970 resultados para brain cell karyotype


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GLUTX1 or GLUT8 is a newly characterized glucose transporter isoform that is expressed at high levels in the testis and brain and at lower levels in several other tissues. Its expression was mapped in the testis and brain by using specific antibodies. In the testis, immunoreactivity was expressed in differentiating spermatocytes of type 1 stage but undetectable in mature spermatozoa. In the brain, GLUTX1 distribution was selective and localized to a variety of structures, mainly archi- and paleocortex. It was found in hippocampal and dentate gyrus neurons as well as amygdala and primary olfactory cortex. In these neurons, its location was close to the plasma membrane of cell bodies and sometimes in proximal dendrites. High GLUTX1 levels were detected in the hypothalamus, supraoptic nucleus, median eminence, and the posterior pituitary. Neurons of these areas synthesize and secrete vasopressin and oxytocin. As shown by double immunofluorescence microscopy and immunogold labeling, GLUTX1 was expressed only in vasopressin neurons. By immunogold labeling of ultrathin cryosections microscopy, GLUTX1 was identified in dense core vesicles of synaptic nerve endings of the supraoptic nucleus and secretory granules of the vasopressin positive neurons. This localization suggests an involvement of GLUTX1 both in specific neuron function and endocrine mechanisms.


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Creatine deficiency syndromes, due to deficiencies in AGAT, GAMT (creatine synthesis pathway) or SLC6A8 (creatine transporter), lead to complete absence or very strong decrease of creatine in CNS as measured by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Brain is the main organ affected in creatine-deficient patients, who show severe neurodevelopmental delay and present neurological symptoms in early infancy. AGAT- and GAMT-deficient patients can be treated by oral creatine supplementation which improves their neurological status, while this treatment is inefficient on SLC6A8-deficient patients. While it has long been thought that most, if not all, of brain creatine was of peripheral origin, the past years have brought evidence that creatine can cross blood-brain barrier, however, only with poor efficiency, and that CNS must ensure parts of its creatine needs by its own endogenous synthesis. Moreover, we showed very recently that in many brain structures, including cortex and basal ganglia, AGAT and GAMT, while found in every brain cell types, are not co-expressed but are rather expressed in a dissociated way. This suggests that to allow creatine synthesis in these structures, guanidinoacetate must be transported from AGAT- to GAMT-expressing cells, most probably through SLC6A8. This new understanding of creatine metabolism and transport in CNS will not only allow a better comprehension of brain consequences of creatine deficiency syndromes, but will also contribute to better decipher creatine roles in CNS, not only in energy as ATP regeneration and buffering, but also in its recently suggested functions as neurotransmitter or osmolyte.


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T helper type 17 (Th17) cells play an important pathogenic function in autoimmune diseases; their regulation, however, is not well understood. We show that the expression of a tumor necrosis factor receptor family member, death receptor 3 (DR3; also known as TNFRSF25), is selectively elevated in Th17 cells, and that TL1A, its cognate ligand, can promote the proliferation of effector Th17 cells. To further investigate the role of the TL1A-DR3 pathway in Th17 regulation, we generated a TL1A-deficient mouse and found that TL1A(-/-) dendritic cells exhibited a reduced capacity in supporting Th17 differentiation and proliferation. Consistent with these data, TL1A(-/-) animals displayed decreased clinical severity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Finally, we demonstrated that during EAE disease progression, TL1A was required for the optimal differentiation as well as effector function of Th17 cells. These observations thus establish an important role of the TL1A-DR3 pathway in promoting Th17 cell function and Th17-mediated autoimmune disease.


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A 3D in vitro model of rat organotypic brain cell cultures in aggregates was used to investigate neurotoxicity mechanisms in methylmalonic aciduria. 1 mM methylmalonate (MMA), 2-methylcitrate (2-MCA) or propionate (PA) were repeatedly added to the culture media at two different time points of the cultures. In cultures treated with 2-MCA, we observed a significant increase of lactate in the medium, consistent with a possible inhibition of Krebs cycle and respiratory chain, as described earlier in the literature. Interestingly, we further observed that 2-MCA induced an important increase in ammonia production with concomitant decrease of glutamine concentrations, which suggests an inhibition of the astrocytic enzyme glutamine synthetase. These previously unreported findings may uncover a pathogenic mechanism in this disease with deleterious effects on early stages of brain development. By immunohistochemistry we could show that 2-MCA substantially increased the number of apoptotic cells. On the cellular level, 2-MCA had a toxic effect (cell swelling and cell death) on glial cells, but not on neurons. Surprisingly, MMA seemed to have a growth stimulating effect on the cultures. We can conclude that 2-MCA was the most toxic metabolite in our model for methylmalonic aciduria inducing ammonia accumulation and massive apoptosis in brain cells.


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Relatively simple techniques are now available which allow the preparation of large quantities of highly reproducible aggregate cultures from fetal rat brain or liver cells, and to grow them in a chemically defined medium. Since these cultures exhibit extensive histotypic cellular reorganization and maturation, they offer unique possibilities for developmental studies. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the usefulness of these cultures in developmental toxicology. Aggregating brain cell cultures were exposed at different developmental stages to model drugs (i.e., antimitotic, neurotoxic, and teratogenic agents) and assayed for their responsiveness by measuring a set of biochemical parameters (i.e., total protein and DNA content, cell type-specific enzyme activities) which permit a monitoring of cellular growth and maturation. It was found that each test compound elicited a distinct, dose-dependent response pattern, which may ultimately serve to screen and classify toxic drugs by using mechanistic criteria. In addition, it could be shown that aggregating liver cell cultures are capable of toxic drug activation, and that they can be used in co-culture with brain cell aggregates, providing a potential model for complementary toxicological and metabolic studies.


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Los gliomas malignos representan una de las formas más agresivas de los tumores del sistema nervioso central (SNC). De acuerdo con la clasificación de los tumores cerebrales de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los astrocitomas han sido categorizados en cuatro grados, determinados por la patología subyacente. Es así como los gliomas malignos (o de alto grado) incluyen el glioma anaplásico (grado III) así como el glioblastoma multiforme (GBM, grado IV),estos últimos los más agresivos con el peor pronóstico (1). El manejo terapéutico de los tumores del SNC se basa en la cirugía, la radioterapia y la quimioterapia, dependiendo de las características del tumor, el estadio clínico y la edad (2),(3), sin embargo ninguno de los tratamientos estándar es completamente seguro y compatible con una calidad de vida aceptable (3), (4). En general, la quimioterapia es la primera opción en los tumores diseminados, como el glioblastoma invasivo y el meduloblastoma de alto riesgo o con metástasis múltiple, pero el pronóstico en estos pacientes es muy pobre (2),(3). Solamente nuevas terapias dirigidas (2) como las terapias anti-angiogénicas (4); o terapias génicas muestran un beneficio real en grupos limitados de pacientes con defectos moleculares específicos conocidos (4). De este modo, se hace necesario el desarrollo de nuevas terapias farmacológicas para atacar los tumores cerebrales. Frente a las terapias los gliomas malignos son con frecuencia quimioresistentes, y esta resistencia parece depender de al menos dos mecanismos: en primer lugar, la pobre penetración de muchas drogas anticáncer a través de la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB: Blood Brain Barrier), la barrera del fluido sangre-cerebroespinal (BCSFB: Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier) y la barrera sangre-tumor (BTB: blood-tumor barrier). Dicha resistencia se debe a la interacción de la droga con varios transportadores o bombas de eflujo de droga ABC (ABC: ATP-binding cassette) que se sobre expresan en las células endoteliales o epiteliales de estas barreras. En segundo lugar, estos transportadores de eflujo de drogas ABC propios de las células tumorales confieren un fenotipo conocido como resistencia a multidrogas (MDR: multidrug resistance), el cual es característico de varios tumores sólidos. Este fenotipo también está presente en los tumores del SNC y su papel en gliomas es objeto de investigación (5). Por consiguiente el suministro de medicamentos a través de la BBB es uno de los problemas vitales en los tratamientos de terapia dirigida. Estudios recientes han demostrado que algunas moléculas pequeñas utilizadas en estas terapias son sustratos de la glicoproteína P (Pgp: P-gycoprotein), así como también de otras bombas de eflujo como las proteínas relacionadas con la resistencia a multidrogas (MRPs: multidrug resistance-related proteins (MRPs) o la proteína relacionada con cáncer de seno (BCRP: breast-cancer resistance related protein)) que no permiten que las drogas de este tipo alcancen el tumor (1). Un sustrato de Pgp y BCRP es la DOXOrubicina (DOXO), un fármaco utilizado en la terapia anti cáncer, el cual es muy eficaz para atacar las células del tumor cerebral in vitro, pero con un uso clínico limitado por la poca entrega a través de la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB) y por la resistencia propia de los tumores. Por otra parte las células de BBB y las células del tumor cerebral tienen también proteínas superficiales, como el receptor de la lipoproteína de baja densidad (LDLR), que podría utilizarse como blanco terapéutico en BBB y tumores cerebrales. Es asi como la importancia de este estudio se basa en la generación de estrategias terapéuticas que promuevan el paso de las drogas a través de la barrera hematoencefalica y tumoral, y a su vez, se reconozcan mecanismos celulares que induzcan el incremento en la expresión de los transportadores ABC, de manera que puedan ser utilizados como blancos terapéuticos.Este estudio demostró que el uso de una nueva estrategia basada en el “Caballo de Troya”, donde se combina la droga DOXOrubicina, la cual es introducida dentro de un liposoma, salvaguarda la droga de manera que se evita su reconocimiento por parte de los transportadores ABC tanto de la BBB como de las células del tumor. La construcción del liposoma permitió utilizar el receptor LDLR de las células asegurando la entrada a través de la BBB y hacia las células tumorales a través de un proceso de endocitosis. Este mecanismo fue asociado al uso de estatinas o drogas anticolesterol las cuales favorecieron la expresión de LDLR y disminuyeron la actividad de los transportadores ABC por nitración de los mismos, incrementando la eficiencia de nuestro Caballo de Troya. Por consiguiente demostramos que el uso de una nueva estrategia o formulación denominada ApolipoDOXO más el uso de estatinas favorece la administración de fármacos a través de la BBB, venciendo la resistencia del tumor y reduciendo los efectos colaterales dosis dependiente de la DOXOrubicina. Además esta estrategia del "Caballo de Troya", es un nuevo enfoque terapéutico que puede ser considerado como una nueva estrategia para aumentar la eficacia de diferentes fármacos en varios tumores cerebrales y garantiza una alta eficiencia incluso en un medio hipóxico,característico de las células cancerosas, donde la expresión del transportador Pgp se vió aumentada. Teniendo en cuenta la relación entre algunas vías de señalización reconocidas como moduladores de la actividad de Pgp, este estudio presenta no solo la estrategia del Caballo de Troya, sino también otra propuesta terapéutica relacionada con el uso de Temozolomide más DOXOrubicina. Esta estrategia demostró que el temozolomide logra penetrar la BBB por que interviene en la via de señalización de la Wnt/GSK3/β-catenina, la cual modula la expresión del transportador Pgp. Se demostró que el TMZ disminuye la proteína y el mRNA de Wnt3 permitiendo plantear la hipótesis de que la droga al disminuir la transcripción del gen Wnt3 en células de BBB, incrementa la activación de la vía fosforilando la β-catenina y conduciendo a disminuir la β-catenina nuclear y por tanto su unión al promotor del gen mdr1. Con base en los resultados este estudio permitió el reconocimiento de tres mecanismos básicos relacionados con la expresión de los transportadores ABC y asociados a las estrategias empleadas: el primero fue el uso de las estatinas, el cual condujo a la nitración de los transportadores disminuyendo su actividad por la via del factor de transcripción NFκB; el segundo a partir del uso del temozolomide, el cual metila el gen de Wnt3 reduciendo la actividad de la via de señalización de la la β-catenina, disminuyendo la expresión del transportador Pgp. El tercero consistió en la determinación de la relación entre el eje RhoA/RhoA quinasa como un modulador de la via (no canónica) GSK3/β-catenina. Se demostró que la proteína quinasa RhoA promovió la activación de la proteína PTB1, la cual al fosforilar a GSK3 indujo la fosforilación de la β-catenina, lo cual dio lugar a su destrucción por el proteosoma, evitando su unión al promotor del gen mdr1 y por tanto reduciendo su expresión. En conclusión las estrategias propuestas en este trabajo incrementaron la citotoxicidad de las células tumorales al aumentar la permeabilidad no solo de la barrera hematoencefálica, sino también de la propia barrera tumoral. Igualmente, la estrategia del “Caballo de Troya” podría ser útil para la terapia de otras enfermedades asociadas al sistema nervioso central. Por otra parte estos estudios indican que el reconocimiento de mecanismos asociados a la expresión de los transportadores ABC podría constituir una herramienta clave en el desarrollo de nuevas terapias anticáncer.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Chromosome analysis of short-term cultures from a basal cell carcinoma was performed. The analyzed karyotypes showed a pseudodiploid clone characterized by a der(4)t(4;14)(p14;p11) and a concomitant inversion of the same chromosome 4 involved in the t(4;14) with the breakpoints at p14 and q25.


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We describe the cytogenetic study of two basal cell carcinomas. Only single chromosomally abnormal clones could be detected in both. In addition, many nonclonal changes were seen in the samples, which may represent small neoplastic clones or the result of a basic molecular defect induced by carcinogens.


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BACKGROUND Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) blocks activation of caspase-3, reduces translocation of apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), attenuates excitotoxicity of glutamate, and increases antioxidant enzyme activities. The mechanisms of neuroprotection suggest that BDNF may be beneficial in bacterial meningitis. METHODS To assess a potentially beneficial effect of adjuvant treatment with BDNF in bacterial meningitis, 11-day-old infant rats with experimental meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae or group B streptococci (GBS) were randomly assigned to receive intracisternal injections with either BDNF (3 mg/kg) or equal volumes (10 mu L) of saline. Twenty-two hours after infection, brains were analyzed, by histomorphometrical examination, for the extent of cortical and hippocampal neuronal injury. RESULTS Compared with treatment with saline, treatment with BDNF significantly reduced the extent of 3 distinct forms of brain cell injury in this disease model: cortical necrosis in meningitis due to GBS (median, 0.0% [range, 0.0%-33.7%] vs. 21.3% [range, 0.0%-55.3%]; P<.03), caspase-3-dependent cell death in meningitis due to S. pneumoniae (median score, 0.33 [range, 0.0-1.0] vs. 1.10 [0.10-1.56]; P<.05), and caspase-3-independent hippocampal cell death in meningitis due to GBS (median score, 0 [range, 0-2] vs. 0.88 [range, 0-3.25]; P<.02). The last form of injury was associated with nuclear translocation of AIF. CONCLUSION BDNF efficiently reduces multiple forms of neuronal injury in bacterial meningitis and may hold promise as adjunctive therapy for this disease.


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Listeria monocytogenes rhombencephalitis is a severe progressive disease despite a swift intrathecal immune response. Based on previous observations, we hypothesized that the disease progresses by intra-axonal spread within the central nervous system. To test this hypothesis, neuroanatomical mapping of lesions, immunofluorescence analysis, and electron microscopy were performed on brains of ruminants with naturally occurring rhombencephalitis. In addition, infection assays were performed in bovine brain cell cultures. Mapping of lesions revealed a consistent pattern with a preferential affection of certain nuclear areas and white matter tracts, indicating that Listeria monocytogenes spreads intra-axonally within the brain along interneuronal connections. These results were supported by immunofluorescence and ultrastructural data localizing Listeria monocytogenes inside axons and dendrites associated with networks of fibrillary structures consistent with actin tails. In vitro infection assays confirmed that bacteria were moving within axon-like processes by employing their actin tail machinery. Remarkably, in vivo, neutrophils invaded the axonal space and the axon itself, apparently by moving between split myelin lamellae of intact myelin sheaths. This intra-axonal invasion of neutrophils was associated with various stages of axonal degeneration and bacterial phagocytosis. Paradoxically, the ensuing adaxonal microabscesses appeared to provide new bacterial replication sites, thus supporting further bacterial spread. In conclusion, intra-axonal bacterial migration and possibly also the innate immune response play an important role in the intracerebral spread of the agent and hence the progression of listeric rhombencephalitis.


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Myosin-Va is a Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated unconventional myosin involved in the transport of vesicles, membranous organelles, and macromolecular complexes composed of proteins and mRNA. The cellular localization of myosin-Va has been described in great detail in several vertebrate cell types, including neurons, melanocytes, lymphocytes, auditory tissues, and a number of cultured cells. Here, we provide an immunohistochemical view of the tissue distribution of myosin-Va in the major endocrine organs. Myosin-Va is highly expressed in the pineal and pituitary glands and in specific cell populations of other endocrine glands, especially the parafollicular cells of the thyroid, the principal cells of the parathyroid, the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, and a subpopulation of interstitial testicular cells. Weak to moderate staining has been detected in steroidogenic cells of the adrenal cortex, ovary, and Leydig cells. Myosin-Va has also been localized to non-endocrine cells, such as the germ cells of the seminiferous epithelium and maturing oocytes and in the intercalated ducts of the exocrine pancreas. These data provide the first systematic description of myosin-Va localization in the major endocrine organs of rat.


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The incidence of cerebral edema during therapy of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children remains unacceptably high-this suggests that current treatment may not be ideal and that important risk factors for the development of cerebral edema have not been recognized. We suggest that there are two major sources for an occult generation of osmole-free water in these patients: first, fluid with a low concentration of electrolytes that was retained in the lumen of the stomach when the patient arrived in hospital; second, infusion of glucose in water at a time when this solution can be converted into water with little glucose. In a retrospective chart review of 30 patients who were admitted with a diagnosis of DKA and a blood sugar > 900 mg/dL (50 mmol/L), there were clues to suggest that some of the retained fluid in the stomach was absorbed. To minimize the likelihood of creating a dangerous degree of cerebral edema in patients with DKA, it is important to define the likely composition of fluid retained in the stomach on admission, to look for signs of absorption of some of this fluid during therapy, and to be especially vigilant once fat-derived brain fuels have disappeared, because this is the time when glucose oxidation in the brain should increase markedly, generating osmole-free water.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde


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In previous work we found that mezerein, a C kinase activator, as well as basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) induce demyelination and partial oligodendrocyte dedifferentiation in highly differentiated aggregating brain cell cultures. Here we show that following protein kinase C activator-induced demyelination, effective remyelination occurs. We found that mezerein or FGF-2 caused a transient increase in DNA synthesis following a pronounced decrease of the myelin markers myelin basic protein and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase. Both oligodendrocytes and astrocytes were involved in this mitogenic response. Within 17 days after demyelination, myelin was restored to the level of the untreated controls. Transient mitotic activity was indispensable for remyelination. The present results suggest that myelinating oligodendrocytes retain the capacity to reenter the cell cycle, and that this plasticity is important for the regeneration of the oligodendrocyte lineage and remyelination. Although it cannot be excluded that a quiescent population of oligodendrocyte precursor cells was present in the aggregates and able to proliferate, differentiate and remyelinate, we could not find evidence supporting this view.