177 resultados para carrion


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This study examines the ecology of a population of Geoffroy's side-necked turtle Phrynops geoffroanus inhabiting a polluted urban river in Ribeirão Preto city, São Paulo state, south-eastern Brazil. Adult turtles fed mainly on Chironomidae larvae and pupae (Chironomus cf. plumosus, 100% of occurrence frequency) and domestic waste, but they also consumed terrestrial items (cockroach, snails) and carrion. Juvenile turtles showed more feeding diversity than the adults and exhibited a trend for predation on Chironomidae pupae, but this is not reflected in resource partitioning. The elevated number of turtles (170-230 turtles/ha of river) and biomass (255-345 kg/ha of river) inhabiting this urban river is probably the result of the abundance of sewage and organic waste produced by humans, the absence of predators, and increased availability of nesting areas. Such factors convert this area into an environment highly advantageous for the survival of Geoffroy's side-necked turtle.


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This paper describes the UNESP robotic team in the medical trash collector task, proposed on the 5 rd IEEE Latin American Robots Competition in the LEGO category. We present our understanding of the task and discuss the proposed solution, focusing on the mechanical and computational issues of the robots. The mechanics is based on rigid body capability of transforming rotational into curvilinear movement. With respect to the computational control, the system is modeled as a reactive system with sequential transition of behaviors. A state-machine is proposed to allow this transition, and the synchronization of robotic states is guaranteed by the communication system. The proposed approach has shown itself capable of dealing with the high difficulty degree of this cooperative task. ©2006 IEEE.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho a visou estudar o desenvolvimento da sucessão da entomofauna em carcaças de porcos e a influência do tamanho da carcaça sobre esta sucessão, verificando quais espécies são de potencial interesse forense para a região amazônica, com ênfase nas espécies de dípteros da família Calliphoridae. Quatro porcos mortos foram expostos em uma área urbana de Belém, tendo-se realizado coletas diárias de insetos adultos e larvas. As larvas foram criadas até a emergência dos adultos com a finalidade de verificar quais espécies utilizaram as carcaças como substrato de oviposição. Dados de desenvolvimento ovariano em fêmeas de califorídeos indicava o tipo de utilização da carcaça (alimentação e/ ou oviposição). Um total de 195.940 artrópodes foram coletados sobre as carcaças, sendo os mais abundantes os das ordens Diptera 98,20% e Coleoptera (1,23%). Dos 192.416 dípteros coletados, as famílias mais abundantes foram Calliphoridae (10,96%), Muscidae (17,91%) e Sarcophagidae (10,79%). Foi verificado o padrão de sucessão entomológica que ocorre em carcaças da região metropolitana de Belém do Pará, na qual a família Calliphoridae é a primeira a chegar, sendo seguida por Sarcophagidae, Muscidae e Stratiomiidae; após estes, a família Phoridae é a mais freqüentemente vista. Por fim, os coleópteros são detectados nos últimos dias da decomposição. O tamanho da carcaça foi um fator que influenciou na abundância dos insetos decompositores coletados e criados, mas não na sucessão entomológica, nem na diversidade, na composição ou na riqueza de táxons dos insetos decompositores. Os estágios de decomposição observados foram ajustados à classificação de Bornemissza (1957), obteve-se assim uma caracterização dos estágios de decomposição para a região de Belém do Pará. O processo de decomposição neste caso ocorreu mais rapidamente que os relatados em trabalhos feitos em outras regiões. As espécies exóticas do gênero Chrysomya estão predominando na fauna de dípteros e causando uma exclusão das espécies nativas colonizadoras de carcaças. Os estágios classificados como Putrefação e putrefação escura parecem ser os mais atrativos às espécies da família Calliphoridae. A análise de desenvolvimento ovariano indicou que grande parte das fêmeas de califorídeos parecem estar procurando preferencialmente pequenas carcaças para realizar oviposição. Através dos resultados da análise de desenvolvimento e de criação larva' concluímos que as espécies que podem contribuir para estudos de entomologia forense são: Chrysomya albiceps, Chrysomya megacephala, Chrysomya pularia, Lucilia eximia e Hemilucilia segmentaria.


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The saccadic paradigm has been used to investigate specific cortical networks involving visuospatial attention. We examined whether asymmetry in theta and beta band differentiates the role of the hemispheres during the execution of two different prosacadic conditions: a fixed condition, where the stimulus was presented at the same location; and a random condition, where the stimulus was unpredictable. Twelve healthy volunteers (3 male; mean age: 26.25) performed the task while their brain activity pattern was recorded using quantitative electroencephalography. We did not find any significant difference for beta, slow- and fast-alpha frequencies for the pairs of electrodes analyzed. The results for theta band showed a superiority of the left hemisphere in the frontal region when responding to the random condition on the right, which is related to the planning and selection of responses, and also a greater activation of the right hemisphere during the random condition, in the occipital region, related to the identification and recognition of patterns. These results indicate that asymmetries in the premotor area and the occipital cortex differentiate memory- and stimulus-driven tasks. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The 3rd Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference was held in Florence, Italy, April 14-18, 2012 and this year had as its emphasis, "The Globalization of Research". Student travel awardees served as rapporteurs for each oral session and focused their summaries on the most significant findings that emerged and the discussions that followed. The following report is a composite of these summaries. We hope that it will provide an overview for those who were present, but could not participate in all sessions, and those who did not have the opportunity to attend, but who would be interested in an update on current investigations ongoing in the field of schizophrenia research. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study aimed at analyzing the relationship between slow- and fast-alpha asymmetry within frontal cortex and the planning, execution and voluntary control of saccadic eye movements (SEM), and quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) was recorded using a 20-channel EEG system in 12 healthy participants performing a fixed (i.e., memory-driven) and a random SEM (i.e., stimulus-driven) condition. We find main effects for SEM condition in slow- and fast-alpha asymmetry at electrodes F3-F4, which are located over premotor cortex, specifically a negative asymmetry between conditions. When analyzing electrodes F7-F8, which are located over prefrontal cortex, we found a main effect for condition in slow-alpha asymmetry, particularly a positive asymmetry between conditions. In conclusion, the present approach supports the association of slow- and fast-alpha bands with the planning and preparation of SEM, and the specific role of these sub-bands for both, the attention network and the coordination and integration of sensory information with a (oculo)-motor response. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: A possible viral etiology has been documented in the genesis of motor neuron disorders and acquired peripheral neuropathies, mainly due to the vulnerability of peripheral nerves and the anterior horn to certain viruses. In recent years, several reports show association of HIV infection with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Syndrome, Motor Neuron Diseases and peripheral neuropathies. Objective: To report a case of an association between Motor Neuron Disease and Acquired Axonal neuropathy in HIV infection, and describe the findings of neurological examination, cerebrospinal fluid, neuroimaging and electrophysiology. Methods: The patient underwent neurological examination. General medical examinations were performed, including, specific neuromuscular tests, analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, muscle biopsy and imaging studies. Results and Discussion: The initial clinical presentation of our case was marked by cramps and fasciculations with posterior distal paresis and atrophy in the left arm. We found electromyography tracings with deficits in the anterior horn of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Dysphagia and release of primitive reflexes were also identified. At the same time, the patient was informed to be HIV positive with high viral load. He received antiretroviral therapy, with load control but with no clinical remission. Conclusion: Motor Neuron disorders and peripheral neuropathy may occur in association with HIV infection. However, a causal relationship remains uncertain. It is noteworthy that the antiretroviral regimen may be implicated in some cases.


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Background The reduction in the amount of food available for European avian scavengers as a consequence of restrictive public health policies is a concern for managers and conservationists. Since 2002, the application of several sanitary regulations has limited the availability of feeding resources provided by domestic carcasses, but theoretical studies assessing whether the availability of food resources provided by wild ungulates are enough to cover energetic requirements are lacking. Methodology/Findings We assessed food provided by a wild ungulate population in two areas of NE Spain inhabited by three vulture species and developed a P System computational model to assess the effects of the carrion resources provided on their population dynamics. We compared the real population trend with to a hypothetical scenario in which only food provided by wild ungulates was available. Simulation testing of the model suggests that wild ungulates constitute an important food resource in the Pyrenees and the vulture population inhabiting this area could grow if only the food provided by wild ungulates would be available. On the contrary, in the Pre-Pyrenees there is insufficient food to cover the energy requirements of avian scavenger guilds, declining sharply if biomass from domestic animals would not be available. Conclusions/Significance Our results suggest that public health legislation can modify scavenger population trends if a large number of domestic ungulate carcasses disappear from the mountains. In this case, food provided by wild ungulates could be not enough and supplementary feeding could be necessary if other alternative food resources are not available (i.e. the reintroduction of wild ungulates), preferably in European Mediterranean scenarios sharing similar and socio-economic conditions where there are low densities of wild ungulates. Managers should anticipate the conservation actions required by assessing food availability and the possible scenarios in order to make the most suitable decisions.


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Coproscopic examination of 505 dogs originating from the western or central part of Switzerland revealed the presence (prevalence data) of the following helminthes: Toxocara canis (7.1%), hookworms (6.9%), Trichuris vulpis (5.5%), Toxascaris leonina (1.3%), Taeniidae (1.3%), Capillaria spp. (0.8%), and Diphyllobothrium latum (0.4%). Potential risk factors for infection were identified by a questionnaire: dogs from rural areas significantly more often had hookworms and taeniid eggs in their feces when compared to urban family dogs. Access to small rodents, offal, and carrion was identified as risk factor for hookworm and Taeniidae, while feeding of fresh and uncooked meat did not result in higher prevalences for these helminths. A group of 111 dogs was treated every 3 months with a combined medication of pyrantel embonate, praziquantel, and febantel, and fecal samples were collected for coproscopy in monthly intervals. Despite treatment, the yearly incidence of T. canis was 32%, while hookworms, T. vulpis, Capillaria spp., and Taeniidae reached incidences ranging from 11 to 22%. Fifty-seven percent of the 111 dogs had helminth eggs in their feces at least once during the 1-year study period. This finding implicates that an infection risk with potential zoonotic pathogens cannot be ruled out for the dog owner despite regular deworming four times a year.


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Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography (DOCT) is a biomedical imaging technique that allows simultaneous structural imaging and flow monitoring inside biological tissues and materials with spatial resolution in the micrometer scale. It has recently been applied to the characterization of microfluidic systems. Structural and flow imaging of novel microfluidics platforms for cytotoxicologic applications were obtained with a real-time, Near Infrared Spectral Domain DOCT system. Characteristics such as flow homogeneity in the chamber, which is one of the most important parameters for cell culture, are investigated. OCT and DOCT images were used to monitor flow inside a specific platform that is based on microchannel division for a better flow homogeneity. In particular, the evolution of flow profile at the transition between the microchannel structure and the chamber is studied.