997 resultados para analytical procedures


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The efficiency of two methods for determining 3-hydroxybutyrate and 3-hydroxyvalerate content in the biopolymer (poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) has been evaluated. Both methods are based on (a) the hydrolysis of polymers, (b) the esterification with methyl (method A) and isoamilic alcohol (method B) and (c) analysis of the esters by gas chromatography using flame ionization detection (GC-FID). After optimization of the analytical conditions, the main validation parameters (linearity, quantification limit, detection limit, recovery, sensitivity and precision) were determined showing that both analytical procedures can be applied to control the process of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production. However, method B gives better analytical results than method A and has the advantage of not using chlorinated solvents.


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We apply the Bogoliubov Averaging Method to the study of the vibrations of an elastic foundation, forced by a Non-ideal energy source. The considered model consists of a portal plane frame with quadratic nonlinearities, with internal resonance 1:2, supporting a direct current motor with limited power. The non-ideal excitation is in primary resonance in the order of one-half with the second mode frequency. The results of the averaging method, plotted in time evolution curve and phase diagrams are compared to those obtained by numerically integrating of the original differential equations. The presence of the saturation phenomenon is verified by analytical procedures.


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This paper presents evaluations among the most usual MPPT techniques, doing meaningful comparisons with respect to the amount of energy extracted from the photovoltaic panel (PV) (Tracking Factor - TF) in relation to the available power, PV voltage ripple, dynamic response and use of sensors. Using MatLab/Simulink® and DSpace platforms, a digitally controlled boost DC-DC converter was implemented and connected to an Agilent Solar Array E4350B simulator in order to verify the analytical procedures. The main experimental results are presented and a contribution in the implementation of the IC algorithm is performed and called IC based on PI. Moreover, the dynamic response and the tracking factor are also evaluated using a Friendly User Interface, which is capable of online program power curves and compute the TF. Finally, a typical daily insulation is used in order to verify the experimental results for the main PV MPPT methods. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper presents evaluations among the most usual maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques, doing meaningful comparisons with respect to the amount of energy extracted from the photovoltaic (PV) panel [tracking factor (TF)] in relation to the available power, PV voltage ripple, dynamic response, and use of sensors. Using MatLab/Simulink and dSPACE platforms, a digitally controlled boost dc-dc converter was implemented and connected to an Agilent Solar Array E4350B simulator in order to verify the analytical procedures. The main experimental results are presented for conventional MPPT algorithms and improved MPPT algorithms named IC based on proportional-integral (PI) and perturb and observe based on PI. Moreover, the dynamic response and the TF are also evaluated using a user-friendly interface, which is capable of online program power profiles and computes the TF. Finally, a typical daily insulation is used in order to verify the experimental results for the main PV MPPT methods. © 2012 IEEE.


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The review purposes are to (1) evaluate the experimental evidence for adverse effects on reproduction and metabolism and (2) identify the current knowledge of analytical procedures, biochemistry and environmental aspects relating to organotins. Organotins are pollutants that are used as biocides in antifouling paints. They produce endocrine-disrupting effects in mollusks, such as imposex. In rodents, organotin exposure induces developmental and reproductive toxicity as well as alteration of metabolic homeostasis through its action as an obesogen. The adverse effects that appear in rodents have raised concerns about organotins' potential health risk to humans in relation to organotin exposure. At present, triorganotin, such as tributyltin, have been demonstrated to produce imposex, and mammalian reproductive and metabolic toxicity. For most mammals, triorganotin exposure predominantly occurs through the ingestion, and this compound can cross the placenta. With these risks in mind, it is important to improve our knowledge of organotins' effects on environmental health. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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Butyltin (BTs) quantification in environmental matrices can be affected by interfering species found primarily in complex matrices,such as sediment and biota tissues. This study investigated matrix effects in analytical procedures for butyltin (TBT,DBT and MBT) quantification and speciation in sediments and in two fish tissues (gill and liver) by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detection (GC-PFPD) analysis. Unlike sediment samples,tissues exhibited a significant matrix effect,thus,the quantification should be made by curve over matrix to avoid quantification errors and loss of analytical accuracy. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Analytical procedures used for determining the concentrations and isotope composition of strontium in subsurface waters, by mass spectrometry, are described. Sampling was performed in coastal plateaus, salt marsh and mangrove environments in the coastal region of Pará. Coastal plateau waters have δ87Sr between 1.51 and 6.26‰ and Sr concentration bellow 58 ppb. Salt marsh waters show δ87Sr between 0.55 and 0.90‰ and Sr concentration between 93 and 114 ppm, while mangrove waters have δ87Sr around zero and Sr concentration above 15 ppm. Differences in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in these subsurface waters are detected, as well as seasonal variations in the coastal pleteau waters.


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O extrativismo vegetal, baseado na exploração sustentável dos produtos florestais não madeireiros é uma das alternativas mais consistentes ecologicamente, no que tange a Conservação da biodiversidade e cobertura natural da Floresta Amazônica. Mas, há problemas sistêmicos que não têm deixado este segmento desenvolver-se de forma satisfatória. O vazamento da economia regional dos produtos extrativistas da Amazônia é uma variável que contribui para o baixo nível de desenvolvimento social e econômico da região. É imperativo que sejam realizadas análises econômicas sobre as possibilidades desse novo modelo A solução provisória para esta área foi estabelecida em 1841, com a definição do espaço entre os rios Oiapoque e Araguari como “Área do Contestado”. Ficou definido então, que a gestão da referida área seria feita de forma compartilhada entre os dois Países. A questão da disputa entre Brasil e França pelas terras do Amapá, só se resolveu definitivamente com a intermediação do presidente suíço Walter Hauser, que em 1o de dezembro de 1900, através do protocolo conhecido como “Laudo Suíço”, concedeu a referida área ao Brasil. de desenvolvimento, apoiado nas bases de um capitalismo contemporâneo, que tem procurado aprimorar os mecanismos econômicos de inclusão social de variáveis ambientais como elementos endógenos do sistema produtivo na Amazônia. O Amapá é o estado brasileiro mais preservado (97% de sua cobertura florestal original) e possui 72% do território como áreas protegidas. Este trabalho pretende identificar o nível de contribuição que os produtos não-madeireiros, extraídos nas florestas por populações tradicionais têm na economia do Amapá. Como método central de análise, foi utilizado o modelo de matriz insumo-produto desenvolvido por Wassily Leontief. Este procedimento analítico tem relevante destaque como instrumento prático de análise e planejamento econômico. Além das análises de programação do crescimento econômico setorial, é adequado para estimar, mediante os efeitos multiplicadores, os impactos do crescimento econômico na produção trabalho e renda setorial de toda a economia. O objeto central do trabalho são as análises estruturais dos arranjos produtivos locais dos produtos florestais não-madeireiros do estado do Amapá, em níveis regional e local. O método desenvolvido pelo Francisco de Assis Costa (Contas Sociais Ascendentes Alfa - CS_) foi usado na construção das matrízes, tendo como base os procedimentos analíticos ascendentes de agregação progressiva dos dados locais O setor extrativista dos produtos florestais não -madeireiros do estado do Amapá, com um PIB de R$ 204 milhões no ano de 2009 tem uma participação pequena, com somente 3,07% das riquezas produzidas no estado. Todavia, quando é observado que 86,77% do valor total do PIB (6,65 bilhões de reais) é decorrente de atividades do Setor Terciário e que todo o Setor Produtivo (Primário e Secundário), tem participação de apenas 13,24%, conclui-se que o valor da produção dos produtos florestais não-madeireiros é bem significativo no estado do Amapá.


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ABSTRACT: Analytical procedures for U-Pb isotope dilution analyses at the Pará-Iso isotope geology laboratory of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) are described in detail. The procedures are applied to zircon, titanite, rutile, apatite, columbite-tantalite and whole rock. Reagent preparation and chemical processing are done in clean-room conditions. Samples are dissolved using Teflon™ microcapsules in steel jacket Teflon™ Parr Instrument™ bomb or Teflon™ screw cap containers. U and Pb are separated using anion exchange AG 1x8 resin columns. Typical blanks for mineral sample amounts of 0.01 to 1.0 mg are less than 1 pg U and 20-30 pg Pb. Isotope analysis of the U and Pb from the same filament are carried out using a Finnigan MAT 262 mass-spectrometer in static and dynamic modes. The current analytical level is demonstrated on analyses of international standard zircon 91500 with three different 235U-205Pb and 235U-208Pb isotope tracers and whole rock standards. Results of analyses of two zircon samples are also presented.


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O recente crecemento significativo do ensino de español no Brasil e a consecuente necesidade de formar profesores desta lingua ven demandando das institucións de Ensino Superior un coidado especial no proceso de formación de futuros docentes. Así, o obxecto de estudo desta tese céntrase na docencia, en súas múltiples dimensións pedagóxicas. O obxectivo xeral é o de analizar, segundo a perspectiva dos autores referenciados, as implicacións do traballo docente no desenvolvemento do proceso de ensino-aprendizaxe nas disciplinas que tratan especificamente da Lingua e Cultura Hispanófona nos Graos en Letras-Español en dúas universidades Ŕ a Universidade Federal do Pará e a Universidade da Amazônia, situadas na cidade de Belém, no estado do Pará (Brasil). Derivadas deste obxectivo formuláronse preguntas, dirixidas a profesores e alumnos, que orientaron o desenvolvemento do estudo. A opción metodolóxica adoptada ten como fundamento os principios da abordaxe cuanticualitativa, considerando os presupostos do paradigma fenomenolóxico, con procedementos descriptivoanalíticos, na perspectiva da triangulación de métodos e suxeitos como unha forma de integrar os diferentes aspectos do estudo. Participaron como suxeitos da investigación profesores e alumnos das dúas institucións. Os dados foron recollidos vía análise documental, cuestionarios con preguntas abertas e pechadas e entrevistas semiestruturadas. As respostas ás preguntas pechadas dos cuestionarios foron traballadas con procedementos estatísticos descritivos e as respostas ás preguntas abertas e as entrevistas foron analizadas con procedementos específicos da análise de contido. Os resultados revelaron que as prácticas docentes presentan algúns puntos críticos, centrados principalmente na planificación, no proceso avaliador, na infraestrutura e no clima relacional. Sen embargo, estas dificultades non se constitúen en obstáculos insuperables, incluso porque outros aspectos foron valorados positivamente por profesores e alumnos, principalmente os relacionados co traballo co contido, os procedementos metodolóxicos e o uso dos recursos didácticos. De maneira xeral, existe unha manifesta opinión positiva en relación á práctica docente dos profesores das dúas institucións. Da análise destes resultados derívanse algunhas recomendacións que poderán contribuír para unha reflexión conxunta da comunidade implicada con vistas ó perfeccionamento da práctica docente nos Grados de Licenciatura en Letras-Español en Brasil.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Worldwide environmental degradation is an undesirable byproduct resulting from the increasing demand for natural resources. Water sources are suffering intense contamination since they usually receive a huge amount of domestic and industrial effluents - which are mostly wasted without proper treatment - inserting a large number of pollutants in the environment, heavy metals included. Mercury holds great toxicological importance because, under some physicochemical conditions in a water environment, Hg (II) ion turns into methylated compounds stemming from this element, such as methylmercury CH3Hg, which is highly toxic for the aquatic community in which bioaccumulation occurs. Nowadays passive sampling techniques are being developed to enable the analytical procedures which are applied in environmental monitoring. Diffusive gradients in thin-films technique (DGT) has been proven an interesting tool for the determination of labile metal species due to its in situ application. The DGT technique consists of a piston-like device on which the following series of agents is disposed: a binding agent (conventionally Chelex 100 resin), a diffusive agent, usually a polyacrylamide gel, and a membrane filter. Nevertheless, the agents conventinally used for this technique don't usually show satisfactory results in mercury sampling. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the phosphate-treated cellulose membrane (Whatman P 81), an alternative material, as binding agent in the DGT to determine labile mercury fractions in aquatic systems. In this context, we conducted a study of the behavior of this material in relation with system variables, pH and ionic strength. Afterwards we performed immersions of the DGT devices in real and enriched samples and in situ aiming the determination of mercury