926 resultados para ambipolar transistors


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The primary role of substituted side chains in organic semiconductors is to increase their solubility in common organic solvents. In the recent past, many literature reports have suggested that the side chains play a critical role in molecular packing and strongly impact the charge transport properties of conjugated polymers. In this work, we have investigated the influence of side-chains on the charge transport behavior of a novel class of diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) based alternating copolymers. To investigate the role of side-chains, we prepared four diketopyrrolopyrrole-diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP-DPP) conjugated polymers with varied side-chains and carried out a systematic study of thin film microstructure and charge transport properties in polymer thin-film transistors (PTFTs). Combining results obtained from grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD) and charge transport properties in PTFTs, we conclude side-chains have a strong influence on molecular packing, thin film microstructure, and the charge carrier mobility of DPP-DPP copolymers. However, the influence of side-chains on optical properties was moderate. The preferential ``edge-on'' packing and dominant n-channel behavior with exceptionally high field-effect electron mobility values of >1 cm(2) V-1 s(-1) were observed by incorporating hydrophilic (triethylene glycol) and hydrophobic side-chains of alternate DPP units. In contrast moderate electron and hole mobilities were observed by incorporation of branched hydrophobic side-chains. This work clearly demonstrates that the subtle balance between hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity induced by side-chains is a powerful strategy to alter the molecular packing and improve the ambipolar charge transport properties in DPP-DPP based conjugated polymers. Theoretical analysis supports the conclusion that the side-chains influence polymer properties through morphology changes, as there is no effect on the electronic properties in the gas phase. The exceptional electron mobility is at least partially a result of the strong intramolecular conjugation of the donor and acceptor as evidenced by the unusually wide conduction band of the polymer.


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Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are used in high-power voltage-source converters rated up to hundreds of kilowatts or even a few megawatts. Knowledge of device switching characteristics is required for reliable design and operation of the converters. Switching characteristics are studied widely at high current levels, and corresponding data are available in datasheets. But the devices in a converter also switch low currents close to the zero crossings of the line currents. Further, the switching behaviour under these conditions could significantly influence the output waveform quality including zero crossover distortion. Hence, the switching characteristics of high-current IGBTs (300-A and 75-A IGBT modules) at low load current magnitudes are investigated experimentally in this paper. The collector current, gate-emitter voltage and collector-emitter voltage are measured at various low values of current (less than 10% of the device rated current). A specially designed in-house constructed coaxial current transformer (CCT) is used for device current measurement without increasing the loop inductance in the power circuit. Experimental results show that the device voltage rise time increases significantly during turn-off transitions at low currents.


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Thin film transistors (TFTs) on elastomers promise flexible electronics with stretching and bending. Recently, there have been several experimental studies reporting the behavior of TFTs under bending and buckling. In the presence of stress, the insulator capacitance is influenced due to two reasons. The first is the variation in insulator thickness depending on the Poisson ratio and strain. The second is the geometric influence of the curvature of the insulator-semiconductor interface during bending or buckling. This paper models the role of curvature on TFT performance and brings to light an elegant result wherein the TFT characteristics is dependent on the area under the capacitance-distance curve. The paper compares models with simulations and explains several experimental findings reported in literature. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Dead-time is introduced between the gating signals to the top and bottom switches in a voltage source inverter (VSI) leg, to prevent shoot through fault due to the finite turn-off times of IGBTs. The dead-time results in a delay when the incoming device is an IGBT, resulting in error voltage pulses in the inverter output voltage. This paper presents the design, fabrication and testing of an advanced gate driver, which eliminates dead-time and consequent output distortion. Here, the gating pulses are generated such that the incoming IGBT transition is not delayed and shoot-through is also prevented. The various logic units of the driver card and fault tolerance of the driver are verified through extensive tests on different topologies such as chopper, half-bridge and full-bridge inverter, and also at different conditions of load. Experimental results demonstrate the improvement in the load current waveform quality with the proposed circuit, on account of elimination of dead-time.


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The advent of a new class of high-mobility semiconducting polymers opens up a window to address fundamental issues in electrical transport mechanism such as transport between localized states versus extended state conduction. Here, we investigate the origin of the ultralow degree of disorder (E-a similar to 16 meV) and the ``bandlike'' negative temperature (T) coefficient of the field effect electron mobility: mu(e)(FET) (T) in a high performance (mu(e)(FET) > 2.5 cm(2) V-1 s(-1)) diketopyrrolopyrrole based semiconducting polymer. Models based on the framework of mobility edge with exponential density of states are invoked to explain the trends in transport. The temperature window over which the system demonstrates delocalized transport was tuned by a systematic introduction of disorder at the transport interface. Additionally, the Hall mobility (mu(e)(Hall)) extracted from Hall voltage measurements in these devices was found to be comparable to field effect mobility (mu(e)(FET)) in the high T bandlike regime. Comprehensive studies with different combinations of dielectrics and semiconductors demonstrate the effectiveness of rationale molecular design, which emphasizes uniform-energetic landscape and low reorganization energy.


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Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are used in high-power voltage-source converters rated up to hundreds of kilowatts or even a few megawatts. Knowledge of device switching characteristics is required for reliable design and operation of the converters. Switching characteristics are studied widely at high current levels, and corresponding data are available in datasheets. But the devices in a converter also switch low currents close to the zero crossings of the line currents. Further, the switching behaviour under these conditions could significantly influence the output waveform quality including zero crossover distortion. Hence, the switching characteristics of high-current IGBTs (300-A and 75-A IGBT modules) at low load current magnitudes are investigated experimentally in this paper. The collector current, gate-emitter voltage and collector-emitter voltage are measured at various low values of current (less than 10% of the device rated current). A specially designed in-house constructed coaxial current transformer (CCT) is used for device current measurement without increasing the loop inductance in the power circuit. Experimental results show that the device voltage rise time increases significantly during turn-off transitions at low currents.


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One of the most interesting predicted applications of graphenemonolayer-based devices is as high-quality sensors. In this article, we show, through systematic experiments, a chemical vapor sensor based on the measurement of lowfrequency resistance fluctuations of single-layer-graphene field-effect-transistor devices. The sensor has extremely high sensitivity, very high specificity, high fidelity, and fast response times. The performance of the device using this scheme of measurement (which uses resistance fluctuations as the detection parameter) is more than 2 orders of magnitude better than a detection scheme in which changes in the average value of the resistance is monitored. We propose a number-densityfluctuation-based model to explain the superior characteristics of a noisemeasurement-based detection scheme presented in this article.


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We have addressed the microscopic transport mechanism at the switching or `on-off' transition in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) field-effect transistors (FETs), which has been a controversial topic in TMDC electronics, especially at room temperature. With simultaneous measurement of channel conductivity and its slow time-dependent fluctuation (or noise) in ultrathin WSe2 and MoS2 FETs on insulating SiO2 substrates where noise arises from McWhorter-type carrier number fluctuations, we establish that the switching in conventional backgated TMDC FETs is a classical percolation transition in a medium of inhomogeneous carrier density distribution. From the experimentally observed exponents in the scaling of noise magnitude with conductivity, we observe unambiguous signatures of percolation in a random resistor network, particularly, in WSe2 FETs close to switching, which crosses over to continuum percolation at a higher doping level. We demonstrate a powerful experimental probe to the microscopic nature of near-threshold electrical transport in TMDC FETs, irrespective of the material detail, device geometry, or carrier mobility, which can be extended to other classes of 2D material-based devices as well.


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This paper reveals an early quasi-saturation (QS) effect attributed to the geometrical parameters in shallow trench isolation-type drain-extended MOS (STI-DeMOS) transistors in advanced CMOS technologies. The quasi-saturation effect leads to serious g(m) reduction in STI-DeMOS. This paper investigates the nonlinear resistive behavior of the drain-extended region and its impact on the particular behavior of the STI-DeMOS transistor. In difference to vertical DMOS or lateral DMOS structures, STI-DeMOS exhibits three distinct regions of the drain extension. A complete understanding of the physics in these regions and their impact on the QS behavior are developed in this paper. An optimization strategy is shown for an improved g(m) device in a state-of-the-art 28-nm CMOS technology node.


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We discuss the potential application of high dc voltage sensing using thin-film transistors (TFTs) on flexible substrates. High voltage sensing has potential applications for power transmission instrumentation. For this, we consider a gate metal-substrate-semiconductor architecture for TFTs. In this architecture, the flexible substrate not only provides mechanical support but also plays the role of the gate dielectric of the TFT. Hence, the thickness of the substrate needs to be optimized for maximizing transconductance, minimizing mechanical stress, and minimizing gate leakage currents. We discuss this optimization, and develop n-type and p-type organic TFTs using polyvinyldene fluoride as the substrate-gate insulator. Circuits are also realized to achieve level shifting, amplification, and high drain voltage operation.


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Ink-jet printing is an important process for placing active electronics on plastic substrates. We demonstrate ink-jet printing as a viable method for large area fabrication of carbon nanotube (CNT) thin film transistors (TFTs). We investigate different routes for producing stable CNT solutions ("inks"). These consist of dispersion methods for CNT debundling and the use of different solvents, such as N -methyl-2-pyrrolidone. The resulting printable inks are dispensed by ink-jet onto electrode bearing silicon substrates. The source to drain electrode gap is bridged by percolating networks of CNTs. Despite the presence of metallic CNTs, our devices exhibit field effect behavior, with effective mobility of ∼0.07 cm2 /V s and ON/OFF current ratio of up to 100. This result demonstrates the feasibility of ink-jet printing of nanostructured materials for TFT manufacture. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Nanocomposite thin film transistors (TFTs) based on nonpercolating networks of single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and polythiophene semiconductor [poly [5, 5′ -bis(3-dodecyl-2-thienyl)- 2, 2′ -bithiophene] (PQT-12)] thin film hosts are demonstrated by ink-jet printing. A systematic study on the effect of CNT loading on the transistor performance and channel morphology is conducted. With an appropriate loading of CNTs into the active channel, ink-jet printed composite transistors show an effective hole mobility of 0.23 cm 2 V-1 s-1, which is an enhancement of more than a factor of 7 over ink-jet printed pristine PQT-12 TFTs. In addition, these devices display reasonable on/off current ratio of 105-10 6, low off currents of the order of 10 pA, and a sharp subthreshold slope (<0.8 V dec-1). The work presented here furthers our understanding of the interaction between polythiophene polymers and nonpercolating CNTs, where the CNT density in the bilayer structure substantially influences the morphology and transistor performance of polythiophene. Therefore, optimized loading of ink-jet printed CNTs is crucial to achieve device performance enhancement. High performance ink-jet printed nanocomposite TFTs can present a promising alternative to organic TFTs in printed electronic applications, including displays, sensors, radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags, and disposable electronics. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.