990 resultados para ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) gene


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Neurodegenerative disorders are heterogenous in nature and include a range of ataxias with oculomotor apraxia, which are characterised by a wide variety of neurological and ophthalmological features. This family includes recessive and dominant disorders. A subfamily of autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxias are characterised by defects in the cellular response to DNA damage. These include the well characterised disorders Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T) and Ataxia-Telangiectasia Like Disorder (A-TLD) as well as the recently identified diseases Spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy Type 1 (SCAN1), Ataxia with Oculomotor Apraxia Type 2 (AOA2), as well as the subject of this thesis, Ataxia with Oculomotor Apraxia Type 1 (AOA1). AOA1 is caused by mutations in the APTX gene, which is located at chromosomal locus 9p13. This gene codes for the 342 amino acid protein Aprataxin. Mutations in APTX cause destabilization of Aprataxin, thus AOA1 is a result of Aprataxin deficiency. Aprataxin has three functional domains, an N-terminal Forkhead Associated (FHA) phosphoprotein interaction domain, a central Histidine Triad (HIT) nucleotide hydrolase domain and a C-terminal C2H2 zinc finger. Aprataxins FHA domain has homology to FHA domain of the DNA repair protein 5’ polynucleotide kinase 3’ phosphatase (PNKP). PNKP interacts with a range of DNA repair proteins via its FHA domain and plays a critical role in processing damaged DNA termini. The presence of this domain with a nucleotide hydrolase domain and a DNA binding motif implicated that Aprataxin may be involved in DNA repair and that AOA1 may be caused by a DNA repair deficit. This was substantiated by the interaction of Aprataxin with proteins involved in the repair of both single and double strand DNA breaks (XRay Cross-Complementing 1, XRCC4 and Poly-ADP Ribose Polymerase-1) and the hypersensitivity of AOA1 patient cell lines to single and double strand break inducing agents. At the commencement of this study little was known about the in vitro and in vivo properties of Aprataxin. Initially this study focused on generation of recombinant Aprataxin proteins to facilitate examination of the in vitro properties of Aprataxin. Using recombinant Aprataxin proteins I found that Aprataxin binds to double stranded DNA. Consistent with a role for Aprataxin as a DNA repair enzyme, this binding is not sequence specific. I also report that the HIT domain of Aprataxin hydrolyses adenosine derivatives and interestingly found that this activity is competitively inhibited by DNA. This provided initial evidence that DNA binds to the HIT domain of Aprataxin. The interaction of DNA with the nucleotide hydrolase domain of Aprataxin provided initial evidence that Aprataxin may be a DNA-processing factor. Following these studies, Aprataxin was found to hydrolyse 5’adenylated DNA, which can be generated by unscheduled ligation at DNA breaks with non-standard termini. I found that cell extracts from AOA1 patients do not have DNA-adenylate hydrolase activity indicating that Aprataxin is the only DNA-adenylate hydrolase in mammalian cells. I further characterised this activity by examining the contribution of the zinc finger and FHA domains to DNA-adenylate hydrolysis by the HIT domain. I found that deletion of the zinc finger ablated the activity of the HIT domain against adenylated DNA, indicating that the zinc finger may be required for the formation of a stable enzyme-substrate complex. Deletion of the FHA domain stimulated DNA-adenylate hydrolysis, which indicated that the activity of the HIT domain may be regulated by the FHA domain. Given that the FHA domain is involved in protein-protein interactions I propose that the activity of Aprataxins HIT domain may be regulated by proteins which interact with its FHA domain. We examined this possibility by measuring the DNA-adenylate hydrolase activity of extracts from cells deficient for the Aprataxin-interacting DNA repair proteins XRCC1 and PARP-1. XRCC1 deficiency did not affect Aprataxin activity but I found that Aprataxin is destabilized in the absence of PARP-1, resulting in a deficiency of DNA-adenylate hydrolase activity in PARP-1 knockout cells. This implies a critical role for PARP-1 in the stabilization of Aprataxin. Conversely I found that PARP-1 is destabilized in the absence of Aprataxin. PARP-1 is a central player in a number of DNA repair mechanisms and this implies that not only do AOA1 cells lack Aprataxin, they may also have defects in PARP-1 dependant cellular functions. Based on this I identified a defect in a PARP-1 dependant DNA repair mechanism in AOA1 cells. Additionally, I identified elevated levels of oxidized DNA in AOA1 cells, which is indicative of a defect in Base Excision Repair (BER). I attribute this to the reduced level of the BER protein Apurinic Endonuclease 1 (APE1) I identified in Aprataxin deficient cells. This study has identified and characterised multiple DNA repair defects in AOA1 cells, indicating that Aprataxin deficiency has far-reaching cellular consequences. Consistent with the literature, I show that Aprataxin is a nuclear protein with nucleoplasmic and nucleolar distribution. Previous studies have shown that Aprataxin interacts with the nucleolar rRNA processing factor nucleolin and that AOA1 cells appear to have a mild defect in rRNA synthesis. Given the nucleolar localization of Aprataxin I examined the protein-protein interactions of Aprataxin and found that Aprataxin interacts with a number of rRNA transcription and processing factors. Based on this and the nucleolar localization of Aprataxin I proposed that Aprataxin may have an alternative role in the nucleolus. I therefore examined the transcriptional activity of Aprataxin deficient cells using nucleotide analogue incorporation. I found that AOA1 cells do not display a defect in basal levels of RNA synthesis, however they display defective transcriptional responses to DNA damage. In summary, this thesis demonstrates that Aprataxin is a DNA repair enzyme responsible for the repair of adenylated DNA termini and that it is required for stabilization of at least two other DNA repair proteins. Thus not only do AOA1 cells have no Aprataxin protein or activity, they have additional deficiencies in PolyADP Ribose Polymerase-1 and Apurinic Endonuclease 1 dependant DNA repair mechanisms. I additionally demonstrate DNA-damage inducible transcriptional defects in AOA1 cells, indicating that Aprataxin deficiency confers a broad range of cellular defects and highlighting the complexity of the cellular response to DNA damage and the multiple defects which result from Aprataxin deficiency. My detailed characterization of the cellular consequences of Aprataxin deficiency provides an important contribution to our understanding of interlinking DNA repair processes.


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Background: In recent years data from both mouse models and human tumors suggest that loss of one allele of genes involved in DNA repair pathways may play a central role in genomic instability and carcinogenesis. Additionally several examples in mouse models confirmed that loss of one allele of two functionally related genes may have an additive effect on tumor development. To understand some of the mechanisms involved, we examined the role of monoallelic loss or Atm and Brca1 on cell transformation and apoptosis induced by radiation. Methods: Cell transformation and apoptosis were measured in mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEF) and thymocytes respectively. Combinations of wild type and hemizygous genotypes for ATM and BRCA1 were tested in various comparisons. Results: Haploinsufficiency of either ATM or BRCA1 resulted in an increase in the incidence of radiation-induced transformation of MEF and a corresponding decrease in the proportion of thymocytes dying an apoptotic death, compared with cells from wild-type animals. Combined haploinsufficiency for both genes resulted in an even larger effect on apoptosis. Conclusions: Under stress, the efficiency and capacity for DNA repair mediated by the ATM/BRCA1 cell signalling network depends on the expression levels of both proteins.


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DNA methylating compounds are widely used as anti-cancer chemotherapeutics. The pharmaceutical critical DNA lesion induced by these drugs is O6-methylguanine (O6MeG). O6MeG is highly mutagenic and genotoxic, by triggering apoptosis. Despite the potency of O6MeG to induce cell death, the mechanism of O6MeG induced toxicity is still poorly understood. Comparing the response of mouse fibroblasts wild-type (wt) and deficient for ataxia telangiectasia mutant protein (ATM), a kinase responsible for both the recognition and the signalling of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), it was shown that ATM deficient cells are more sensitive to the methylating agents N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), methyl methansulfonate (MMS) and the anti-cancer drug temozolomide, in both colony formation and apoptosis assays. This clearly shows that DSBs are involved in O6MeG toxicity. By inactivating the O6MeG repair enzyme O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) with the specific inhibitor O6-benzylguanine (O6BG), ATM wt and deficient cells became more sensitive to MNNG and MMS. The opposite effect was observed when over-expressing MGMT in ATM -/- cells. The results show that O6MeG is the critical DNA lesion causing death in ATM cells following MNNG treatment, and is partially responsible for the toxicity observed following MMS treatment. Furthermore, by inhibiting the ATM kinase activity with caffeine, it was shown that the resistance of wt cells to MNNG was due to the kinase activity of ATM, as wt cells underwent more apoptosis following methylating agent treatment in the presence of caffeine. Apoptosis and caspase-3 activation were late events, starting 48h after treatment. This lends support to the model where O6MeG lesions are converted into DSBs during replication. As ATM wt and deficient cells showed similar G2/M blockage and Chk1 activation following MNNG and MMS treatment, it was concluded that the protective effect of ATM is not due to cell cycle progression control. The hypersensitivity of ATM deficient cells was accompanied by their inability to activate the anti-apoptotic NFkB pathway. In a second part of this study, it was shown that the inflammatory cytokine IL-1 up-regulates the DNA repair gene apurinic endonuclease 2 (APEX2). Up-regulation of APEX2 occurred by transcriptional regulation as it was abrogated by actinomycin D. APEX2 mRNA accumulation was accompanied by increase in APEX2 protein level. IL-1 induced APEX2 expression as well as transfection of cells with APEX2 cDNA positively correlated with a decrease in apoptosis after treatment with genotoxic agents, particularly affecting cell death after H2O2. This indicates an involvement of APEX2 in the BER pathway in cells responding to IL-1.


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Stress-aktivierte-Protein-Kinasen (c-Jun-N-terminal kinases) SAPK/JNK werden sehr schnell nach Exposition von Zellen mit verschiedensten Noxen, wie beispielsweise Genotoxinen, aktiviert. Sie sind allerdings noch nicht als Teil der DNA-Schadensantwort etabliert. In dieser Arbeit sollte gezeigt werden, das SAPK/JNK einen wichtigen Teil innerhalb der DNA-Schadensantwort spielen. Aus diesem Grund wurde zu frühen (z.B.: 4 h) als auch zu späten Zeiten (z.B.: 24 h) die Bildung von DNA-Addukten nach Cisplatin Exposition untersucht und überprüft, ob diese mit dem Aktivierungsstatus der SAPK/JNK nach Cisplatinbehandlung korreliert. Menschliche Fibroblasten, die einen Defekt in der Transkription gekoppelten Nukleotid-Exzisionsreparatur (TC-NER) aufwiesen, wie beispielsweise CSB-Zellen (Cockayne Syndrom B) oder XPA-Zellen (Xeroderma Pigmentosum A), sind charakterisiert durch einen erhöhten Phosphorylierungsstatus der SAPK/JNK, 16 h nach Cisplatingabe, im Vergleich zu normalen Wildtyp-Fibroblasten. Die nach Cisplatin Exposition beobachtete Aktivierung der SAPK/JNK ist quantitativ jedoch nicht vergleichbar mit dem Level an gebildeten Cisplatin-DNA-Addukten, wie in den Southwestern- und Massenspektrometrischen Untersuchungen gezeigt werden konnte. Es konnten jedoch Parallelen zwischen der Aktivierung der SAPK/JNK, sowie den gezeigten γ-H2AX-Foci als auch der Aktivierung von Check-Point Kinasen gefunden werden. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass DNA-Doppelstrangbrüche (DSB) an der späten Aktivierung des SAPK/JNK Signalweges beteiligt sind. Dementsprechend lässt sich ebenfalls in Zellen, die einen Defekt in der Reparatur von Doppelstrangsbrüchen aufweisen, wie beispielsweise DNA-PKcs Zellen, eine erhöhte, durch Cisplatin hervorgerufene späte Phosphorylierung der SAPK/JNK als auch eine vermehrte γ-H2AX-Foci Bildung und Check-Point Kinasen Aktivierung nachweisen. Vergleichend dazu zeigten Zellen mit einem Defekt in ATM (Ataxia telegiectasia mutated protein) oder XPC keine erhöhte Phosphorylierung zu späten Zeiten nach Cisplatin Behandlung. Weiterhin bleibt festzuhalten, dass die späte, durch Cisplatin hervorgerufene Schadensantwort unabhängig von p53, ER-Stress oder MKP-1 ist. Die SAPK/JNK Aktivierung nach Cisplatin Exposition erfordert funktionsfähige Rho-GTPasen und kann durch pharmakologische Hemmung der Tyrosin-Kinasen und durch N-Acetylcystein gehemmt werden. Es lässt sich zusammenfassend sagen, dass die durch Cisplatin induzierte späte SAPK/JNK Aktivierung durch die Formation von DSB initiiert wird und XPC, Rho-Proteine sowie Tyrosin Kinasen an der Signalweiterleitung beteiligt sind.


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The cause of porcine congenital progressive ataxia and spastic paresis (CPA) is unknown. This severe neuropathy manifests shortly after birth and is lethal. The disease is inherited as a single autosomal recessive allele, designated cpa. In a previous study, we demonstrated close linkage of cpa to microsatellite SW902 on porcine chromosome 3 (SSC3), which corresponds syntenically to human chromosome 2. This latter chromosome contains ion channel genes (Ca(2+), K(+) and Na(+)), a cholinergic receptor gene and the spastin (SPG4) gene, which cause human epilepsy and ataxia when mutated. We mapped porcine CACNB4, KCNJ3, SCN2A and CHRNA1 to SSC15 and SPG4 to SSC3 with the INRA-Minnesota porcine radiation hybrid panel (IMpRH) and we sequenced the entire open reading frames of CACNB4 and SPG4 without finding any differences between healthy and affected piglets. An anti-epileptic drug treatment with ethosuximide did not change the severity of the disease, and pigs with CPA did not exhibit the corticospinal tract axonal degeneration found in humans suffering from hereditary spastic paraplegia, which is associated with mutations in SPG4. For all these reasons, the hypothesis that CACNB4, CHRNA1, KCNJ3, SCN2A or SPG4 are identical with the CPA gene was rejected.


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Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by growth retardation, cerebellar ataxia, oculocutaneous telangiectasias, and a high incidence of lymphomas and leukemias. In addition, AT patients are sensitive to ionizing radiation. Atm-deficient mice recapitulate most of the AT phenotype. p21cip1/waf1 (p21 hereafter), an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, has been implicated in cellular senescence and response to γ-radiation-induced DNA damage. To study the role of p21 in ATM-mediated signal transduction pathways, we examined the combined effect of the genetic loss of atm and p21 on growth control, radiation sensitivity, and tumorigenesis. As might have been expected, our data provide evidence that p21 modifies the in vitro senescent response seen in AT fibroblasts. Further, it is a downstream effector of ATM-mediated growth control. In addition, however, we find that loss of p21 in the context of an atm-deficient mouse leads to a delay in thymic lymphomagenesis and an increase in acute radiation sensitivity in vivo (the latter principally because of effects on the gut epithelium). Modification of these two crucial aspects of the ATM phenotype can be related to an apparent increase in spontaneous apoptosis seen in tumor cells and in the irradiated intestinal epithelium of mice doubly null for atm and p21. Thus, loss of p21 seems to contribute to tumor suppression by a mechanism that operates via a sensitized apoptotic response. These results have implications for cancer therapy in general and AT patients in particular.


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The fission yeast Rad3p checkpoint protein is a member of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related family of protein kinases, which includes human ATMp. Mutation of the ATM gene is responsible for the disease ataxia-telangiectasia. The kinase domain of Rad3p has previously been shown to be essential for function. Here, we show that although this domain is necessary, it is not sufficient, because the isolated kinase domain does not have kinase activity in vitro and cannot complement a rad3 deletion strain. Using dominant negative alleles of rad3, we have identified two sites N-terminal to the conserved kinase domain that are essential for Rad3p function. One of these sites is the putative leucine zipper, which is conserved in other phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related family members. The other is a novel motif, which may also mediate Rad3p protein–protein interactions.


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Ataxia-oculomotor apraxia (AOA1) is a neurological disorder with symptoms that overlap those of ataxia-telangiectasia, a syndrome characterized by abnormal responses to double-strand DNA breaks and genome instability. The gene mutated in AOA1, APTX, is predicted to code for a protein called aprataxin that contains domains of homology with proteins involved in DNA damage signalling and repair. We demonstrate that aprataxin is a nuclear protein, present in both the nucleoplasm and the nucleolus. Mutations in the APTX gene destabilize the aprataxin protein, and fusion constructs of enhanced green fluorescent protein and aprataxin, representing deletions of putative functional domains, generate highly unstable products. Cells from AOA1 patients are characterized by enhanced sensitivity to agents that cause single-strand breaks in DNA but there is no evidence for a gross defect in single-strand break repair. Sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide and the resulting genome instability are corrected by transfection with full-length aprataxin cDNA. We also demonstrate that aprataxin interacts with the repair proteins XRCC1, PARP-1 and p53 and that it co-localizes with XRCC1 along charged particle tracks on chromatin. These results demonstrate that aprataxin influences the cellular response to genotoxic stress very likely by its capacity to interact with a number of proteins involved in DNA repair.


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Aims: To analyse the expression of proteins involved in DNA double strand break detection and repair in the luminal and myoepithelial compartments of benign breast lesions and malignant breast tumours with myoepithelial differentiation. Methods: Expression of the ataxia telangiectasia (ATM) and p53 proteins was immunohistochemically evaluated in 18 benign and malignant myoepithelial tumours of the breast. Fifteen benign breast lesions with prominent myoepithelial compartment were also evaluated for these proteins, in addition to those in the MRE11-Rad50-NBS1 (MRN) complex, and the expression profiles were compared with those seen in eight independent non-cancer (normal breast) samples and in the surrounding normal tissues of the benign and malignant tumours examined. Results: ATM expression was higher in the myoepithelial compartment of three of 15 benign breast lesions and lower in the luminal compartment of eight of these lesions compared with that found in the corresponding normal tissue compartments. Malignant myoepithelial tumours overexpressed ATM in one of 18 cases. p53 was consistently negative in benign lesions and was overexpressed in eight of 18 malignant tumours. In benign breast lesions, expression of the MRN complex was significantly more reduced in myoepithelial cells (up to 73%) than in luminal cells (up to 40%) (p = 0.0005). Conclusions: Malignant myoepithelial tumours rarely overexpress ATM but are frequently positive for p53. In benign breast lesions, expression of the MRN complex was more frequently reduced in the myoepithelial than in the luminal epithelial compartment, suggesting different DNA repair capabilities in these two cell types.


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ATM kinase plays a central role in signaling DNA double-strand breaks to cell cycle checkpoints and to the DNA repair machinery. Although the exact mechanism of ATM activation remains unknown, efficient activation requires the Mre11 complex, autophosphorylation on S1981 and the involvement of protein phosphatases and acetylases. We report here the identification of several additional phosphorylation sites on ATM in response to DNA damage, including autophosphorylation on pS367 and pS1893. ATM autophosphorylates all these sites in vitro in response to DNA damage. Antibodies against phosphoserine 1893 revealed rapid and persistent phosphorylation at this site after in vivo activation of ATM kinase by ionizing radiation, paralleling that observed for S1981 phosphorylation. Phosphorylation was dependent on functional ATM and on the Mre11 complex. All three autophosphorylation sites are physiologically important parts of the DNA damage response, as phosphorylation site mutants (S367A, S1893A and S1981A) were each defective in ATM signaling in vivo and each failed to correct radiosensitivity, genome instability and cell cycle checkpoint defects in ataxia-telangiectasia cells. We conclude that there are at least three functionally important radiation-induced autophosphorylation events in ATM.


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The complexity of the IGF-1 signalling axis is clearly a roadblock in targeting this receptor in cancer therapy. Here, we sought to identify mediators of resistance, and potential co-targets for IGF-1R inhibition. By using an siRNA functional screen with the IGF-1R tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) BMS-754807 in MCF-7 cells we identified several genes encoding components of the DNA damage response (DDR) pathways as mediators of resistance to IGF-1R kinase inhibition. These included ATM and Ataxia Telangiectasia and RAD3-related kinase (ATR). We also observed a clear induction of DDR in cells that were exposed to IGF-1R TKIs (BMS-754807 and OSI-906) as indicated by accumulation of γ-H2AX, and phosphorylated Chk1. Combination of the IGF-1R/IR TKIs with an ATR kinase inhibitor VE-821 resulted in additive to synergistic cytotoxicity compared to either drug alone. In MCF-7 cells with stably acquired resistance to the IGF-1R TKI (MCF-7-R), DNA damage was also observed, and again, dual inhibition of the ATR kinase and IGF-1R/IR kinase resulted in synergistic cytotoxicity. Interestingly, dual inhibition of ATR and IGF-1R was more effective in MCF-7-R cells than parental cells. IGF-1R TKIs also potentiated the effects of cisplatin in a panel of breast cancer cell lines. Overall, our findings identify induction of DDR by IGF-1R kinase inhibition as a rationale for co-targeting the IGF-1R with ATR kinase inhibitors or cisplatin, particularly in cells with acquired resistance to TKIs.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Senataxin, defective in ataxia oculomotor apraxia type 2, protects the genome by facilitating the resolution of RNA–DNA hybrids (R-loops) and other aspects of RNA processing. Disruption of this gene in mice causes failure of meiotic recombination and defective meiotic sex chromosome inactivation, leading to male infertility. Here we provide evidence that the disruption of Setx leads to reduced SUMOylation and disruption of protein localization across the XY body during meiosis. We demonstrate that senataxin and other DNA damage repair proteins, including ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein-interacting partner, are SUMOylated, and a marked downregulation of both ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein-interacting partner and TopBP1 leading to defective activation and signaling through ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein occurs in the absence of senataxin. Furthermore, chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 4, a component of the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase chromatin remodeler that interacts with both ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein and senataxin was not recruited efficiently to the XY body, triggering altered histone acetylation and chromatin conformation in Setx−/− pachytene-staged spermatocytes. These results demonstrate that senataxin has a critical role in ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein- and chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 4-mediated transcriptional silencing and chromatin remodeling during meiosis providing greater insight into its critical role in gene regulation to protect against neurodegeneration.