969 resultados para allometric scaling


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Planar curves arise naturally as interfaces between two regions of the plane. An important part of statistical physics is the study of lattice models. This thesis is about the interfaces of 2D lattice models. The scaling limit is an infinite system limit which is taken by letting the lattice mesh decrease to zero. At criticality, the scaling limit of an interface is one of the SLE curves (Schramm-Loewner evolution), introduced by Oded Schramm. This family of random curves is parametrized by a real variable, which determines the universality class of the model. The first and the second paper of this thesis study properties of SLEs. They contain two different methods to study the whole SLE curve, which is, in fact, the most interesting object from the statistical physics point of view. These methods are applied to study two symmetries of SLE: reversibility and duality. The first paper uses an algebraic method and a representation of the Virasoro algebra to find common martingales to different processes, and that way, to confirm the symmetries for polynomial expected values of natural SLE data. In the second paper, a recursion is obtained for the same kind of expected values. The recursion is based on stationarity of the law of the whole SLE curve under a SLE induced flow. The third paper deals with one of the most central questions of the field and provides a framework of estimates for describing 2D scaling limits by SLE curves. In particular, it is shown that a weak estimate on the probability of an annulus crossing implies that a random curve arising from a statistical physics model will have scaling limits and those will be well-described by Loewner evolutions with random driving forces.


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Scaling relations between the critical indices are derived for two similar systems exhibiting λ lines: binary liquid systems and ferromagnets under pressure. In addition to the usual scaling relations, this procedure gives information about other weakly divergent quantities like isothermal compressibility and thermal expansion. Suggestions for more detailed investigations are made.


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Support Vector Machines(SVMs) are hyperplane classifiers defined in a kernel induced feature space. The data size dependent training time complexity of SVMs usually prohibits its use in applications involving more than a few thousands of data points. In this paper we propose a novel kernel based incremental data clustering approach and its use for scaling Non-linear Support Vector Machines to handle large data sets. The clustering method introduced can find cluster abstractions of the training data in a kernel induced feature space. These cluster abstractions are then used for selective sampling based training of Support Vector Machines to reduce the training time without compromising the generalization performance. Experiments done with real world datasets show that this approach gives good generalization performance at reasonable computational expense.


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This research explored the feasibility of using multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis in novel combination with other techniques to study comprehension of epistemic adverbs expressing doubt and certainty (e.g., evidently, obviously, probably) as they relate to health communication in clinical settings. In Study 1, Australian English speakers performed a dissimilarity-rating task with sentence pairs containing the target stimuli, presented as "doctors' opinions". Ratings were analyzed using a combination of cultural consensus analysis (factor analysis across participants), weighted-data classical-MDS, and cluster analysis. Analyses revealed strong within-community consistency for a 3-dimensional semantic space solution that took into account individual differences, strong statistical acceptability of the MDS results in terms of stress and explained variance, and semantic configurations that were interpretable in terms of linguistic analyses of the target adverbs. The results confirmed the feasibility of using MDS in this context. Study 2 replicated the results with Canadian English speakers on the same task. Semantic analyses and stress decomposition analysis were performed on the Australian and Canadian data sets, revealing similarities and differences between the two groups. Overall, the results support using MDS to study comprehension of words critical for health communication, including in future studies, for example, second language speaking patients and/or practitioners. More broadly, the results indicate that the techniques described should be promising for comprehension studies in many communicative domains, in both clinical settings and beyond, and including those targeting other aspects of language and focusing on comparisons across different speech communities.


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In this paper, a new strategy for scaling burners based on "mild combustion" is evolved and adopted to scaling a burner from 3 to a 150 kW burner at a high heat release Late of 5 MW/m(3) Existing scaling methods (constant velocity, constant residence time, and Cole's procedure [Proc. Combust. Inst. 28 (2000) 1297]) are found to be inadequate for mild combustion burners. Constant velocity approach leads to reduced heat release rates at large sizes and constant residence time approach in unacceptable levels of pressure drop across the system. To achieve mild combustion at high heat release rates at all scales, a modified approach with high recirculation is adopted in the present studies. Major geometrical dimensions are scaled as D similar to Q(1/3) with an air injection velocity of similar to 100 m/s (Delta p similar to 600 mm water gauge). Using CFD support, the position of air injection holes is selected to enhance the recirculation rates. The precise role of secondary air is to increase the recirculation rates and burn LIP the residual CO in the downstream. Measurements of temperature and oxidizer concentrations inside 3 kW, 150 kW burner and a jet flame are used to distinguish the combustion process in these burners. The burner can be used for a wide range of fuels from LPG to producer gas as extremes. Up to 8 dB of noise level reduction is observed in comparison to the conventional combustion mode. Exhaust NO emissions below 26 and 3 ppm and temperatures 1710 and 1520 K were measured for LPG and producer gas when the burner is operated at stoichiometry. (c) 2004 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper studies:(i)the long-time behaviour of the empirical distribution of age and normalized position of an age-dependent critical branching Markov process conditioned on non-extinction;and (ii) the super-process limit of a sequence of age-dependent critical branching Brownian motions.


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We study the energy current in a model of heat conduction, first considered in detail by Casher and Lebowitz. The model consists of a one-dimensional disordered harmonic chain of n i.i.d. random masses, connected to their nearest neighbors via identical springs, and coupled at the boundaries to Langevin heat baths, with respective temperatures T_1 and T_n. Let EJ_n be the steady-state energy current across the chain, averaged over the masses. We prove that EJ_n \sim (T_1 - T_n)n^{-3/2} in the limit n \to \infty, as has been conjectured by various authors over the time. The proof relies on a new explicit representation for the elements of the product of associated transfer matrices.


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Polymer nanocomposites containing different concentrations of Au nanoparticles have been investigated by small angle X-ray scattering and electronic absorption spectroscopy. The variation in the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band of Au nanoparticles with concentration is described by a scaling law. The variation in the plasmon band of ReO3 nanoparticles embedded in polymers also follows a similar scaling law. Sistance dependence of plasmon coupling in polymer composites f metal nanoparticles. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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We have derived explicitly, the large scale distribution of quantum Ohmic resistance of a disordered one-dimensional conductor. We show that in the thermodynamic limit this distribution is characterized by two independent parameters for strong disorder, leading to a two-parameter scaling theory of localization. Only in the limit of weak disorder we recover single parameter scaling, consistent with existing theoretical treatments.


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The thermodynamics of monodisperse solutions of polymers in the neighborhood of the phase separation temperature is studied by means of Wilson’s recursion relation approach, starting from an effective ϕ4 Hamiltonian derived from a continuum model of a many‐chain system in poor solvents. Details of the chain statistics are contained in the coefficients of the field variables ϕ, so that the parameter space of the Hamiltonian includes the temperature, coupling constant, molecular weight, and excluded volume interaction. The recursion relations are solved under a series of simplifying assumptions, providing the scaling forms of the relevant parameters, which are then used to determine the scaling form of the free energy. The free energy, in turn, is used to calculate the other singular thermodynamic properties of the solution. These are characteristically power laws in the reduced temperature and molecular weight, with the temperature exponents being the same as those of the 3d Ising model. The molecular weight exponents are unique to polymer solutions, and the calculated values compare well with the available experimental data.


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This paper studies the long-time behavior of the empirical distribution of age and normalized position of an age-dependent supercritical branching Markov process. The motion of each individual during its life is a random function of its age. It is shown that the empirical distribution of the age and the normalized position of all individuals alive at time t converges as t -> infinity to a deterministic product measure.


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Atomic vibration in the Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) gives rise to non-local interactions. In this paper, an expression for the non-local scaling parameter is derived as a function of the geometric and electronic properties of the rolled graphene sheet in single-walled CNTs. A self-consistent method is developed for the linearization of the problem of ultrasonic wave propagation in CNTs. We show that (i) the general three-dimensional elastic problem leads to a single non-local scaling parameter (e(0)), (ii) e(0) is almost constant irrespective of chirality of CNT in the case of longitudinal wave propagation, (iii) e(0) is a linear function of diameter of CNT for the case of torsional mode of wave propagation, (iv) e(0) in the case of coupled longitudinal-torsional modes of wave propagation, is a function which exponentially converges to that of axial mode at large diameters and to torsional mode at smaller diameters. These results are valid in the long-wavelength limit. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A 1.2 V/1.5 Ah positive-limited nickel/metal hydride cell has been studied to determine its charge-discharge characteristics at different rates in conjunction with its AC impedance data. The faradaic efficiency of the cell is found to be maximum at similar to 70% charge input. The cell has been scaled to a 6 V/1.5 Ah battery. The cycle-life data on the battery suggest that it can sustain a prolonged charge-discharge schedule with little deterioration in its performance.


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The leading order "temperature" of a dense two-dimensional granular material fluidized by external vibrations is determined. The grain interactions are characterized by inelastic collisions, but the coefficient of restitution is considered to be close to 1, so that the dissipation of energy during a collision is small compared to the average energy of a particle. An asymptotic solution is obtained where the particles are considered to be elastic in the leading approximation. The velocity distribution is a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in the leading approximation,. The density profile is determined by solving the momentum balance equation in the vertical direction, where the relation between the pressure and density is provided by the virial equation of state. The temperature is determined by relating the source of energy due to the vibrating surface and the energy dissipation due to inelastic collisions. The predictions of the present analysis show good agreement with simulation results at higher densities where theories for a dilute vibrated granular material, with the pressure-density relation provided by the ideal gas law, sire in error. [:S1063-651X(99)04408-6].