942 resultados para antimicrobial


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While investigating antimicrobial peptide diversity of Amolops loloensis, five novel antimicrobial peptides belonging to two families were identified from skin secretions of this frog. The first family including two members is esculentin-2-AL (esculentin-2-ALa and -ALb): the second family including three members is temporin-AL (temporin-ALd to -ALf). The family of esculentin-2-AL is composed of 37 amino acid residues (aa); the family of temporin-AL is composed of 16, 13 and 10 aa, respectively. All of these antimicrobial peptides showed antimicrobial activities against tested microorganisms. cDNAs encoding precursors of esculentin-2-ALs and temporin-ALs were cloned from the skin cDNA library of A. loloensis. All the precursors share similar overall structures. There is a typical prohormone processing signal (Lys-Arg) located between the acidic propiece and the mature peptide. The antimicrobial peptide family of esculentin-2 is firstly reported in the genus of Amolops. Combined with previous reports, a total of four antimicrobial peptide families have been identified from the genus of Amolops; three of them are also found in the genus of Rana. These results suggest the possible evolutionary connection between the genera Amolops and Rana. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Defensins are a group of cationic antimicrobial peptides which play an important role in the innate immune system by exerting their antimicrobial activity against pathogens. In this study, we cloned a novel beta-defensin cDNA from medaka (Oryzias latipes) by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technique. The full-length cDNA consists of 480 bp, and the open reading frame (CRF) of 189 bp encodes a polypeptide of 63 amino acids (aa) with a predicted molecular weight of 7.44 kDa. Its genomic organization was analyzed, and Southern blot detection confirmed that only one copy of beta-defensin exists in the medaka HNI strain. RT-PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry detections showed that the beta-defensin transcript and protein could be detected in eyes, liver, kidney, blood, spleen and gill, and obviously prevalent expression was found in eyes. Antimicrobial activity of the medaka beta-defensin was evaluated, and the antibacterial activity-specific to Gram-negative bacteria was revealed. Furthermore, the lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a major component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, was demonstrated to be able to induce about 13-fol up-regulation of the beta-defensin within first 12 h. In addition, promoter and promoter mutagenesis analysis were performed in the medaka beta-defensin. A proximal 100 base pair(bp) sequence (+26 to -73)and the next 1700 bp sequence (-73 to -1755) were demonstrated to be responsible for the basal promoter activity and for the transcription regulation. Three nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) cis-elements and a Sp1 cis-element were revealed by mutagenesis analysis to exist in the 5' flanking sequence, and they were confirmed to be responsible for the up-regulation of medaka beta-defensin stimulated by LPS. And, the Sp1 cis-element was further revealed to be related to the basal promoter activity, and transcriptional factor II D (TFIID) was found to be in charge of the gene transcription initiation. All the obtained data suggested that the novel medaka beta-defensin should have antimicrobial activity-specific to Gram-negative bacteria, and the antibacterial immune function should be modulated by NF-kappa B and Sp1. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The gene of piscidin, an antimicrobial peptide, has been cloned from the mandarin fish, Siniperca chuatsi. From the first transcription initiation site, the mandarin fish piscidin gene extends 1693 nucleotides to the end of the 3' untranslated region and contains four exons and three introns. A predicted 79-residue prepropeptide consists of three domains: a signal peptide (22 aa), a mature peptide (22 aa) and a C-terminal prodomain (35 aa). The shortage of XQQ motif in the prodomain of mandarin fish piscidin and the similar gene structure between moronecidins (piscidins) and pleurocidins may indicate that they are derived from the same ancestor gene. We thus suggest that piscidin should be used as a terminology for these antimicrobial peptides in the future. The mandarin fish piscidin mRNA was abundant in intestine, spleen, pronephros and kidney analysed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. After stimulation with lipopoly saccharides (LPS), a marked increase in transcripts was observed in most tissues, indicating that piscidin is not only a constitutively expressed molecule, but also has an increased response to bacterial infection. The synthetic, amidated mandarin fish piscidin exhibited different antimicrobial activity against different fish bacterial pathogens, especially against species of Aeromonas, which may to certain extent reflect the pathogenicity of these bacteria.


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The sequences and gene organisation of two LEAP-2 molecules (LEAP-2A and LEAP-2B) from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss are presented. Both genes consist of a 3 exon/2 intron structure, with exon sizes comparable to known mammalian genes. LEAP-2A notably differs from LEAP-2B in having larger introns and a larger 3'UTR. The predicted proteins contain a signal peptide and prodomain, followed by a mature peptide of 41 aa containing four conserved cysteines. The RXXR cleavage site to release the mature peptide was also conserved. Both genes were found to be constitutively expressed in the liver, with expression in the intestine, and to a lesser extent the skin, evident after bacterial challenge. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Optically transparent, crack-free, mesoporous anatase TiO2 thin films were fabricated. The Ag/TiO2 composite films were prepared by incorporating Ag in the pores of TiO2 films with an impregnation method via photoreduction. The as-prepared composite films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectronic spectra (XPS) and N-2 adsorption. The release behavior of silver ions in the mesoporous composite film was also studied. Moreover, the antimicrobial behaviors of the mesoporous film were also investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy.


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are important components of the host innate immune response against microbial invasion. They are usually characterized by their small-size, heat-stability and broad range of antimicrobial activity. This review covers research advances on marine mollusc AMPs, specifically those isolated from mussels, scallops, oysters, venerid clams and abalone, which mainly include MGD, mytilin, myticin, mytimycin, big defensin, and RPD-1. Their structural characteristics, antibacterial activity, and expression pattern as well as peptide distribution and their release following microbial challenge are also discussed. In addition, the prospect of the application of AMPs as food additives or their use in immunostimulation to prevent diseases of aquatic animals, as well as their potential hazards, are also discussed.


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Penaeid shrimp, as an invertebrate, relies on the innate immunity to oppose the microbial invaders. Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) are an integral component of the innate immune system in most organisms and function as an early first line of defense against pathogens, but the knowledge about the pathways to regulate the shrimp AMP gene expression is still absent up to date. In the current study, a Relish homolog (FcRelish) was cloned from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The full length cDNA of FcRelish consists of 2157 bp, including 1512 bp open reading frame, encoding 504 amino acids. The predicted molecular weight of FcRelish is 57 kDa, and the theoretical PI is 7.00. Spatial expression profiles showed that FcRelish had the highest expression levels in the hemocytes and lymphoid organ. Both Vibrio anguillarium and Micrococcus lysodeikticus stimulation to shrimp can affect the transcription profile of FcRelish. Silencing of FcRelish through DsRNA interference can greatly change the transcription profile of AMP. Therefore, we suggest that FcRelish identified in the present study is closely related to the transcription of AMP, and then we inferred that Imd pathway might exist in shrimp. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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TX01, a pathogenic Edwardsiella tarda strain isolated from diseased fish at an epidemic-inflicted fish farm in China, exhibits resistance to multiple classes of antimicrobial agents. The genes (kn(R). catA3, and tet(A), respectively) encoding resistance to kanamycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline were cloned and found to be 99-100% identical to the corresponding genes carried by known plasmids and transposons of human, animal, and environmental isolates. Further study demonstrated that TX01 harbors a plasmid, pETX, which proved to be (i) the carrier of the tet and cut operons; (ii) a mobile genetic element that is capable of transferring between bacteria of different genera. These results, which, to our knowledge, documented for the first time the co-existence of chloramphenicol and tetracycline resistance determinants on a conjugative plasmid in a pathogenic E tarda strain, indicated that gene acquisition via horizontal transferring of pETX-like mobile genetic entities may have played an important part in the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance and that there have existed for some time widespread genetic exchanges between bacteria of human, animal/fish, and environmental origins. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Penaeidins, members of a new family of antimicrobial peptides constitutively produced and stored in the haemocytes of penaeid shrimp, display antimicrobial activity against bacteria, and fungi. Here, a DNA sequence encoding the mature Ch-penaeidin peptide was cloned into the pPIC9K vector and transformed into Pichia pastoris. The transformed cells were screened for multi-copy plasmids using increasing concentrations of G418. Positive colonies carrying chromosomal integrations of the Chp gene were identified by phenotype and PCR. When transformed cells were induced with methanol, SDS-PAGE and Western blotting revealed the production of a similar to6100 Da recombinant CHP (rCHP) expression product. Large scale expression revealed that rCHP was produced at 108 mg/L under optimal conditions in the highest Chp-producing P. pastoris clone. The antimicrobial activities of rCHP were studied by liquid phase analysis, which revealed that rCHP exhibited activities against some Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, but had a relatively low activity against some fungi. Purification of rCHP by cation exchange chromatography and subsequent automated amino acid sequencing revealed the presence of four additional amino acids (YVEF) at the N-terminus that belonged to the cleaved fusion signal peptide; these residues may account for the observed decrease in antifungal activity. Together, these observations indicate that rCHP is an effective antimicrobial peptide that can be successfully produced at high levels in the yeast, and therefore may be a potential antimicrobial candidate for practical use. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A new member of antimicrobial peptide genes of the penaeidin family, Ch-penaeidin, has been cloned from the haemocytes of Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis, by reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), 3'-rapid amplification of cDNA end (3'-RACE) and smart cDNA methods. The Ch-penaeidin cDNA was 655 bp and the open reading frame of the cDNA encoded a 71 amino acid peptide. Ch-penaeidin contained a putative NH2-terminal signal Sequence (1-19) followed by a mature peptide (20-71). The sequence identify with other penaeidins from Litopenaeus vannamei and Litopenaeus setiferus is between 48% and 71%. The signal sequence of Ch-penaeidin is almost completely identical to that of other penaeidins, while differing relatively in the N-terminal domain of the mature peptide. Ch-penaeidin was designated as a novel member of class penaeidin 3 according to phylogenetic analysis. The Mature peptide. with a predicted molecular weight of 5589.32 Da, and a pI of 9.77, has eight positively charged amino acids and no negatively charged amino acids. The expression and distribution of Ch-penaeidin in Unchallenged shrimps were studied by RT-PCR, Northern blot and in situ hybridisation. The results showed that the Ch-penaeidin transcripts were detected in haemocytes (granular haemocytes), heart, gill, intestine, and subcuticular epithelia of the shrimp. and that Ch-penaeidin was constitutively expressed mainly in haemocytes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cladosporium sp. isolate N5 was isolated as a dominant fungus from the healthy conchocelis of Porphyra yezoensis. In the re-infection test, it did not cause any pathogenic symptoms in the alga. Twenty-one cultural conditions were chosen to test its antimicrobial activity in order to obtain the best condition for large-scale fermentation. Phenylacetic acid, p-hydroxyphenylethyl alcohol, and L-beta-phenyllactic acid were isolated from the crude extract as strong antimicrobial compounds and they are the first reported secondary metabolites for the genus Cladosporium. In addition, the Cladosporium sp. produced the reported Porphyra yezoensis growth regulators phenylacetic acid and p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. No cytotoxicity was found in the brine shrimp lethality test, which indicated that the environmental-friendly Cladosporium sp. could be used as a potential biocontrol agent to protect the alga from pathogens.