925 resultados para ball mill
When English-learning children begin using words the majority of their early utterances (around 80%) are nouns. Compared to nouns, there is a paucity of verbs or non-verb relational words, such as 'up' meaning 'pick me up'. The primary explanations to account for these differences in use either argue in support of a 'cognitive account', which claims that verbs entail more cognitive complexity than nouns, or they provide evidence challenging this account. In this paper I propose an additional explanation for children's noun/verb asymmetry. Presenting a 'multi-modal account' of word-learning based on children's gesture and word combinations, I show that at the one-word stage English-learning children use gestures to express verb-like elements which leaves their words free to express noun-like elements.
The study aimed to elucidate electrophysiological and cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when healthy subjects had to catch balls in free drop. Specific alpha absolute power changes were measured in quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG). Our hypothesis is that during the preparation of motoraction (i.e.. 2 s before the ball drops) integration occurs among the left medial frontal, left primary somatomotor and left posterior parietal cortices, showing a differentiated activity involving expectation, planning and preparedness. We contend that in right-handers, the left hemisphere takes on a dominant role for the regulation of motor behavior. The sample was composed of 23 healthy right handed subjects (13 men and 10 women), with ages varying between 25 and 40 years old (32.5 +/- 7.5), absence of mental and physical illness. The experiment consisted of a task of catching balls with the right hard in free drop. The three-way ANOVA analysis demonstrated all interaction between moment and position in left-medial frontal cortex (F3 electrode), somatomotor cortex (C3 electrode) and posterior parietal cortex (P3 electrode: p < 0.05). Summarizing, the experimental task enabled the observation of integration among frontal, central and parietal regions. This integration appears to be more predominant in expectation, planning and motor preparation.
The study aimed to elucidate electrophysiological and cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when healthy subjects had to catch balls in free drop; specifically through quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) alpha absolute power changes. Our hypothesis is that during the preparation of motor action (i.e., 2 s before ball`s drop) occurred integration among left medial frontal, left primary somatomotor and left posterior parietal cortices, showing a differentiated activity involving expectation, planning and preparedness. This hypothesis supports a lateralization of motor function. Although we contend that in right-handers the left hemisphere takes on a dominant role for the regulation of motor behavior. The sample was composed of 23 healthy subjects (13 male and 10 female), right handed, with ages varying between 25 and 40 years old (32.5 +/- 7.5), absence of mental and physical illness, right handed, and do not make use of any psychoactive or psychotropic substance at the time of the study. The experiment consisted of a task of catching balls in free drop. The three-way ANOVA analysis demonstrated an interaction between moment and position in left medial frontal cortex (F3 electrode), somatomotor cortex (C3 electrode) and posterior parietal cortex (P3 electrode: p < 0.001). Summarizing, through experimental task employed, it was possible to observe integration among frontal, central and parietal regions. This integration appears to be more predominant in expectation, planning and motor preparation. In this way, it established an absolute predominance of this mechanism under the left hemisphere. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to compare SEMG activities during axial load exercises on a stable base of support and on a medicine ball (relatively unstable). Twelve healthy male volunteers were tested (x = 23 +/- 7y). Surface EMG was recorded from the biceps brachii, anterior deltoid, clavicular portion of pectoralis major, upper trapezius and serratus anterior using surface differential electrodes. All SEMG data are reported as percentage of RMS mean values obtained in maximal voluntary contractions for each muscle studied. A 3-way within factor repeated measures analysis of variance was performed to compare RMS normalized values. The RMS normalized values of the deltoid were always greater during the exercises performed on a medicine ball in relation to those performed on a stable base of support. The trapezius showed greater mean electric activation amplitude values on the wall-press exercise on a medicine ball, and the pectoralis major on the push-up. The serratus and biceps did not show significant differences of electric activation amplitude in relation to both tested bases of support. Independent of the base of support, none of the studied muscles showed significant differences of electric activation amplitude during the bench-press exercise. The results contribute to the identification of the levels of muscular activation amplitude during exercises that are common in clinical practice of rehabilitation of the shoulder and the differences in terms of type of base of support used. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives The purpose of the present work was to characterize file pharmacological profile of different L. alba chemotypes and to correlate the obtained data to the presence of chemical constituents detected by phytochemical analysis. Methods Essential oils from each L. alba chemotype (LP1-LP7) were characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and extracted non-volatile compounds were analysed by HPLC and GC-MS. The anticonvulsant actions of file extracted compounds were studied in pentylenetetrazole-induced clonic seizures in mice and then effect oil motor coordination was studied using the rota-rod test in rats. The synaptosomes and synaptic membranes of the rats were examined for the influence of LP3 chemotype extract oil GABA uptake and binding experiments. Key findings Behavioural parameters encompassed by the pentylenetetrazole test indicated that 80% ethanolic extracts of LP1, LP3 and LP6 L. alba chemotypes were more effective as anticonvulsant agents. Neurochemical assays using synaptosomes and synaptic membranes showed that L. alba LP3 chemotype 80% ethanolic extract inhibited GABA uptake and GABA binding ill a dose-dependent manner. HPLC analysis showed that LP1, LP3 and LP6 80% ethanolic extracts presented a similar profile of constituents, differing from those seen in LP2, LP4, LP5 and LP7 80% ethanolic extracts, which exhibited no anticonvulsant effect. GC-MS analysis indicated the Occurrence of phenylpropanoids in methanolic fractions obtained from LP1, LP3 and LP6 80% ethanolic extracts and also the accumulation of inositol and flavonoids in hydroalcoholic fractions. Conclusions Our results suggest that the anticonvulsant properties shown by L. alba might be correlated to the presence of it complex of non-volatile Substances (phenylpropanoids, flavonoids and/or inositols), and also to the volatile terpenoids (beta-myrcene, citral, limonene and carvone), which have been previously Validated as anticonvulsants.
A study was conducted to determine the effects of feeding spineless cactus cladodes on diuresis and urinary electrolyte excretion in goats. Five bucks were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square experiment with 17-day periods. Experimental diets contained (g/kg dry matter (DM) basis) 370, 470, 570, 670, and 770 spineless cactus cladodes. Water consumption from feed and urine output increased linearly (P<0.05) as the level of cactus cladodes in the diet increased. However, water intake from drinking was low and unaffected by cactus cladode level. Creatinine clearance and urinary Na excretion were similar for all dietary treatments while K excretion decrease linearly (P<0.05) as the level of cactus cladodes in the diet increased. Feeding cactus cladodes caused diuresis and reduced urinary K excretion in goats. Possible reasons for these effects include water over-consumption from cactus cladodes and high dietary K intake. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The South African style SAG (RoM) mills operate in a window that is almost exclusive from the operation of the Australian and North American mills that have been used for the development of SAG mill models. Combining good quality, test data from the RoM mills is extending and improving these models, and assisting in a practical manner in improving our understanding of SAG/AG milling. Data from high mill loads, both in absolute filling and ball loading, have been used to extend and improve the JK SAG mill model. This improved understanding has been successfully applied to increasing the throughput of a mill by 8%. Data is presented on relationships between power and load for high mill loading. Slurry pooling is common in closed-circuit RoM mills, and the detrimental effect of this has been dramatically demonstrated at ALCOA with a mill throughput increase of over 20%. Techniques for calculating the effects of slurry pooling have been developed and a new pulp lifter system designed to give optimal slurry discharge. The influence of mill speed in shifting the product size distribution has also been measured. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Calcium precipitation can have a number of effects on the performance of high-rate anaerobic performance including cementing of the sludge bed, limiting diffusion, and diluting the active biomass. The aim of this study was to observe the influence of precipitation in a stable full-scale system fed with high-calcium paper factory wastewater. Granules were examined from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (volume 1,805 m(3)) at a recycled paper mill with a loading rate of 5.7-6.6 kgCOD.m(-3).d(-1) and influent calcium concentration of 400-700 gCa(.)m(-3). The granules were relatively small (1 mm), with a 200-400 mum core of calcium precipitate as observed with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Compared to other granules, Methanomicrobiales not Methanobacteriales were the dominant hydrogen or formate utilisers, and putative acidogens were filamentous. The strength of the paper mill fed granules was very high when compared to granules from other full-scale reactors, and a partial linear correlation between granule strength and calcium concentration was identified.
Crushing and grinding are the most energy intensive part of the mineral recovery process. A major part of rock size reduction occurs in tumbling mills. Empirical models for the power draw of tumbling mills do not consider the effect of lifters. Discrete element modelling was used to investigate the effect of lifter condition on the power draw of tumbling mill. Results obtained with PFC3D code show that lifter condition will have a significant influence on the power draw and on the mode of energy consumption in the mill. Relatively high lifters will consume less power than low lifters, under otherwise identical conditions. The fraction of the power that will be consumed as friction will increase as the height of the lifters decreases. This will result in less power being used for high intensity comminution caused by the impacts. The fraction of the power that will be used to overcome frictional resistance is determined by the material's coefficient of friction. Based on the modelled results, it appears that the effective coefficient of friction for in situ mill is close to 0.1. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The PFC3D (particle flow code) that models the movement and interaction of particles by the DEM techniques was employed to simulate the particle movement and to calculate the velocity and energy distribution of collision in two types of impact crusher: the Canica vertical shaft crusher and the BJD horizontal shaft swing hammer mill. The distribution of collision energies was then converted into a product size distribution for a particular ore type using JKMRC impact breakage test data. Experimental data of the Canica VSI crusher treating quarry and the BJD hammer mill treating coal were used to verify the DEM simulation results. Upon the DEM procedures being validated, a detailed simulation study was conducted to investigate the effects of the machine design and operational conditions on velocity and energy distributions of collision inside the milling chamber and on the particle breakage behaviour. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pulp lifters, also known, as pan lifters are an integral part of the majority of autogenous (AG), semi-autogenous (SAG) and grate discharge ball mills. The performance of the pulp lifters in conjunction with grate design determines the ultimate flow capacity of these mills. Although the function of the pulp lifters is simply to transport the slurry passed through the discharge grate into the discharge trunnion, their performance depends on their design as well as that of the grate and operating conditions such as mill speed and charge level. However, little or no work has been reported on the performance of grate-pulp lifter assemblies and in particular the influence of pulp lifter design on slurry transport. Ideally, the discharge rate through a grate-pulp lifter assembly should be equal to the discharge rate through at a given mill hold-up. However, the results obtained have shown that conventional pulp lifter designs cause considerable restrictions to flow resulting in reduced flow capacity. In this second of a two-part series of papers the performance of conventional pulp lifters (radial and spiral designs) is described and is based on extensive test work carried out in a I m diameter pilot SAG mill. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The power required to operate large mills is typically 5-10 MW. Hence, optimisation of power consumption will have a significant impact on overall economic performance and environmental impact. Power draw modelling results using the discrete element code PFC3D have been compared with results derived from the widely used empirical Model of Morrell. This is achieved by calculating the power draw for a range of operating conditions for constant mill size and fill factor using two modelling approaches. fThe discrete element modelling results show that, apart from density, selection of the appropriate material damping ratio is critical for the accuracy of modelling of the mill power draw. The relative insensitivity of the power draw to the material stiffness allows selection of moderate stiffness values, which result in acceptable computation time. The results obtained confirm that modelling of the power draw for a vertical slice of the mill, of thickness 20% of the mill length, is a reliable substitute for modelling the full mill. The power draw predictions from PFC3D show good agreement with those obtained using the empirical model. Due to its inherent flexibility, power draw modelling using PFC3D appears to be a viable and attractive alternative to empirical models where necessary code and computer power are available.