891 resultados para bioinformatics gene expression liver
The present study was conducted to investigate the influence of restricted food access on Solea senegalensis behaviour and daily expression of clock genes in central (diencephalon and optic tectum) and pheripheral (liver) tissues. The Senegalese sole is a marine teleost fish belonging to the Class of Actinopterygii, Order Pleuronectiformes and Family Soleidae. Its geographical distribution in the Mediterranean sea is fairly broad, covering the south and east of the Iberian Peninsula, the North of Africa and Middle East until the coast of Turkey. From a commercial perspective Solea senegalensis has acquired in recent years, a key role in aquacolture industry of the Iberian Peninsula. The Senegalese sole is also acquiring an important relevance in chronobiological studies as the number of published works focused on the sole circadian system has increased in the last few years. The molecular mechanisms underlying sole circadian rhythms has also been explored recently, both in adults and developing sole. Moreover, the consideration of the Pleuronectiformes Order as one of the most evolved teleost groups make the Senegalese sole a species of high interest under a comparative and phylogenetic point of view. All these facts have reinforced the election of Senegalese sole as model species for the present study. The animals were kept under 12L:12D photoperiod conditions and divided into three experimental groups depending on the feeding time: fed at midlight (ML), middark (MD) or random (RND) times. Throughout the experiment, the existence of a daily activity rhythm and it synchronization to the light-dark and feeding cycles was checked. To this end locomotor activity was registred by means of two infrared photocells placed in pvc tube 10 cm below the water surface (upper photocell) and the other one was located 10 cm above the bottom of the tank (bottom photocell). The photocell were connected to a computer so that every time a fish interrupted the infrared light beam, it produced an output signal that was recorded. The number of light beam interruptions was stored every 10 minutes by specialized software for data acquisition.
Objective Increasing plasma glucose levels are associated with increasing risk of vascular disease. We tested the hypothesis that there is a glycaemia-mediated impairment of reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). We studied the influence of plasma glucose on expression and function of a key mediator in RCT, the ATP binding cassette transporter-A1 (ABCA1) and expression of its regulators, liver X receptor-α (LXRα) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor–γ (PPARγ). Methods and Results Leukocyte ABCA1, LXRα and PPARγ expression was measured by polymerase chain reaction in 63 men with varying degrees of glucose homeostasis. ABCA1 protein concentrations were measured in leukocytes. In a sub-group of 25 men, ABCA1 function was quantified as apolipoprotein-A1-mediated cholesterol efflux from 2–3 week cultured skin fibroblasts. Leukocyte ABCA1 expression correlated negatively with circulating HbA1c and glucose (rho = −0.41, p<0.001; rho = −0.34, p = 0.006 respectively) and was reduced in Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) (p = 0.03). Leukocyte ABCA1 protein was lower in T2DM (p = 0.03) and positively associated with plasma HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) (rho = 0.34, p = 0.02). Apolipoprotein-A1-mediated cholesterol efflux correlated negatively with fasting glucose (rho = −0.50, p = 0.01) and positively with HDL-C (rho = 0.41, p = 0.02). It was reduced in T2DM compared with controls (p = 0.04). These relationships were independent of LXRα and PPARγ expression. Conclusions ABCA1 expression and protein concentrations in leukocytes, as well as function in cultured skin fibroblasts, are reduced in T2DM. ABCA1 protein concentration and function are associated with HDL-C levels. These findings indicate a glycaemia- related, persistent disruption of a key component of RCT.
BACKGROUND: Pneumococcal meningitis is associated with high mortality (approximately 30%) and morbidity. Up to 50% of survivors are affected by neurological sequelae due to a wide spectrum of brain injury mainly affecting the cortex and hippocampus. Despite this significant disease burden, the genetic program that regulates the host response leading to brain damage as a consequence of bacterial meningitis is largely unknown.We used an infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis to assess gene expression profiles in cortex and hippocampus at 22 and 44 hours after infection and in controls at 22 h after mock-infection with saline. To analyze the biological significance of the data generated by Affymetrix DNA microarrays, a bioinformatics pipeline was used combining (i) a literature-profiling algorithm to cluster genes based on the vocabulary of abstracts indexed in MEDLINE (NCBI) and (ii) the self-organizing map (SOM), a clustering technique based on covariance in gene expression kinetics. RESULTS: Among 598 genes differentially regulated (change factor > or = 1.5; p < or = 0.05), 77% were automatically assigned to one of 11 functional groups with 94% accuracy. SOM disclosed six patterns of expression kinetics. Genes associated with growth control/neuroplasticity, signal transduction, cell death/survival, cytoskeleton, and immunity were generally upregulated. In contrast, genes related to neurotransmission and lipid metabolism were transiently downregulated on the whole. The majority of the genes associated with ionic homeostasis, neurotransmission, signal transduction and lipid metabolism were differentially regulated specifically in the hippocampus. Of the cell death/survival genes found to be continuously upregulated only in hippocampus, the majority are pro-apoptotic, while those continuously upregulated only in cortex are anti-apoptotic. CONCLUSION: Temporal and spatial analysis of gene expression in experimental pneumococcal meningitis identified potential targets for therapy.
Liver fibrosis is characterized by high expression of the key profibrogenic cytokine transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta and the natural tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP)-1, leading to substantial accumulation of extracellular matrix. Liver fibrosis originates from various chronic liver diseases, such as chronic viral hepatitis that, to date, cannot be treated sufficiently. Thus, novel therapeutics, for example, those derived from Oriental medicine, have gained growing attention. In Korea, extracts prepared from Lindera obtusiloba are used for centuries for treatment of inflammation, improvement of blood circulation and prevention of liver damage, but experimental evidence of their efficacy is lacking. We studied direct antifibrotic effects in activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), the main target cell in the fibrotic liver. L. obtusiloba extract (135 mug/ml) reduced the de novo DNA synthesis of activated rat and human HSCs by about 90%, which was not accompanied by cytotoxicity of HSC, primary hepatocytes and HepG2 cells, pointing to induction of cellular quiescence. As determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction, simultaneous treatment of HSCs with TGF-beta and L. obtusiloba extract resulted in reduction of TIMP-1 expression to baseline level, disruption of the autocrine loop of TGF-beta autoinduction and increased expression of fibrolytic matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3. In addition, L. obtusiloba reduced gelatinolytic activity of HSC by interfering with profibrogenic MMP-2 activity. Since L. obtusiloba extract prevented intracellular oxidative stress experimentally induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide, we concluded that the direct antifibrotic effect of L. obtusiloba extract might be mediated by antioxidant activity. Thus, L. obtusiloba, traditionally used in Oriental medicine, may complement treatment of chronic liver disease.
BDE-47 is one of the most widely found congeners of PBDEs in marine environments. The potential immunomodulatory effects of BDE-47 on fish complement system were studied using the marine medaka Oryzias melastigma as a model fish. Three-month-old O. melastigma were subjected to short-term (5 days) and long-term (21 days) exposure to two concentrations of BDE-47 (low dose at 290 +/- 172 ng/day; high dose at 580 +/- 344 ng/day) via dietary uptake of BDE-47 encapsulated in Artemia nauplii. Body burdens of BDE-47 and other metabolic products were analyzed in the exposed and control fish. Only a small amount of debrominated product, BDE-28, was detected, while other metabolic products were all under detection limit. Transcriptional expression of six major complement system genes involved in complement activation: C1r/s (classical pathway), MBL-2 (lectin pathway), CFP (alternative pathway), F2 (coagulation pathway), C3 (the central component of complement system), and C9 (cell lysis) were quantified in the liver of marine medaka. Endogenous expression of all six complement system genes was found to be higher in males than in females (p < 0.05). Upon dietary exposure of marine medaka to BDE-47, expression of all six complement genes were downregulated in males at day 5 (or longer), whereas in females, MBl-2, CFP, and F2 mRNAs expression were upregulated, but C3 and C9 remained stable with exposure time and dose. A significant negative relationship was found between BDE-47 body burden and mRNA expression of C1r/s, CFP, and C3 in male fish (r = -0.8576 to -0.9447). The above findings on changes in complement gene expression patterns indicate the complement system may be compromised in male O. melastigma upon dietary exposure to BDE-47. Distinct gender difference in expression of six major complement system genes was evident in marine medaka under resting condition and dietary BDE-47 challenge. The immunomodulatory effects of BDE-47 on transcriptional expression of these complement components in marine medaka were likely induced by the parent compound instead of biotransformed products. Our results clearly demonstrate that future direction for fish immunotoxicology and risk assessment of immunosuppressive chemicals must include parallel evaluation for both genders.
Insufficient feed intake during early lactation results in elevated body fat mobilization to meet energy demands for milk production. Hepatic energy metabolism is involved by increasing endogenous glucose production and hepatic glucose output for milk synthesis and by adaptation of postcalving fuel oxidation. Given that cows differ in their degree of fat mobilization around parturition, indicated by variable total liver fat concentration (LFC), the study investigated the influence of peripartum fat mobilization on hepatic gene expression involved in gluconeogenesis, fatty acid oxidation, ketogenesis, and cholesterol synthesis, as well as transcriptional factors referring to energy metabolism. German Holstein cows were grouped according to mean total LFC on d 1, 14, and 28 after parturition as low [<200mg of total fat/g of dry matter (DM); n=10], medium (200-300 mg of total fat/g of DM; n=10), and high (>300 mg of total fat/g of DM; n=7), indicating fat mobilization during early lactation. Cows were fed total mixed rations ad libitum and held under equal conditions. Liver biopsies were taken at d 56 and 15 before and d 1, 14, 28, and 49 after parturition to measure mRNA abundances of pyruvate carboxylase (PC); phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; glucose-6-phosphatase; propionyl-coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase α; carnitine palmitoyl-transferase 1A (CPT1A); acyl-CoA synthetase, long chain 1 (ASCL1); acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, very long chain; 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 1 and 2; sterol regulatory element-binding factor 1; and peroxisome proliferator-activated factor α. Total LFC postpartum differed greatly among cows, and the mRNA abundance of most enzymes and transcription factors changed with time during the experimental period. Abundance of PC mRNA increased at parturition to a greater extent in high- and medium-LFC groups than in the low-LFC group. Significant LFC × time interactions for ACSL1 and CPT1A during the experimental period indicated variable gene expression depending on LFC after parturition. Correlations between hepatic gene expression and performance data and plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones showed time-specific relations during the transition period. Elevated body fat mobilization during early lactation affected gene expression involved in gluconeogenesis to a greater extent than gene expression involved in lipid metabolism, indicating the dependence of hepatic glucose metabolism on hepatic lipid status and fat mobilization during early lactation.
Brain tumor is one of the most aggressive types of cancer in humans, with an estimated median survival time of 12 months and only 4% of the patients surviving more than 5 years after disease diagnosis. Until recently, brain tumor prognosis has been based only on clinical information such as tumor grade and patient age, but there are reports indicating that molecular profiling of gliomas can reveal subgroups of patients with distinct survival rates. We hypothesize that coupling molecular profiling of brain tumors with clinical information might improve predictions of patient survival time and, consequently, better guide future treatment decisions. In order to evaluate this hypothesis, the general goal of this research is to build models for survival prediction of glioma patients using DNA molecular profiles (U133 Affymetrix gene expression microarrays) along with clinical information. First, a predictive Random Forest model is built for binary outcomes (i.e. short vs. long-term survival) and a small subset of genes whose expression values can be used to predict survival time is selected. Following, a new statistical methodology is developed for predicting time-to-death outcomes using Bayesian ensemble trees. Due to a large heterogeneity observed within prognostic classes obtained by the Random Forest model, prediction can be improved by relating time-to-death with gene expression profile directly. We propose a Bayesian ensemble model for survival prediction which is appropriate for high-dimensional data such as gene expression data. Our approach is based on the ensemble "sum-of-trees" model which is flexible to incorporate additive and interaction effects between genes. We specify a fully Bayesian hierarchical approach and illustrate our methodology for the CPH, Weibull, and AFT survival models. We overcome the lack of conjugacy using a latent variable formulation to model the covariate effects which decreases computation time for model fitting. Also, our proposed models provides a model-free way to select important predictive prognostic markers based on controlling false discovery rates. We compare the performance of our methods with baseline reference survival methods and apply our methodology to an unpublished data set of brain tumor survival times and gene expression data, selecting genes potentially related to the development of the disease under study. A closing discussion compares results obtained by Random Forest and Bayesian ensemble methods under the biological/clinical perspectives and highlights the statistical advantages and disadvantages of the new methodology in the context of DNA microarray data analysis.
BACKGROUND: In humans, overproduction of apolipoprotein B (apoB) is positively associated with premature coronary artery diseases. To reduce the levels of apoB mRNA, we have designed an apoB mRNA-specific hammerhead ribozyme targeted at nucleotide sequences GUA6679 (RB15) mediated by adenovirus, which efficiently cleaves and decreases apoB mRNA by 80% in mouse liver and attenuates the hyperlipidemic condition. In the current study, we used an adeno-associated virus vector, serotype 2 (AAV2) and a self-complementary AAV2 vector (scAAV2) to demonstrate the effect of long-term tissue-specific gene expression of RB15 on the regulation apoB mRNA in vivo. METHODS: We constructed a hammerhead ribozyme RB15 driven by a liver-specific transthyretin (TTR) promoter using an AAV2 vector (rAAV2-TTR-RB15). HepG2 cells and hyperlipidemic mice deficient in both the low density lipoprotein receptor and the apoB mRNA editing enzyme genes (LDLR-/-Apobec1-/-; LDb) were transduced with rAAV2-TTR-RB15 and a control vector rAAV-TTR-RB15-mutant (inactive ribozyme). The effects of ribozyme RB15 on apoB metabolism and atherosclerosis development were determined in LDb mice at 5-month after transduction. A self-complementary AAV2 vector expressing ribozyme RB15 (scAAV2-TTR-RB15) was also engineered and used to transduce HepG2 cells. Studies were designed to compare the gene expression efficiency between rAAV2-TTR-RB15 and scAAV2-TTR-RB15. RESULTS: The effect of ribozyme RB15 RNA on reducing apoB mRNA levels in HepG2 cells was observed only on day-7 after rAAV2-TTR-RB15 transduction. And, at 5-month after rAAV2-TTR-RB15 treatment, the apoB mRNA levels in LDb mice were significantly decreased by 43%, compared to LDb mice treated with control vector rAAV2-TTR-RB15-mutant. Moreover, both the rAAV2-TTR-RB15 viral DNA and ribozyme RB15 RNA were still detectable in mice livers at 5-month after treatment. However, this rAAV2-TTR-RB15 vector mediated a prolonged but low level of ribozyme RB15 gene expression in the mice livers, which did not produce the therapeutic effects on alteration the lipid levels or the inhibition of atherosclerosis development. In contrast, the ribozyme RB15 RNA mediated by scAAV2-TTR-RB15 vector was expressed immediately at day-1 after transduction in HepG2 cells. The apoB mRNA levels were decreased 47% (p = 0.001), compared to the control vector scAAV2-TTR-RB15-mutant. CONCLUSION: This study provided evidence that the rAAV2 single-strand vector mediated a prolonged but not efficient transduction in mouse liver. However, the scAAV2 double-strand vector mediated a rapid and efficient gene expression in liver cells. This strategy using scAAV2 vectors represents a better approach to express small molecules such as ribozyme.
My dissertation focuses on two aspects of RNA sequencing technology. The first is the methodology for modeling the overdispersion inherent in RNA-seq data for differential expression analysis. This aspect is addressed in three sections. The second aspect is the application of RNA-seq data to identify the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) by integrating datasets of mRNA expression level and DNA methylation status. Section 1: The cost of DNA sequencing has reduced dramatically in the past decade. Consequently, genomic research increasingly depends on sequencing technology. However it remains elusive how the sequencing capacity influences the accuracy of mRNA expression measurement. We observe that accuracy improves along with the increasing sequencing depth. To model the overdispersion, we use the beta-binomial distribution with a new parameter indicating the dependency between overdispersion and sequencing depth. Our modified beta-binomial model performs better than the binomial or the pure beta-binomial model with a lower false discovery rate. Section 2: Although a number of methods have been proposed in order to accurately analyze differential RNA expression on the gene level, modeling on the base pair level is required. Here, we find that the overdispersion rate decreases as the sequencing depth increases on the base pair level. Also, we propose four models and compare them with each other. As expected, our beta binomial model with a dynamic overdispersion rate is shown to be superior. Section 3: We investigate biases in RNA-seq by exploring the measurement of the external control, spike-in RNA. This study is based on two datasets with spike-in controls obtained from a recent study. We observe an undiscovered bias in the measurement of the spike-in transcripts that arises from the influence of the sample transcripts in RNA-seq. Also, we find that this influence is related to the local sequence of the random hexamer that is used in priming. We suggest a model of the inequality between samples and to correct this type of bias. Section 4: The expression of a gene can be turned off when its promoter is highly methylated. Several studies have reported that a clear threshold effect exists in gene silencing that is mediated by DNA methylation. It is reasonable to assume the thresholds are specific for each gene. It is also intriguing to investigate genes that are largely controlled by DNA methylation. These genes are called “L-shaped” genes. We develop a method to determine the DNA methylation threshold and identify a new CIMP of BRCA. In conclusion, we provide a detailed understanding of the relationship between the overdispersion rate and sequencing depth. And we reveal a new bias in RNA-seq and provide a detailed understanding of the relationship between this new bias and the local sequence. Also we develop a powerful method to dichotomize methylation status and consequently we identify a new CIMP of breast cancer with a distinct classification of molecular characteristics and clinical features.
To understand how the serum amyloid A (SAA) genes are regulated, the cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors involved in the regulation of mouse SAA3 and rat SAA1 genes expression during inflammation were analyzed.^ To identify DNA sequences involved in the liver-specific expression of the mouse SAA3 gene, the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region of this gene was analyzed by transient transfection studies. Results suggest that C/EBP, a liver-enriched transcription factor, plays an important role for the enhanced expression of the mouse SAA3 gene in hepatocytes.^ Transfection studies of the regulation of the expression of rat SAA1 gene indicated that a 322 bp fragment ($-$304 to +18) of the gene contains sufficient information for cytokine-induced expression of the reporter gene in a liver cell-specific manner. Further functional analysis of the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region of the rat SAA1 gene demonstrated that a 65 bp DNA fragment ($-$138/$-$73) can confer cytokine-inducibility onto a heterologous promoter both in liver and nonliver cells. DNase I footprint and gel retardation assays identified five putative cis-regulatory elements within the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region of the gene: one inducible element, a NF$\kappa$B binding site and four constitutive elements. Two constitutive elements, footprint regions I and III, were identified as C/EBP binding sites with region III having over a 10-fold higher affinity for C/EBP binding than region I. Functional analysis of the cis-elements indicated that C/EBP(I) and C/EBP(III) confer liver cell-specific activation onto a heterologous promoter, while sequences corresponding to the NF$\kappa$B element and C/EBP(I) impart cytokine responsiveness onto the heterologous promoter. These results suggest that C/EBP(I) possesses two functions: liver-specific activation and cytokine responsiveness. The identification of two cytokine responsive elements (NF$\kappa$B and C/EBP(I)), and two liver-specific elements (C/EBP(I) and C/EBP(III)) implies that multiple cis-acting elements are involved in the regulation of the expression of the rat SAA1 gene. The tissue-specific and cytokine-induced expression of rat SAA1 gene is likely the result of the interactions of these cis-acting elements with their cognate trans-acting factors as well as the interplay between the different cis-acting elements and their binding factors. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^
To answer the question whether increased energy demand resulting from myocyte hypertrophy and enhanced $\beta$-myosin heavy chain mRNA, contractile protein synthesis and assembly leads to mitochondrial proliferation and differentiation, we set up an electrical stimulation model of cultured neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. We describe, as a result of increased contractile activity, increased mitochondrial profiles, cytochrome oxidase mRNA, and activity, as well as a switch in mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I) from the liver to muscle isoform. We investigate physiological pathways that lead to accumulation of gene transcripts for nuclear encoded mitochondrial proteins in the heart. Cardiomyocytes were stimulated for varying times up to 72 hr in serum-free culture. The mRNA contents for genes associated with transcriptional activation (c-fos, c-jun, junB, nuclear respiratory factor 1 (Nrf-1)), mitochondrial proliferation (cytochrome c (Cyt c), cytochrome oxidase), and mitochondrial differentiation (carnitine palmitonyltransferase I (CPT-I) isoforms) were measured. The results establish a temporal pattern of mRNA induction beginning with c-fos (0.25-3 hr) and followed by c-jun (0.5-3 hr), junB (0.5-6 hr), NRF-1 (1-12 hr), Cyt c (12-72 hr), cytochrome c oxidase (12-72 hr). Induction of the latter was accompanied by a marked decrease in the liver-specific CPT-I mRNA. Electrical stimulation increased c-fos, $\beta$-myosin heavy chain, and Cyt c promoter activities. These increases coincided with a rise in their respective endogenous gene transcripts. NRF-1, cAMP response element (CRE), and Sp-1 site mutations within the Cyt c promoter reduced luciferase expression in both stimulated and nonstimulated myocytes. Mutations in the Nrf-1 and CRE sites inhibited the induction by electrical stimulation or by transfection of c-jun into non-paced cardiac myocytes whereas mutation of the Sp-1 site maintained or increased the fold induction. This is consistent with the appearance of NRF-1 and fos/jun mRNAs prior to that of Cyt c. Overexpression of c-jun by transfection also activates the Nrf-1 and Cyt c mRNA sequentially. Electrical stimulation of cardiac myocytes activates the c-Jun-N-terminal kinase so that the fold-activation of the cyt c promoter is increased by pacing when either c-jun or c-fos/c-jun are cotransfected. We have identified physical association of Nrf-1 protein with the Nrf-1 enhancer element and of c-Jun with the CRE binding sites on the Cyt c promoter. This is the first demonstration that induction of Nrf-1 and c-Jun by pacing of cardiac myocytes directly mediates Cyt c gene expression and mitochondrial proliferation in response to hypertrophic stimuli in the heart.^ Subsequent to gene activation pathways that lead to mitochondrial proliferation, we observed an isoform switch in CPT-I from the liver to muscle mRNA. We have found that the half-life for the muscle CPT-I is not affected by electrical stimulation, but electrical decrease the T1/2 in the liver CPT-I by greater than 50%. This suggests that the liver CPT-I switch to muscle isoform is due to (1) a decrease in T1/2 of liver CPT-I and (2) activation of muscle CPT-Itranscripts by electrical stimulation. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
Inorganic arsenic, a human carcinogen, is enzymatically methylated for detoxication, consuming S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) in the process. The fact that DNA methyltransferases (MeTases) require this same methyl donor suggests a role for methylation in arsenic carcinogenesis. Here we test the hypothesis that arsenic-induced initiation results from DNA hypomethylation caused by continuous methyl depletion. The hypothesis was tested by first inducing transformation in a rat liver epithelial cell line by chronic exposure to low levels of arsenic, as confirmed by the development of highly aggressive, malignant tumors after inoculation of cells into Nude mice. Global DNA hypomethylation occurred concurrently with malignant transformation and in the presence of depressed levels of S-adenosyl-methionine. Arsenic-induced DNA hypomethylation was a function of dose and exposure duration, and remained constant even after withdrawal of arsenic. Hyperexpressibility of the MT gene, a gene for which expression is clearly controlled by DNA methylation, was also detected in transformed cells. Acute arsenic or arsenic at nontransforming levels did not induce global hypomethylation of DNA. Whereas transcription of DNA MeTase was elevated, the MeTase enzymatic activity was reduced with arsenic transformation. Taken together, these results indicate arsenic can act as a carcinogen by inducing DNA hypomethylation, which in turn facilitates aberrant gene expression, and they constitute a tenable theory of mechanism in arsenic carcinogenesis.
We are developing quantitative assays to repeatedly and noninvasively image expression of reporter genes in living animals, using positron emission tomography (PET). We synthesized positron-emitting 8-[18F]fluoroganciclovir (FGCV) and demonstrated that this compound is a substrate for the herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase enzyme (HSV1-TK). Using positron-emitting FGCV as a PET reporter probe, we imaged adenovirus-directed hepatic expression of the HSV1-tk reporter gene in living mice. There is a significant positive correlation between the percent injected dose of FGCV retained per gram of liver and the levels of hepatic HSV1-tk reporter gene expression (r2 > 0.80). Over a similar range of HSV1-tk expression in vivo, the percent injected dose retained per gram of liver was 0–23% for ganciclovir and 0–3% for FGCV. Repeated, noninvasive, and quantitative imaging of PET reporter gene expression should be a valuable tool for studies of human gene therapy, of organ/cell transplantation, and of both environmental and behavioral modulation of gene expression in transgenic mice.
We previously reported the disruption of the murine gene encoding the transcription factor USF2 and its consequences on glucose-dependent gene regulation in the liver. We report here a peculiar phenotype of Usf2−/− mice that progressively develop multivisceral iron overload; plasma iron overcomes transferrin binding capacity, and nontransferrin-bound iron accumulates in various tissues including pancreas and heart. In contrast, the splenic iron content is strikingly lower in knockout animals than in controls. To identify genes that may account for the abnormalities of iron homeostasis in Usf2−/− mice, we used suppressive subtractive hybridization between livers from Usf2−/− and wild-type mice. We isolated a cDNA encoding a peptide, hepcidin (also referred to as LEAP-1, for liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide), that was very recently purified from human blood ultrafiltrate and from urine as a disulfide-bonded peptide exhibiting antimicrobial activity. Accumulation of iron in the liver has been recently reported to up-regulate hepcidin expression, whereas our data clearly show that a complete defect in hepcidin expression is responsible for progressive tissue iron overload. The striking similarity of the alterations in iron metabolism between HFE knockout mice, a murine model of hereditary hemochromatosis, and the Usf2−/− hepcidin-deficient mice suggests that hepcidin may function in the same regulatory pathway as HFE. We propose that hepcidin acts as a signaling molecule that is required in conjunction with HFE to regulate both intestinal iron absorption and iron storage in macrophages.