990 resultados para bovine trophoblastic binucleated cells


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Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the initial and rate limiting enzyme in the catecholaminergic biosynthetic pathway, is phosphorylated on multiple serine residues by multiple protein kinases. Although it has been demonstrated that many protein kinases are capable of phosphorylating and activating TH in vitro, it is less clear which protein kinases participate in the physiological regulation of catecholamine synthesis in situ. These studies were designed to determine if protein kinase C (PK-C) plays such a regulatory role.^ Stimulation of intact bovine adrenal chromaffin cells with phorbol esters results in stimulation of catecholamine synthesis, tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylation and activation. These responses are both time and concentration dependent, and are specific for those phorbol ester analogues which activate PK-C. RP-HPLC analysis of TH tryptic phosphopeptides indicate that PK-C phosphorylates TH on three putative sites. One of these (pepetide 6) is the same as that phosphorylated by both cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PK-A) and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaM-K). However, two of these sites (peptides 4 and 7) are unique, and, to date, have not been shown to be phosphorylated by any other protein kinase. These peptides correspond to those which are phosphorylated with a slow time course in response to stimulation of chromaffin cells with the natural agonist acetylcholine. The activation of TH produced by PK-C is most closely correlated with the phosphorylation of peptide 6. But, as evident from pH profiles of tyrosine hydroxylase activity, phosphorylation of peptides 4 and 7 affect the expression of the activation produced by phosphorylation of peptide 6.^ These data support a role for PK-C in the control of TH activity, and suggest a two stage model for the physiological regulation of catecholamine synthesis by phosphorylation in response to cholinergic stimulation. An initial fast response, which appears to be mediated by CaM-K, and a slower, sustained response which appears to be mediated by PK-C. In addition, the multiple site phosphorylation of TH provides a mechanism whereby the regulation of catecholamine synthesis appears to be under the control of multiple protein kinases, and allows for the convergence of multiple, diverse physiological and biochemical signals. ^


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Tyrosine hydroxylase (E.C., L-tyrosine tetrahydropteridine:oxygen oxidoreductase, 3-hydroxylating), is the initial and rate limiting enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of catecholamine production. The mechanism by which the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase is altered in response to excitation of adrenergic cells has been suggested to be a covalent modification of the enzyme. A variety of evidence suggests that the stimulus-induced modification of tyrosine hydroxylase responsible for activating the enzyme is an increased phosphorylation of the enzyme. Tyrosine hydroxylase has been shown to be phosphoprotein in situ and undergoes changes in its state of phosphorylation upon stimulation of the adrenergic tissue. Further, in vitro phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase increases the activity of the enzyme in a manner kinetically similar to the changes observed in the enzyme after stimulation of the intact adrenergic tissue. Thus, the covalent modification of tyrosine hydroxylase by reversible phosphorylation appears to provide a rapid and sensitive mechanism of coupling the activity of the enzyme to the excitation process. The mechanism by which the adrenergic cell mediates the depolarization-dependent phosphorylation and activation of tyrosine hydroxylase is controversial. The most accepted working model suggests that the cAMP-dependent protein kinase mediates this process, however a variety of data are inconsistent with this hypothesis.^ This dissertation attempts to identify the protein kinase(s) responsible for mediating the stimulus-dependent phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase in purified, isolated bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. These studies address this question by first identifying the protein kinase activities in the chromaffin cells which can phosphorylate tyrosine hydroxylase and subsequently, evaluating the possibility that these protein kinases mediate the stimulus-dependent phosphorylation of the enzyme by tryptic peptide mapping. The maps of tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylated by these protein kinase activities were compared with that of tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylated in situ. The outcome of these studies have been the identification of three protein kinase activities in the chromaffin cells which can phosphorylate tyrosine hydroxylase in vitro, and the determination that one, a calcium-, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, is capable of accounting for the pattern of phosphate incorporation into tyrosine hydroxylase observed in situ. The results of these experiments suggest that the depolarization-dependent activation of tyrosine hydroxylase in adrenal chromaffin cells may be mediated by the activation of a calcium-, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase by the influx of calcium into the cells and the subsequent phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase by this enzyme.^


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Cell-based therapy is a promising approach for many diseases, including ischemic heart disease. Cardiac mesoangioblasts are committed vessel-associated progenitors that can restore to a significant, although partial, extent, heart structure and function in a murine model of myocardial infarction. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) is a noninvasive form of mechanical energy that can be delivered into biological tissues as acoustic pressure waves, and is widely used for clinical applications including bone fracture healing. We hypothesized that the positive effects of LIPUS on bone and soft tissue, such as increased cell differentiation and cytoskeleton reorganization, could be applied to increase the therapeutic potential of mesoangioblasts for heart repair. In this work, we show that LIPUS stimulation of cardiac mesoangioblasts isolated from mouse and human heart results in significant cellular modifications that provide beneficial effects to the cells, including increased malleability and improved motility. Additionally, LIPUS stimulation increased the number of binucleated cells and induced cardiac differentiation to an extent comparable with 5´-azacytidine treatment. Mechanistically, LIPUS stimulation activated the BMP-Smad signalling pathway and increased the expression of myosin light chain-2 together with upregulation of β1 integrin and RhoA, highlighting a potentially important role for cytoskeleton reorganization. Taken together, these results provide functional evidence that LIPUS might be a useful tool to explore in the field of heart cell therapy


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The endothelial isoform of NO synthase (eNOS) is targeted to sphingolipid-enriched signal-transducing microdomains in the plasma membrane termed caveolae. Among the caveolae-targeted sphingolipids are the ceramides, a class of acylated sphingosine compounds that have been implicated in diverse cellular responses. We have explored the role of ceramide analogues in eNOS signaling in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC). Addition of the ceramide analogue N-acetylsphingosine (C2-ceramide; 5 μM) to intact BAEC leads to a significant increase in NO synthase activity (assayed by using the fluorescent indicator 4,5-diaminofluorescein) and translocation of eNOS from the endothelial cell membrane to intracellular sites (measured by using quantitative immunofluorescence techniques); the biologically inactive ceramide N-acetyldihydrosphingosine is entirely without effect. C2-ceramide-induced eNOS activation and translocation are unaffected by the intracellular calcium chelator 1,2-bis-o-aminophenoxyethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA). Using the calcium-specific fluorescent indicator fluo-3, we also found that C2-ceramide activation of eNOS is unaccompanied by a drug-induced increase in intracellular calcium. These findings stand in sharp contrast to the mechanism by which bradykinin, estradiol, and other mediators acutely activate eNOS, in which a rapid, agonist-promoted increase in intracellular calcium is required. Finally, we show that treatment of BAEC with bradykinin causes a significant increase in cellular ceramide content; the response to bradykinin has an EC50 of 3 nM and is blocked by the bradykinin B2-receptor antagonist HOE140. Bradykinin-induced ceramide generation could represent a mechanism for longer-term regulation of eNOS activity. Our results suggest that ceramide functions independently of Ca2+-regulated pathways to promote activation and translocation of eNOS, and that this lipid mediator may represent a physiological regulator of eNOS in vascular endothelial cells.


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Hypertension is a side effect of systemically administered glucocorticoids, but the underlying molecular mechanism remains poorly understood. Ingestion of dexamethasone by rats telemetrically instrumented increased blood pressure progressively over 7 days. Plasma concentrations of Na+ and K+ and urinary Na+ and K+ excretion remained constant, excluding a mineralocorticoid-mediated mechanism. Plasma NO2−/NO3− (the oxidation products of NO) decreased to 40%, and the expression of endothelial NO synthase (NOS III) was found down-regulated in the aorta and several other tissues of glucocorticoid-treated rats. The vasodilator response of resistance arterioles was tested by intravital microscopy in the mouse dorsal skinfold chamber model. Dexamethasone treatment significantly attenuated the relaxation to the endothelium-dependent vasodilator acetylcholine, but not to the endothelium-independent vasodilator S-nitroso-N-acetyl-d,l-penicillamine. Incubation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells, EA.hy 926 cells, or bovine aortic endothelial cells with several glucocorticoids reduced NOS III mRNA and protein expression to 60–70% of control, an effect that was prevented by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist mifepristone. Glucocorticoids decreased NOS III mRNA stability and reduced the activity of the human NOS III promoter (3.5 kilobases) to ≈70% by decreasing the binding activity of the essential transcription factor GATA. The expressional down-regulation of endothelial NOS III may contribute to the hypertension caused by glucocorticoids.


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Methyllycaconitine (MLA), α-conotoxin ImI, and α-bungarotoxin inhibited the release of catecholamines triggered by brief pulses of acetylcholine (ACh) (100 μM, 5 s) applied to fast-superfused bovine adrenal chromaffin cells, with IC50s of 100 nM for MLA and 300 nM for α-conotoxin ImI and α-bungarotoxin. MLA (100 nM), α-conotoxin ImI (1 μM), and α-bungarotoxin (1 μM) halved the entry of 45Ca2+ stimulated by 5-s pulses of 300 μM ACh applied to incubated cells. These supramaximal concentrations of α7 nicotinic receptor blockers depressed by 30% (MLA), 25% (α-bungarotoxin), and 50% (α-conotoxin ImI) the inward current generated by 1-s pulses of 100 μM ACh, applied to voltage-clamped chromaffin cells. In Xenopus oocytes expressing rat brain α7 neuronal nicotinic receptor for acetylcholine nAChR, the current generated by 1-s pulses of ACh was blocked by MLA, α-conotoxin ImI, and α-bungarotoxin with IC50s of 0.1 nM, 100 nM, and 1.6 nM, respectively; the current through α3β4 nAChR was unaffected by α-conotoxin ImI and α-bungarotoxin, and weakly blocked by MLA (IC50 = 1 μM). The functions of controlling the electrical activity, the entry of Ca2+, and the ensuing exocytotic response of chromaffin cells were until now exclusively attributed to α3β4 nAChR; the present results constitute the first evidence to support a prominent role of α7 nAChR in controlling such functions, specially under the more physiological conditions used here to stimulate chromaffin cells with brief pulses of ACh.


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To investigate the potential role of tenascin-C (TN-C) on endothelial sprouting we used bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) as an in vitro model of angiogenesis. We found that TN-C is specifically expressed by sprouting and cord-forming BAECs but not by nonsprouting BAECs. To test whether TN-C alone or in combination with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) can enhance endothelial sprouting or cord formation, we used BAECs that normally do not sprout and, fittingly, do not express TN-C. In the presence of bFGF, exogenous TN-C but not fibronectin induced an elongated phenotype in nonsprouting BAECs. This phenotype was due to altered actin cytoskeleton organization. The fibrinogen globe of the TN-C molecule was the active domain promoting the elongated phenotype in response to bFGF. Furthermore, we found that the fibrinogen globe was responsible for reduced cell adhesion of BAECs on TN-C substrates. We conclude that bFGF-stimulated endothelial cells can be switched to a sprouting phenotype by the decreased adhesive strength of TN-C, mediated by the fibrinogen globe.


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In bovine adrenal medullary cells synergistically acting type 1 and type 2 angiotensin II (AII) receptors activate the fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) gene through a unique AII-responsive promoter element. Both the type 1 and type 2 AII receptors and the downstream cyclic adenosine 1′,3′-monophosphate- and protein kinase C-dependent signaling pathways activate the FGF-2 promoter through a novel signal-transducing mechanism. This mechanism, which we have named integrative nuclear FGF receptor-1 signaling, involves the nuclear translocation of FGF receptor-1 and its subsequent transactivation of the AII-responsive element in the FGF-2 promoter.


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This paper describes a method based on experimentally simple techniques--microcontact printing and micromolding in capillaries--to prepare tissue culture substrates in which both the topology and molecular structure of the interface can be controlled. The method combines optically transparent contoured surfaces with self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of alkanethiolates on gold to control interfacial characteristics; these tailored interfaces, in turn, control the adsorption of proteins and the attachment of cells. The technique uses replica molding in poly(dimethylsiloxane) molds having micrometer-scale relief patterns on their surfaces to form a contoured film of polyurethane supported on a glass slide. Evaporation of a thin (< 12 nm) film of gold on this surface-contoured polyurethane provides an optically transparent substrate, on which SAMs of terminally functionalized alkanethiolates can be formed. In one procedure, a flat poly(dimethylsiloxane) stamp was used to form a SAM of hexadecanethiolate on the raised plateaus of the contoured surface by contact printing hexadecanethiol [HS(CH2)15CH3]; a SAM terminated in tri(ethylene glycol) groups was subsequently formed on the bare gold remaining in the grooves by immersing the substrate in a solution of a second alkanethiol [HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)3OH]. Then this patterned substrate was immersed in a solution of fibronectin, the protein adsorbed only on the methyl-terminated plateau regions of the substrate [the tri(ethylene glycol)-terminated regions resisted the adsorption of protein]; bovine capillary endothelial cells attached only on the regions that adsorbed fibronectin. A complementary procedure confined protein adsorption and cell attachment to the grooves in this substrate.


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We previously demonstrated that the primary region of factor IX and IXa responsible for saturable specific binding to bovine aortic endothelial cells resides in residues 3-11 at the amino terminus of factor IX. We also demonstrated that mutations of lysine to alanine at residue 5, factor IX K5A, or valine to lysine at residue 10, factor IX V10K, resulted in a molecule unable to bind to endothelial cells. Moreover, a mutation with lysine to arginine at residue 5, factor IX K5R, resulted in a factor IX molecule with increased affinity for the endothelial cell binding site. In this paper we report that collagen IV is a strong candidate for the factor IX binding site on endothelial cells. Factor IX and factor IX K5R compete with 125I-labeled factor IX for binding to tetrameric collagen IV immobilized on microtiter plates, while factor X, factor VII, and factor IX K5A or V10K fail to compete. The Kd for wild-type factor IX binding to collagen IV in the presence of heparin was 6.8 +/- 2 nM, and the Kd for factor IX K5R was 1.1 +/- 0.2 nM, which agrees well with our previously published Kd values of 7.4 and 2.4 nM for binding of the same proteins to endothelial cells. Our working assumption is that we have identified the endothelial cell binding site and that it is collagen IV. Its physiological relevance remains to be determined.


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The membrane association of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) plays an important role in the biosynthesis of nitric oxide (NO) in vascular endothelium. Previously, we have shown that in cultured endothelial cells and in intact blood vessels, eNOS is found primarily in the perinuclear region of the cells and in discrete regions of the plasma membrane, suggesting trafficking of the protein from the Golgi to specialized plasma membrane structures. Here, we show that eNOS is found in Triton X-100-insoluble membranes prepared from cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells and colocalizes with caveolin, a coat protein of caveolae, in cultured bovine lung microvascular endothelial cells as determined by confocal microscopy. To examine if eNOS is indeed in caveolae, we purified luminal endothelial cell plasma membranes and their caveolae directly from intact, perfused rat lungs. eNOS is found in the luminal plasma membranes and is markedly enriched in the purified caveolae. Because palmitoylation of eNOS does not significantly influence its membrane association, we next examined whether this modification can affect eNOS targeting to caveolae. Wild-type eNOS, but not the palmitoylation mutant form of the enzyme, colocalizes with caveolin on the cell surface in transfected NIH 3T3 cells, demonstrating that palmitoylation of eNOS is necessary for its targeting into caveolae. These data suggest that the subcellular targeting of eNOS to caveolae can restrict NO signaling to specific targets within a limited microenvironment at the cell surface and may influence signal transduction through caveolae.


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Vascular endothelial cells, serving as a barrier between vessel and blood, are exposed to shear stress in the body. Although endothelial responses to shear stress are important in physiological adaption to the hemodynamic environments, they can also contribute to pathological conditions--e.g., in atherosclerosis and reperfusion injury. We have previously shown that shear stress mediates a biphasic response of monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1) gene expression in vascular endothelial cells and that the regulation is at the transcriptional level. These observations led us to functionally analyze the 550-bp promoter region of the MCP-1-encoding gene to define the cis element responding to shear stress. The shear stress/luciferase assay on the deletion constructs revealed that a 38-bp segment (-53 to -90 bp relative to the transcription initiation site) containing two divergent phorbol ester "12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate" (TPA)-responsive elements (TRE) is critical for shear inducibility. Site-specific mutations on these two sites further demonstrated that the proximal one (TGACTCC) but not the distal one (TCACTCA) was shear-responsive. Shear inducibility was lost after the mutation or deletion of the proximal site. This molecular mechanism of shear inducibility of the MCP-1 gene was functional in both the epithelial-like HeLa cells and bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC). In a construct with four copies of the TRE consensus sequences TGACTACA followed by the rat prolactin minimal promoter and luciferase gene, shear stress induced the reporter activities by 35-fold and 7-fold in HeLa cells and BAEC, respectively. The application of shear stress on BAEC also induced a rapid and transient phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. Pretreatment of BAEC with TPA attenuated the shear-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, suggesting that shear stress and TPA share a similar signal transduction pathway in activating cells. The present study provides a molecular basis for the transient induction of MCP-1 gene by shear stress.


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Exogenous transfer RNAs (tRNAs) favor translation of bovine papillomavirus 1 wild-type (wt) L1 mRNA in in vitro translation systems (Zhou et al. 1999, J. Virol., 73, 4972-4982). We, therefore, investigated whether papillomavirus (PV) wt L1 protein expression could be enhanced in eukaryotic cells following exogenous tRNA supplementation. Both Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and Cos1 cells, transfected with PV1 wt L1 genes, effectively transcribed the genes but did not translate them. However, L1 protein translation was demonstrated following co-transfection with the L1 gene and a gene expressing tRNA(Ser)(CGA). Cell lines, stably transfected with a bovine papillomavirus 1 (BPV1) wt L1 expression construct, produced L1 protein after the transfection of the tRNA(Ser)(CGA) gene, but not following the transfection with basal vectors, suggesting that tRNA(Ser)(CGA) gene enhanced wt L1 translation as a result of endogenous tRNA alterations and phosphorylation of translation initiation factors elF4E and elF2alpha in the tRNA(Ser)(CGA) transfected L1 cell lines. The tRNA(Ser)(CGA) gene expression significantly reduced translation of L1 proteins expressed from codon-modified (HB) PV L1 genes utilizing mammalian preferred codons, but had variable effects on translation of green fluorescent proteins (GFPs) expressed from six serine GFP variants. The changes of tRNA pools appear to match the codon composition of PV wt and HB L1 genes and serine GFP variants to regulate translation of their mRNAs. These findings demonstrate for the first time in eukaryotic cells that translation of the target genes can be differentially influenced by the provision of a single tRNA expression construct.


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Brazil is among the largest cashew nut producers of the world. However, the roasting process is still carried out artisanally, especially in the Brazilian semiarid region. In face of this occupational problem, the aim of this study was to perform a physical-chemical characterization of the particulate matter (PM) emitted by the roasting of cashew nuts, as well as to determine the occupational risk and molecular mechanisms associated. The most evident PM characteristics were the prevalence of fine particles, typical biomass burning morphologies such as tar ball and the presence of the elements K, Cl, S, Ca and Fe. In addition, atmospheric modeling analyses suggest that these particles can reach neighboring regions of the emission source. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with carcinogenic potential, such as benzo[a]pyrene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene, benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, chrysene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene were the most abundant PAHs found in the two air monitoring campaigns. Among the identified oxy-PAH the benzanthrone (7H-benz[d,e]anthracen-7-one) had the highest concentration and the evaluation of lifetime cancer risk showed an increase of 12 to 37 cases of cancer for every 10,000 exposed people. Chemical analysis of roasted cashew nuts identified the PAHs: phenanthrene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene, besides the 3-pentadecilfenol allergen (urushiol analogue) as prevalent. Occupational exposure to PAHs was confirmed by the increase of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene levels and genotoxic effects were evidenced by the increase on micronuclei and nuclear bud frequency in exfoliated buccal mucosa cells among the exposed workers. Other biomarkers of effects such as karyorrhexis, pyknotic, karyolytic, condensed chromatin and binucleated cells also have their frequencies increased when compared to an unexposed control group. The investigation of the molecular mechanisms associated with the PM organic extract showed cytotoxicity in human lung cell lines (A549) at concentrations ≥ 4 nM BaPeq. Using non-cytotoxic doses the extract was able to activate proteins involved in the DNA damage response pathway (Chk1 and p53). Moreover, the specific contribution of the four most representative PAHs in the cashew nut roasting sample showed that benzo[a]pyrene was the most efficient to activate Chk1 and p53. Finally, the organic extract was able to increase persistently the mRNA expression involved in the PAHs metabolism (CYP1A1 and CYP1B1), inflammatory response (IL-8 and TNF-α) and cell cycle arrest (CDKN1A) for DNA repair (DDB2). The high PM concentrations and its biological effects associated warn of the serious harmful effects of artisanal cashew nut roasting and urgent actions should be taken to the sustainable development of this activity.


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Brazil is among the largest cashew nut producers of the world. However, the roasting process is still carried out artisanally, especially in the Brazilian semiarid region. In face of this occupational problem, the aim of this study was to perform a physical-chemical characterization of the particulate matter (PM) emitted by the roasting of cashew nuts, as well as to determine the occupational risk and molecular mechanisms associated. The most evident PM characteristics were the prevalence of fine particles, typical biomass burning morphologies such as tar ball and the presence of the elements K, Cl, S, Ca and Fe. In addition, atmospheric modeling analyses suggest that these particles can reach neighboring regions of the emission source. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with carcinogenic potential, such as benzo[a]pyrene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene, benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, chrysene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene were the most abundant PAHs found in the two air monitoring campaigns. Among the identified oxy-PAH the benzanthrone (7H-benz[d,e]anthracen-7-one) had the highest concentration and the evaluation of lifetime cancer risk showed an increase of 12 to 37 cases of cancer for every 10,000 exposed people. Chemical analysis of roasted cashew nuts identified the PAHs: phenanthrene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene, besides the 3-pentadecilfenol allergen (urushiol analogue) as prevalent. Occupational exposure to PAHs was confirmed by the increase of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene levels and genotoxic effects were evidenced by the increase on micronuclei and nuclear bud frequency in exfoliated buccal mucosa cells among the exposed workers. Other biomarkers of effects such as karyorrhexis, pyknotic, karyolytic, condensed chromatin and binucleated cells also have their frequencies increased when compared to an unexposed control group. The investigation of the molecular mechanisms associated with the PM organic extract showed cytotoxicity in human lung cell lines (A549) at concentrations ≥ 4 nM BaPeq. Using non-cytotoxic doses the extract was able to activate proteins involved in the DNA damage response pathway (Chk1 and p53). Moreover, the specific contribution of the four most representative PAHs in the cashew nut roasting sample showed that benzo[a]pyrene was the most efficient to activate Chk1 and p53. Finally, the organic extract was able to increase persistently the mRNA expression involved in the PAHs metabolism (CYP1A1 and CYP1B1), inflammatory response (IL-8 and TNF-α) and cell cycle arrest (CDKN1A) for DNA repair (DDB2). The high PM concentrations and its biological effects associated warn of the serious harmful effects of artisanal cashew nut roasting and urgent actions should be taken to the sustainable development of this activity.