981 resultados para arrangement


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The province of Salta is located the Northwest of Argentina in the border with Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay. Its Capital is the city of Salta that concentrates half of the inhabitants of the province and has grown to 600000 hab., from a small active Spanish town well founded in 1583. The city is crossed by the Arenales River descending from close mountains at North, source of water and end of sewers. But with actual growing it has become a focus of infection and of remarkable unhealthiness. It is necessary to undertake a plan for the recovery of the river, directed to the attainment of the well-being and to improve the life?s quality of the Community. The fundamental idea of the plan is to obtain an ordering of the river basin and an integral management of the channel and its surroundings, including the cleaning out. The improvement of the water?s quality, the healthiness of the surroundings and the improvement of the environment, must go hand by hand with the development of sport activities, of relaxation, tourism, establishment of breeding grounds, kitchen gardens, micro enterprises with clean production and other actions that contribute to their benefit by the society, that being a basic factor for their care and sustainable use. The present pollution is organic, chemical, industrial, domestic, due to the disposition of sweepings and sewer effluents that affects not only the flora and small fauna, destroying the biodiversity, but also to the health of people living in their margins. Within the plan it will be necessary to consider, besides hydric and environmental cleaning and the prevention of floods, the planning of the extraction of aggregates, the infrastructure and consolidation of margins works and the arrangement of all the river basin. It will be necessary to consider the public intervention at state, provincial and local level, and the private intervention. In the model it has been necessary to include the sub-model corresponding to the election of the entity to be the optimal instrument to reach the proposed objectives, giving an answer to the social, environmental and economic requirements. For that the authors have used multi-criteria decision methods to qualify and select alternatives, and for the programming of their implementation. In the model the authors have contemplated the short, average and long term actions. They conform a Paretooptimal alternative which secures the ordering, integral and suitable management of the basin of the Arenales River, focusing on its passage by the city of Salta.


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Native cylic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are composed of α and β subunits. Olfactory CNG channels were expressed from rat cDNA clones in Xenopus oocytes and studied in inside-out patches. Using tandem dimers composed of linked subunits, we investigated the stoichiometry and arrangement of the α and β subunits. Dimers contained three subunit types: αwt, βwt, and αm. The αm subunit lacks an amino-terminal domain that greatly influences gating, decreasing the apparent affinity of the channel for ligand by 9-fold, making it a reporter for inclusion in the tetramer. Homomeric channels from injection of αwtαwt dimers and from αwt monomers were indistinguishable. Channels from injection of αwtαm dimers had apparent affinities 3-fold lower than αwt homomultimers, suggesting a channel with two αwt and two αm subunits. Channels from coinjection of αwtαwt and ββ dimers were indistinguishable from those composed of α and β monomers and shared all of the characteristics of the α+β phenotype of heteromeric channels. Coinjection of αwtαm and ββ dimers yielded channels also of the α+β phenotype but with an apparent affinity 3-fold lower, indicating the presence of αm in the tetramer and that α+β channels have adjacent α-subunits. To distinguish between an α-α-α-β and an α-α-β-β arrangement, we compared apparent affinities for channels from coinjection of αwtαwt and βαwt or αwtαwt and βαm dimers. These channels were indistinguishable. To further argue against an α-α-α-β arrangement, we quantitatively compared dose–response data for channels from coinjection of αwtαm and ββ dimers to those from α and β monomers. Taken together, our results are most consistent with an α-α-β-β arrangement for the heteromeric olfactory CNG channel.


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The volumic rearrangement of both chromosomes and immunolabeled upstream binding factor in entire well-preserved mitotic cells was studied by confocal microscopy. By using high-quality three-dimensional visualization and tomography, it was possible to investigate interactively the volumic organization of chromosome sets and to focus on their internal characteristics. More particularly, this study demonstrates the nonrandom positioning of metaphase chromosomes bearing nucleolar organizer regions as revealed by their positive upstream binding factor immunolabeling. During the complex morphogenesis of the progeny nuclei from anaphase to late telophase, the equal partitioning of the nucleolar organizer regions is demonstrated by quantification, and their typical nonrandom central positioning within the chromosome sets is revealed.


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A very old unanswered question in classical cytology is whether chromosomes are arranged randomly in sperm or whether they occupy specific positions. Even with modern methods of chromosome painting, it is difficult to resolve this question for the very condensed and almost spherical sperm head of most mammals. We have taken advantage of the unusual fibrillar sperm head of monotreme mammals (echidna and platypus) to examine the position of chromosome landmarks in a two-dimensional array. We used fluorescence and radioactive in situ hybridization to telomeric, rDNA, and unique sequences to show that chromosomes are arranged tandemly and in a defined order in the sperm nucleus.


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The evolutionarily conserved Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) is present in the N-terminal regions of more than one-third of all Krüppel-class zinc finger proteins. Recent experiments have demonstrated that the KRAB-A domain tethered to a promoter DNA by connecting to heterologous DNA-binding protein domain or targeted to a promoter-proximal RNA sequence acts as a transcriptional silencing of RNA polymerase II promoters. Here we show that expression of KRAB domain suppresses in vivo the activating function of various defined activating transcription factors, and we demonstrate that the KRAB domain specifically silences the activity of promoters whose initiation is dependent on the presence of a TATA box. Promoters whose accurate transcription initiation is directed by a pyrimidine-rich initiator element, however, are relatively unaffected. We also report in vitro transcription experiments indicating that the KRAB domain is able to repress both activated and basal promoter activity. Thus, the KRAB domain appears to repress the activity of certain promoters through direct communication with TATA box-dependent basal transcription machinery.


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Six-page handwritten draft of an organization plan for the catalogue of the Harvard University Library.


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Printed broadside containing an organization plan for the catalogue of the Harvard University Library.