996 resultados para beta sheet


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The proteins of wheat have a known propensity to aggregate into a variety of forms. We report here a novel nanostructure from wheat proteins, derived from a crude extract of high molecular weight glutenins. The structure was characterised by a significant thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescence and a fibrillar morphology by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The ThT fluorescence and TEM data are suggestive of an amyloid structure, but the X-ray fibre diffraction data show a reflection pattern (4.02, 4.2-4.3, 4.6, 12.9,19.3 and 38.7 angstrom) inconsistent with both the classic amyloid form and the previously described beta-helix structure. The 4.6 angstrom reflection is consistent with that predicted for the amyloid inter-beta-strand, and the absence of the inter-beta-sheet distance at approximate to 10-11 angstrom is not unprecedented in amyloid-like structures. However, our observed X-ray reflection pattern has not been previously reported and suggests a novel wheat glutenin nanostructure. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The polymer conformation structure of gluten extracted from a Polish wheat cultivar, Korweta, and gluten subtractions obtained from 2 U.K. breadmaking and biscuit flour cultivars, Hereward and Riband, was investigated using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). The results showed the conformation of proteins varied between flour, hydrated flour, and hydrated gluten. The beta-sheet structure increased progressively from flour to hydrated flour and to hydrated gluten. In hydrated gluten protein fractions comprising gliadin, soluble glutenin, and gel protein, beta-sheet structure increased progressively from soluble gliadin and glutenin to gluten and gel protein; beta-sheet content was also greater in the gel protein from the breadmaking flour Hereward than the biscuit flour Riband.


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External reflection FTIR spectroscopy and surface pressure measurements were used to compare conformational changes in the adsorbed structures of three globular proteins at the air/water interface. Of the three proteins studied, lysozyme, bovine serum albumin and P-lactoglobulin, lysozyme was unique in its behaviour. Lysozyme adsorption was slow, taking approximately 2.5 h to reach a surface pressure plateau (from a 0.07 mM solution), and led to significant structural change. The FTIR spectra revealed that lysozyme formed a highly networked adsorbed layer of unfolded protein with high antiparallel beta-sheet content and that these changes occurred rapidly (within 10 min). This non-native secondary structure is analogous to that of a 3D heat-set protein gel, suggesting that the adsorbed protein formed a highly networked interfacial layer. Albumin and P-lactoglobulin adsorbed rapidly (reaching a plateau within 10 min) and with little chance to their native secondary structure.


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The self-assembly of PEGylated peptides containing a modified sequence from the amyloid beta peptide, YYKLVFF, has been studied in aqueous solution. Two PEG molar masses, PEG1k and PEG3k, were used in the conjugates. It is shown that both YYKLVFF–PEG hybrids form fibrils comprising a peptide core and a PEG corona. The fibrils are much longer for YYKLVFF–PEG1k, pointing to an influence of PEG chain length. The beta-sheet secondary structure of the peptide is retained in the conjugate. Lyotropic liquid crystal phases, specifically nematic and hexagonal columnar phases, are formed at sufficiently high concentration. Flow alignment of these mesophases was investigated by small-angle neutron scattering with in situ steady shearing in a Couette cell. On drying, PEG crystallization occurs leading to characteristic peaks in the X-ray diffraction pattern, and to lamellar structures imaged by atomic force microscopy. The X-ray diffraction pattern retains features of the cross-beta pattern from the beta-sheet structure, showing that this is not disrupted by PEG crystallization.


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The self-assembly of PEGylated peptides containing a modified sequence from the amyloid beta peptide, FEK LVFF, has been studied in aqueous solution. PEG molar masses PEG1k, PEG2k, and PEG10k were used in the conjugates. It is shown that the three FFK LVFF-PEG hybrids form fibrils comprising a FFKLVFF core and a PEG corona. The beta-sheet secondary structure of the peptide is retained in the FFK LVFF fibril core. At sufficiently high concentrations, FEK LVFF-PEG1k and FEK LVFF-PEG2k form a nema tic phase, while PEG10k-FEK LVFF exhibits a hexagonal columnar phase. Simultaneous small angle neutron scattering/shear flow experiments were performed to study the shear flow alignment of the nematic and hexagonal liquid crystal phases. On drying, PEG crystallization occurs without disruption of the FFK LVFF beta-sheet structure leading to characteristic peaks in the X-ray diffraction pattern and FTIR spectra. The stability of beta-sheet structures was also studied in blends of FFKLVFF-PEG conjugates with poly(acrylic acid) (PAA). While PEG crystallization is only observed up to 25% PAA content in the blends, the FFK LVFF beta-sheet structure is retained up to 75% PAA.


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A micellar nanocontainer delivery and release system is designed on the basis of a peptide-polymer conjugate. The hybrid molecules self-assemble into micelles comprising a modified amyloid peptide core surrounded by a PEG corona. The modified amyloid peptide previously studied in our group forms helical ribbons based on a beta-sheet motif and contains beta-amino acids that are excluded from the beta-sheet structure, thus being potentially useful as fibrillization inhibitors. In the model peptide-PEG hybrid system studied, enzymatic degradation using alpha-chymotrypsin leads to selective cleavage close to the PEG-peptide linkage, break up of the micelles, and release of peptides in unassociated form. The release of monomeric peptide is useful because aggregation of the released peptide into beta-sheet amyloid fibrils is not observed. This concept has considerable potential in the targeted delivery of peptides for therapeutic applications.


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The self-assembly of a peptide based on a sequence from the amyloid beta peptide but incorporating the non-natural amino acid beta-2-thienylalanine (2-Thi) has been investigated in aqueous and methanol solutions. The peptide AAKLVFF was used as a design motif, replacing the phenylalanine residues (F) with 2-Thi units to yield (2-Thi)(2-Thi)VLKAA. The 2-Thi residues are expected to confer interesting electronic properties due to charge delocalization and pi-stacking. The peptide is shown to form beta-sheet-rich amyloid fibrils with a twisted morphology, in both water and methanol solutions at sufficiently high concentration. The formation of a self-assembling hydrogel is observed at high concentration. Detailed molecular modeling using molecular dynamics methods was performed using NOE constraints provided by 2D-NMR experiments. The conformational and charge properties of 2-Thi were modeled using quantum mechanical methods, and found to be similar to those previously reported for the beta-3-thienylalanine analogue. The molecular dynamics simulations reveal well-defined folded structures (turn-like) in dilute aqueous solution, driven by self-assembly of the hydrophobic aromatic units, with charged lysine groups exposed to water.


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The structure of single wall peptide nanotubes is presented for the model surfactant-like peptide A6K. Capillary flow alignment of a sample in the nematic phase at high concentration in water leads to oriented X-ray diffraction patterns. Analysis of these, accompanied by molecular dynamics simulations, suggests the favourable self-assembly of antiparallel peptide dimers into beta-sheet ribbons that wrap helically to form the nanotube wall.


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The self-assembly of peptide YYKLVFFC based on a fragment of the amyloid beta (A) peptide, A beta 16-20, KLVFF has been studied in aqueous solution. The peptide is designed with multiple functional residues to examine the interplay between aromatic interactions and charge on the self-assembly, as well as specific transformations such as the pH-induced phenol-phenolate transition of the tyrosine residue. Circular dichroism (CD) and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies are used to investigate the conditions for beta-sheet self-assembly and the role of aromatic interactions in the CD spectrum as a function of pH and concentration. The formation of well-defined fibrils at pH 4.7 is confirmed by cryo-TEM (transmission electron microscope) and negative stain TEM. The morphology changes at higher pH, and aggregates of short twisted fibrils are observed at pH 11. Polarized optical microscopy shows birefringence at a low concentration (1 wt.-%) of YYKLVFFC in aqueous solution, and small-angle X-ray scattering was used to probe nematic phase formation in more detail. A pH-induced transition from nematic to isotropic phases is observed on increasing pH that appears to be correlated to a reduction in aggregate anisotropy upon increasing pH.


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The self-assembly of a fragment of the amyloid beta peptide that has been shown to be critical in amyloid fibrillization has been studied in aqueous solution. There are conflicting reports in the literature on the fibrillization of A beta (16-20), i.e., KLVFF, and our results shed light on this. In dilute solution, self-assembly of NH2-KLVFF-COOH is strongly influenced by aromatic interactions between phenylalanine units, as revealed by UV spectroscopy and circular dichroism. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy reveals beta-sheet features in spectra taken for more concentrated solutions and also dried films. X-ray diffraction and cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) provide further support for beta-sheet amyloid fibril formation. A comparison of cryo-TEM images with those from conventional dried and negatively stained TEM specimens highlights the pronounced effects of sample preparation on the morphology. A comparison of FTIR data for samples in solution and dried samples also highlights the strong effect of drying on the self-assembled structure. In more concentrated phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution, gelation of NH2-KLVFF-COOH is observed. This is believed to be caused by screening of the electrostatic charge on the peptide, which enables beta sheets to aggregate into a fibrillar gel network. The rheology of the hydrogel is probed, and the structure is investigated by light scattering and small-angle X-ray scattering.


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The self-assembly of a hydrophobically modified fragment of the amyloid beta(A beta) peptide has been studied in methanol. The peptide FFKLVFF is based on A beta(16-20) extended at the N terminus by two phenylalanine residues. The formation of amyloid-type fibrils is confirmed by Congo Red staining, thioflavin T fluorescence and circular dichroism experiments. FTIR points to the formation of beta-sheet structures in solution and in dried films and suggests that aggregation occurs at low concentration and is not strongly affected by further increase in concentration, i.e. the peptide is a strong fibril-former in methanol. UV fluorescence experiments on unstained peptide and CD point to the importance of aromatic interactions between phenylalanine groups in driving aggregation into beta-sheets. The CD spectrum differs from that usually observed for beta-sheet assemblies formed by larger peptides or proteins and this is discussed for solutions in methanol and also trifluoroethanol. The fibril structure is imaged by transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on dried samples and is confirmed by small-angle X-ray scattering experiments in solution.


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Nonstructural protein 3 of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus includes a "SARS-unique domain" (SUD) consisting of three globular domains separated by short linker peptide segments. This work reports NMR structure determinations of the C-terminal domain (SUD-C) and a two-domain construct (SUD-MC) containing the middle domain (SUD-M) and the C-terminal domain, and NMR data on the conformational states of the N-terminal domain (SUD-N) and the SUD-NM two-domain construct. Both SUD-N and SUD-NM are monomeric and globular in solution; in SUD-NM, there is high mobility in the two-residue interdomain linking sequence, with no preferred relative orientation of the two domains. SUD-C adopts a frataxin like fold and has structural similarity to DNA-binding domains of DNA-modifying enzymes. The structures of both SUD-M (previously determined) and SUD-C (from the present study) are maintained in SUD-MC, where the two domains are flexibly linked. Gel-shift experiments showed that both SUD-C and SUD-MC bind to single-stranded RNA and recognize purine bases more strongly than pyrimidine bases, whereby SUD-MC binds to a more restricted set of purine-containing RNA sequences than SUD-M. NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments with observations of (15)N-labeled proteins further resulted in delineation of RNA binding sites (i.e., in SUD-M, a positively charged surface area with a pronounced cavity, and in SUD-C, several residues of an anti-parallel beta-sheet). Overall, the present data provide evidence for molecular mechanisms involving the concerted actions of SUD-M and SUD-C, which result in specific RNA binding that might be unique to the SUD and, thus, to the SARS coronavirus.


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The influence of charge and aromatic stacking interactions on the self-assembly of a series of four model amyloid peptides has been examined. The four model peptides are based on the KLVFF motif from the amyloid Beta peptide, ABeta(16-20) extended at the N terminus with two Beta-alanine residues. We have studied NH2-BetaABetaAKLVFF-COOH (FF), NH2-BetaABetaAKLVFCOOH (F), CH3CONH-BetaABetaAKLVFF-CONH2 (CapF), and CH3CONH-BetaABetaAKLVFFCONH2 (CapFF). The former two are uncapped (net charge plus 2) and differ by one hydrophobic phenylalanine residue; the latter two are the analogous capped peptides (net charge plus 1). The self-assembly characteristics of these peptides are remarkably different and strongly dependent on concentration. NMR shows a shift from carboxylate to carboxylic acid forms upon increasing concentration. Saturation transfer measurements of solvent molecules indicate selective involvement of phenylalanine residues in driving the self-assembly process of CapFF due presumably to the effect of aromatic stacking interactions. FTIR spectroscopy reveals beta-sheet features for the two peptides containing two phenylalanine residues but not the single phenylalanine residue, pointing again to the driving force for self-assembly. Circular dichroism (CD) in dilute solution reveals the polyproline II conformation, except for F which is disordered. We discuss the relationship of this observation to the significant pH shift observed for this peptide when compared the calculated value. Atomic force microscopy and cryogenic-TEM reveals the formation of twisted fibrils for CapFF, as previously also observed for FF. The influence of salt on the self-assembly of the model beta-sheet forming capped peptide CapFF was investigated by FTIR. Cryo-TEM reveals that the extent of twisting decreases with increased salt concentration, leading to the formation of flat ribbon structures. These results highlight the important role of aggregation-induced pKa shifts in the self-assembly of model beta-sheet peptides.


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The self-assembly of amphiphilic peptides is reviewed. The review covers surfactant-like peptides with amphiphilicity arising from the sequence of natural amino acids, and also peptide amphiphiles (PAs) in which lipid chains are attached to hydrophilic peptide sequences containing charged residues. The influence of the secondary structure on the self-assembled structure and vice versa is discussed. For surfactant-like peptides structures including fibrils, nanotubes, micelles and vesicles have been reported. A particularly common motif for PAs is beta-sheet based fibrils, although other structures have been observed. In these structures, the peptide epitope is presented at the surface of the nanostructure, providing remarkable bioactivity. Recent discoveries of potential, and actual, applications of these materials in biomedicine and bionanotechnology are discussed.


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In the biomimetic design two hydrophobic pentapetides Boc-Ile-Aib-Leu-Phe-Ala-OMe ( I) and Boc-Gly-Ile-Aib-Leu-Phe-OMe (II) (Aib: alpha-aminoisobutyric acid) containing one Aib each are found to undergo solvent assisted self-assembly in methanol/water to form vesicular structures, which can be disrupted by simple addition of acid. The nanovesicles are found to encapsulate dye molecules that can be released by the addition of acid as confirmed by fluorescence microscopy and UV studies. The influence of solvent polarity on the morphology of the materials generated from the peptides has been examined systematically, and shows that fibrillar structures are formed in less polar chloroform/petroleum ether mixture and vesicular structures are formed in more polar methanol/water. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies reveal that while beta-sheet mediated self-assembly leads to the formation of fibrillar structures, the solvated beta-sheet structure leads to the formation of vesicular structures. The results demonstrate that even hydrophobic peptides can generate vesicular structures from polar solvent which may be employed in model studies of complex biological phenomena.