113 resultados para autoradiography


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Gastrointestinal peptide hormone receptors, like somatostatin receptors, are often overexpressed in human cancer, allowing receptor-targeted tumor imaging and therapy. A novel candidate for these applications is the secretin receptor recently identified in pancreatic and cholangiocellular carcinomas. In the present study, secretin receptors were assessed in a non-gastrointestinal tissue, the human lung. Non-small-cell lung cancers (n=26), small-cell lung cancers (n=10), bronchopulmonary carcinoid tumors (n=29), and non-neoplastic lung (n=46) were investigated for secretin receptor protein expression with in vitro receptor autoradiography, using (125)I-[Tyr(10)] rat secretin and for secretin receptor transcripts with RT-PCR. Secretin receptor protein expression was found in 62% of bronchopulmonary carcinoids in moderate to high density, in 12% of non-small cell lung cancers in low density, but not in small cell lung cancers. In tumors found to be secretin receptor positive by autoradiography, RT-PCR revealed transcripts for the wild-type secretin receptor and for novel secretin receptor splice variants. In the non-neoplastic lung, secretin receptor protein expression was observed in low density along the alveolar septa in direct tumor vicinity in cases of acute inflammation, but not in histologically normal lung. In the autoradiographically positive peritumoral lung, RT-PCR showed transcripts for the wild-type secretin receptor and for a secretin receptor spliceoform different from those occurring in lung and gut tumors. In conclusion, secretin receptors are new markers for bronchopulmonary carcinoid tumors, and represent the molecular basis for an in vivo targeting of carcinoid tumors for diagnosis and therapy. Furthermore, secretin receptors may play a role in peritumoral lung pathophysiology. Secretin receptor mis-splicing specifically occurs in tumor and non-tumor lung pathology.


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Two bombesin analogs, Demobesin 4 and Demobesin 1, were characterized in vitro as gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptor agonist and antagonist, respectively, and were compared as (99m)Tc-labeled ligands for their in vitro and in vivo tumor-targeting properties. METHODS: N(4)-[Pro(1),Tyr(4),Nle(14)]Bombesin (Demobesin 4) and N(4)-[d-Phe(6),Leu-NHEt(13),des-Met(14)]bombesin(6-14) (Demobesin 1) were characterized in vitro for their binding properties with GRP receptor autoradiography using GRP receptor-transfected HEK293 cells, PC3 cells, and human prostate cancer specimens. Their ability to modulate calcium mobilization in PC3 and transfected HEK293 cells was analyzed as well as their ability to trigger internalization of the GRP receptor in transfected HEK293 cells, as determined qualitatively by immunofluorescence microscopy and quantitatively by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Further, their internalization properties as (99m)Tc-labeled radioligands were tested in vitro in both cell lines. Finally, their biodistribution was analyzed in PC3 tumor-bearing mice. RESULTS: A comparable binding affinity with the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) in the nanomolar range was measured for Demobesin 4 and Demobesin 1 in all tested tissues. Demobesin 4 behaved as an agonist by strongly stimulating calcium mobilization and by triggering GRP receptor internalization. Demobesin 1 was ineffective in stimulating calcium mobilization and in triggering GRP receptor internalization. However, in these assays, it behaved as a competitive antagonist as it reversed completely the agonist-induced effects in both systems. (99m)Tc-Labeled Demobesin 1 was only weakly taken up by PC3 cells or GRP receptor-transfected HEK293 cells (10% and 5%, respectively, of total added radioactivity) compared with (99m)Tc-labeled Demobesin 4 (45% of total added radioactivity in both cell lines). Remarkably, the biodistribution study revealed a much more pronounced uptake at 1, 4, and 24 h after injection of (99m)Tc-labeled Demobesin 1 in vivo into PC3 tumors than (99m)Tc-labeled Demobesin 4. In vivo competition experiments demonstrated a specific uptake in PC3 tumors and in physiologic GRP receptor-expressing tissues. The tumor-to-kidney ratios were 0.7 for Demobesin 4 and 5.2 for Demobesin 1 at 4 h. CONCLUSION: This comparative in vitro/in vivo study with Demobesin 1 and Demobesin 4 indicates that GRP receptor antagonists may be superior targeting agents to GRP receptor agonists, suggesting a change of paradigm in the field of bombesin radiopharmaceuticals.


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DJ-1 is mutated in autosomal recessive, early onset Parkinson's disease but the exact localization of the DJ-1 gene product in the mammalian brain is largely unknown. We aimed to evaluate the DJ-1 mRNA expression pattern in the mouse brain. Serial coronal sections of brains of five male and five female adult mice were investigated by using in situ hybridization with a DJ-1 specific 35S-labeled oligonucleotide probe. Hybridized sections were analyzed after exposure to autoradiography films and after coating with a photographic emulsion. DJ-1 was heterogeneously expressed throughout the mouse central nervous system. A high expression of DJ-1 mRNA was detected in neuronal and non-neuronal populations of several structures of the motor system such as the substantia nigra, the red nucleus, the caudate putamen, the globus pallidus, and the deep nuclei of the cerebellum. Furthermore, DJ-1 mRNA was also highly expressed in non-motor structures including the hippocampus, the olfactory bulb, the reticular nucleus of the thalamus, and the piriform cortex. The high expression of DJ-1 mRNA in brain regions involved in motor control is compatible with the occurrence of parkinsonian symptoms after DJ-1 mutations. However, expression in other regions indicates that a dysfunction of DJ-1 may contribute to additional clinical features in patients with a DJ-1 mutation.


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Tumoral gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptors are potential targets for diagnosis and therapy using radiolabeled or cytotoxic GRP analogs. GRP-receptor overexpression has been detected in endocrine-related cancer cells and, more recently, also in the vascular bed of selected tumors. More information on vascular GRP-receptors in cancer is required to asses their potential for vascular targeting applications. Therefore, frequent human cancers (n = 368) were analyzed using in vitro GRP-receptor autoradiography on tissue sections with the (125)I-[Tyr(4)]-bombesin radioligand and/or the universal radioligand (125)I-[d-Tyr(6), beta-Ala(11), Phe(13), Nle(14)]-bombesin(6-14). GRP-receptor expressing vessels were evaluated in each tumor group for prevalence, quantity (vascular score), and GRP-receptor density. Prevalence of vascular GRP-receptors was variable, ranging from 12% (prostate cancer) to 92% (urinary tract cancer). Different tumor types within a given site had divergent prevalence of vascular GRP-receptors (e.g. lung: small cell cancer: 0%; adenocarcinoma: 59%; squamous carcinoma: 83%). Also the vascular score varied widely, with the highest score in urinary tract cancer (1.69), moderate scores in lung (0.91), colon (0.88), kidney (0.84), and biliary tract (0.69) cancers and low scores in breast (0.39) and prostate (0.14) cancers. Vascular GRP-receptors were expressed in the muscular vessel wall in moderate to high densities. Normal non-neoplastic control tissues from these organs lacked vascular GRP-receptors. In conclusion, tumoral vessels in all evaluated sites express GRP-receptors, suggesting a major biological function of GRP-receptors in neovasculature. Vascular GRP-receptor expression varies between the tumor types indicating tumor-specific mechanisms in their regulation. Urinary tract cancers express vascular GRP-receptors so abundantly, that they are promising candidates for vascular targeting applications.


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The proposed sst(1) pharmacophore (J. Med. Chem. 2005, 48, 523-533) derived from the NMR structures of a family of mono- and dicyclic undecamers was used to design octa-, hepta-, and hexamers with high affinity and selectivity for the somatostatin sst(1) receptor. These compounds were tested for their in vitro binding properties to all five somatostatin (SRIF) receptors using receptor autoradiography; those with high SRIF receptor subtype 1 (sst(1)) affinity and selectivity were shown to be agonists when tested functionally in a luciferase reporter gene assay. Des-AA(1,4-6,10,12,13)-[DTyr(2),DAgl(NMe,2naphthoyl)(8),IAmp(9)]-SRIF-Thr-NH(2) (25) was radio-iodinated ((125)I-25) and specifically labeled sst(1)-expressing cells and tissues. 3D NMR structures were calculated for des-AA(1,4-6,10,12,13)-[DPhe(2),DTrp(8),IAmp(9)]-SRIF-Thr-NH(2) (16), des-AA(1,2,4-6,10,12,13)-[DAgl(NMe,2naphthoyl)(8),IAmp(9)]-SRIF-Thr-NH(2) (23), and des-AA(1,2,4-6,10,12,13)-[DAgl(NMe,2naphthoyl)(8),IAmp(9),Tyr(11)]-SRIF-NH(2) (27) in DMSO. Though the analogues have the sst(1) pharmacophore residues at the previously determined distances from each other, the positioning of the aromatic residues in 16, 23, and 27 is different from that described earlier, suggesting an induced fit mechanism for sst(1) binding of these novel, less constrained sst(1)-selective family members.


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Radiolabeled antagonists of specific peptide receptors identify a higher number of receptor binding sites than agonists and may thus be preferable for in vivo tumor targeting. In this study, two novel radioiodinated 1,4-benzodiazepines, (S)-1-(3-iodophenyl)-3-(1-methyl-2-oxo-5-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzo[e][1,4]diazepin-3-yl)urea (9) and (R)-1-(3-iodophenyl)-3-(1-methyl-2-oxo-5-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzo[e][1,4]diazepin-3-yl)urea (7), were developed. They were characterized in vitro as high affinity selective antagonists at cholecystokinin types 1 and 2 (CCK(1) and CCK(2)) receptors using receptor binding, calcium mobilization, and internalization studies. Their binding to human tumor tissues was assessed with in vitro receptor autoradiography and compared with an established peptidic CCK agonist radioligand. The (125)I-labeled CCK(1) receptor-selective compound 9 often revealed a substantially higher amount of CCK(1) receptor binding sites in tumors than the agonist (125)I-CCK. Conversely, the radioiodinated CCK(2) receptor-selective compound 7 showed generally weaker tumor binding than (125)I-CCK. In conclusion, compound 9 is an excellent radioiodinated nonpeptidic antagonist ligand for direct and selective labeling of CCK(1) receptors in vitro. Moreover, it represents a suitable candidate to test antagonist binding to CCK(1) receptor-expressing tumors in vivo.


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BACKGROUND The GRP receptor shows high over-expression in prostatic adenocarcinoma and high grade PIN, but low expression in normal prostate glands. This represents the molecular basis for GRP receptor imaging of prostate cancer with radioactive compounds. However, a focal, high density GRP receptor expression can be observed in hitherto uncharacterized prostate glands. METHODS GRP receptors were quantitatively measured with in vitro receptor autoradiography using ¹²⁵I-Tyr⁴ -bombesin in samples from 115 prostates. On successive tissue sections, ¹²⁵I-Tyr⁴ -bombesin autoradiography was compared with H&E staining and MIB-1 and 34βE12 immunohistochemistry. RESULTS On one hand, it was confirmed that GRP receptors were expressed in adenocarcinoma and high grade PIN in high density and high incidence (77% and 73%, respectively), but in normal prostate glands in low density and low frequency (18%). On the other hand, a novel and intriguing observation was the existence of focal non-invasive prostate glands with high GRP receptor density, characterized by low grade nuclear atypia and increased proliferation, compatible with lower grade PIN. There was a significant GRP receptor density gradient (P ≤ 0.005), increasing from normal prostate glands (mean relative optical density, ROD, of ¹²⁵I-Tyr⁴ -bombesin binding: 0.17) over atypical glands without increased MIB-1 labeling (0.28) and atypical glands with increased MIB-1 expression (0.44) to high grade PIN and adenocarcinoma (0.64 and 0.58, respectively). CONCLUSIONS GRP receptor over-expression may be a novel, specific marker of early prostatic neoplastic transformation, arising in low grade PIN, and progressively increasing during malignant progression. This should be considered when interpreting in vivo GRP receptor imaging in males.


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Non-functioning pituitary adenoma (NFPA) with higher proliferation index (WHO II) are often a therapeutical challenge. Low somatostatin receptor expression in these tumors usually prevents a treatment with somatostatin analogs. In 1996, a 55-year-old patient was referred due to right-sided headache. A pituitary macroadenoma with infiltration into the right cavernous sinus was diagnosed. There was no visual field deficit and the clinical and biochemical work up was consistent with a NFPA. The patient underwent transsphenoidal surgery. Residual adenoma remained in the right cavernous sinus. Histologically, a null-cell adenoma with a high proliferation index was documented (MIB-1: 11.6 %, WHO II). Somatostatin receptor autoradiography was performed in the surgical specimen showing a homogenous expression of sst2 receptors. Radiosurgery was completed with stable disease for 8 years. In 2004, the patient was diagnosed with an incomplete palsy of the right oculomotorius nerve and a significant increase in the volume of the adenoma in the right cavernous sinus. After a positive Octreoscan(®) the patient consented to an experimental therapy approach using Lutetium DOTATOC (3 × 200 mCi). The palsy of the oculomotorius nerve improved and remained stable until today (March 2013), the follow-up MRI scans demonstrated stable disease. This is the first case of a patient with a NFPA (WHO II) in whom PRRT successfully improved the local complications of the tumor for more than 8 years after ineffective surgery and gamma knife therapy. The determination of sst2 in vitro using autoradiography and in vivo by Octreoscan was instrumental to administer this therapy in a challenging situation.


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Measurement of perfusion in longitudinal studies allows for the assessment of tissue integrity and the detection of subtle pathologies. In this work, the feasibility of measuring brain perfusion in rats with high spatial resolution using arterial spin labeling is reported. A flow-sensitive alternating recovery sequence, coupled with a balanced gradient fast imaging with steady-state precession readout section was used to minimize ghosting and geometric distortions, while achieving high signal-to-noise ratio. The quantitative imaging of perfusion using a single subtraction method was implemented to address the effects of variable transit delays between the labeling of spins and their arrival at the imaging slice. Studies in six rats at 7 T showed good perfusion contrast with minimal geometric distortion. The measured blood flow values of 152.5+/-6.3 ml/100 g per minute in gray matter and 72.3+/-14.0 ml/100 g per minute in white matter are in good agreement with previously reported values based on autoradiography, considered to be the gold standard.


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The retinal circuitry underlying the release of dopamine was examined in the turtle, Pseudemys scripta elegans, using neurochemical release studies, anatomical techniques, and biochemistry. There was a dose- and calcium-dependent release of dopamine from turtle retinas incubated in $\sp3$H-dopamine after perfusion of the GABA antagonist bicuculline. This indicated that dopamine release was tonically inhibited by GABA. Other putative retinal transmitters were examined. Glutamate antagonists selective for hyperpolarizing bipolar cells, such as 2,3-piperidine dicarboxylic acid (PDA), caused dose- and calcium-dependent release of dopamine from the retina. In contrast, release was not observed after perfusion with 4-aminophosphonobutyric acid, a specific antagonist of depolarizing bipolar cells. This indicated that depolarizing bipolar cells were not involved in retinal circuitry underlying the release of dopamine in the turtle retina. The release produced by PDA was blocked by bicuculline, indicating a polysynaptic mechanism of release. None of the other agents tested, which included carbachol, strychnine, dopamine uptake inhibitors, serotonin, tryptamine, muscimol, melatonin, or dopamine itself produced release.^ The cells capable of the release of dopamine were identified using both uptake autoradiography and immunocytochemical localization with dopamine antisera. The simplest circuitry based on these findings is signal transmission from photoreceptors to hyperpolarizing bipolar cells then to GABAergic cells, and finally to dopaminergic amacrine cells. ^


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A method employing isotopically- and photoaffinity-labeled probes and polyclonal and monoclonal antibody to the probes for the identification, isolation and recovery of protein receptors is described. Antibody was raised against N-(3-(p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodophenyl)) propionate (AIPP) coupled to and photolyzed to BSA. The antibodies specifically bound AIPP-derivatized proteins. An isolation system was developed utilizing this probe and two antigenically identical reversible analogues. N-(3-((p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodo-phenyl)propionyl)amidoethyl-1,3-dithiopropionyl) succinimide (Reversible $\sp{125}$I-AIPPS) reacts with primary amines and N-(((3-p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodophenyl)propionyl)amidoethyl)dithiopyridine ($\sp{125}$I-AIPP-PDA) reacts with reduced thiols. The applicability of the system was established by derivatizing known ligands (Transferrin and Interferon-alpha) with one of the probes. The ligand-probe was then allowed to interact with its receptor by incubation with SS5 lymphoma cells and cross-linked by photolysis at 300 nm. The photolyzed ligand/probe/receptor preparation was then recovered with AIPP antibody. Utilization of N-(3-((p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodo-phenyl-propionyl)-amidoethyl-1,3-dithiopropionyl) succinimide (Reversible $\sp{125}$I-AIPPS) allowed the components of the photolyzed complex to be separated by treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol in the SDS-PAGE solubilization buffer. Ligand and receptor labeling were then assessed by Coomassie staining and autoradiography. Results of receptor assays suggest that $\sp{125}$I-AIPP was, indeed, transferred to moieties that represent the receptors for both Transferrin and Interferon-alpha. ^


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Previous investigations have demonstrated qualitative differences in the plasma membrane glycoproteins of normal and malignant rat liver cells. The present investigations were designed to identify and characterize the spectrum of glycoproteins present on the surface of Novikoff and AS-30D hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Three cell-surface radiolabeling techniques were employed to tag specifically the plasma membrane glycoproteins: lactoperoxidase catalyzed iodination, specific for tyrosine residues; galactose oxidase/NaB{('3)H}(,4), specific for galactosyl residues; and NaIO(,4)/NaB{('3)H}(,4), specific for sialic acids. The glycoproteins were resolved by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and visualized by fluorography or autoradiography. It was found that these glycoproteins are a complex population of molecules. The complexity of this system is reflected not only in the number of individual components that can be detected (> 25), but in the charge heterogeneity of individual glycoproteins due to variable sialic acid content. Certain glycoproteins behaved anamolously on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; the apparent molecular weight decreasing with increasing acrylamide concentrations suggesting a high % carbohydrate. Cell-surface radiolabeling techniques were employed in combination with lectin affinity chromatography, using lectins of different saccharide specificity, to analyze the saccharide determinants present on the spectrum of cell-surface molecules. It was also found that particular glycoproteins differed in their lability to protease or neuraminidase digestion and in their extractability by non-ionic detergents. From these studies, detailed models of the plasma membrane of Novikoff and AS-30D cells were constructed which incorporates information concerning the structure and accessibility of heterosaccharide and peptide moieties, the relationship of the glycolipids, and the interaction of particular glycoproteins with the lipid bilayer. These investigations provide basic information concerning the molecular composition and properties of the plasma membrane of glycoproteins of malignant rat liver cells and lay the groundwork for future comparison to normal hepatocytes. ^


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PURPOSE Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) is a molecular target for imaging of pancreatic beta cells. We compared the ability of [Nle(14),Lys(40)(Ahx-NODAGA-(64)Cu)NH2]-exendin-4 ([(64)Cu]NODAGA-exendin-4) and [Nle(14),Lys(40)(Ahx-NODAGA-(68)Ga)NH2]-exendin-4 ([(68)Ga]NODAGA-exendin-4) to detect native pancreatic islets in rodents. PROCEDURES The stability, lipophilicity and affinity of the radiotracers to the GLP-1R were determined in vitro. The biodistribution of the tracers was assessed using autoradiography, ex vivo biodistribution and PET imaging. Estimates for human radiation dosimetry were calculated. RESULTS We found GLP-1R-specific labelling of pancreatic islets. However, the pancreas could not be visualised in PET images. The highest uptake of the tracers was observed in the kidneys. Effective dose estimates for [(64)Cu]NODAGA-exendin-4 and [(68)Ga]NODAGA-exendin-4 were 0.144 and 0.012 mSv/MBq, respectively. CONCLUSION [(64)Cu]NODAGA-exendin-4 might be more effective for labelling islets than [(68)Ga]NODAGA-exendin-4. This is probably due to the lower specific radioactivity of [(68)Ga]NODAGA-exendin-4 compared to [(64)Cu]NODAGA-exendin-4. The radiation dose in the kidneys may limit the use of [(64)Cu]NODAGA-exendin-4 as a clinical tracer.


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Glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP1) analogs may induce thyroid or pancreatic diseases in animals, raising questions about their use in diabetic patients. There is, however, controversy regarding expression of GLP1 receptors (GLP1R) in human normal and diseased thyroid and pancreas. Here, 221 human thyroid and pancreas samples were analyzed for GLP1R immunohistochemistry and compared with quantitative in vitro GLP1R autoradiography. Neither normal nor hyperplastic human thyroids containing parafollicular C cells express GLP1R with either method. Papillary thyroid cancer do not, and medullary thyroid carcinomas rarely express GLP1R. Insulin- and somatostatin-producing cells in the normal pancreas express a high density of GLP1R, whereas acinar cells express them in low amounts. Ductal epithelial cells do not express GLP1R. All benign insulinomas express high densities of GLP1R, whereas malignant insulinomas rarely express them. All ductal pancreatic carcinomas are GLP1R negative, whereas 6/20 PanIN 1/2 and 0/12 PanIN 3 express GLP1R. Therefore, normal thyroid, including normal and hyperplastic C cells, or papillary thyroid cancer are not targets for GLP1 analogs in humans. Conversely, all pancreatic insulin- and somatostatin-producing cells are physiological GLP1 targets, as well as most acini. As normal ductal epithelial cells or PanIN 3 or ductal pancreatic carcinomas do not express GLP1R, it seems unlikely that GLP1R is related to neoplastic transformation in pancreas. GLP1R-positive medullary thyroid carcinomas and all benign insulinomas are candidates for in vivo GLP1R targeting.Modern Pathology advance online publication, 12 September 2014; doi:10.1038/modpathol.2014.113.


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PURPOSE Radiolabelled glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists have recently been shown to successfully image benign insulinomas in patients. For the somatostatin receptor targeting of tumours, however, it was recently reported that antagonist tracers were superior to agonist tracers. The present study therefore evaluated various forms of the (125)iodinated-Bolton-Hunter (BH)-exendin(9-39) antagonist tracer for the in vitro visualization of GLP-1 receptor-expressing tissues in rats and humans and compared it with the agonist tracer (125)I-GLP-1(7-36)amide. METHODS Receptor autoradiography studies with (125)I-GLP-1(7-36)amide agonist or (125)I-BH-exendin(9-39) antagonist radioligands were performed in human and rat tissues. RESULTS The antagonist (125)I-BH-exendin(9-39) labelled at lysine 19 identifies all human and rat GLP-1 target tissues and GLP-1 receptor-expressing tumours. Binding is of high affinity and is comparable in all tested tissues in its binding properties with the agonist tracer (125)I-GLP-1(7-36)amide. For comparison, (125)I-BH-exendin(9-39) with the BH labelled at lysine 4 did identify the GLP-1 receptor in rat tissues but not in human tissues. CONCLUSION The GLP-1 receptor antagonist exendin(9-39) labelled with (125)I-BH at lysine 19 is an excellent GLP-1 radioligand that identifies human and rat GLP-1 receptors in normal and tumoural tissues. It may therefore be the molecular basis to develop suitable GLP-1 receptor antagonist radioligands for in vivo imaging of GLP-1 receptor-expressing tissues in patients.