961 resultados para analyseur d`elements volatiles


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Contributed to: III Bienal de Restauración Monumental: "Sobre la des-restauración" (Sevilla, Spain, Nov 23-25, 2006)


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Oxygen isotopes were measured in mineral separates from martian meteorites using laser fluorination and were found to be remarkably uniform in both δ18O and Δ17O, suggesting that martian magmas did not assimilate aqueously altered crust regardless of any other geochemical variations.

Measurements of Cl, F, H, and S in apatite from martian meteorites were made using the SIMS and NanoSIMS. Martian apatites are typically higher in Cl than terrestrial apatites from mafic and ultramafic rocks, signifying that Mars is inherently higher in Cl than Earth. Apatites from basaltic and olivine-phyric shergottites are as high in water as any terrestrial apatite from mafic and utramafic rocks, implying the possibility that martian magmas may be more similar in water abundance to terrestrial magmas than previously thought. Apatites from lherzolitic shergottites, nakhlites, chassignites, and ALH 84001 (all of which are cumulate rocks) are all lower in water than the basaltic and olivine-phyric shergottites, indicating that the slow-cooling accumulation process allows escape of water from trapped melts where apatite later formed. Sulfur is only high in some apatites from basaltic and olivine-phyric shergottites and low in all other SNCs from this study, which could mean that cumulate SNCs are low in all volatiles and that there are other controlling factors in basaltic and olivine-phyric magmas dictating the inclusion of sulfur into apatite.

Sulfur Kα X-rays were measured in SNC apatites using the electron probe. None of the peaks in the SNC spectra reside in the same position as anhydrite (where sulfur is 100% sulfate) or pyrite (where sulfur is 100% sulfide), but instead all SNC spectra peaks lie in between these two end member peaks, which implies that SNC apatites may be substituting some sulfide, as well as sulfate, into their structure. However, further work is needed to verify this hypothesis.


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Experimental studies were conducted with the goals of 1) determining the origin of Pt- group element (PGE) alloys and associated mineral assemblages in refractory inclusions from meteorites and 2) developing a new ultrasensitive method for the in situ chemical and isotopic analysis of PGE. A general review of the geochemistry and cosmochemistry of the PGE is given, and specific research contributions are presented within the context of this broad framework.

An important step toward understanding the cosmochemistry of the PGE is the determination of the origin of POE-rich metallic phases (most commonly εRu-Fe) that are found in Ca, AJ-rich refractory inclusions (CAI) in C3V meteorites. These metals occur along with γNi-Fe metals, Ni-Fe sulfides and Fe oxides in multiphase opaque assemblages. Laboratory experiments were used to show that the mineral assemblages and textures observed in opaque assemblages could be produced by sulfidation and oxidation of once homogeneous Ni-Fe-PGE metals. Phase equilibria, partitioning and diffusion kinetics were studied in the Ni-Fe-Ru system in order to quantify the conditions of opaque assemblage formation. Phase boundaries and tie lines in the Ni-Fe-Ru system were determined at 1273, 1073 and 873K using an experimental technique that allowed the investigation of a large portion of the Ni-Fe-Ru system with a single experiment at each temperature by establishing a concentration gradient within which local equilibrium between coexisting phases was maintained. A wide miscibility gap was found to be present at each temperature, separating a hexagonal close-packed εRu-Fe phase from a face-centered cubic γNi-Fe phase. Phase equilibria determined here for the Ni-Fe-Ru system, and phase equilibria from the literature for the Ni-Fe-S and Ni-Fe-O systems, were compared with analyses of minerals from opaque assemblages to estimate the temperature and chemical conditions of opaque assemblage formation. It was determined that opaque assemblages equilibrated at a temperature of ~770K, a sulfur fugacity 10 times higher than an equilibrium solar gas, and an oxygen fugacity 106 times higher than an equilibrium solar gas.

Diffusion rates between -γNi-Fe and εRu-Fe metal play a critical role in determining the time (with respect to CAI petrogenesis) and duration of the opaque assemblage equilibration process. The diffusion coefficient for Ru in Ni (DRuNi) was determined as an analog for the Ni-Fe-Ru system by the thin-film diffusion method in the temperature range of 1073 to 1673K and is given by the expression:

DRuNi (cm2 sec-1) = 5.0(±0.7) x 10-3 exp(-2.3(±0.1) x 1012 erg mole-1/RT) where R is the gas constant and T is the temperature in K. Based on the rates of dissolution and exsolution of metallic phases in the Ni-Fe-Ru system it is suggested that opaque assemblages equilibrated after the melting and crystallization of host CAI during a metamorphic event of ≥ 103 years duration. It is inferred that opaque assemblages originated as immiscible metallic liquid droplets in the CAI silicate liquid. The bulk compositions of PGE in these precursor alloys reflects an early stage of condensation from the solar nebula and the partitioning of V between the precursor alloys and CAI silicate liquid reflects the reducing nebular conditions under which CAI were melted. The individual mineral phases now observed in opaque assemblages do not preserve an independent history prior to CAI melting and crystallization, but instead provide important information on the post-accretionary history of C3V meteorites and allow the quantification of the temperature, sulfur fugacity and oxygen fugacity of cooling planetary environments. This contrasts with previous models that called upon the formation of opaque assemblages by aggregation of phases that formed independently under highly variable conditions in the solar nebula prior to the crystallization of CAI.

Analytical studies were carried out on PGE-rich phases from meteorites and the products of synthetic experiments using traditional electron microprobe x-ray analytical techniques. The concentrations of PGE in common minerals from meteorites and terrestrial rocks are far below the ~100 ppm detection limit of the electron microprobe. This has limited the scope of analytical studies to the very few cases where PGE are unusually enriched. To study the distribution of PGE in common minerals will require an in situ analytical technique with much lower detection limits than any methods currently in use. To overcome this limitation, resonance ionization of sputtered atoms was investigated for use as an ultrasensitive in situ analytical technique for the analysis of PGE. The mass spectrometric analysis of Os and Re was investigated using a pulsed primary Ar+ ion beam to provide sputtered atoms for resonance ionization mass spectrometry. An ionization scheme for Os that utilizes three resonant energy levels (including an autoionizing energy level) was investigated and found to have superior sensitivity and selectivity compared to nonresonant and one and two energy level resonant ionization schemes. An elemental selectivity for Os over Re of ≥ 103 was demonstrated. It was found that detuning the ionizing laser from the autoionizing energy level to an arbitrary region in the ionization continuum resulted in a five-fold decrease in signal intensity and a ten-fold decrease in elemental selectivity. Osmium concentrations in synthetic metals and iron meteorites were measured to demonstrate the analytical capabilities of the technique. A linear correlation between Os+ signal intensity and the known Os concentration was observed over a range of nearly 104 in Os concentration with an accuracy of ~ ±10%, a millimum detection limit of 7 parts per billion atomic, and a useful yield of 1%. Resonance ionization of sputtered atoms samples the dominant neutral-fraction of sputtered atoms and utilizes multiphoton resonance ionization to achieve high sensitivity and to eliminate atomic and molecular interferences. Matrix effects should be small compared to secondary ion mass spectrometry because ionization occurs in the gas phase and is largely independent of the physical properties of the matrix material. Resonance ionization of sputtered atoms can be applied to in situ chemical analysis of most high ionization potential elements (including all of the PGE) in a wide range of natural and synthetic materials. The high useful yield and elemental selectivity of this method should eventually allow the in situ measurement of Os isotope ratios in some natural samples and in sample extracts enriched in PGE by fire assay fusion.

Phase equilibria and diffusion experiments have provided the basis for a reinterpretation of the origin of opaque assemblages in CAI and have yielded quantitative information on conditions in the primitive solar nebula and cooling planetary environments. Development of the method of resonance ionization of sputtered atoms for the analysis of Os has shown that this technique has wide applications in geochemistry and will for the first time allow in situ studies of the distribution of PGE at the low concentration levels at which they occur in common minerals.


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Analysis of the data from the Heavy Nuclei Experiment on the HEAO-3 spacecraft has yielded the cosmic ray abundances of odd-even element pairs with atomic number, Z, in the range 33 ≤ Z ≤60, and the abundances of broad element groups in the range 62 ≤ Z ≤83, relative to iron. These data show that the cosmic ray source composition in this charge range is quite similar to that of the solar system provided an allowance is made for a source fractionation based on first ionization potential. The observations are inconsistent with a source composition which is dominated by either r-process or s-process material, whether or not an allowance is made for first ionization potential. Although the observations do not exclude a source containing the same mixture of r- and s-process material as in the solar system. the data are best fit by a source having an r- to s-process ratio of 1.22^(+0.25)_(0.21), relative to the solar system The abundances of secondary elements are consistent with the leaky box model of galactic propagation, implying a pathlength distribution similar to that which explains the abundances of nuclei with Z<29.

The energy spectra of the even elements in the range 38 ≤ Z ≤ 60 are found to have a deficiency of particles in the range ~1.5 to 3 GeV/amu, compared to iron. This deficiency may result from ionization energy loss in the interstellar medium, and is not predicted by propagation models which ignore such losses. ln addition, the energy spectra of secondary elements are found to be different to those of the primary elements. Such effects are consistent with observations of lighter nuclei, and are in qualitative agreement with galactic propagation models using a rigidity dependent escape length. The energy spectra of secondaries arising from the platinum group are found to be much steeper than those of lower Z. This effect may result from energy dependent fragmentation cross sections.


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Planets are assembled from the gas, dust, and ice in the accretion disks that encircle young stars. Ices of chemical compounds with low condensation temperatures (<200 K), the so-called volatiles, dominate the solid mass reservoir from which planetesimals are formed and are thus available to build the protoplanetary cores of gas/ice giant planets. It has long been thought that the regions near the condensation fronts of volatiles are preferential birth sites of planets. Moreover, the main volatiles in disks are also the main C-and O-containing species in (exo)planetary atmospheres. Understanding the distribution of volatiles in disks and their role in planet-formation processes is therefore of great interest.

This thesis addresses two fundamental questions concerning the nature of volatiles in planet-forming disks: (1) how are volatiles distributed throughout a disk, and (2) how can we use volatiles to probe planet-forming processes in disks? We tackle the first question in two complementary ways. We have developed a novel super-resolution method to constrain the radial distribution of volatiles throughout a disk by combining multi-wavelength spectra. Thanks to the ordered velocity and temperature profiles in disks, we find that detailed constraints can be derived even with spatially and spectrally unresolved data -- provided a wide range of energy levels are sampled. We also employ high-spatial resolution interferometric images at (sub)mm frequencies using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) to directly measure the radial distribution of volatiles.

For the second question, we combine volatile gas emission measurements with those of the dust continuum emission or extinction to understand dust growth mechanisms in disks and disk instabilities at planet-forming distances from the central star. Our observations and models support the idea that the water vapor can be concentrated in regions near its condensation front at certain evolutionary stages in the lifetime of protoplanetary disks, and that fast pebble growth is likely to occur near the condensation fronts of various volatile species.


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O objeto deste estudo foi o processo de construção da resiliência em mulheres que vivenciaram violência sexual. A violência sexual contra a mulher é um problema antigo no mundo, onde o Brasil dispõe de elevadas estatísticas. As justificativas para a violência contra a mulher constroem-se sob normas e preceitos sociais de gênero, os quais definem as diferenças nos papéis e responsabilidades dos homens e das mulheres na sociedade e na família. As consequências físicas e psicológicas para a mulher em situação de violência sexual são alarmantes, podendo ocasionar traumas por longo prazo ou até mesmo para a vida inteira, impedindo-a de retomar seus direitos humanos e de se reinserirem em suas famílias e na sociedade. Entretanto, após a vivência de uma violência algumas mulheres têm seus comportamentos transformados a fim de retomarem o curso de suas vidas. Tais comportamentos dizem respeito à postura resiliente diante à violência sexual vivida e à sua superação. Reconhecendo este comportamento como uma nova possibilidade de promoção da saúde dessas mulheres, traçou-se como objetivo geral do estudo compreender o processo de construção da resiliência em mulheres que vivenciaram violência sexual. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa exploratória com abordagem qualitativa, realizada através da coleta da história de vida com seis mulheres que vivenciaram violência sexual atendidas em um hospital municipal do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), referência no atendimento dessas mulheres. Os dados produzidos foram interpretados à luz da modalidade temática da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Deste processo emergiram duas categorias: A violência sexual vivida expressa nas atitudes do cotidiano: sentimentos e emoções e A resiliência de mulheres em situação de violência sexual. Na primeira categoria identificaram-se as atitudes, sentimentos e emoções decorrentes da adversidade. Destacaram-se os sentimentos de medo, tristeza, culpa e perda como sendo as principais mudanças ocorridas com a violência. Na segunda categoria emergiram elementos existentes na vida das mulheres que vivenciaram violência sexual e que favoreceram no processo de construção da resiliência, sendo os aspectos individuais, familiares e sociais. A pesquisa considerou que a resiliência é elemento fundamental na promoção da saúde das mulheres que vivenciaram violência sexual assim como uma oportunidade de melhoria de sua qualidade de vida, uma vez que reduz os agravos decorrentes dessa violência e incorpora sentido de vida, serenidade, autoconfiança, autossuficiência e perseverança na vida da mulher. Contudo, a resiliência para ser desenvolvida precisa além dos aspectos individuais da mulher, uma rede de apoio familiar e social significativa e eficaz. A consulta de Enfermagem estabelecida nos princípios da humanização, integralidade e dialogicidade entre profissional e a mulher, seja nas Estratégias de Saúde da Família ou nos ambientes ambulatoriais e hospitalares, caracteriza-se como campo fértil na promoção e apoio a essa rede familiar e social. A enfermeira torna-se facilitadora na construção da resiliência em mulheres em situação de violência sexual, onde é preciso oferecer escuta sensível e sem preconceitos, incentivar a construção de sentido de vida, a recuperação da autoestima e autoconfiança e de sua reinserção social.


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The principle aims of this thesis include the development of models of sublimation and melting from first principles and the application of these models to the rare gases.

A simple physical model is constructed to represent the sublimation of monatomic elements. According to this model, the solid and gas phases are two states of a single physical system. The nature of the phase transition is clearly revealed, and the relations between the vapor pressure, the latent heat, and the transition temperature are derived. The resulting theory is applied to argon, krypton, and xenon, and good agreement with experiment is found.

For the melting transition, the solid is represented by an anharmonic model and the liquid is described by the Percus-Yevick approximation. The behavior of the liquid at high densities is studied on the isotherms kT/∈ = 1.3, 1.8, and 2.0, where k is Boltzmann's constant, T is the temperature, and e is the well depth of the Lennard-Jones 12-6 pair potential. No solutions of the PercusYevick equation were found for ρσ3 above 1.3, where ρ is the particle density and σ is the radial parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential. The liquid structure is found to be very different from the solid structure near the melting line. The liquid pressures are about 50 percent low for experimental melting densities of argon. This discrepancy gives rise to melting pressures up to twice the experimental values.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo mostrar como a literatura gótica pode ser atemporal, subvertendo as mentes e conceitos de seus leitores. Partindo do contexto histórico e cultural em que The Monk se inseriu, esse trabalho visa levantar as questões e elementos tão fortemente reprimidos em nossa sociedade desde o final do século XVIII, como as idéias de mal, abjeção e expressão do eu, em um diálogo permanente com a teoria de Michel Foucault, David Punter, Julia Kristeva, entre outros. Desta forma, a análise do romance se dá paralelamente a uma crítica social, visto que a obra gótica tem por um de seus fins denunciar e deslocar a realidade social. Em última instância, será feita a análise algumas personagens do romance e sua respectiva importância na obra


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O eixo temático se desenvolveu a partir do questionamento sobre como foi o processo de reconstrução de Sagunto, que foi promovido por Roma. A região de Sagunto configura como o motivo central para o embate entre romanos e cartagineses. Todavia, com o término da Segunda Guerra Púnica (218-202 a.C.), a cidade estava destruída e uma embaixada saguntina foi enviada para Roma, a fim de solicitar ao Senado sua reorganização. O pedido aparece como sendo bem aceito pelos senadores romanos. Contudo, a partir desse momento, começa o silenciamento. A escassez de informações sobre a temática foi o primeiro problema encontrado ao longo da pesquisa. Sendo assim, foi necessário recorrer à documentação arqueológica da cidade, à numismática e à epigrafia para conseguir preencher as lacunas referentes ao tema de pesquisa. Os indícios possibilitaram não somente compreender a cidade de Sagunto e seus vários estatutos jurídicos perante Roma, como também lançar outro olhar sobre as práticas imperialistas. Ao evocar Edward Said como teórico deste trabalho, elemento de inovação da pesquisa, é possível construir a estrutura de atitudes e referências que os romanos, entre os séculos II a.C. e I d.C., aplicaram na região saguntina para consolidar o seu poder. Assim, por meio do estudo das entidades geográficas, compreende-se o espaço físico da cidade e, pelo conceito de entidades culturais, analisam-se o sistema administrativo e os colégios sacerdotais atuantes em Sagunto, no século I d.C. Logo, o imperialismo romano pode ser visto como um mecanismo que se vale de diversos elementos, os quais não se limitam à força no processo de ocupação. Em suma, política e cultura são peças centrais no processo de preservação do poder romano no espaço provincial.


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This contribution is the first part of a four-part series documenting the development of B:RUN, a software program which reads data for common spreadsheets and presents them as low-resolution maps of slates and processes. The program emerged from a need which arose during a project in Brunei Darussalam for a 'low level' approach for researchers to communicate findings as efficiently and expeditiously as possible. Part I provides a overview of the concept and design elements of B:RUN. Part II will highlight results of the economics components of the program evaluating different fishing regimes, sailing distances from ports and fleet operating costs. Environmental aspects will be presented in Part III in the form of overlay maps. Part IV will summarize the implications of B:RUN results to coastal and fishery resources management in Brunei Darussalam and show how this approach can be adapted to other coastlines and used as a teaching and training tool. The following three parts will be published in future editions of Naga, the ICLARM Quarterly. The program is available through ICLARM.