308 resultados para assinatura


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The Transbrasiliano Lineament is a major shear zone trending NE-SW, related to the Brasiliano orogeny and evolved through high to low temperature stages. In this study, the structural and geophysical signature of the northern segment of Transbrasiliano Lineament was studied in its northern border, between Ceará and Piauí states, involving the Brasiliano mylonite zone, the Jaibaras Graben and reactivations affecting the sedimentary sequences post-ordovician of Parnaíba Basin. In the literature, is commonly the phanerozoic reactivation of this structure referred, generating several late Brasiliano grabens predating the paleozoic Parnaíba syneclises, like the Jaibaras Graben. Faults that cut the stratigraphic units of the Parnaíba Basin along the entire length of the Transbrasiliano Lineament express its reactivation during younger events. The magnetic anomaly field reduced to the pole map exhibit anomalies NE-trending, interpreted as the signature of the Transbrasiliano Lineament (and Brasiliano structures of the Borborema Province) in its high-temperature expression. The Jaibaras Graben is marked by a straight anomalous track with high magnetic susceptibility (interpreted as a prevalence of ferromagnesian rocks, probably volcanic), apparently without significant continuity in the substrate of Parnaíba Basin. The geometric and kinematic analysis of the structures in the study area, using remote sensing and field data, led to the characterization of four deformation phases brittle the ductilebrittle Dn, D1, D2 and D3. The Dn deformation phase of ediacaran-cambrian age, occurs exclusively in the Jaibaras Graben, with the development of comparatively higher temperature (as regards to younger events) ductile-brittle structures. D1, D2 and D3 deformation phases affect both the Jaibaras Graben as well as the paleozoic sequences of the northeastern edge of Parnaíba Basin, generating structures developed at lower temperatures, basically brittle/cataclastic. The SRTM image analysis allowed mapping different NE, NW and E-W trending lineaments in Parnaíba Basin, whose correlation with mesoscopic structures is discussed in terms of the reactivation of Transbrasiliano Lineament in association with the stages of general Atlantic opening and separation between South America and Africa, or even the distal orogenic events in Paleozoic.


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Descreve e analisa aspectos do debate sobre as soluções a serem desenvolvidas mundialmente para controle das emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE), considerando "...a entrada da Natureza no jogo político global..." após a assinatura do Protocolo de Kyoto (1997). Aborda os seguintes tópicos : controle do desmatamento e criação de fontes alternativas de energia.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIV - Comunicação Social, Informática, Telecomunicações, Sistema Postal, Ciência e Tecnologia.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIV - Comunicação Social, Informática, Telecomunicações, Sistema Postal, Ciência e Tecnologia.


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Discurso proferido durante a 1ª Sessão da Câmara dos Deputados na nova capital do país. Disposição do orador de apor sua assinatura no requerimento de criação da CPI sobre a construção de Brasília.


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Discurso proferido durante a 1ª Sessão da Câmara dos Deputados na nova capital do país. Esclarecimentos acerca de assinatura em documento de pedido de Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito sobre a construção de Brasília.


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Discurso proferido durante a 1ª Sessão da Câmara dos Deputados em Brasília, nova capital do país. Refere-se à solicitação de retirada de assinatura do requerimento para constituição de CPI sobre a construção de Brasília.