986 resultados para association rules


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This paper presents a real application of Web-content mining using an incremental FP-Growth approach. We firstly restructure the semi-structured data retrieved from the web pages of Chinese car market to fit into the local database, and then employ an incremental algorithm to discover the association rules for the identification of car preference. To find more general regularities, a method of attribute-oriented induction is also utilized to find customer’s consumption preferences. Experimental results show some interesting consumption preference patterns that may be beneficial for the government in making policy to encourage and guide car consumption.


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AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has emerged as a significant signaling intermediary that regulates metabolisms in response to energy demand and supply. An investigation into the degree of activation and deactivation of AMPK subunits under exercise can provide valuable data for understanding AMPK. In particular, the effect of AMPK on muscle cellular energy status makes this protein a promising pharmacological target for disease treatment. As more AMPK regulation data are accumulated, data mining techniques can play an important role in identifying frequent patterns in the data. Association rule mining, which is commonly used in market basket analysis, can be applied to AMPK regulation.

This paper proposes a framework that can identify the potential correlation, either between the state of isoforms of α, β and γ subunits of AMPK, or between stimulus factors and the state of isoforms. Our approach is to apply item constraints in the closed interpretation to the itemset generation so that a threshold is specified in terms of the amount of results, rather than a fixed threshold value for all itemsets of all sizes. The derived rules from experiments are roughly analyzed. It is found that most of the extracted association rules have biological meaning and some of them were previously unknown. They indicate direction for further research.

Our findings indicate that AMPK has a great impact on most metabolic actions that are related to energy demand and supply. Those actions are adjusted via its subunit isoforms under specific physical training. Thus, there are strong co-relationships between AMPK subunit isoforms and exercises. Furthermore, the subunit isoforms are correlated with each other in some cases. The methods developed here could be used when predicting these essential relationships and enable an understanding of the functions and metabolic pathways regarding AMPK.


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This paper further develops Aumann and Lindell's [3] proposal for a variant of association rules for which the consequent is a numeric variable. It is argued that these rules can discover useful interactions with numeric data that cannot be discovered directly using traditional association rules with discretization. Alternative measures for identifying interesting rules are proposed. Efficient algorithms are presented that enable these rules to be discovered for dense data sets for which application of Auman and Lindell's algorithm is infeasible.


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This paper introduces an incremental FP-Growth approach for Web content based data mining and its application in solving a real world problem The problem is solved in the following ways. Firstly, we obtain the semi-structured data from the Web pages of Chinese car market and structure them and save them in local database. Secondly, we use an incremental FP-Growth algorithm for mining association rules to discover Chinese consumers' car consumption preference. To find more general regularities, an attribute-oriented induction method is also utilized to find customer's consumption preference among a range of car categories. Experimental results have revealed some interesting consumption preferences that are useful for the decision makers to make the policy to encourage and guide car consumption. Although the current data we used may not be the best representative of the actual market in practice, it is still good enough for the decision making purpose in terms of reflecting the real situation of car consumption preference under the two assumptions in the context.


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Data mining refers to extracting or "mining" knowledge from large amounts of data. It is also called a method of "knowledge presentation" where visualization and knowledge representation techniques are used to present the mined knowledge to the user. Efficient algorithms to mine frequent patterns are crucial to many tasks in data mining. Since the Apriori algorithm was proposed in 1994, there have been several methods proposed to improve its performance. However, most still adopt its candidate set generation-and-test approach. In addition, many methods do not generate all frequent patterns, making them inadequate to derive association rules. The Pattern Decomposition (PD) algorithm that can significantly reduce the size of the dataset on each pass makes it more efficient to mine all frequent patterns in a large dataset. This algorithm avoids the costly process of candidate set generation and saves a large amount of counting time to evaluate support with reduced datasets. In this paper, some existing frequent pattern generation algorithms are explored and their comparisons are discussed. The results show that the PD algorithm outperforms an improved version of Apriori named Direct Count of candidates & Prune transactions (DCP) by one order of magnitude and is faster than an improved FP-tree named as Predictive Item Pruning (PIP). Further, PD is also more scalable than both DCP and PIP.


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Data mining is playing an important role in decision making for business activities and governmental administration. Since many organizations or their divisions do not possess the in-house expertise and infrastructure for data mining, it is beneficial to delegate data mining tasks to external service providers. However, the organizations or divisions may lose of private information during the delegating process. In this paper, we present a Bloom filter based solution to enable organizations or their divisions to delegate the tasks of mining association rules while protecting data privacy. Our approach can achieve high precision in data mining by only trading-off storage requirements, instead of by trading-off the level of privacy preserving.


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An RNA pseudoknot consists of nonnested double-stranded stems connected by single-stranded loops. There is increasing recognition that RNA pseudoknots are one of the most prevalent RNA structures and fulfill a diverse set of biological roles within cells, and there is an expanding rate of studies into RNA pseudoknotted structures as well as increasing allocation of function. These not only produce valuable structural data but also facilitate an understanding of structural and functional characteristics in RNA molecules. PseudoBase is a database providing structural, functional, and sequence data related to RNA pseudoknots. To capture the features of RNA pseudoknots, we present a novel framework using quantitative association rule mining to analyze the pseudoknot data. The derived rules are classified into specified association groups regarding structure, function, and category of RNA pseudoknots. The discovered association rules assist biologists in filtering out significant knowledge of structure-function and structure-category relationships. A brief biological interpretation to the relationships is presented, and their potential correlations with each other are highlighted.


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It is generally agreed that knowledge is the most valuable asset to an organization. Knowledge enables a business to effectively compete with its competitors. In the tourism context, an in-depth knowledge of the profile of international travelers to a destination has become a crucial factor for decision makers to formulate their business strategies and better serve their customers. In this research, a self-organizing map (SOM) network was used for segmenting international travelers to Hong Kong, a major travel destination in Asia. An association rules discovery algorithm is then utilized to automatically characterize the profile of each segment. The resulting maps serve as a visual analysis tool for tourism managers to better understand the characteristics, motivations, and behaviors of international travelers.


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Despite the numerous research endeavors aimed at investigating tourists' preferences and motivations, it remains very difficult for practitioners to utilize the results of traditional association rule mining methods in tourism management. This research presents a new approach that extends the capability of the association rules technique to contrast targeted association rules with the aim of capturing the changes and trends in outbound tourism. Using datasets collected from five large-scale domestic tourism surveys of Hong Kong residents on outbound pleasure travel, both positive and negative contrasts are identified, thus enabling practitioners and policymakers to make appropriate decisions and develop more appropriate tourism products.


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Named entity recognition (NER) is an essential step in the process of information extraction within text mining. This paper proposes a technique to extract drug named entities from unstructured and informal medical text using a hybrid model of lexicon-based and rule-based techniques. In the proposed model, a lexicon is first used as the initial step to detect drug named entities. Inference rules are then deployed to further extract undetected drug names. The designed rules employ part of speech tags and morphological features for drug name detection. The proposed hybrid model is evaluated using a benchmark data set from the i2b2 2009 medication challenge, and is able to achieve an f-score of 66.97%.


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Cancer remains a major challenge in modern medicine. Increasing prevalence of cancer, particularly in developing countries, demands better understanding of the effectiveness and adverse consequences of different cancer treatment regimes in real patient population. Current understanding of cancer treatment toxicities is often derived from either “clean” patient cohorts or coarse population statistics. It is difficult to get up-to-date and local assessment of treatment toxicities for specific cancer centres. In this paper, we applied an Apriori-based method for discovering toxicity progression patterns in the form of temporal association rules. Our experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed method in discovering major toxicity patterns in comparison with the pairwise association analysis. Our method is applicable for most cancer centres with even rudimentary electronic medical records and has the potential to provide real-time surveillance and quality assurance in cancer care.


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One way to organize knowledge and make its search and retrieval easier is to create a structural representation divided by hierarchically related topics. Once this structure is built, it is necessary to find labels for each of the obtained clusters. In many cases the labels must be built using all the terms in the documents of the collection. This paper presents the SeCLAR method, which explores the use of association rules in the selection of good candidates for labels of hierarchical document clusters. The purpose of this method is to select a subset of terms by exploring the relationship among the terms of each document. Thus, these candidates can be processed by a classical method to generate the labels. An experimental study demonstrates the potential of the proposed approach to improve the precision and recall of labels obtained by classical methods only considering the terms which are potentially more discriminative. © 2012 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Background: Once multi-relational approach has emerged as an alternative for analyzing structured data such as relational databases, since they allow applying data mining in multiple tables directly, thus avoiding expensive joining operations and semantic losses, this work proposes an algorithm with multi-relational approach. Methods: Aiming to compare traditional approach performance and multi-relational for mining association rules, this paper discusses an empirical study between PatriciaMine - an traditional algorithm - and its corresponding multi-relational proposed, MR-Radix. Results: This work showed advantages of the multi-relational approach in performance over several tables, which avoids the high cost for joining operations from multiple tables and semantic losses. The performance provided by the algorithm MR-Radix shows faster than PatriciaMine, despite handling complex multi-relational patterns. The utilized memory indicates a more conservative growth curve for MR-Radix than PatriciaMine, which shows the increase in demand of frequent items in MR-Radix does not result in a significant growth of utilized memory like in PatriciaMine. Conclusion: The comparative study between PatriciaMine and MR-Radix confirmed efficacy of the multi-relational approach in data mining process both in terms of execution time and in relation to memory usage. Besides that, the multi-relational proposed algorithm, unlike other algorithms of this approach, is efficient for use in large relational databases.