972 resultados para biological parameters


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Water quality of a fish pond used by UNESP, at Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, for both fishing and irrigation has been evaluated according to certain limnological parameters and to its phytoplankton composition. During the year, four sampling sites were assigned at the pond: P(1)=inlet water in the pond; P(2)=inlet water from a shrimp pond; P(3)=irrigation spot; and P(4)=outlet water (water flowing directly into another pond). The collected data show a water pond with high concentration of nutrients and chlorophyll-a, and high values of electrical conductivity, total hardness and total dissolved solids, proceeding from the above pond. These factors affected substantially some biological parameters, such as chlorophyll-a and phytoplankton. In P(3), whereas class Zygnematophyceae showed the highest specimens richness, with 34.01%, the Chlorophyceae, that had the highest number of genera, comprehended 33.52% of the total number of individuals. The use of the water fish pond for irrigation must be re-evaluated, due to eutrophic conditions of the water, the presence of potentially toxic cyanobacteria, so as the proper management employed.


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The soil macrofauna is influenced to several biotic and abiotic environmental factors, from changes in the physical environment to a variety of interactions among the species involved, affecting the patterns of biodiversity of soil fauna. The power and specificity of the mechanisms that act on soil organisms vary greatly depending on environmental conditions at different scales of space and time. The Caatinga has great spatial heterogeneity of vegetation, climate and soil, so the soil macrofauna would follow this local spatial variation in the environment? This study aimed to investigate the effects of local environmental variables on biological parameters (taxa richness, total abundance and biomass) of soil macrofauna in a fragment of caatinga in João Câmara, Rio Grande Norte, Northeast Brazil. The study was conducted in the Cauaçu farm, where a grid of 2000m x 500m was drawn, and later, 30 sampling points were randomly selected. The methodology used to collect the macrofauna was the TSBF method. We tested the effects of 10 environmental variables on macrofauna across the plots and across the layers of soil. The hypothesis that macrofauna soil responds to changes in the environment was not supported throughout the plots, but was confirmed to soil layers. The soil macrofauna shows a pattern of concentration in the surface layer and decreases considerably in the deeper layers. This pattern had significant and positive relationship with the aerial plant biomass and fine root stock. The aerial plant biomass releases plant necromass that accumulates in the surface layer, providing an important source of resource and shelter for soil macrofauna, explaining their greater abundance in this layer. The roots are used as a means for the arrival of nutrients to the soil from the primary production, thus a greater amount of root conditions higher food intake for macrofauna, especially the herbivores


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi comparar diferentes cultivares de brassicáceas em relação à capacidade reprodutiva e preferência para alimentação e oviposição da traça-das-crucíferas. Os experimentos foram realizados utilizando-se as cultivares de repolho Midori, Chato-de-Quintal, híbridos da Top Seed® - Agristar (TPC 308, TPC 681 e TPC 668), couve-flor Bola de Neve, couve brócolis Ramoso Piracicaba Precoce e couve Manteiga da Geórgia, sendo esta última utilizada como padrão de suscetibilidade. Por meio dos dados biológicos de P. xylostella foram estimados os parâmetros necessários para a construção de tabela de vida de fertilidade, para comparação das cultivares testadas em relação à capacidade reprodutiva da praga. em gaiolas de criação da traça-das-crucíferas foram colocados quatro quartos de folha, dois a dois, que justapostos formavam um círculo de 8 cm de diâmetro, confrontando-se os materiais dois a dois. As partes foram dispostas equidistantemente, para realização do teste de dupla chance de escolha (preferência para alimentação e oviposição) e de múltipla chance de escolha, confrontando todos os substratos (preferência para alimentação). As cultivares que proporcionaram melhor desenvolvimento e reprodução para a traça-das-crucíferas foram couve Manteiga da Geórgia e couve brócolis. Para preferência alimentar constatou-se alta suscetibilidade em couve Manteiga e TPC 681 e para preferência de oviposição alta preferência para couve-flor Bola de Neve. Com isso, sugere-se a divisão das cultivares estudadas em quatro classes distintas: repolho Midori como moderadamente resistente (MR); couve-flor Bola de Neve e repolho Chato-de-Quintal como suscetíveis (S); couve brócolis, TPC308, TPC681 e TPC668 como moderadamente suscetíveis (MS); e couve Manteiga como altamente suscetível (AS).


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O desenvolvimento de insetos é dependente da temperatura. Nesta pesquisa, foi verificada a influência da temperatura no desenvolvimento e na reprodução de Chrysomphalus aonidum (L.) em câmaras climatizadas com UR do ar 70±10%, fotofase de 12h e temperaturas constantes de 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 e 27 ± 1°C, tendo como substrato abóboras cabotiá (Curcubita maxima x Curcubita moschata var. Tetsukabuto). Foi observada a influência da temperatura nos parâmetros biológicos da cochonilha, sendo que temperaturas entre 23 e 27°C foram as mais adequadas ao inseto, propiciando menor duração do período ninfal e maior produção diária de ninfas por fêmea. Temperaturas entre 17 e 19°C provocam maior duração na fase ninfal, maior longevidade das fêmeas e menor produção diária de ninfas por fêmea.


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This work was conducted to evaluate biological parameters of Plutella xylostella L. reared on leaves of several cauliflower genotypes under laboratory conditions. The experiment was set in a randomized block design and arranged in a 6 x 2 factorial (genotypes x generations). Leaf disks of the cultivars Barcelona, Verona, Piracicaba Precoce, Sharon, Silver Streak, and Teresopolis Gigante were placed in Petri dishes with 12 newly-hatched larvae. Leaf disks were initially changed after the fourth day, but daily afterwards until the larvae reached the pupal stage. The same procedure was adopted for the second generation. Twenty adults of each sex were separated from each genotype to evaluate their longevity, and I 0 couples from each treatment were used to assess female fecundity. The lowest larval survival was obtained on the 'Silver Streak' (78.9%) and highest on 'Verona' (97.1%). The 'Silver Streak' and `Teresopolis Gigante' showed the lowest pupal weights (4.83 mg and 5.11 mg, respectively), as well as the lowest fecundity, 119.4 and 123.0 eggs/female, respectively, while 'Piracicaba Precoce' the highest (167.7 eggs/female). Males obtained from larvae reared on `Teresopolis Gigante' and 'Silver Streak' lived shorter (5.1 days), while the short-lived females were obtained from larvae reared on 'Barcelona' and 'Verona' (4.9 and 5.0 days). Insect development was prolonged in the second generation in all tested genotypes.


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the no-preference for feeding and biological aspects of Spodoptera eridania fed on cowpea cultivars BR17 Gurgueia, BRS Urubuquara, BRS Nova Era, Sempre Verde, BRS Milenio and BR3 Tracuateua. In free-choice test, leaf discs were placed in Petri dishes where one third instar larvae per cultivar was released, whereas in no-choice test one leaf disc was placed per Petri dish where one caterpillar per cultivar was released, evaluating their attractiveness after 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 360 and 720 minutes, as well as the leaf area consumed. Randomized blocks and complete randomized blocks design were used for free-choice and no-choice tests, respectively, with six treatments and 10 replications. The evaluation of the biological parameters of S. eridania was carried out in Petri dishes where recently hatched caterpillars were transferred in the proportion of one per dish, and the leafs of the cultivars were offered to them during the whole larval period, and we evaluated: periods and viabilities of larvae and pupae, overall viability, weight of larvae and pupae, sex ratio, longevity and overall cycle. Complete randomized design was used with six treatments and 30 replications. In no- preference for feeding free-choice test the cultivars Sempre Verde and BR17 Gurgueia were the most and the least consumed, respectively. Regarding the effects of cowpea cultivars on larval viability we can infer that BRS Urubuquara and Sempre Verde show antibiosis-type resistance to S. eridania.


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the biological aspects of Plutella xylostella and Trichogramma pretiosum in eggs of the F2 generation of P. xylostella under the influence of Bacillus thuringiensis in laboratory conditions. The experiment was conducted in the Laboratorio de Biologia and Criacao de Insetos of Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias de Jaboticabal - UNESP reen collars contaminated with strains and commercial product based on B. thuringiensis in the laboratory. The eggs obtained from the F2 generation of P. xylostella evaluated the biological parameters of T. pretiosum. It was observed that some biological characteristics of P. xylostella showed changes by the treatment with B. thuringiensis. The viability of the larvae and pupae stages, pupae weight were the biological parameters more influenced by treatments, with values significantly reduced when compared to control. However, the larvae length and pupae stages and sex ratio were similar in all treatments, with no significant biological variations. Thus, this bacterium isolated from this behavior may provide greater exposure of larvae to other natural enemies as well as generation of adults less viable, which makes them potential programs in pest control, since the interaction of the methods of control is one of the main ways to enhance the biological control of insect pests. It was observed sublethal effects on P. xylostella biology, and B. thuringiensis negative influence on the parasitism capacity and emergency of T. pretiosum.


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Two bioassays were performed to evaluate the effect of two biopesticides based on Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuillemin and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin on the biological parameters of Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner, 1983. In the first one, displays with S. frugiperda, 1797 eggs were dropped into the biopesticide suspension and offered to the parasitoid females for 24 hours. In the second one, parasitoid females were fed with a suspension containing honey and biopesticide suspension. In both cases, after the parasitoid death they were mantained into a humid chamber to observe fungus sporulation. The experiments were maintained in a climatized chamber at 25 +/- 1 degrees C, RH 70 +/- 10%, and photophase of 14 hours. The longevity and adult mortality, total parasitism, progeny emergency, number of individuals per egg and sexual ratio were analyzed. The biopesticides did not affect the evaluated parameters and no fungus sporulation was observed in dead females. It is possible to assert that the entomopathogenic fungi B. bassiana and M. anisopliae can be used with T. atopovirilia in IPM S. frugiperda systems.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci biótipo B é uma praga de grande importância econômica para muitas culturas em todo o mundo. No Brasil, especialmente no Estado da Bahia, essa praga causou perdas que variam entre 30% e 70% em cultura de algodão. Essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de avaliar parâmetros biológicos de B. tabaci biótipo B em genótipos de algodoeiro para verificar a possível ocorrência de antibiose como mecanismo de resistência sob condições de casa de vegetação. Os genótipos estudados foram IAC-23, Coodetec 406, BRS Aroeira, Fabrika, Coodetec 407, IAC-24, Makina, IAC 20-233, Coodetec 401 e CNPA Acala I. Foram avaliados os períodos de incubação e ninfal, o desenvolvimento total e a longevidade. Dos genótipos avaliados observou-se em Coodetec 406 maior período ninfal (14,7 dias) e IAC-23 a menor viabilidade de ninfas (30,7%), indicando a ocorrência de resistência do tipo antibiose contra essa mosca-branca.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)