982 resultados para analytical tools


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Introducción: El cáncer de mama es una patología muy frecuente y los tratamientos, como la quimioterapia, afectan las experiencias de vida y el psiquismo de la mujer. Los estudios en que se trate de entender la experiencia de la quimioterapia son escasos en Colombia. Objetivos: entender las consecuencias del tratamiento con quimioterapia en las experiencias de vida de la mujer con cáncer en el aspecto psicosocial para mejorar los elementos psicoterapéuticos y las decisiones médicas. Metodología: Se utilizó un método cualitativo-interpretativo utilizando las herramientas analíticas de la teoría fundamentada y teniendo como marco de referencia el modelo ecológico de Bronfrenbrenner. Resultados: Se desarrollaron las siguientes categorías como explicación del fenómeno: 1. Experiencias de cambio en la corporalidad y reacciones emocionales 2. Significados del tratamiento, nuevas creencias y nuevos objetivos vitales 3. Experiencias con la familia y la comunidad 4. Experiencias con otros pacientes y el equipo médico. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra que la mujer sometida a tratamiento con quimioterapia tiene cambios en su psiquismo y sus relaciones interpersonales. Las mujeres terminan aceptado los cambios en su vida pero admiten la necesidad de acompañamiento psicológico durante el proceso para evitar sufrimientos innecesarios.


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El concepto de legalización fue desarrollado recientemente por el neoliberalismo institucional como una forma especial de institucionalización de las relaciones internacionales. Los autores neoliberales caracterizan la legalización a partir de las categorías utilizadas por H. L. A. Hart para distinguir el derecho de otros mecanismos de control social, como el poder y la moral. En Hart, estas categorías responden a una finalidad normativa: reconstruir teóricamente el derecho como un sistema independiente de la voluntad y de las convicciones de quienes lo interpretan y aplican. Sin embargo, esta separación entre lenguaje y práctica jurídica desconoce importantes contribuciones de la tradición analítica en filosofía del lenguaje, en cuanto a la relación entre lenguaje y realidad. En particular, termina reduciendo el derecho a simples formas y textos vacíos, y con ello desconoce que a través de las prácticas jurídicas se va dando significado a los textos normativos.Adoptar esta visión del derecho al estudio de las relaciones internacionales tiene, al menos, una consecuencia metodológica: el simple análisis formal del texto de los tratados no permite comprender el efecto del derecho internacional en el comportamiento de los Estados. Para entender las relaciones entre el derecho internacional y el comportamiento estatal es necesario describir la manera como se construye el significado de los textos a través de la práctica jurídica de los Estados. En tal sentido, resultaría útil redefinir la agenda de investigación neoliberal en relación con la legalización y enfocarse en la forma como los Estados y los tribunales internacionales construyen el significado de los tratados y demás normas internacionales.-----The concept of legalization was recently developed by neoliberal institutionalism as a special kind of institutionalization of international politics. Neoliberals built the concept of legalization using the analytical tools developed by H. L. A. Hart to distinguish law from other mechanisms of social control, like power and morals. Within Hart’s theory, such tools have a normative function: theoretically rebuilding law as a system of rules that is independent from the will and the beliefs of those who interpret and apply legal rules. However, Hart’s resulting separation of legal texts from legal practice obscures important contributions that the analytical tradition in philosophy of language has made to the understanding of the relation between language and reality. Specifically, such a separation reduces law to simple forms and texts disregarding the extent to which legal practice gives meaning to legal texts.Adapting Hart’s conception of law to International Relations has at least one important methodological consequence: the formal analysis of treaties cannot explain the influence of international law over state behavior. To understand the influence of international law on state behavior, one must previously describe the relation between legal practice and the meaning of legal texts. Thus, a redefinition of neoliberal research agenda on legalization should focus on the way States and international courts construct the meaning of treaties and other international norms.


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Aquesta tesi se situa en una perspectiva de l'Educació Ambiental adreçada a la Sostenibilitat i com a nucli catalitzador d'una Educació per al Canvi. Amb la investigació que es presenta es pretén, a més, contribuir a reduir el buit existent entre el marc teòric de l'Educació Ambiental i la seva transposició didàctica en la formació inicial del professorat, i al mateix temps poder fer aportacions significatives en el camp dels enfocaments pedagògics i estratègies metodològiques d'aquest àmbit de l'educació. En primer lloc, es presenta una anàlisi del marc teòric que ha informat el desenvolupament de l'Educació Ambiental, la seva reorientació i reconceptualització en la dècada dels anys noranta, i s'exposen el debat i les tendències actuals. A continuació es presenta l'anàlisi del nivell d'incorporació de l'Educació Ambiental, així com dels factors que en limiten o dificulten una plena integració, tant a nivell de l'etapa d'educació primària, com en la formació inicial del professorat. Es porta també a terme una revisió i una anàlisi exhaustiva de l'estat actual de la investigació en Educació Ambiental, a nivell nacional i internacional, i a partir d'ella es revela el dèficit que existeix, particularment, en la investigació educativa en Educació Ambiental en la formació inicial del professorat, i sobretot en el camp dels enfocaments pedagògics i estratègies metodològiques. El propòsit concret de la investigació se centra en: (i) analitzar l'impacte d'un enfocament metodològic (metodologia triaxial) aplicat en un curs d'Educació Ambiental en formació inicial del professorat; (ii) explorar el procés de formació en Educació Ambiental des del propi pensament dels estudiants. Aquest propòsit general ha portat la definició dels objectius d'investigació següents: (a) dissenyar i aplicar un enfocament metodològic triaxial en la formació en Educació Ambiental del professorat; (b) dissenyar i aplicar els instruments que promouen el procés de reflexió, individual i col·lectiu, en els estudiants; (c) explorar el procés de formació en Educació Ambiental des del pensament dels estudiants i a través dels instruments utilitzats per a la reflexió; (d) valorar la metodologia triaxial en la formació en Educació Ambiental de futurs i futures mestres d'Educació Primària. Cal destacar que la metodologia triaxial elaborada i aplicada es basa en la integració de tres eixos processals: procés d'investigació, procés de reflexió i procés de treball cooperatiu, i és consistent amb el model teòric que s'exposa i es defensa en la investigació (el capítol 5 tracta, concretament, del disseny, estructuració i desenvolupament del curs fonamentat en aquesta metodologia) La investigació se situa en el paradigma interpretatiu d'investigació educativa i en una metodologia d'anàlisi qualitativa. La mostra l'ha constituïda un grup classe, 42 estudiants, del 3r curs dels estudis de Magisteri, curs 1998/99, de la Universitat de Girona. Els instruments d'anàlisi han estat els instruments de reflexió, individual i col·lectiva, utilitzats en el curs. Destaquem l'ús d'un diari de grup, especialment dissenyat i estructurat per a promoure la reflexió col·lectiva, com l'aportació més rellevant en relació als instruments per a la reflexió. El diari de grup ha estat l'instrument vertebrador de la metodologia d'anàlisi qualitativa, i, tal com s'ha aplicat en aquesta investigació, s'ha validat com a un instrument nuclear i eficaç per a la reflexió de grup, i per explorar i analitzar el procés de formació en Educació Ambiental i de la formació professional general del grup d'estudiants. La resta d'instruments han estat, bàsicament, qüestionaris individuals, en diferents moments del curs; els documents produïts pels estudiants (propostes didàctiques en Educació Ambiental) i la memòria de la investigadora. La triangulació s'ha realitzat a través de tots els instruments. En la investigació es presenta, de manera detallada, com s'ha dut a terme el procés d'anàlisi de cadascun dels instruments i els resultats extrets. L'anàlisi dels resultats ha permès dibuixar l'evolució del pensament dels estudiants al llarg del curs i realitzar una anàlisi holística i multidimensional del seu procés de formació en Educació Ambiental. S'ha produït un canvi substancial en relació a la comprensió i assumpció dels components de l'Educació Ambiental: rellevància, holisme, educació crítica, educació en valors, capacitat de responsabilitat, d'acció i d'atendre diferents punts de vista i perspectives. Al llarg del curs i del procés hi ha una clara potenciació de qualitats dinàmiques. Al mateix temps, l'anàlisi revela la interdependència real i efectiva dels tres processos que configuren la metodologia triaxial i la seva clara influència en la formació en Educació Ambiental del grup d'estudiants i en la construcció dels seus models didàctics. En la investigació es conclou, entre altres aspectes, que l'enfocament metodològic, basat en un procés triaxial, aplicat en la formació inicial del grup de futurs i futures mestres, ha resultat de gran eficàcia i rellevància en la seva formació en Educació Ambiental i, també, en la seva formació com a professionals investigadors, crítico- reflexius, amb capacitat d'innovació i amb un grau més alt d' "empowerment". Cal dir que la metodologia triaxial es revela amb altes possibilitats de transferència i adaptabilitat a altres estudis. La transferibilitat d'aquesta metodologia serà objecte de seguiment investigatiu amb el propòsit de trobar les orientacions pedagògiques més adequades a cada àmbit i situació, ja que pot oferir aportacions valuoses en el camp de l'Ambientalització Curricular dels estudis universitaris.


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The systems used for the procurement of buildings are organizational systems. They involve people in a series of strategic decisions, and a pattern of roles, responsibilities and relationships that combine to form the organizational structure of the project. To ensure effectiveness of the building team, this organizational structure needs to be contingent upon the environment within which the construction project takes place. In addition, a changing environment means that the organizational structure within a project needs to be responsive, and dynamic. These needs are often not satisfied in the construction industry, due to the lack of analytical tools with which to analyse the environment and to design appropriate temporary organizations. This paper presents two techniques. First is the technique of "Environmental Complexity Analysis", which identifies the key variables in the environment of the construction project. These are classified as Financial, Legal, Technological, Aesthetic and Policy. It is proposed that their identification will set the parameters within which the project has to be managed. This provides a basis for the project managers to define the relevant set of decision points that will be required for the project. The Environmental Complexity Analysis also identifies the project's requirements for control systems concerning Budget, Contractual, Functional, Quality and Time control. The process of environmental scanning needs to be done at regular points during the procurement process to ensure that the organizational structure is adaptive to the changing environment. The second technique introduced is the technique of "3R analysis", being a graphical technique for describing and modelling Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships. A list of steps is introduced that explains the procedure recommended for setting up a flexible organizational structure that is responsive to the environment of the project. This is by contrast with the current trend towards predetermined procurement paths that may not always be in the best interests of the client.


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At present, collective action regarding bio-security among UK cattle and sheep farmers is rare. Despite the occurrence of catastrophic livestock diseases such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and foot and mouth disease (FMD), within recent decades, there are few national or local farmer-led animal health schemes. To explore the reasons for this apparent lack of interest, we utilised a socio-psychological approach to disaggregate the cognitive, emotive and contextual factors driving bio-security behaviour among cattle and sheep farmers in the United Kingdom (UK). In total, we interviewed 121 farmers in South-West England and Wales. The main analytical tools included a content, cluster and logistic regression analysis. The results of the content analysis illustrated apparent 'dissonance' between bio-security attitudes and behaviour.(1) Despite the heavy toll animal disease has taken on the agricultural economy, most study participants were dismissive of the many measures associated with bio-security. Justification for this lack of interest was largely framed in relation to the collective attribution or blame for the disease threats themselves. Indeed, epidemic diseases were largely related to external actors and agents. Reasons for outbreaks included inadequate border control, in tandem with ineffective policies and regulations. Conversely, endemic livestock disease was viewed as a problem for 'bad' farmers and not an issue for those individuals who managed their stock well. As such, there was little utility in forming groups to address what was largely perceived as an individual problem. Further, we found that attitudes toward bio-security did not appear to be influenced by any particular source of information per se. While strong negative attitudes were found toward specific sources of bio-security information, e.g. government leaflets, these appear to simply reflect widely held beliefs. In relation to actual bio-security behaviours, the logistic regression analysis revealed no significant difference between in-scheme and out of scheme farmers. We concluded that in order to support collective action with regard to bio-security, messages need to be reframed and delivered from a neutral source. Efforts to support group formation must also recognise and address the issues relating to perceptions of social connectedness among the communities involved. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the Biodiversity World (BDW) project we have created a flexible and extensible Web Services-based Grid environment for biodiversity researchers to solve problems in biodiversity and analyse biodiversity patterns. In this environment, heterogeneous and globally distributed biodiversity-related resources such as data sets and analytical tools are made available to be accessed and assembled by users into workflows to perform complex scientific experiments. One such experiment is bioclimatic modelling of the geographical distribution of individual species using climate variables in order to predict past and future climate-related changes in species distribution. Data sources and analytical tools required for such analysis of species distribution are widely dispersed, available on heterogeneous platforms, present data in different formats and lack interoperability. The BDW system brings all these disparate units together so that the user can combine tools with little thought as to their availability, data formats and interoperability. The current Web Servicesbased Grid environment enables execution of the BDW workflow tasks in remote nodes but with a limited scope. The next step in the evolution of the BDW architecture is to enable workflow tasks to utilise computational resources available within and outside the BDW domain. We describe the present BDW architecture and its transition to a new framework which provides a distributed computational environment for mapping and executing workflows in addition to bringing together heterogeneous resources and analytical tools.


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It has become evident that the mystery of life will not be deciphered just by decoding its blueprint, the genetic code. In the life and biomedical sciences, research efforts are now shifting from pure gene analysis to the analysis of all biomolecules involved in the machinery of life. One area of these postgenomic research fields is proteomics. Although proteomics, which basically encompasses the analysis of proteins, is not a new concept, it is far from being a research field that can rely on routine and large-scale analyses. At the time the term proteomics was coined, a gold-rush mentality was created, promising vast and quick riches (i.e., solutions to the immensely complex questions of life and disease). Predictably, the reality has been quite different. The complexity of proteomes and the wide variations in the abundances and chemical properties of their constituents has rendered the use of systematic analytical approaches only partially successful, and biologically meaningful results have been slow to arrive. However, to learn more about how cells and, hence, life works, it is essential to understand the proteins and their complex interactions in their native environment. This is why proteomics will be an important part of the biomedical sciences for the foreseeable future. Therefore, any advances in providing the tools that make protein analysis a more routine and large-scale business, ideally using automated and rapid analytical procedures, are highly sought after. This review will provide some basics, thoughts and ideas on the exploitation of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization in biological mass spectrometry - one of the most commonly used analytical tools in proteomics - for high-throughput analyses.


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It has become evident that the mystery of life will not be deciphered just by decoding its blueprint, the genetic code. In the life and biomedical sciences, research efforts are now shifting from pure gene analysis to the analysis of all biomolecules involved in the machinery of life. One area of these postgenomic research fields is proteomics. Although proteomics, which basically encompasses the analysis of proteins, is not a new concept, it is far from being a research field that can rely on routine and large-scale analyses. At the time the term proteomics was coined, a gold-rush mentality was created, promising vast and quick riches (i.e., solutions to the immensely complex questions of life and disease). Predictably, the reality has been quite different. The complexity of proteomes and the wide variations in the abundances and chemical properties of their constituents has rendered the use of systematic analytical approaches only partially successful, and biologically meaningful results have been slow to arrive. However, to learn more about how cells and, hence, life works, it is essential to understand the proteins and their complex interactions in their native environment. This is why proteomics will be an important part of the biomedical sciences for the foreseeable future. Therefore, any advances in providing the tools that make protein analysis a more routine and large-scale business, ideally using automated and rapid analytical procedures, are highly sought after. This review will provide some basics, thoughts and ideas on the exploitation of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization in biological mass spectrometry - one of the most commonly used analytical tools in proteomics - for high-throughput analyses.


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It is well established that brain ischemia can cause neuronal death via different signaling cascades. The relative importance and interrelationships between these pathways, however, remain poorly understood. Here is presented an overview of studies using oxygen-glucose deprivation of organotypic hippocampal slice cultures to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in ischemia. The culturing techniques, setup of the oxygen-glucose deprivation model, and analytical tools are reviewed. The authors focus on SUMOylation, a posttranslational protein modification that has recently been implicated in ischemia from whole animal studies as an example of how these powerful tools can be applied and could be of interest to investigate the molecular pathways underlying ischemic cell death.


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It is thought that speciation in phytophagous insects is often due to colonization of novel host plants, because radiations of plant and insect lineages are typically asynchronous. Recent phylogenetic comparisons have supported this model of diversification for both insect herbivores and specialized pollinators. An exceptional case where contemporaneous plant insect diversification might be expected is the obligate mutualism between fig trees (Ficus species, Moraceae) and their pollinating wasps (Agaonidae, Hymenoptera). The ubiquity and ecological significance of this mutualism in tropical and subtropical ecosystems has long intrigued biologists, but the systematic challenge posed by >750 interacting species pairs has hindered progress toward understanding its evolutionary history. In particular, taxon sampling and analytical tools have been insufficient for large-scale co-phylogenetic analyses. Here, we sampled nearly 200 interacting pairs of fig and wasp species from across the globe. Two supermatrices were assembled: on average, wasps had sequences from 77% of six genes (5.6kb), figs had sequences from 60% of five genes (5.5 kb), and overall 850 new DNA sequences were generated for this study. We also developed a new analytical tool, Jane 2, for event-based phylogenetic reconciliation analysis of very large data sets. Separate Bayesian phylogenetic analyses for figs and fig wasps under relaxed molecular clock assumptions indicate Cretaceous diversification of crown groups and contemporaneous divergence for nearly half of all fig and pollinator lineages. Event-based co-phylogenetic analyses further support the co-diversification hypothesis. Biogeographic analyses indicate that the presentday distribution of fig and pollinator lineages is consistent with an Eurasian origin and subsequent dispersal, rather than with Gondwanan vicariance. Overall, our findings indicate that the fig-pollinator mutualism represents an extreme case among plant-insect interactions of coordinated dispersal and long-term co-diversification.


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The case is made for a more careful analysis of the large time asymptotic of infinite particle systems in the thermodynamic limit beyond zero density. The insufficiency of current analysis even in the model case of free particles is demonstrated. Recent advances based on more sophisticated analytical tools like functions of mean variation and Hardy spaces are sketched.


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The main aim of this chapter is to offer an overview of research that has adopted the methodology of Corpus Linguistics to study aspects of language use in the media. The overview begins by introducing the key principles and analytical tools adopted in corpus research. To demonstrate the contribution of corpus approaches to media linguistics, a selection of recent corpus studies is subsequently discussed. The final section summarises the strengths and limitations of corpus approaches and discusses avenues for further research.


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Understanding Digital Literacies provides an accessible and timely introduction to new media literacies. It supplies readers with the theoretical and analytical tools with which to explore the linguistic and social impact of a host of new digital literacy practices. Each chapter in the volume covers a different topic, presenting an overview of the major concepts, issues, problems and debates surrounding the topic, while also encouraging students to reflect on and critically evaluate their own language and communication practices. Features include: coverage of a diverse range of digital media texts, tools and practices including blogging, hypertextual organisation, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, websites and games an extensive range of examples and case studies to illustrate each topic, such as how blogs have affected our thinking about communication, how the creation and sharing of digital images and video can bring about shifts in social roles, and how the design of multiplayer online games for children can promote different ideologies a variety of discussion questions and mini-ethnographic research projects involving exploration of various patterns of media production and communication between peers, for example in the context of Wikinomics and peer production, social networking and civic participation, and digital literacies at work end of chapter suggestions for further reading and links to key web and video resources a companion website providing supplementary material for each chapter, including summaries of key issues, additional web-based exercises, and links to further resources such as useful websites, articles, videos and blogs.


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Global change drivers are known to interact in their effects on biodiversity, but much research to date ignores this complexity. As a consequence, there are problems in the attribution of biodiversity change to different drivers and, therefore, our ability to manage habitats and landscapes appropriately. Few studies explicitly acknowledge and account for interactive (i.e., nonadditive) effects of land use and climate change on biodiversity. One reason is that the mechanisms by which drivers interact are poorly understood. We evaluate such mechanisms, including interactions between demographic parameters, evolutionary trade-offs and synergies and threshold effects of population size and patch occupancy on population persistence. Other reasons for the lack of appropriate research are limited data availability and analytical issues in addressing interaction effects. We highlight the influence that attribution errors can have on biodiversity projections and discuss experimental designs and analytical tools suited to this challenge. Finally, we summarize the risks and opportunities provided by the existence of interaction effects. Risks include ineffective conservation management; but opportunities also arise, whereby the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity can be reduced through appropriate land management as an adaptation measure. We hope that increasing the understanding of key mechanisms underlying interaction effects and discussing appropriate experimental and analytical designs for attribution will help researchers, policy makers, and conservation practitioners to better minimize risks and exploit opportunities provided by land use-climate change interactions.


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Changes in patterns and magnitudes of integration may influence the ability of a species to respond to selection. Consequently, modularity has often been linked to the concept of evolvability, but their relationship has rarely been tested empirically. One possible explanation is the lack of analytical tools to compare patterns and magnitudes of integration among diverse groups that explicitly relate these aspects to the quantitative genetics framework. We apply such framework here using the multivariate response to selection equation to simulate the evolutionary behavior of several mammalian orders in terms of their flexibility, evolvability and constraints in the skull. We interpreted these simulation results in light of the integration patterns and magnitudes of the same mammalian groups, described in a companion paper. We found that larger magnitudes of integration were associated with a blur of the modules in the skull and to larger portions of the total variation explained by size variation, which in turn can exert a strong evolutionary constraint, thus decreasing the evolutionary flexibility. Conversely, lower overall magnitudes of integration were associated with distinct modules in the skull, to smaller fraction of the total variation associated with size and, consequently, to weaker constraints and more evolutionary flexibility. Flexibility and constraints are, therefore, two sides of the same coin and we found them to be quite variable among mammals. Neither the overall magnitude of morphological integration, the modularity itself, nor its consequences in terms of constraints and flexibility, were associated with absolute size of the organisms, but were strongly associated with the proportion of the total variation in skull morphology captured by size. Therefore, the history of the mammalian skull is marked by a trade-off between modularity and evolvability. Our data provide evidence that, despite the stasis in integration patterns, the plasticity in the magnitude of integration in the skull had important consequences in terms of evolutionary flexibility of the mammalian lineages.