945 resultados para blood level
La greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques est parfois le seul traitement efficace contre les cancers hématologiques ainsi que plusieurs autres désordres reliés au système hématopoïétique. La greffe autologue est souvent le traitement de choix pour les patients atteints de lymphome ou de myélome. Dans ce cas, les cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) du patient sont récoltées et congelées. Le patient subit ensuite des traitements de chimiothérapie et/ou radiothérapie qui éliminent les cellules malignes, mais détruisent aussi son système hématopoïétique. Ce dernier sera ensuite reconstitué par la greffe de CSH. Ces traitements ont pour conséquence de plonger le patient en état d’aplasie pour une période variant de 2 à 4 semaines. La thrombocytopénie (faible taux de plaquettes) est une complication majeure nécessitant des transfusions plaquettaires répétées et associée à une augmentation de la mortalité hémorragique post-transplantation. Il serait particulièrement intéressant de développer une thérapie accélérant la reconstitution des mégacaryocytes (MK), ce qui aurait pour effet de raccourcir la période de thrombopénie et donc de diminuer les besoins transfusionnels en plaquettes et potentiellement augmenter la survie. HOXB4 est un facteur de transcription qui a déjà démontré sa capacité à expandre les CSH et les progéniteurs multipotents (CFU-GEMM) donnant naissance aux MK. Il est donc un bon candidat pour l’expansion des progéniteurs MK. Comme la protéine HoxB4 a par contre une courte demi-vie (~1.1h), des protéines HoxB4 de deuxième génération avec une plus grande stabilité intracellulaire ont été créées (1423 (HoxB4L7A), 1426 (HoxB4Y23A) et 1427 (HoxB4Y28A)). Nous avons donc étudié la capacité d’HoxB4 sauvage et de deuxième génération à expandre les CSH, ainsi que les MK donnant naissance aux plaquettes. La surexpression rétrovirale de ces protéines HoxB4Y23A et HoxB4Y28A conduit à une expansion des progéniteurs MK murins in vitro supérieure à HoxB4-wt, 1423 et au contrôle GFP. La reconstitution plaquettaire in vivo dans un modèle murin a ensuite été évaluée par des transplantations primaires et secondaires. Les résultats révèlent que la surexpression rétrovirale des différents HoxB4 n’apporte pas de bénéfice significatif à la reconstitution plaquettaire des souris. Lorsque cultivées dans un milieu favorisant la différenciation mégacaryocytaire, le traitement de cellules CD34+ dérivées du sang de cordon ombilical avec les protéines recombinantes TATHoxB4WT ou de seconde génération n’a pas augmenté la production plaquettaire. Par contre, de manière intéressante, les cellules CD34+ provenant de sang mobilisé de patients atteints de myélome et mises en culture dans un milieu favorisant l’expansion des CSH ont montré des différences significatives dans la différenciation des progéniteurs MK en présence de la protéine recombinante TATHoxB4. La protéine HOXB4 possède donc un avenir prometteur quant à une amélioration de l’état thrombocytopénique chez les patients.
OBJETIVO: Investigar os níveis séricos de retinol de 218 adolescentes de ambos os sexos com idade entre 10 e 19 anos, matriculados em colégio da rede privada de ensino da cidade de São Paulo, foi o objetivo deste trabalho. MÉTODOS: Para a avaliação da condição nutricional dos adolescentes, utilizaram-se as medidas antropométricas de peso e altura e também a história dietética. A dosagem de retinol foi realizada pela técnica de espectrofotometria, considerando como níveis séricos inadequados valores <1,05µmol/L (30µg/dL). RESULTADOS: A média de ingestão, de acordo com a faixa etária, foi maior que a recomendação, porém com altos valores de desvios padrão, em ambos os sexos. A prevalência de adolescentes com níveis séricos de vitamina A abaixo do adequado foi de 30% em ambos os sexos e a análise da correlação de Índice de Massa Corporal com os níveis séricos de retinol não mostrou significância, como também a análise da correlação entre a densidade de ingestão de vitamina A e níveis séricos de retinol. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados deste estudo sugerem a necessidade da realização de mais investigações sobre vitamina A no período da adolescência, para verificar se o nível sérico baixo desse nutriente é um fator de risco para a saúde do adolescente ou é reflexo da captação acelerada que ocorre para atender necessidades metabólicas.
The influence of Fentanyl, Droperidol and Innovar on renal function and electrolytes (sodium and potassium) were studied on 18 dogs. Fentanyl disturbs kidney function and decreases plasmatic potassium. Droperidol and Innovar do not disturb the main renal function but decrease plasmatic potassium. The results obtained point out the importance of associate employment of Fentamyl and Droperidol, since the latter seems to establish the renal disorders occasioned by Fentanyl, probably owing to its adrenergic α blocking action.
Plasma and red cell zinc was assayed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in three groups of male rats, 58 days old, weaned in the 30th day of life. Control group (20 rats) was fed with normal lab diet while the kwashiorkor group (20 rats) received a protein-free diet and the marasmic group (15 rats) received a protein calorie deficient diet. The clinical and biochemical data obtained in the different groups agreed with the nutritional state. A lower and similar concentration of Zinc in plasma and red cells was observed among both malnourished groups. In this paper the authors discuss the results and present a review of the literature concerning the role of zinc in nutrition.
Carrageenin-induced inflammatory responses in the hindpaws of rats were quantitated by measuring: (1) alterations in volumes of the paws; and (2) alterations in concentration of dye, previously injected intravenously, which was recovered in perfusates from the paws. The inflammatory response in one paw was attenuated by previously inducing an inflammatory response in the contralateral paw. The effect was abolished by pretreatment with insulin. Indexes of adrenal activity were increased after the induction of the inflammatory response and they were not attenuated by pretreatment with insulin. Adrenal hyperactivity was characterized by increased serum corticosterone concentration, decreased adrenal ascorbic acid content, and reduced number of circulating eosinophils. It is concluded that inflammatory stimuli which lead to alterations in microvessels depend on a facilitatory effect of insulin. This effect is antagonized by glucocorticoids released in enhanced concentrations after the application of noxious stimuli. Therefore, endogenous insulin and glucocorticoids act as modulators of inflammatory responses.
The effect of propylthiouracil oral treatment (400 mg/day per bird for 20 days) on body and thyroid weight, rectal temperature and plasma metabolic parameters of ducks (Cairina moschata) was determined. Propylthiouracil treatment produced a reduction (P less than .01) in body weight and an increase (P less than .01) in thyroid weight. The antithyroid drug also produced a decrease in rectal temperature starting from the 15th day of treatment, but did not significantly change blood glucose. Plasma free fatty acids and cholesterol concentrations progressively increased from the 5th and 10th day, respectively, in treated animals.
Sera of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis contained IgG-, IgA-, and IgM-specific antibodies to a 43 kDa antigen contained in the filtrate of a culture of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. IgG- and IgA-specific antibodies were present in all observed patients. The IgM response was more frequent in acute cases, and the mean titers of IgG- and IgM-specific antibodies were higher in the acute forms. By the fourth month of chemotherapy, there was a decay of IgG, IgA, and IgM antibody titers to this antigen in acute cases, correlating with clinical improvement. The detection of IgG and IgA antibodies and the sequential determination of antibodies to the 43 kDa glycoprotein may be useful tools for serodiagnosis and evaluation of therapeutic efficacy.
The authors evaluated the isoniazid acetylating phenotype and measured hematocrit, hemoglobin, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase activities plus serum sulfadoxin levels in 39 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis (33 males and 6 females) aged 17 to 58 years. Twenty one (53.84%) of the patients presented a slow acetylating phenotype and 18 (46.16%) a fast acetylating phenotype. Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity was decreased in 5(23.80%) slow acetylators and in 4 (22.22%) fast acetylators. Glutathione reductase activity was decreased in 14 (66.66%) slow acetylators and in 12(66.66%) fast acetylators. Serum levels of free and total sulfadoxin were higher in slow acetylator (p _ 0.02). Analysis of the results permitted us to conclude that serum sulfadoxin levels are related to the acetylator phenotype. Furthermore, sulfadoxin levels were always above 50 μg/ml, a value considered therapeutic. Glutathione reductase deficiency observed in 66% of patients may be related to the intestinal malabsorption of nutrients, among them riboflavin, a FAD precursor vitamin, in patients with paracoceidioidomycosis.