997 resultados para aqueous electrolyte


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Porous layers can be formed electrochemically on (100) oriented n-InP substrates in aqueous KOH. A nanoporous layer is obtained underneath a dense near-surface layer and the pores appear to propagate from holes through the near-surface layer. In the early stages of the anodization transmission electron microscopy (TEM) clearly shows individual porous domains that appear to have a square-based pyramidal shape. Each domain appears to develop from an individual surface pit which forms a channel through this near-surface layer. We suggest that the pyramidal structure arises as a result of preferential pore propagation along the <100> directions. AFM measurements show that the density of surface pits increases with time. Each of these pits acts as a source for a pyramidal porous domain. When the domains grow, the current density increases correspondingly. Eventually the domains meet, forming a continuous porous layer, the interface between the porous and bulk InP becomes relatively flat and its total effective surface area decreases resulting in a decrease in the current density. Current-time curves at constant potential exhibit a peak and porous layers are observed to form beneath the electrode surface. The density of pits formed on the surface increases with time and approaches a plateau value. Porous layers are also observed in highly doped InP but are not observed in wafers with doping densities below ~5 × 1017 cm-3. Numerical models of this process have been developed invoking a mechanism of directional selectivity of pore growth preferentially along the <100> lattice directions. Manipulation of the parameters controlling these curves shows that the fall-off in current is controlled by the rate of diffusion of electrolyte through the pore structure with the final decline in current being caused by the termination of growth at the pore tips through the formation of passivating films or some other irreversible modification of the pore tips.


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Water activity in aqueous solutions of DL-alanine, glycine, or L-serine, with ammonium sulfate, molality ranging from 0.5 to 5.0, have been measured at 298.2 K. The new experimental data was correlated using three different theoretical schemes such as Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson, its extension, or the Clegg-Seinfeld-Brimblecombe approach, with global average absolute deviations in the calculation of the osmotic coefficient of 3.46 %, 0.93 % and 1.95 %, respectively. The extended Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson method also enabled the prediction of unsymmetric molal activity coefficients of the electrolyte, in fair agreement with the experimental values found from literature measured by an electrochemical method. It is evidenced the usefulness of the experimental ternary data measured to extend the capabilities of thermodynamic models to higher salt and amino acid concentrations.


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SRI has examined the organosolv (organic solvation) pulping of Australian bagasse using technology supplied by Ecopulp. In the process, bagasse is reacted with aqueous ethanol in a digester at elevated temperatures (between 150ºC and 200ºC). The products from the digester are separated using proprietary technology before further processing into a range of saleable products. Test trials were undertaken using two batch digesters; the first capable of pulping about 25 g of wet depithed bagasse and the second, larger samples of about 1.5 kg of wet depithed bagasse. From this study, the unbleached pulp produced from fresh bagasse did not have very good strength properties for the production of corrugated medium for cartons and bleached pulp. In particular, the lignin contents as indicated by the Kappa number for the unbleached pulps are high for making bleached pulp. However, in spite of the high lignin content, it is possible to bleach the pulp to acceptable levels of brightness up to 86.6% ISO. The economics were assessed for three tier pricing (namely low, medium and high price). The economic return for a plant that produces 100 air dry t/d of brownstock pulp is satisfactory for both high and medium pricing levels of pricing. The outcomes from the project justify that work should continue through to either pilot plant or upgraded laboratory facility.


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Objectives: To report on the design, significance and potential impacts of the first documented human clinical trial assessing the anxiolytic and thymoleptic efficacy of an aqueous monoextract of Piper methysticum (kava). The significance of the qualitative element of our clinical trial is also explored. The Kava Anxiety Depression Spectrum Study (KADSS) is a 3-week placebocontrolled, double-blind, cross-over trial involving 60 adult participants (18—65) with elevated stable anxiety and varying levels of depressive symptoms. Aims: The aims of KADSS are: (1) to determine whether an aqueous standardised extract of kava is effective for the treatment of anxiety; (2) to assess the effects of kava on differing levels of depression; and (3) to explore participants’ experience of taking kava via qualitative research. The study also provides preliminary assessment of the safety of an aqueous extract of kava in humans. Conclusion: If results reveal that the aqueous kava preparation exerts significant anxiolytic effects and appears safe, potentially beneficial impacts may occur. Data supporting a safe and effective kava extract may encourage a re-introduction of kava to Europe, UK and Canada. This may provide a major socioeconomic benefit to Pacific Island nations, and to sufferers of anxiety disorders.


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Rationale: Piper methysticum (Kava) has been withdrawn in European, British, and Canadian markets due to concerns over hepatotoxic reactions. The WHO recently recommended research into “aqueous” extracts of Kava. Objective: The objective of this study was to conduct the first documented human clinical trial assessing the anxiolytic and antidepressant efficacy of an aqueous extract of Kava. Design and participants: The Kava Anxiety Depression Spectrum Study was a 3-week placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial that recruited 60 adult participants with 1 month or more of elevated generalized anxiety. Five Kava tablets per day were prescribed containing 250 mg of kavalactones/day. Results: The aqueous extract of Kava reduced participants' Hamilton Anxiety Scale score in the first controlled phase by −9.9 (CI = 7.1, 12.7) vs. −0.8 (CI = −2.7, 4.3) for placebo and in the second controlled phase by −10.3 (CI = 5.8, 14.7) vs. +3.3 (CI = −6.8, 0.2). The pooled effect of Kava vs. placebo across phases was highly significant (p < 0.0001), with a substantial effect size (d = 2.24, η² [sub]p[sub] = 0.428). Pooled analyses also revealed highly significant relative reductions in Beck Anxiety Inventory and Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale scores. The aqueous extract was found to be safe, with no serious adverse effects and no clinical hepatotoxicity. Conclusions: The aqueous Kava preparation produced significant anxiolytic and antidepressant activity and raised no safety concerns at the dose and duration studied. Kava appears equally effective in cases where anxiety is accompanied by depression. This should encourage further study and consideration of globally reintroducing aqueous rootstock extracts of Kava for the management of anxiety.


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A new solid composite polymer electrolyte was reported by incorporating Azino-bis-(3-ethyl benzo thiazoline-6-sulphonate) ion [ABTS] as dopant in poly(vinylidene flouride) along with redox couple (1-/13-). Under certain conditions, the electrolyte composition forms brush like nano-rods while it is doped with Azino-bis-(3-ethly) benzo thiazoline-6-sulphonate) ion [ABTS], a pi-electron donor. The polymer electrolyte forms nanoscale interpenetrating network with the crystalline order of the polymer electrolyte that seems to be a desirable architecture for the active layer of the photoelectrochemical cell. With this new polymer electrolyte, dye-sensitized solar cell was fabricated using N3 dye absorbed over Ti02- nonoparticles (photoanode) and conducting carbon cement coated on the conducting press (FTO, photocathode). This polymer composite has been successfully used as a promising candidate as solid polymer electrolyte in nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cell.


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New composite doped poly (ethylene oxide) polymer electrolyte was developed using 2-mercapto benzimidazole as plasticizer and iodide/triiodide as redox couple. The fabrication of the cell involves Poly(ethylene oxide)/ 2-mercapto benzimidazole / iodide/triiodide as polymer electrolyte in dye-sensitized solar cell fabricated with N3 dye and TiO2 nanoparticles as the photoanode and Platinum coated FTO (fluorine doped SnO2) as counter electrode. The current-volatage characteristics under simulated sunlight AM1.5 shows a short circuit current Isc of 8.7mA and open circuit photovoltage 508 mV. The conductivity measurements for the new polymer electrolyte and the photoelectrochemical measurments were carried out systematically. In 2-mercapto benzimidazole the electron rich sulphur and nitrogen atoms, act as pi-electron donors that form good interaction with iodine which plays a vital role in the performance of the fabricated dye-sensitized solar cells. The resonance effect increases the stability of the cell to a considerable extent. These results suggest that the new composite polymer electrolyte performs as a promising new doped polymer-electrolyte.


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The effectiveness of using thermally activated hydrotalcite materials has been investigated for the removal of arsenate, vanadate, and molybdate in individual and mixed solutions. Results show that increasing the Mg,Al ratio to 4:1 causes an increase in the percentage of anions removed from solution. The order of affinity of the three anions analysed in this investigation is arsenate, vanadate, and molybdate. By comparisons with several synthetic hydrotalcite materials, the hydrotalcite structure in the seawater neutralised red mud (SWN-RM) has been determined to consist of magnesium and aluminium with a ratio between 3.5:1 and 4:1. Thermally activated seawater neutralised red mud removes at least twice the concentration of anionic species than thermally activated red mud alone, due to the formation of 40 to 60 % Bayer hydrotalcite during the neutralisation process.


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An investigation has been made of the interactions between silicone oil and various solid substrates immersed in aqueous solutions. Measurements were made using an atomic force microscope (AFM) using the colloid-probe method. The silicone oil drop is simulated by coating a small silica sphere with the oil, and measuring the force as this coated sphere is brought close to contact with a flat solid surface. It is found that the silicone oil surface is negatively charged, which causes a double-layer repulsion between the oil drop and another negatively charged surface such as mica. With hydrophilic solids, this repulsion is strong enough to prevent attachment of the drop to the solid. However, with hydrophobic surfaces there is an additional attractive force which overcomes the double-layer repulsion, and the silicone oil drop attaches to the solid. A "ramp" force appears in some, but not all, of the data sets. There is circumstantial evidence that this force results from compression of the silicone oil film coated on the glass sphere.


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The removal of toxic anions has been achieved using hydrotalcite via two methods: (1) coprecipitation and (2) thermal activation. Hydrotalcite formed via the coprecipitation method, using solutions containing arsenate and vanadate up to pH 10, are able to remove more than 95% of the toxic anions (0.2 M) from solution. The removal of toxic anions in solutions with a pH of >10 reduces the removal uptake percentage to 75%. Raman spectroscopy observed multiple A1 stretching modes of V−O and As−O at 930 and 810 cm−1, assigned to vanadate and arsenate, respectively. Analysis of the intensity and position of the A1 stretching modes helped to identify the vanadate and arsenate specie intercalated into the hydrotalcite structure. It has been determined that 3:1 hydrotalcite structure predominantly intercalate anions into the interlayer region, while the 2:1 and 4:1 hydrotalcite structures shows a large portion of anions being removed from solution by adsorption processes. Treatment of carbonate solutions (0.2 M) containing arsenate and vanadate (0.2 M) three times with thermally activated hydrotalcite has been shown to remove 76% and 81% of the toxic anions, respectively. Thermally activated hydrotalcite with a Mg:Al ratio of 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1 have all been shown to remove 95% of arsenate and vanadate (25 ppm). At increased concentrations of arsenate and vanadate, the removal uptake percentage decreased significantly, except for the 4:1 thermally activated hydrotalcite. Thermally activated Bayer hydrotalcite has also been shown to be highly effective in the removal of arsenate and vanadate. The thermal activation of the solid residue component (red mud) removes 30% of anions from solution (100 ppm of both anions), while seawater-neutralized red mud removes 70%. The formation of hydrotalcite during the seawater neutralization process removes anions via two mechanisms, rather than one observed for thermally activated red mud.


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In this work, we investigate and compare the Maxwell–Stefan and Nernst–Planck equations for modeling multicomponent charge transport in liquid electrolytes. Specifically, we consider charge transport in the Li+/I−/I3−/ACN ternary electrolyte originally found in dye-sensitized solar cells. We employ molecular dynamics simulations to obtain the Maxwell–Stefan diffusivities for this electrolyte. These simulated diffusion coefficients are used in a multicomponent charge transport model based on the Maxwell– Stefan equations, and this is compared to a Nernst–Planck based model which employs binary diffusion coefficients sourced from the literature. We show that significant differences between the electrolyte concentrations at electrode interfaces, as predicted by the Maxwell–Stefan and Nernst–Planck models, can occur. We find that these differences are driven by a pressure term that appears in the Maxwell–Stefan equations. We also investigate what effects the Maxwell–Stefan diffusivities have on the simulated charge transport. By incorporating binary diffusivities found in the literature into the Maxwell–Stefan framework, we show that the simulated transient concentration profiles depend on the diffusivities; however, the simulated equilibrium profiles remain unaffected.


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HDTMA+ pillared montmorillonites were obtained by pillaring different amounts of the surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTMAB) into sodium montmorillonite (Na-Mt) in an aqueous solution. The optimum conditions and batch kinetics of sorption of p-nitrophenol from aqueous solutions were reported. The solu-tion pH had a very important effect on the sorption of p-nitrophenol. The maximum p-nitrophenol absorption/adsorption occurs when solution pH (7.15~7.35) is approx-imately equal to the pKa (7.16) of the p-nitrophenol ion deprotonation reaction. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that surfactant cations had been pillared into the interlayer and the p-nitrophenol affected the arrangement of surfactant. With the increased con-centration of surfactant cations, the arrangement of HDTMA+ within the clay inter-layer changes and the sorption of p-nitrophenol increases. HDTMA+ pillared mont-morillonites are more effective than Na-Mt for the adsorption of p-nitrophenol from aqueous solutions. The Langmuir, Freundlich and dual-mode sorption were tested to fit the sorption isotherms.