992 resultados para base excess


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We determined the sedimentary concentrations of phosphorus (P), barium (Ba), manganese (Mn), titanium (Ti), aluminum (Al), and uranium (U) for sediment samples from the southeast Pacific Nazca Ridge, Ocean Drilling Program Site 1237. This unique record extends to 31 Ma over 360 meters composite depth (mcd), recording depositional history as the site progressed eastward over its paleohistory. We sampled with a temporal resolution of ~0.2 m.y. throughout the sequence, equivalent to an average spacing of 1.63 m/sample. Concentrations of sequentially extracted components of P (oxide-associated, authigenic, organic, and detrital) increase toward the modern. Al/Ti ratios indicate that the background detrital source material is consistent with upper continental crust. U enrichment factors (U EFs) generally exceed crustal values and indicate slightly reducing environments. However, authigenic U precipitation can also be influenced by the organic carbon rain rate and may not be solely an indicator of redox conditions. Dramatic changes in Mn EFs at ~162 mcd, from values between 12 and 93 to values <12 after this depth, and a sharp color contact boundary lead us to believe that a paleoredox boundary from an oxygenated to a more reducing depositional environment occurred near this depth. Estimates of biogenic barite concentrations from a total sediment digestion technique (Ba excess) are greater than those from a barite extraction (Ba barite) for selected samples across the entire depth range. Applying a range of Ba/Ti ratios from different source materials to correct for detrital inputs does not change the lack of agreement with Ba barite concentrations. Reactive P (P reactive) concentrations (the sum of oxide-associated, authigenic, and organic P concentrations) increase toward the modern with values typically <12 µmol P/g from the base of our record through ~100 mcd, with a gradual increase to concentrations >15 µmol P/g. Ba excess follows the same general trends as Preactive, with concentrations <14 µmol Ba/g in the lower portion of the record to values >15 µmol Ba/g. Accumulation rate records of these proxies will be needed to infer paleoproductivity. P reactive/Ba excess ratios, an indicator of the relative burial of the nutrient P to organic carbon export, exhibit higher values, similar to modern, from the base of our record through ~180 mcd. The remainder of the record exhibits values lower than modern, indicating that organic carbon export to the sediments was higher relative to nutrient burial.


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Os sensores lambda resistivos possuem as vantagens de simplicidade e menor custo relativamente à utilização generalizada de sensores potenciométricos de oxigénio. Nesse sentido, os titanatos de estrôncio têm sido alvo de diversos estudos. Para a produção de uma relação inequívoca entre a condutividade destes materiais e a pressão parcial de oxigénio é necessária a adição de um dopante dador que suprime a condução eletrónica do tipo-p na região de pressões parciais de oxigénio próximas de ar. Contudo, a adição de um dopante dador produz respostas lentas destes materiais quando densos a variações da pressão parcial de oxigénio. Além da preparação usual dos pós por reação do estado sólido, foram preparadas diversas composições por mecanossíntese. Tal relaciona-se com o fato exaustivamente reportado de as amostras destes materiais, especialmente quando dopados com dadores, apresentarem comportamentos dependentes das condições de processamento. Teve ainda o intuito de avaliar a viabilidade da sua preparação por este método, e consequentemente verificar se este método de preparação, que presumivelmente produzirá pós com composição mais homogénea e mais reativos, permite alterar/manipular a resposta obtida por amostras com eles produzidas. Foram preparados diversos filmes, tipologia muito usada na produção de sensores resistivos, e amostras porosas com diversas composições à base de titanato de estrôncio produzidos com variadas condições de processamento. Foram realizadas diversas caracterizações sobre estes espécimes numa tentativa de melhor compreender as propriedades destes materiais e a dependência destas com parâmetros microestruturais como o tamanho de grão e a porosidade. Foi verificado que os exemplares de titanato de estrôncio não dopado, quer em filmes quer em amostras porosas, apresentam um comportamento elétrico semelhante ao apresentado por amostras densas deste material. Apurou-se ainda, que as suas características apresentam uma variação ténue com a alteração das condições de processamento. Já espécimes de titanato de estrôncio dopados com dador revelam uma forte dependência das suas propriedades com as condições de processamento utilizadas, nomeadamente, a temperatura de sinterização e o tempo de permanência a essa temperatura. Para o fabrico de sensores resistivos de oxigénio poderá ser preferível o recurso a amostras porosas pelo facto de mais facilmente se manipularem as suas características microestruturais e devido à exclusão dos problemas associados à interação entre o substrato de alumina e o filme. As composições não dopadas são as indicadas para esta função se a gama de pressões de oxigénio a avaliar for relativamente pouco extensa sendo aconselhadas as composições dopadas com dador se for pretendida uma medição da pressão parcial de oxigénio em zonas mais extensas correspondentes à queima com deficiência ou excesso de oxigénio. Mesmo em amostras de elevada porosidade poderá ocorrer resposta transiente do material dopado com dador.


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This paper reports on the performance of 58 11 to 12-year-olds on a spatial visualization task and a spatial orientation task. The students completed these tasks and explained their thinking during individual interviews. The qualitative data were analysed to inform pedagogical content knowledge for spatial activities. The study revealed that “matching” or “matching and eliminating” were the typical strategies that students employed on these spatial tasks. However, errors in making associations between parts of the same or different shapes were noted. Students also experienced general difficulties with visual memory and language use to explain their thinking. The students’ specific difficulties in spatial visualization related to obscured items, the perspective used, and the placement and orientation of shapes.


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Despite the numerous observations that dynamic capabilities lie at the source of competitive advantage, we still have limited knowledge as to how access to firm-based resources and changes to these affect the development of dynamic capabilities. In this paper, we examine founder human capital, access to employee human capital, access to technological expertise, access to other specific expertise, and access to two types of tangible resources in a sample of new firms in Sweden. We empirically measure four dynamic capabilities and find that the nature and effect of resources employed in the development of these capabilities vary greatly. For the most part, there are positive effects stemming from access to particular resources. However, for some resources, such as access to employee human capital and access to financial capital, unexpected negative effects also appear. This study therefore provides statistical evidence as to the varying role of resources in capability development. Importantly, we also find that changes in resource bases have more influential roles in the development of dynamic capabilities than the resource stock variables that were measured at an earlier stage of firm development. This provides empirical support for the notion of treating the firm as a dynamic flow of resources as opposed to a static stock. This finding also highlights the importance of longitudinal designs in studies of dynamic capability development. Further recommendations for future empirical studies of dynamic capabilities are presented.


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Manual calibration of large and dynamic networks of cameras is labour intensive and time consuming. This is a strong motivator for the development of automatic calibration methods. Automatic calibration relies on the ability to find correspondences between multiple views of the same scene. If the cameras are sparsely placed, this can be a very difficult task. This PhD project focuses on the further development of uncalibrated wide baseline matching techniques.


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This study has important implications for marketing theory and practice. In an era of turbulent market environments, the organisational ability to sense and seize market opportunities and to reconfigure the resource base accordingly, has significant effects on performance. This paper uses a dynamic capability framework to explain more explicitly the intricacies of the relationship between sensing and seizing of market opportunities and reconfiguring the resource base (i.e. dynamic capabilities) and the resource base. We investigate how the attributes of dynamic capability deployment, timing, frequency and speed, influence the resource base. We test the proposed framework using survey data from 228 large organisations. Findings show that the timing and frequency of dynamic capability deployment have significant effects on the resource base.


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A significant issue in primary teacher education is developing a knowledge base which prepares teachers to teach in a range of subject areas. In Australia, the problem in primary social science education is compounded by the integrated nature of the key learning area of Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE). Recent debates on teaching integrated social sciences omit discussions on the knowledge base for teaching. In this paper, a case study approach is used to investigate primary pre-service teachers’ approaches to developing a knowledge base in designing a SOSE curriculum unit. Data from five teacher-educators who taught primary SOSE curriculum indicates that novice teachers’ subject content knowledge, as revealed through their curriculum planning, lacked a disciplinary basis. However, understanding of inquiry learning, which is fundamental to social science education, was much stronger. This paper identifies a gap in the scholarship on teaching integrated social science and illustrates the need to support and develop primary teachers’ disciplinary knowledge in teacher education.


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Post-concussion syndrome (PCS) is a controversial constellation of cognitive, emotional, and physical symptoms that some patients experience following a mild traumatic brain injury or concussion. PCS-like symptoms are commonly found in individuals with depression, pain, and stress, as well as healthy individuals. This study investigated the base rate of PCS symptoms in a healthy sample of 96 participants and examined the relationship between these symptoms, depression, and sample demographics. PCS symptoms were assessed using the British-Columbia Post-Concussion Symptom Inventory. Depression was measured using the Beck Depression Inventory II. Results demonstrated that: The base rate of PCS was very high; there was a strong positive relationship between depression and PCS; and demographic characteristics were not related to PCS in this sample. These findings are broadly consistent with literature suggesting a significant role for non-neurological factors in the expression of PCS symptomatology. This study adds to the growing body of literature that calls for caution in the clinical interpretation of results from PCS symptom inventories.