83 resultados para anticonvulsants
Objective: To review the literature to identify and synthesize the evidence on risk factors for patient falls in geriatric rehabilitation hospital settings. Data sources: Eligible studies were systematically searched on 16 databases from inception to December 2010. Review methods: The search strategies used a combination of terms for rehabilitation hospital patients, falls, risk factors and older adults. Cross-sectional, cohort, case-control studies and randomized clinical trials (RCTs) published in English that investigated risks for falls among patients ≥65 years of age in rehabilitation hospital settings were included. Studies that investigated fall risk assessment tools, but did not investigate risk factors themselves or did not report a measure of risk (e.g. odds ratio, relative risk) were excluded. Results: A total of 2,824 references were identified; only eight articles concerning six studies met the inclusion criteria. In these, 1,924 geriatric rehabilitation patients were followed. The average age of the patients ranged from 77 to 83 years, the percentage of women ranged from 56% to 81%, and the percentage of fallers ranged from 15% to 54%. Two were case-control studies, two were RCTs and four were prospective cohort studies. Several intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors for falls were identified. Conclusion: Carpet flooring, vertigo, being an amputee, confusion, cognitive impairment, stroke, sleep disturbance, anticonvulsants, tranquilizers and antihypertensive medications, age between 71 and 80, previous falls, and need for transfer assistance are risk factors for geriatric patient falls in rehabilitation hospital settings.
Maculopapular (exanthematous) reactions are the most common adverse drug eruptions affecting the skin. Several studies indicate that immunological mechanisms including cytotoxic T cells (CD4+ > CD8+), both type 1 (e.g. IFN- γ ) and type 2 (e.g. IL-5) cytokines and various chemokines are critically involved in the pathogenesis of these eruptions. While maculopapular exanthems can virtually be elicited by any drug, antimicrobials (e.g. Β -lactam antibiotic, sulfonamides), anticonvulsants, allopurinol, and NSAIDs are most frequently involved. Clinical manifestations are variable and range from faint macules to widespread erythematous and maculopapular lesions, which usually begin on the trunk, neck and upper extremities and subsequently spread downwards in a symmetrical fashion. Although the clinical course is often relatively mild, these exanthems may sometimes progress to erythroderma or represent the beginning of even more severe drug reactions like Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis or a drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms. In most cases, management includes early withdrawal of the offending drug and usually supportive treatment with emollients, topical corticosteroids and systemic antihistamines depending on the severity of the eruption. Allergological work-up is recommended to provide the patient with appropriate information about the causative drug and possible alternatives for future use.
Drug-related emergency department visits by elderly patients presenting with non-specific complaints
BACKGROUND Since drug-related emergency department (ED) visits are common among older adults, the objectives of our study were to identify the frequency of drug-related problems (DRPs) among patients presenting to the ED with non-specific complaints (NSC), such as generalized weakness and to evaluate responsible drug classes. METHODS Delayed type cross-sectional diagnostic study with a prospective 30 day follow-up in the ED of the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland. From May 2007 until April 2009, all non-trauma patients presenting to the ED with an Emergency Severity Index (ESI) of 2 or 3 were screened and included, if they presented with non-specific complaints. After having obtained complete 30-day follow-up, two outcome assessors reviewed all available information, judged whether the initial presentation was a DRP and compared their judgment with the initial ED diagnosis. Acute morbidity ("serious condition") was allocated to individual cases according to predefined criteria. RESULTS The study population consisted of 633 patients with NSC. Median age was 81 years (IQR 72/87), and the mean Charlson comorbidity index was 2.5 (IQR 1/4). DRPs were identified in 77 of the 633 cases (12.2%). At the initial assessment, only 40% of the DRPs were correctly identified. 64 of the 77 identified DRPs (83%) fulfilled the criteria "serious condition". Polypharmacy and certain drug classes (thiazides, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants) were associated with DRPs. CONCLUSION Elderly patients with non-specific complaints need to be screened systematically for drug-related problems. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00920491.
PURPOSE: To review our clinical experience and determine if there are appropriate signs and symptoms to consider POLG sequencing prior to valproic acid (VPA) dosing in patients with seizures. METHODS: Four patients who developed VPA-induced hepatotoxicity were examined for POLG sequence variations. A subsequent chart review was used to describe clinical course prior to and after VPA dosing. RESULTS: Four patients of multiple different ethnicities, age 3-18 years, developed VPA-induced hepatotoxicity. All were given VPA due to intractable partial seizures. Three of the patients had developed epilepsia partialis continua. The time from VPA exposure to liver failure was between 2 and 3 months. Liver failure was reversible in one patient. Molecular studies revealed homozygous p.R597W or p.A467T mutations in two patients. The other two patients showed compound heterozygous mutations, p.A467T/p.Q68X and p.L83P/p.G888S. Clinical findings and POLG mutations were diagnostic of Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome. CONCLUSION: Our cases underscore several important findings: POLG mutations have been observed in every ethnic group studied to date; early predominance of epileptiform discharges over the occipital region is common in POLG-induced epilepsy; the EEG and MRI findings varying between patients and stages of the disease; and VPA dosing at any stage of Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome can precipitate liver failure. Our data support an emerging proposal that POLG gene testing should be considered in any child or adolescent who presents or develops intractable seizures with or without status epilepticus or epilepsia partialis continua, particularly when there is a history of psychomotor regression.
BACKGROUND Inability to predict the therapeutic effect of a drug in individual pain patients prolongs the process of drug and dose finding until satisfactory pharmacotherapy can be achieved. Many chronic pain conditions are associated with hypersensitivity of the nervous system or impaired endogenous pain modulation. Pharmacotherapy often aims at influencing these disturbed nociceptive processes. Its effect might therefore depend on the extent to which they are altered. Quantitative sensory testing (QST) can evaluate various aspects of pain processing and might therefore be able to predict the analgesic efficacy of a given drug. In the present study three drugs commonly used in the pharmacological management of chronic low back pain are investigated. The primary objective is to examine the ability of QST to predict pain reduction. As a secondary objective, the analgesic effects of these drugs and their effect on QST are evaluated. METHODS/DESIGN In this randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled cross-over study, patients with chronic low back pain are randomly assigned to imipramine, oxycodone or clobazam versus active placebo. QST is assessed at baseline, 1 and 2 h after drug administration. Pain intensity, side effects and patients' global impression of change are assessed in intervals of 30 min up to two hours after drug intake. Baseline QST is used as explanatory variable to predict drug effect. The change in QST over time is analyzed to describe the pharmacodynamic effects of each drug on experimental pain modalities. Genetic polymorphisms are analyzed as co-variables. DISCUSSION Pharmacotherapy is a mainstay in chronic pain treatment. Antidepressants, anticonvulsants and opioids are frequently prescribed in a "trial and error" fashion, without knowledge however, which drug suits best which patient. The present study addresses the important need to translate recent advances in pain research to clinical practice. Assessing the predictive value of central hypersensitivity and endogenous pain modulation could allow for the implementation of a mechanism-based treatment strategy in individual patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT01179828.
Voltage-gated Na+ channels are the molecular targets of local anesthetics, class I antiarrhythmic drugs, and some anticonvulsants. These chemically diverse drugs inhibit Na+ channels with complex voltage- and frequency-dependent properties that reflect preferential drug binding to open and inactivated channel states. The site-directed mutations F1764A and Y1771A in transmembrane segment IVS6 of type IIA Na+ channel alpha subunits dramatically reduce the affinity of inactivated channels for the local anesthetic etidocaine. In this study, we show that these mutations also greatly reduce the sensitivity of Na+ channels to state-dependent block by the class Ib antiarrhythmic drug lidocaine and the anticonvulsant phenytoin and, to a lesser extent, reduce the sensitivity to block by the class Ia and Ic antiarrhythmic drugs quinidine and flecainide. For lidocaine and phenytoin, which bind preferentially to inactivated Na+ channels, the mutation F1764A reduced the affinity for binding to the inactivated state 24.5-fold and 8.3-fold, respectively, while Y1771A had smaller effects. For quinidine and flecainide, which bind preferentially to the open Na+ channels, the mutations F1764A and Y1771A reduced the affinity for binding to the open state 2- to 3-fold. Thus, F1764 and Y1771 are common molecular determinants of state-dependent binding of diverse drugs including lidocaine, phenytoin, flecainide, and quinidine, suggesting that these drugs interact with a common receptor site. However, the different magnitude of the effects of these mutations on binding of the individual drugs indicates that they interact in an overlapping, but nonidentical, manner with a common receptor site. These results further define the contributions of F1764 and Y1771 to a complex drug receptor site in the pore of Na+ channels.
Background : Phenobarbital is the first-line choice for neonatal seizures treatment, despite a response rate of approximately 45%. Failure to respond to acute anticonvulsants is associated with poor neurodevelopmental outcome, but knowledge on predictors of refractoriness is limited. Objective : To quantify response rate to phenobarbital and to establish variables predictive of its lack of efficacy. Methods : We retrospectively evaluated newborns with electrographically confirmed neonatal seizures admitted between January 1999 and December 2012 to the neonatal intensive care unit of Parma University Hospital (Italy), excluding neonates with status epilepticus. Response was categorized as complete (cessation of clinical and electrographic seizures after phenobarbital administration), partial (reduction but not cessation of electrographic seizures with the first bolus, response to the second bolus), or absent (no response after the second bolus). Multivariate analysis was used to identify independent predictors of refractoriness. Results : Out of 91 newborns receiving phenobarbital, 57 (62.6%) responded completely, 15 (16.5%) partially, and 19 (20.9%) did not respond. Seizure type (p = 0.02), background electroencephalogram (EEG; p ≤ 0.005), and neurologic examination (p ≤ 0.005) correlated with response to phenobarbital. However, EEG (p ≤ 0.02) and seizure type (p ≤ 0.001) were the only independent predictors. Conclusion : Our results suggest a prominent role of neurophysiological variables (background EEG and electrographic-only seizure type) in predicting the absence of response to phenobarbital in high-risk newborns.
O autismo é uma condição que faz parte de um grupo de perturbações do desenvolvimento global das funções cerebrais e que, por regra, é diagnosticada no início da infância. A dificuldade na linguagem e comunicação, o défice na interação social, as esteriotipias e os interesses específicos e comportamentos repetitivos caracterizam os indivíduos portadores desta patologia. A saúde oral das crianças autistas é geralmente precária e as necessidades de tratamento dentário elevadas. No entanto, os problemas comportamentais destes doentes fazem com que os pais não recorram às consultas de medicina dentária, outras vezes quando recorrem à consulta as dificuldades de colaboração impedem a prestação de cuidados de saúde oral adequados a estas crianças. Pretendeu-se assim, com este trabalho, realizar uma revisão sistemática de literatura científica, publicada nos últimos 15 anos, acerca dos problemas orais que atingem os pacientes autistas, e simultaneamente, compilar diretrizes de atuação clínica para orientar o médico dentista no atendimento destes doentes. Para isto, durante os meses de Outubro de 2014 a Outubro de 2015, procedeu-se a uma pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados PubMed e B-on, sendo consultados também outros bancos de dados como LILACS – BIREME, SciELO, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave: “autism”, “pediatric dentistry”, “Asperger Syndrome”, “Rett Syndrome”, “Childhood Disintegrative Disorder”, “prevalence”, “neurobiology”, “etiology”, “diagnosis”, “diagnostic criteria”, “comorbidity”, “oral health”, “dental caries”, “periodontal disease”, “oral habits”, “bruxism”, “self-injury”, “dental trauma”, “dental injury”, “malocclusion”, “behavior management techniques” separadas ou associadas pelo operador de pesquisa booleano AND. Na pesquisa foram empregues os seguintes limites: artigos publicados nos últimos 15 anos, abstract disponível, estudos em humanos e artigos e língua inglesa, francesa, portuguesa e espanhola. Desta pesquisa resultou um total de 150 artigos que foram selecionados primeiramente pelos títulos, seguidamente pela leitura dos abstracts e, finalmente, do artigo por inteiro, obtendo-se assim 95 artigos, para revisão. Foram ainda considerados artigos de referência publicados em anos anteriores, livros de texto médicos e publicações portuguesas com dados epidemiológicos sobre as Perturbações do Espetro do Autismo em Portugal. As doenças orais encontradas nas crianças autistas são semelhantes às das crianças sem qualquer perturbação mental, contudo a preferência por alimentos cariogénicos, a diminuição do fluxo salivar induzida pelos fármacos, associadas a uma pobre higiene oral, justificam uma maior prevalência de cárie. As doenças periodontais, também muito prevalentes neste grupo, desenvolvem-se em virtude da combinação da falta de hábitos de higiene oral, com os efeitos secundários de fármacos administrados a estes doentes, como os anticonvulsivantes. No seu atendimento na consulta dentária recorre-se às mesmas estratégias de orientação de comportamento aplicadas nas crianças saudáveis, para contornar os sentimentos de medo, ansiedade, desconfiança e a incapacidade de interação social, e assim evitar comportamentos de recusa durante a consulta dentária. É no entanto de salientar que os distúrbios comportamentais, o défice da comunicação e a falta de capacidades de interação social, caraterísticas do autismo impossibilitam a eficácia das técnicas de controlo do comportamento comunicativas, obrigando, muitas vezes, ao uso de técnicas de controlo de comportamento avançadas para prestação de cuidados de saúde oral com eficácia e em segurança. É importante uma grande motivação de pais/responsáveis para a saúde e higiene oral das crianças com Perturbações do Espetro do Autismo, e que todos os profissionais de saúde envolvidos no cuidado destes doentes contribuam para a aprendizagem de comportamentos que promovam a saúde oral destes doentes.