964 resultados para brain computer interface


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Effective interaction with personal computers is a basic requirement for many of the functions that are performed in our daily lives. With the rapid emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web, computers have become one of the premier means of communication in our society. Unfortunately, these advances have not become equally accessible to physically handicapped individuals. In reality, a significant number of individuals with severe motor disabilities, due to a variety of causes such as Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Amyothrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), etc., may not be able to utilize the computer mouse as a vital input device for computer interaction. The purpose of this research was to further develop and improve an existing alternative input device for computer cursor control to be used by individuals with severe motor disabilities. This thesis describes the development and the underlying principle for a practical hands-off human-computer interface based on Electromyogram (EMG) signals and Eye Gaze Tracking (EGT) technology compatible with the Microsoft Windows operating system (OS). Results of the software developed in this thesis show a significant improvement in the performance and usability of the EMG/EGT cursor control HCI.


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The use of human brain electroencephalography (EEG) signals for automatic person identi cation has been investigated for a decade. It has been found that the performance of an EEG-based person identication system highly depends on what feature to be extracted from multi-channel EEG signals. Linear methods such as Power Spectral Density and Autoregressive Model have been used to extract EEG features. However these methods assumed that EEG signals are stationary. In fact, EEG signals are complex, non-linear, non-stationary, and random in nature. In addition, other factors such as brain condition or human characteristics may have impacts on the performance, however these factors have not been investigated and evaluated in previous studies. It has been found in the literature that entropy is used to measure the randomness of non-linear time series data. Entropy is also used to measure the level of chaos of braincomputer interface systems. Therefore, this thesis proposes to study the role of entropy in non-linear analysis of EEG signals to discover new features for EEG-based person identi- cation. Five dierent entropy methods including Shannon Entropy, Approximate Entropy, Sample Entropy, Spectral Entropy, and Conditional Entropy have been proposed to extract entropy features that are used to evaluate the performance of EEG-based person identication systems and the impacts of epilepsy, alcohol, age and gender characteristics on these systems. Experiments were performed on the Australian EEG and Alcoholism datasets. Experimental results have shown that, in most cases, the proposed entropy features yield very fast person identication, yet with compatible accuracy because the feature dimension is low. In real life security operation, timely response is critical. The experimental results have also shown that epilepsy, alcohol, age and gender characteristics have impacts on the EEG-based person identication systems.


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One of the challenges to biomedical engineers proposed by researchers in neuroscience is brain machine interaction. The nervous system communicates by interpreting electrochemical signals, and implantable circuits make decisions in order to interact with the biological environment. It is well known that Parkinson’s disease is related to a deficit of dopamine (DA). Different methods has been employed to control dopamine concentration like magnetic or electrical stimulators or drugs. In this work was automatically controlled the neurotransmitter concentration since this is not currently employed. To do that, four systems were designed and developed: deep brain stimulation (DBS), transmagnetic stimulation (TMS), Infusion Pump Control (IPC) for drug delivery, and fast scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) (sensing circuits which detect varying concentrations of neurotransmitters like dopamine caused by these stimulations). Some softwares also were developed for data display and analysis in synchronously with current events in the experiments. This allowed the use of infusion pumps and their flexibility is such that DBS or TMS can be used in single mode and other stimulation techniques and combinations like lights, sounds, etc. The developed system allows to control automatically the concentration of DA. The resolution of the system is around 0.4 µmol/L with time correction of concentration adjustable between 1 and 90 seconds. The system allows controlling DA concentrations between 1 and 10 µmol/L, with an error about +/- 0.8 µmol/L. Although designed to control DA concentration, the system can be used to control, the concentration of other substances. It is proposed to continue the closed loop development with FSCV and DBS (or TMS, or infusion) using parkinsonian animals models.


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High-throughput screening of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions brings important perspectives in the Systems Biology field, as the analysis of these interactions provides new insights into protein/gene function, cellular metabolic variations and the validation of therapeutic targets and drug design. However, such analysis depends on a pipeline connecting different tools that can automatically integrate data from diverse sources and result in a more comprehensive dataset that can be properly interpreted. We describe here the Integrated Interactome System (IIS), an integrative platform with a web-based interface for the annotation, analysis and visualization of the interaction profiles of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest. IIS works in four connected modules: (i) Submission module, which receives raw data derived from Sanger sequencing (e.g. two-hybrid system); (ii) Search module, which enables the user to search for the processed reads to be assembled into contigs/singlets, or for lists of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest, and add them to the project; (iii) Annotation module, which assigns annotations from several databases for the contigs/singlets or lists of proteins/genes, generating tables with automatic annotation that can be manually curated; and (iv) Interactome module, which maps the contigs/singlets or the uploaded lists to entries in our integrated database, building networks that gather novel identified interactions, protein and metabolite expression/concentration levels, subcellular localization and computed topological metrics, GO biological processes and KEGG pathways enrichment. This module generates a XGMML file that can be imported into Cytoscape or be visualized directly on the web. We have developed IIS by the integration of diverse databases following the need of appropriate tools for a systematic analysis of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions. IIS was validated with yeast two-hybrid, proteomics and metabolomics datasets, but it is also extendable to other datasets. IIS is freely available online at: http://www.lge.ibi.unicamp.br/lnbio/IIS/.


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Os avanços nas Interfaces Cérebro-máquina, resultantes dos avanços no tratamento de sinal e da inteligência artificial, estão a permitir-nos aceder à atividade cerebral, descodificá-la, e usála para comandar dispositivos, sejam eles braços artificiais ou computadores. Isto é muito mais importante quando os utilizadores são pessoas que perderam a capacidade de comunicar, embora mantenham as suas capacidades cognitivas intactas. O caso mais extremo desta situação é o das pessoas afetadas pela Síndrome de Encarceramento. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas afetadas por esta síndrome, disponibilizando-lhes um meio de comunicação adaptado às suas limitações. É essencialmente um estudo de usabilidade aplicada a um tipo de utilizador extremamente diminuído na sua capacidade de interação. Nesta investigação começamos por compreender a Síndrome de Encarceramento e as limitações e capacidades das pessoas afetadas por ela. Abordamos a neuroplasticidade, o que é, e em que medida é importante para a utilização das Interfaces Cérebro-máquina. Analisamos o funcionamento destas interfaces, e os fundamentos científicos que o suportam. Finalmente, com todo este conhecimento em mãos, investigamos e desenvolvemos métodos que nos permitissem otimizar as limitadas capacidades do utilizador na sua interação com o sistema, minimizando o esforço e maximizando o desempenho. Foi para o efeito desenhado e implementado um protótipo que nos permitisse validar as soluções encontradas.


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O tema “Plataforma smartphone para biossensores de Espectroscopia de Infravermelho Próximo”, surge no âmbito da instrumentação médica, na área das BCI – Brain Computer Interfaces, devido à necessidade de encontrar um dispositivo portátil, de custo acessível e elevada performance que permita obter informação acerca da actividade neuronal do córtex motor no decorrer duma determinada tarefa. O objectivo do trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento duma sonda capaz de detectar as alterações hemodinâmicas que ocorrem no córtex, bem como toda a instrumentação inerente à aquisição do sinal e transmissão dos dados para um computador, a análise dos dados e por fim o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação em Android para visualização dos resultados. Foi desenvolvida uma banda para a cabeça, composta pela sonda NIRS: LEDs (Light-Emiting Diodes) de 940nm e 660nm e os respectivos fototransístores de detecção, bem como toda a electrónica de condicionamento do sinal captado. Num módulo à parte, alimentado por duas baterias de 9V, encontram-se os circuitos electrónicos onde é possível regular ganhos de amplificação e offsets. Os dados foram adquiridos pelo microcontrolador Arduíno Uno, usando uma taxa de amostragem de 50Hz em cada um dos dois canais utilizados. O controlo do Arduíno foi feito utilizando o LabVIEW. Para o processamento dos dados, visualização e cálculo das concentrações de oxi e desoxi-hemoglobina no sangue recorreu-se ao Matlab. O sistema foi calibrado com recurso a um oxímetro de pulso clínico usado em cinco indivíduos saudáveis. Finalmente o sistema foi testado ao colocar-se o sensor NIRS sobre o córtex motor esquerdo de nove indivíduos saudáveis destros, fazendo-se uma aquisição de dados durante dois minutos. Utilizou-se um paradigma de 10s de repouso seguido de 10s a abrir e fechar a mão. O sistema NIRS conseguiu medir as alterações que ocorrem nas concentrações de oxi e desoxi-hemoglobina devido à actividade motora de abrir e fechar a mão. Dado o princípio físico ser o mesmo do dos oxímetros convencionais, conseguiu-se ainda medir com sucesso a frequência cardíaca e a saturação percentual de oxigénio após a calibração do sensor. As medidas podem ser visualizadas numa aplicação desenvolvida para o Android. Os resultados sugerem que com esta abordagem, este tipo de dispositivo pode estar disponível a baixo custo quer para doentes quer para indivíduos saudáveis, por exemplo em aplicações de telemóvel.


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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a major disease affecting nearly 280 million people worldwide. Whilst the pathophysiological mechanisms leading to disease are poorly understood, dysfunction of the insulin-producing pancreatic beta-cells is key event for disease development. Monitoring the gene expression profiles of pancreatic beta-cells under several genetic or chemical perturbations has shed light on genes and pathways involved in T2DM. The EuroDia database has been established to build a unique collection of gene expression measurements performed on beta-cells of three organisms, namely human, mouse and rat. The Gene Expression Data Analysis Interface (GEDAI) has been developed to support this database. The quality of each dataset is assessed by a series of quality control procedures to detect putative hybridization outliers. The system integrates a web interface to several standard analysis functions from R/Bioconductor to identify differentially expressed genes and pathways. It also allows the combination of multiple experiments performed on different array platforms of the same technology. The design of this system enables each user to rapidly design a custom analysis pipeline and thus produce their own list of genes and pathways. Raw and normalized data can be downloaded for each experiment. The flexible engine of this database (GEDAI) is currently used to handle gene expression data from several laboratory-run projects dealing with different organisms and platforms. Database URL: http://eurodia.vital-it.ch.


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The Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) is an annotated non-redundant collection of eukaryotic POL II promoters for which the transcription start site has been determined experimentally. Access to promoter sequences is provided by pointers to positions in nucleotide sequence entries. The annotation part of an entry includes a description of the initiation site mapping data, exhaustive cross-references to the EMBL nucleotide sequence database, SWISS-PROT, TRANSFAC and other databases, as well as bibliographic references. EPD is structured in a way that facilitates dynamic extraction of biologically meaningful promoter subsets for comparative sequence analysis. WWW-based interfaces have been developed that enable the user to view EPD entries in different formats, to select and extract promoter sequences according to a variety of criteria, and to navigate to related databases exploiting different cross-references. The EPD web site also features yearly updated base frequency matrices for major eukaryotic promoter elements. EPD can be accessed at http://www.epd.isb-sib.ch


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The MyHits web server (http://myhits.isb-sib.ch) is a new integrated service dedicated to the annotation of protein sequences and to the analysis of their domains and signatures. Guest users can use the system anonymously, with full access to (i) standard bioinformatics programs (e.g. PSI-BLAST, ClustalW, T-Coffee, Jalview); (ii) a large number of protein sequence databases, including standard (Swiss-Prot, TrEMBL) and locally developed databases (splice variants); (iii) databases of protein motifs (Prosite, Interpro); (iv) a precomputed list of matches ('hits') between the sequence and motif databases. All databases are updated on a weekly basis and the hit list is kept up to date incrementally. The MyHits server also includes a new collection of tools to generate graphical representations of pairwise and multiple sequence alignments including their annotated features. Free registration enables users to upload their own sequences and motifs to private databases. These are then made available through the same web interface and the same set of analytical tools. Registered users can manage their own sequences and annotations using only web tools and freeze their data in their private database for publication purposes.


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InterPro, an integrated documentation resource of protein families, domains and functional sites, was created in 1999 as a means of amalgamating the major protein signature databases into one comprehensive resource. PROSITE, Pfam, PRINTS, ProDom, SMART and TIGRFAMs have been manually integrated and curated and are available in InterPro for text- and sequence-based searching. The results are provided in a single format that rationalises the results that would be obtained by searching the member databases individually. The latest release of InterPro contains 5629 entries describing 4280 families, 1239 domains, 95 repeats and 15 post-translational modifications. Currently, the combined signatures in InterPro cover more than 74% of all proteins in SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL, an increase of nearly 15% since the inception of InterPro. New features of the database include improved searching capabilities and enhanced graphical user interfaces for visualisation of the data. The database is available via a webserver (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro) and anonymous FTP (ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/interpro).


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The Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) is an annotated non-redundant collection of eukaryotic POL II promoters, experimentally defined by a transcription start site (TSS). There may be multiple promoter entries for a single gene. The underlying experimental evidence comes from journal articles and, starting from release 73, from 5' ESTs of full-length cDNA clones used for so-called in silico primer extension. Access to promoter sequences is provided by pointers to TSS positions in nucleotide sequence entries. The annotation part of an EPD entry includes a description of the type and source of the initiation site mapping data, links to other biological databases and bibliographic references. EPD is structured in a way that facilitates dynamic extraction of biologically meaningful promoter subsets for comparative sequence analysis. Web-based interfaces have been developed that enable the user to view EPD entries in different formats, to select and extract promoter sequences according to a variety of criteria and to navigate to related databases exploiting different cross-references. Tools for analysing sequence motifs around TSSs defined in EPD are provided by the signal search analysis server. EPD can be accessed at http://www.epd. isb-sib.ch.


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Conventional coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) techniques display the coronary blood-pool along with the surrounding structures, including the myocardium, the ventricular and atrial blood-pool, and the great vessels. This representation of the coronary lumen is not directly analogous to the information provided by x-ray coronary angiography, in which the coronary lumen displayed by iodinated contrast agent is seen. Analogous "luminographic" data may be obtained using MR arterial spin tagging (projection coronary MRA) techniques. Such an approach was implemented using a 2D selective "pencil" excitation for aortic spin tagging in concert with a 3D interleaved segmented spiral imaging sequence with free-breathing, and real-time navigator technology. This technique allows for selective 3D visualization of the coronary lumen blood-pool, while signal from the surrounding structures is suppressed.


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BACKGROUND: Prospective assessment of pedicled extrathoracic muscle flaps for the closure of large intrathoracic airway defects after noncircumferential resection in situations where an end-to-end reconstruction seemed risky (defects of > 4-cm length, desmoplastic reactions after previous infection or radiochemotherapy). METHODS: From 1996 to 2001, 13 intrathoracic muscle transpositions (6 latissimus dorsi and 7 serratus anterior muscle flaps) were performed to close defects of the intrathoracic airways after noncircumferential resection for tumor (n = 5), large tracheoesophageal fistula (n = 2), delayed tracheal injury (n = 1) and bronchopleural fistula (n = 5). In 2 patients, the extent of the tracheal defect required reinforcement of the reconstruction by use of a rib segment embedded into the muscle flap followed by temporary tracheal stenting. Patient follow-up was by clinical examination bronchoscopy and biopsy, pulmonary function tests, and dynamic virtual bronchoscopy by computed tomographic (CT) scan during inspiration and expiration. RESULTS: The airway defects ranged from 2 x 1 cm to 8 x 4 cm and involved up to 50% of the airway circumference. They were all successfully closed using muscle flaps with no mortality and all patients were extubated within 24 hours. Bronchoscopy revealed epithelialization of the reconstructions without dehiscence, stenosis, or recurrence of fistulas. The flow-volume loop was preserved in all patients and dynamic virtual bronchoscopy revealed no significant difference in the endoluminal cross surface areas of the airway between inspiration and expiration above (45 +/- 21 mm(2)), at the site (76 +/- 23 mm(2)) and below the reconstruction (65 +/- 40 mm(2)). CONCLUSIONS: Intrathoracic airway defects of up to 50% of the circumference may be repaired using extrathoracic muscle flaps when an end-to-end reconstruction is not feasible.


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The international Functional Annotation Of the Mammalian Genomes 4 (FANTOM4) research collaboration set out to better understand the transcriptional network that regulates macrophage differentiation and to uncover novel components of the transcriptome employing a series of high-throughput experiments. The primary and unique technique is cap analysis of gene expression (CAGE), sequencing mRNA 5'-ends with a second-generation sequencer to quantify promoter activities even in the absence of gene annotation. Additional genome-wide experiments complement the setup including short RNA sequencing, microarray gene expression profiling on large-scale perturbation experiments and ChIP-chip for epigenetic marks and transcription factors. All the experiments are performed in a differentiation time course of the THP-1 human leukemic cell line. Furthermore, we performed a large-scale mammalian two-hybrid (M2H) assay between transcription factors and monitored their expression profile across human and mouse tissues with qRT-PCR to address combinatorial effects of regulation by transcription factors. These interdependent data have been analyzed individually and in combination with each other and are published in related but distinct papers. We provide all data together with systematic annotation in an integrated view as resource for the scientific community (http://fantom.gsc.riken.jp/4/). Additionally, we assembled a rich set of derived analysis results including published predicted and validated regulatory interactions. Here we introduce the resource and its update after the initial release.