964 resultados para apoptotic peak


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Metadherin (MTDH), the newly discovered gene, is overexpressed in more than 40% of breast cancers. Recent studies have revealed that MTDH favors an oncogenic course and chemoresistance. With a number of breast cancer cell lines and breast tumor samples, we found that the relative expression of MTDH correlated with tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) sensitivity in breast cancer. In this study, we found that knockdown of endogenous MTDH cells sensitized the MDA-MB-231 cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis both in vitro and in vivo. Conversely, stable overexpression of MTDH in MCF-7 cells enhanced cell survival with TRAIL treatment. Mechanically, MTDH down-regulated caspase-8, decreased caspase-8 recruitment into the TRAIL death-inducing signaling complex, decreased caspase-3 and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 processing, increased Bcl-2 expression, and stimulated TRAIL-induced Akt phosphorylation, without altering death receptor status. In MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, sensitization to TRAIL upon MTDH down-regulation was inhibited by the caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk (benzyloxycarbonyl-VAD-fluoromethyl ketone), suggesting that MTDH depletion stimulates activation of caspases. In MCF-7 breast cancer cells, resistance to TRAIL upon MTDH overexpression was abrogated by depletion of Bcl-2, suggesting that MTDH-induced Bcl-2 expression contributes to TRAIL resistance. We further confirmed that MTDH may control Bcl-2 expression partly by suppressing miR-16. Collectively, our results point to a protective function of MTDH against TRAIL-induced death, whereby it inhibits the intrinsic apoptosis pathway through miR-16-mediated Bcl-2 up-regulation and the extrinsic apoptosis pathway through caspase-8 down-regulation.


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Résumé La masse de cellules β sécrétrices d'insuline est un tissu dynamique qui s'adapte aux variations de la demande métabolique pour assurer une normoglycémie. Cette adaptation se fait par un changement de sécrétion d'insuline et de la masse totale des cellules β. Une perte complète ou partielle des cellules β conduit respectivement à un diabète de type 1 et de type 2. Les mécanismes qui régulent la masse de cellules β et maintiennent leur phénotype differencié sont encore peu connus. Leur identification est nécessaire pour comprendre le développement du diabète et développer des stratégies de traitement. La greffe d'îlots est une approche thérapeutique prometteuse pour le diabète de type 1, mais est limitée par une perte précoce des cellules β due à une apoptose induite par des cytokines. Afin d'améliorer la survie des cellules β lors de la greffe d'îlots, le premier but était de trouver des peptides pouvant bloquer l'apoptose induite par FasL et TNF-α. Pour ce faire, deux librairies de phages ont été criblées pour sélectionner des peptides se liant au Fas DD ou au TNFRl DD. Nous avons identifié six peptides différents. Cependant, aucun d'entre eux n'était capable de protéger les cellules de l'apoptose induite par FasL ou TNF-α. Deuxièmement, le GLP-1 est une hormone qui stimule la sécrétion d'insuline, et est impliquée dans la prolifération des cellules β, la différentiation, et inhibe l'apoptose. Nous avons fait l'hypothèse que le GLP-1 joue un rôle crucial dans le contrôle de la masse et de la fonction des cellules β. Afin de l'évaluer, une analyse par puce à ADN a été réalisée en comparant des cellules βTC-Tet traitées avec du GLP-1 à des cellules non-traitées. 376 gènes régulés ont été identifiés, dont RGS2, CREM, ICERI et DUSP14, augmentés significativement par le GLP-1. Nous avons confirmé que le GLP-1 augmente l'expression de ces gènes, aussi bien au niveau des transcripts que des protéines. De plus, nous avons montré que le GLP-1 induit leur expression par activation de la voie cAMP/PKA, et nécessite l'entrée de calcium extracellulaire. D'après leur fonction biologique, nous avons ensuite supposé que ces gènes pourraient agir comme régulateurs négatifs de la signalisation du GLP-l, et donc freiner son effet proliférateur. Pour vérifier notre hypothèse, des siRNAs contre ces gènes ont été développés, et leurs effets sur la prolifération des cellules β seront évalués ultérieurement. Abstract The pancreatic β-cell mass is a dynamic tissue which adapts to variations in metabolic demand in order to ensure normoglycemia. This adaptation occurs through a change in both insulin secretion and the total mass of ,β-cells. An absolute or relative loss of β-cells leads to type 1 and type 2 diabetes, respectively. The mechanisms that regulate the pancreatic β-cell mass and maintain the fully differentiated phenotype of the insulin-secreting β-cells are only poorly defined. Their identification is required to understand the progression of diabetes, but also to design strategies for the treatment of diabetes. Islet transplantation is a promising therapeutic approach for type 1 diabetes, but it is still limited by an early graft loss due to cytokine-induced apoptosis. In order to improve β-cell survival during islet transplantation, our first goal was to find novel blockers of FasL- and TNF-α-mediated cell death in the form of peptides. To that end, we screened two phage display libraries to select Fas DD- or TNFR1 DD-binding peptides. We identified six different small peptides. However, none of these peptides was able to prevent cells from FasL- or TNF-α-mediated apoptosis. Secondly, GLP-1 is a hormone that has been shown to stimulate insulin secretion and to be involved in β-cell proliferation, differentiation and inhibition of apoptosis. We hypothesized that GLP-1 plays a crucial role to control mass and function of β-cells. To evaluate this hypothesis, we performed a cDNA microarray analysis with GLP-1-treated βTC-Tet cells compared to untreated cells. We found 376 regulated genes, among these, RGS2, CREM, ICERI and DUSP14, which were significantly upregulated by GLP-1. We confirmed that both their mRNA and protein levels were strongly and rapidly increased after GLP-1 treatment. Moreover, we found that GLP-1 activates their expression mainly through the activation of the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway, and requires extracellular calcium entry. According to their biological function, we then hypothesized that these genes might act as negative regulators of the GLP-1 signaling. In particular, they might brake the effects of GLP-1 on β-cell proliferation. To verify this hypothesis, siRNAs against these genes were developed. The effect of these siRNAs on GLP-1-induced β-cell proliferation will be evaluated later.


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New methods and devices for pursuing performance enhancement through altitude training were developed in Scandinavia and the USA in the early 1990s. At present, several forms of hypoxic training and/or altitude exposure exist: traditional 'live high-train high' (LHTH), contemporary 'live high-train low' (LHTL), intermittent hypoxic exposure during rest (IHE) and intermittent hypoxic exposure during continuous session (IHT). Although substantial differences exist between these methods of hypoxic training and/or exposure, all have the same goal: to induce an improvement in athletic performance at sea level. They are also used for preparation for competition at altitude and/or for the acclimatization of mountaineers. The underlying mechanisms behind the effects of hypoxic training are widely debated. Although the popular view is that altitude training may lead to an increase in haematological capacity, this may not be the main, or the only, factor involved in the improvement of performance. Other central (such as ventilatory, haemodynamic or neural adaptation) or peripheral (such as muscle buffering capacity or economy) factors play an important role. LHTL was shown to be an efficient method. The optimal altitude for living high has been defined as being 2200-2500 m to provide an optimal erythropoietic effect and up to 3100 m for non-haematological parameters. The optimal duration at altitude appears to be 4 weeks for inducing accelerated erythropoiesis whereas <3 weeks (i.e. 18 days) are long enough for beneficial changes in economy, muscle buffering capacity, the hypoxic ventilatory response or Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity. One critical point is the daily dose of altitude. A natural altitude of 2500 m for 20-22 h/day (in fact, travelling down to the valley only for training) appears sufficient to increase erythropoiesis and improve sea-level performance. 'Longer is better' as regards haematological changes since additional benefits have been shown as hypoxic exposure increases beyond 16 h/day. The minimum daily dose for stimulating erythropoiesis seems to be 12 h/day. For non-haematological changes, the implementation of a much shorter duration of exposure seems possible. Athletes could take advantage of IHT, which seems more beneficial than IHE in performance enhancement. The intensity of hypoxic exercise might play a role on adaptations at the molecular level in skeletal muscle tissue. There is clear evidence that intense exercise at high altitude stimulates to a greater extent muscle adaptations for both aerobic and anaerobic exercises and limits the decrease in power. So although IHT induces no increase in VO(2max) due to the low 'altitude dose', improvement in athletic performance is likely to happen with high-intensity exercise (i.e. above the ventilatory threshold) due to an increase in mitochondrial efficiency and pH/lactate regulation. We propose a new combination of hypoxic method (which we suggest naming Living High-Training Low and High, interspersed; LHTLHi) combining LHTL (five nights at 3000 m and two nights at sea level) with training at sea level except for a few (2.3 per week) IHT sessions of supra-threshold training. This review also provides a rationale on how to combine the different hypoxic methods and suggests advances in both their implementation and their periodization during the yearly training programme of athletes competing in endurance, glycolytic or intermittent sports.


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We previously showed in a 3D rat brain cell in vitro model for glutaric aciduria type-I that repeated application of 1mM 3-hydroxy-glutarate (3-OHGA) caused ammonium accumulation, morphologic alterations and induction of non-apoptotic cell death in developing brain cells. Here, we performed a dose-response study with lower concentrations of 3- OHGA.We exposed our cultures to 0.1, 0.33 and 1mM 3-OHGA every 12h over three days at two developmental stages (DIV5-8 and DIV11-14). Ammonium accumulation was observed at both stages starting from 0.1mM 3-OHGA, in parallel with a glutamine decrease. Morphological changes started at 0.33mM with loss of MBP expression and loss of astrocytic processes. Neurons were not substantially affected. At DIV8, release of LDH in the medium and cellular TUNEL staining increased from 0.1mM and 0.33mM 3-OHGA exposure, respectively. No increase in activated caspase-3 was observed. We confirmed ammonium accumulation and non-apoptotic cell death of brain cells in our in vitro model at lower 3-OHGA concentrations thus strongly suggesting that the observed effects are likely to take place in the brain of affected patients. The concomitant glutamine decrease suggests a defect in the astrocyte ammonium buffering system. Ammonium accumulation might be the cause of non-apoptotic cell death.


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BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus is a common metabolic disorder characterized by dysfunction of insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cells. MicroRNAs are important regulators of beta-cell activities. These non-coding RNAs have recently been discovered to exert their effects not only inside the cell producing them but, upon exosome-mediated transfer, also in other recipient cells. This novel communication mode remains unexplored in pancreatic beta-cells. In the present study, the microRNA content of exosomes released by beta-cells in physiological and physiopathological conditions was analyzed and the biological impact of their transfer to recipient cells investigated. RESULTS: Exosomes were isolated from the culture media of MIN6B1 and INS-1 derived 832/13 beta-cell lines and from mice, rat or human islets. Global profiling revealed that the microRNAs released in MIN6B1 exosomes do not simply reflect the content of the cells of origin. Indeed, while a subset of microRNAs was preferentially released in exosomes others were selectively retained in the cells. Moreover, exposure of MIN6B1 cells to inflammatory cytokines changed the release of several microRNAs. The dynamics of microRNA secretion and their potential transfer to recipient cells were next investigated. As a proof-of-concept, we demonstrate that if cel-miR-238, a C. Elegans microRNA not present in mammalian cells, is expressed in MIN6B1 cells a fraction of it is released in exosomes and is transferred to recipient beta-cells. Furthermore, incubation of untreated MIN6B1 or mice islet cells in the presence of microRNA-containing exosomes isolated from the culture media of cytokine-treated MIN6B1 cells triggers apoptosis of recipient cells. In contrast, exosomes originating from cells not exposed to cytokines have no impact on cell survival. Apoptosis induced by exosomes produced by cytokine-treated cells was prevented by down-regulation of the microRNA-mediating silencing protein Ago2 in recipient cells, suggesting that the effect is mediated by the non-coding RNAs. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our results suggest that beta-cells secrete microRNAs that can be transferred to neighboring beta-cells. Exposure of donor cells to pathophysiological conditions commonly associated with diabetes modifies the release of microRNAs and affects survival of recipient beta-cells. Our results support the concept that exosomal microRNAs transfer constitutes a novel cell-to-cell communication mechanism regulating the activity of pancreatic beta-cells.


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In this study we demonstrate that accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is essential for E2F1 mediated apoptosis in ER-E2F1 PC12 pheochromocytoma, and SH-SY5Y and SK-N-JD neuroblastoma stable cell lines. In these cells, the ER-E2F1 fusion protein is expressed in the cytosol; the addition of 4-hydroxytamoxifen (OHT) induces its translocation to the nucleus and activation of E2F1target genes. Previously we demonstrated that, in ER-E2F1 PC12 cells, OHT treatment induced apoptosis through activation of caspase-3. Here we show that caspase-8 activity did not change upon treatment with OHT. Moreover, over-expression of Bcl-xL arrested OHT-induced apoptosis; by contrast, over-expression of c-FLIP, did not have any effect on OHT-induced apoptosis. OHT addition induces BimL expression, its translocation to mitochondria and activation of Bax, which is paralleled by diminished mitochondrial enrichment of Bcl-xL. Treatment with a Bax-inhibitory peptide reduced OHT-induced apoptosis. These results point out the essential role of mitochondria on the apoptotic process driven by E2F1. ROS accumulation followed E2F1 induction and treatment with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine, inhibited E2F1-induced Bax translocation to mitochondria and subsequent apoptosis. The role of ROS in mediating OHT-induced apoptosis was also studied in two neuroblastoma cell lines, SH-SY5Y and SK-N-JD. In SH-SY5Y cells, activation of E2F1 by the addition of OHT induced ROS production and apoptosis, whereas over-expression of E2F1 in SK-N-JD cells failed to induce either response. Transcriptional profiling revealed that many of the genes responsible for scavenging ROS were down-regulated following E2F1-induction in SH-SY5Y, but not in SK-N-JD cells. Finally, inhibition of GSK3β blocked ROS production, Bax activation and the down regulation of ROS scavenging genes. These findings provide an explanation for the apparent contradictory role of E2F1 as an apoptotic agent versus a cell cycle activator.


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The TRAF-interacting protein (TRAIP) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase required for cell proliferation. TRAIP mRNA is downregulated in human keratinocytes after inhibition of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling. Since E2F transcription factors are downstream of PI3K/AKT/mTOR we investigated whether they regulate TRAIP expression. E2F1 expression significantly increased the TRAIP mRNA level in HeLa cells. Reporter assays with the 1400bp 5'-upstream promoter in HeLa cells and human keratinocytes showed that E2F1-, E2F2- and E2F4-induced upregulation of TRAIP expression is mediated by 168bp upstream of the translation start site. Mutating the E2F binding site within this fragment reduced the E2F1- and E2F2-dependent promoter activities and protein-DNA complex formation in gel shift assays. Abundance of TRAIP mRNA and protein was regulated by the cell cycle with a peak in G2/M. Expression of GFP and TRAIP-GFP demonstrated that TRAIP-GFP protein has a lower steady-state concentration than GFP despite similar mRNA levels. Cycloheximide inhibition experiments indicated that the TRAIP protein has a half-life of around four hours. Therefore, the combination of cell cycle-dependent transcription of the TRAIP gene by E2F and rapid protein degradation leads to cell cycle-dependent expression with a maximum in G2/M. These findings suggest that TRAIP has important functions in mitosis and tumorigenesis.


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The caspase-3/p120 RasGAP module acts as a stress sensor that promotes pro-survival or pro-death signaling depending on the intensity and the duration of the stressful stimuli. Partial cleavage of p120 RasGAP generates a fragment, called fragment N, which protects stressed cells by activating Akt signaling. Akt family members regulate many cellular processes including proliferation, inhibition of apoptosis and metabolism. These cellular processes are regulated by three distinct Akt isoforms: Akt1, Akt2 and Akt3. However, which of these isoforms are required for fragment N mediated protection have not been defined. In this study, we investigated the individual contribution of each isoform in fragment N-mediated cell protection against Fas ligand induced cell death. To this end, DLD1 and HCT116 isogenic cell lines lacking specific Akt isoforms were used. It was found that fragment N could activate Akt1 and Akt2 but that only the former could mediate the protective activity of the RasGAP-derived fragment. Even overexpression of Akt2 or Akt3 could not rescue the inability of fragment N to protect cells lacking Akt1. These results demonstrate a strict Akt isoform requirement for the anti-apoptotic activity of fragment N.


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Apoptosis is an essential cellular mechanism involved in many processes such as embryogenesis, metamorphosis, and tissue homeostasis. DNA fragmentation is one of the key markers of this form of cell death. DNA fragmentation is executed by endogenous endonucleases such as caspase-activated DNase (CAD) in caspase-dependent apoptosis. The TUNEL (TdT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling) technique is the most widely used method to identify apoptotic cells in a tissue or culture and to assess drug toxicity. It is based on the detection of 3'-OH termini that are labeled with dUTP by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. Although the test is very reliable and sensitive in caspase-dependent apoptosis, it is completely useless when cell death is mediated by pathways involving DNA degradation that generates 3'-P ends as in the LEI/L-DNase II pathway. Here, we propose a modification in the TUNEL protocol consisting of a dephosphorylation step prior to the TUNEL labeling. This allows the detection of both types of DNA breaks induced during apoptosis caspase-dependent and independent pathways, avoiding underestimating the cell death induced by the treatment of interest.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a grandeza practical peak voltage (PPV), determinada a partir da forma de onda de tensão aplicada a tubos radiológicos, e compará-la com algumas definições de kVp para diferentes tipos de geradores: monofásico (onda completa, clínico), trifásico (seis pulsos, clínico) e potencial constante (industrial). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O trabalho envolveu a comparação do PPV medido invasivamente (utilizando um divisor de tensão) com a resposta de dois medidores comerciais não invasivos, além dos valores de outras grandezas usadas para medição da tensão de pico aplicada ao tubo de raios X, e a análise da variação do PPV com a ondulação percentual da tensão (ripple). RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a diferença entre o PPV e as definições mais comuns de tensão de pico aumenta com o ripple. Os valores de PPV variaram em até 3% e 5%, respectivamente, na comparação entre medições invasivas e não invasivas feitas com os equipamentos trifásico e monofásico. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados demonstraram que a principal grandeza de influência que afeta o PPV é o ripple da tensão. Adicionalmente, valores de PPV obtidos com medidores não invasivos devem ser avaliados considerando que eles dependem da taxa de aquisição e da forma de onda adquirida pelo instrumento.


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Regeneration of lost tissues depends on the precise interpretation of molecular signals that control and coordinate the onset of proliferation, cellular differentiation and cell death. However, the nature of those molecular signals and the mechanisms that integrate the cellular responses remain largely unknown. The planarian flatworm is a unique model in which regeneration and tissue renewal can be comprehensively studied in vivo. The presence of a population of adult pluripotent stem cells combined with the ability to decode signaling after wounding enable planarians to regenerate a complete, correctly proportioned animal within a few days after any kind of amputation, and to adapt their size to nutritional changes without compromising functionality. Here, we demonstrate that the stress-activated c-jun-NH2-kinase (JNK) links wound-induced apoptosis to the stem cell response during planarian regeneration. We show that JNK modulates the expression of wound-related genes, triggers apoptosis and attenuates the onset of mitosis in stem cells specifically after tissue loss. Furthermore, in pre-existing body regions, JNK activity is required to establish a positive balance between cell death and stem cell proliferation to enable tissue renewal, remodeling and the maintenance of proportionality. During homeostatic degrowth, JNK RNAi blocks apoptosis, resulting in impaired organ remodeling and rescaling. Our findings indicate that JNK-dependent apoptotic cell death is crucial to coordinate tissue renewal and remodeling required to regenerate and to maintain a correctly proportioned animal. Hence, JNK might act as a hub, translating wound signals into apoptotic cell death, controlled stem cell proliferation and differentiation, all of which are required to coordinate regeneration and tissue renewal.


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Prodigiosin and obatoclax, members of the prodiginines family, are small molecules with anti-cancer properties that are currently under preclinical and clinical trials. The molecular target(s) of these agents, however, is an open question. Combining experimental and computational techniques we find that prodigiosin binds to the BH3 domain in some BCL-2 protein families, which play an important role in the apoptotic programmed cell death. In particular, our results indicate a large affinity of prodigiosin for MCL-1, an anti-apoptotic member of the BCL-2 family. In melanoma cells, we demonstrate that prodigiosin activates the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway by disrupting MCL-1/BAK complexes. Computer simulations with the PELE software allow the description of the induced fit process, obtaining a detailed atomic view of the molecular interactions. These results provide new data to understand the mechanism of action of these molecules, and assist in the development of more specific inhibitors of anti-apoptotic BCL-2 proteins.


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A simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method is proposed for the simultaneous determination of protocatechuic acid and protocatechuic aldehyde. The method is based on the difference in the kinetic rates of the reactions of analytes with [Ag(NH3)2]+ in the presence of polyvinylpyrrolidone to produce silver nanoparticles. The data obtained were processed by chemometric methods using principal component analysis artificial neural network and partial least squares. Excellent linearity was obtained in the concentration ranges of 1.23-58.56 µg mL-1 and 0.08-30.39 µg mL-1 for PAC and PAH, respectively. The limits of detection for PAC and PAH were 0.039 and 0.025 µg mL-1, respectively.


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The nucleus is a membrane enclosed organelle containing most of the genetic information of the cell in the form of chromatin. The nucleus, which can be divided into many sub-organelles such as the nucleoli, the Cajal bodies and the nuclear lamina, is the site for several essential cellular functions such as the DNA replication and its regulation and most of the RNA synthesis and processing. The nucleus is often affected in disease: the size and the shape of the nucleus, the chromatin distribution and the size of the nucleoli have remained the basis for the grading of several cancers. The maintenance of the vertebrate body shape depends on the skeleton. Similarly, in a smaller context, the shape of the cell and the nucleus are mainly regulated by the cytoskeletal and nucleoskeletal elements. The nuclear matrix, which by definition is a detergent, DNase and salt resistant proteinaceous nuclear structure, has been suggested to form the nucleoskeleton responsible for the nuclear integrity. Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein, NuMA, a component of the nuclear matrix, is better known for its mitotic spindle organizing function. NuMA is one of the nuclear matrix proteins suggested to participate in the maintenance of the nuclear integrity during interphase but its interphase function has not been solved to date. This thesis study concentrated on the role of NuMA and the nuclear matrix as structural and functional components of the interphase nucleus. The first two studies clarified the essential role of caspase-3 in the disintegration of the nuclear structures during apoptosis. The second study also showed NuMA and chromatin to co-elute from cells in significant amounts and the apoptotic cleavage of NuMA was clarified to have an important role in the dissociation of NuMA from the chromatin. The third study concentrated on the interphase function of NuMA showing NuMA depletion to result in cell cycle arrest and the cytoplasmic relocalization of NuMA interaction partner GAS41. We suggest that the relocalization of the transcription factor GAS41 may mediate the cell cycle arrest. Thus, this study has given new aspects in the interactions of NuMA, chromatin and the nuclear matrix.


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It is presented a software developed with Delphi programming language to compute the reservoir's annual regulated active storage, based on the sequent-peak algorithm. Mathematical models used for that purpose generally require extended hydrological series. Usually, the analysis of those series is performed with spreadsheets or graphical representations. Based on that, it was developed a software for calculation of reservoir active capacity. An example calculation is shown by 30-years (from 1977 to 2009) monthly mean flow historical data, from Corrente River, located at São Francisco River Basin, Brazil. As an additional tool, an interface was developed to manage water resources, helping to manipulate data and to point out information that it would be of interest to the user. Moreover, with that interface irrigation districts where water consumption is higher can be analyzed as a function of specific seasonal water demands situations. From a practical application, it is possible to conclude that the program provides the calculation originally proposed. It was designed to keep information organized and retrievable at any time, and to show simulation on seasonal water demands throughout the year, contributing with the elements of study concerning reservoir projects. This program, with its functionality, is an important tool for decision making in the water resources management.