900 resultados para campilobacteriose genital bovina


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El sistema integrado agrícola - ganadero (IAG) enmarcado bajo siembra directa (SD) presentaría ventajas relacionadas a la incorporación de carbono orgánico (CO) al suelo y a la diversificación previniendo diferentes escenarios climáticos y coyunturales. Sin embargo, la presencia del ganado en estos sistemas implica una potencial condición de compactación del suelo durante el pastoreo invernal de residuos de cosecha durante la fase agrícola. Por ello se analizaron los camios de las variables físicas consecuencia del pisoteo del ganado en diferentes escalas de percepción en suelos de la Región Pampeana Norte. A escala regional no se observaron diferencias en el stock de carbono entre el sistema agrícola continuo (AC) bajo SD respecto de los IAG en SD, siendo la resistencia a la penetración (RP) la única variable que permitió diferenciar entre los sistemas hasta los 0.075 m (IAG mayor a AC). El análisis de la dinámica de las variables físicas a escala lote, comparando parcelas pastoreadas (P) y no pastoreadas (NP), permitió observar la ausencia de efectos perjudiciales del pastoreo, siendo las fuerzas de resiliencia del suelo durante ese período superiores a las fuerzas exógenas al mismo. Por otro lado, la presencia de raíces vivas de los cultivos (maíz y soja) contribuyeron positivamente a la estructura del suelo, siendo el efecto de la operación de cosecha la que llevó a procesos de compactación. En particular, el análisis de la densidad aparente (DA) permitió descubrir la existencia de procesos de expansión originadas por la presión de aire entrampado mediante la existencia de poaching o amasado del suelo. A microescala, se evaluaron las curbas de contracción (CC), bajo diferentes manejos, el cuasi - prístino (CP) presentó las mejores características estructurales respecto de los AC e IAG. En el ensayo de simulación de pisada con diferentes contenidos hídricos (CH), se presentó una interacción entre CH y del CO del suelo. Finalmente, se compararon las CC obtenidas de IAG., en parcelas P y NP, de campo y laboratorio, cuyas curvas se separaban en las zonas de saturación hídrica, dando lugar a una fase denominada expansión interpedal. En general, se concluye que los IAG no presentaron un daño estructural que no permita su desarrollo, diversificando los productos ofrecidos y la estabilidad que esto provee.


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Langerhans cells (LCs) are dendritic cells (DCs) localized in stratified epithelia, such as those overlaying skin, buccal mucosa, and vagina. The contribution of LCs to the promotion or control of immunity initiated at epithelial sites remains debated. We report in this paper that an immunogen comprising OVA linked to the B subunit of cholera toxin, used as delivery vector, was efficient to generate CTLs after vaginal immunization. Using Lang-EGFP mice, we evaluated the contribution of distinct DC subsets to the generation of CD4 and CD8 T cell responses. We demonstrate that the vaginal epithelium, unlike the skin epidermis, includes a minor population of LCs and a major subset of langerin(-) DCs. Intravaginally administered Ag is taken up by LCs and langerin(-) DCs and carried up to draining lymph nodes, where both subsets prime CD8 T cells, unlike blood-derived DCs, although with distinct capabilities. LCs prime CD8 T cells with a cytokine profile dominated by IL-17, whereas Lang(-) DCs induce IFN-gamma-producing T cells. Using Lang-DTR-EGFP mice to ensure a transient ablation of LCs, we found that these cells not only are dispensable for the generation of genital CTL responses but also downregulate these responses, by a mechanism that may involve IL-10 and IL-17 cytokines. This finding has implications for the development of mucosal vaccines and immunotherapeutic strategies designed for the targeting of DCs.


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Neste trabalho foram estudadas as interacções entre Mycobacterium bovis e células hospedeiras, na perspectiva de aplicar os conhecimentos resultantes desse estudo ao melhoramento do diagnóstico da tuberculose bovina. Foi estudada a dinâmica da infecção de células fagocíticas com estirpes de M. bovis, com ênfase para a invasão e multiplicação intracelular das micobactérias. Avaliações efectuadas por citometria de fluxo, microscopia de fluorescência e contagem de colónias demonstraram que as micobactérias invadiram e replicaram em todos os modelos celulares, sendo que as células epiteliais de pulmão de bovino foram as mais permissivas ao seu crescimento. Foi nas células macrofágicas J774 e THP-1 que se verificaram as maiores concentrações micobacterianas, pelo que foram utilizadas para a detecção e identificação de M. bovis por um método molecular. A optimização da extracção de DNA, por um processo mecânico, e o desenvolvimento do método de PCR-RFLP baseado no gene gyrB, com controlo interno, permitiram a identificação de M. bovis. A sensibilidade deste método foi de 100% quando aplicado a estirpes isoladas e apenas de 40% quando utilizado directamente em amostras de macerados de tecidos de bovinos com tuberculose. Uma pré-incubação (3 dias) das amostras nas culturas celulares contribuiu para melhorar significativamente a sensibilidade (77%) do PCR-RFLP gyrB. A cultura celular, como matriz a ser utilizada para aumentar a quantidade de M. bovis presente em amostras biológicas, revela-se um método promissor para o diagnóstico laboratorial rápido, específico e sensível da tuberculose bovina. ### - Summary - Interactions between Mycobacterium bovis and host cells were studied with the purpose to apply the outcome knowledge in the improvement of bovine tuberculosis diagnosis. The dynamic of infection of four cell models with three strains of M. bovis was evaluated, with emphasis given to the invasion and intracellular multiplication of mycobacteria. Assessments by flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy and colony counting showed that every cell models permitted the replication of mycobacteria, although bovine lung epithelial cells had been the most permissive one. The highest mycobacteria) load was found, however, in J774 and THP-1 macrophages, and hence these cells were used for the optimization of a molecular method for detection and identification of M. bovis. The optimisation of a DNA extraction step, by a mechanical process, and the development of PCR-RFLP based on gyrB gene, with an internal control, allowed the identification of M. bovis. The sensitivity of this method was 100% when applied to isolated strains and only 40% when directly used on samples of macerated of tissues from cattle with tuberculosis. Assays in which a pre-incubation step (three days) of biological samples in cell cultures was introduced significantly improved the sensitivity (77%) of the gyrB PCR-RFLP. Cell cultures as a support for growth and rapid isolation of M. bovis is a promising method for the specific, sensitive and rapid laboratorial diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis.


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QUESTION UNDER STUDY: To evaluate the situation of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Switzerland. METHODS: Through a questionnaire, Swiss gynaecologists were asked if they have been confronted to FGMs, if they have been asked to perform infibulations and FGMs. The health representatives (Kantonsärzte/médecins cantonaux) were interviewed on FGM activity at the Canton level. Swiss Medical Schools were asked if FGM was included in the pregraduate curriculum, and an estimated prevalence rate for FGMs in Switzerland was gathered. RESULTS: Among Swiss gynaecologists, 20% reported having been confronted with patients presenting with FGM and among them 40% had been asked about reinfibulation. Gynaecologists are occasionally asked about the possibility of performing FGMs in Switzerland. No activity concerning FGM is reported by health authorities in the Cantons. Teaching about FGM is not included in the curriculum of any of the Swiss medical schools. Approximately 6,700 girls at risk and women who have undergone FGM live in Switzerland. CONCLUSION: The extent to which gynaecologists are confronted to women with FGM may justify further action to try to better understand the situation in Switzerland. Improvement of care by better education of health care providers (guidelines) and prevention of new cases by women's education should also be considered.


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Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma spp. may colonize the human genital tract and have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm labour and preterm premature rupture of membranes. However, as these bacteria can reside in the normal vaginal flora, there are controversies regarding their true role during pregnancy and so the need to treat these organisms. We therefore conducted a retrospective analysis to evaluate the treatment of genital mycoplasma in 5377 pregnant patients showing symptoms of potential obstetric complications at 25-37 weeks of gestation. Women presenting with symptoms were routinely screened by culture for the presence of these bacteria and treated with clindamycin when positive. Compared with uninfected untreated patients, women treated for genital mycoplasma demonstrated lower rates of premature labour. Indeed preterm birth rates were, respectively, 40.9% and 37.7% in women colonized with Ureaplasma spp. and M. hominis, compared with 44.1% in uncolonized women (Ureaplasma spp., p 0.024; M. hominis, p 0.001). Moreover, a reduction of neonatal complications rates was observed, with 10.9% of newborns developing respiratory diseases in case of Ureaplasma spp. colonization and 5.9% in the presence of M. hominis, compared with 12.8% in the absence of those bacteria (Ureaplasma spp., p 0.050; M. hominis, p <0.001). Microbiological screening of Ureaplasma spp. and/or M. hominis and pre-emptive antibiotic therapy of symptomatic pregnant women in late pregnancy might represent a beneficial strategy to reduce premature labour and neonatal complications.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Producción Animal) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética) U.A.N.L. Facultad de Medicina 2006.


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Tesis ( Maestro en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética) U.A.N.L.