice of the genes coding for Tlr1 and Ang4 which are involved in the recognition and response to gut bacteria. A higher expression of Pla2g2a was detected in C3H mice. In addition, a number of interferon-inducible genes were higher expressed in C3H than in C57BL/10 mice including Gbp1, Mal, Oasl2, Ifi202b, Rtp4, Ly6g6c, Ifi27l2a, Usp18, Ifit1, Ifi44, and Ly6g indicating that interferons may play an essential role in microbiota regulation. However, genes coding for interferons, their receptors, factors involved in interferon expression regulation or signaling pathways were not differentially expressed between the two mouse strains. Taken together, our study confirms that the host genotype is involved in the establishment of host-specific bacterial communities in the gut. Based on expression differences after colonization with the same bacterial inoculum, we propose that Pla2g2a and interferon-dependent genes may contribute to this phenomenon.