970 resultados para algal toxins


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Microcystins (MCs) are a potent liver tumor promoter, possessing potent tumor-promoting activity and weak initiating activity. Proto-oncogenes are known to be involved in the tumor-promoting mechanisms of microcystin-LR. However, few data are available on the effects of MCs oil proto-oncogenes in the whole animal. To investigate the effects of MCs on the expression profile of the proto-oncogenes in different organs, male Wistar rats were injected intravenously with microcystin extracts at a dose of 86.7 mu g MC-LR eq/kg bw (MC-LR eq, MC-LR equivalents). mRNA levels of three proto-oncogenes c-fos, c-jun and c-myc in liver, kidney and testis were analyzed using quantitative real-time PCR at several time points post-injection. Significant induction of these genes at transcriptional level was observed in the three organs. In addition, the increase of mRNA expression of all three genes was much higher in liver than in kidney and testis. Meanwhile, the protein levels of c-Fos and c-Jun were investigated by western blotting. Both proteins were induced in the three organs. However, elevations of protein levels were Much lower than those of mRNA levels. These findings suggest that the expression of c-fos, c-jun and c-myc might be one possible mechanism for the tumor-promoting activity and initiating activity of microcystins. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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An acute toxicity experiment was conducted to examine the distribution and depuration of microcystins (MCS) in crucian carp (Carassius aurutus) tissues. Fish were injected intraperitoneally with extracted MCs at a dose of 200 mu g MC-LR (where L = leucine and R = arginine) equivalent/kg body weight. Microcystin concentrations in various tissues and aquaria water were analyzed at 1, 3, 12, 24, and 48 h postinjection using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Microcystins were detected mainly in blood (3.99% of injected dose at 1 h), liver (1.60% at I h), gonad (1.49% at 3 h), and kidney (0.14% at 48 h). Other tissues, such as the heart, gill, gallbladder, intestine, spleen, brain, and muscle, contained less than 0.1% of the injected MCs. The highest concentration of MCs was found in blood (526-3,753 ng/g dry wt), followed by liver (103-1,656 ng/g dry wt) and kidney (279-1,592 ng/g dry wt). No MC-LR was detectable in intestine, spleen, kidney, brain, and muscle, whereas MC-RR was found in all examined fish tissues, which might result from organ specificity of different MCs. Clearance of MC-RR in brain tissue was slow. In kidney, the MC-RR content was negatively correlated with that in blood, suggesting that blood was important in the transportation of MC-RR to kidney for excretion.


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Studies on the colonization of environmentally extreme ground surfaces were conducted in a Mars-like desert area of Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China, with microalgae and cyanobacteria. We collected and mass-cultured cyanobacterial strains from these regions and investigated their ability to form desert crusts artificially. These crusts had the capacity to resist sand wind erosion after just 15 days of growth. Similar to the surface of some Chinese deserts, the surface of Mars is characterized by a layer of fine dust, which will challenge future human exploration activities, particularly in confined spaces that will include greenhouses and habitats. We discuss the use of such crusts for the local control of desert sands in enclosed spaces on Mars. These experiments suggest innovative new directions in the applied use of microbe-mineral interactions to advance the human exploration and settlement of space.


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Lake Dianchi is one of the most extensively impacted freshwater lakes by algal blooms. To investigate the response of dominant algal genera, neural networks were applied to model the relationship between water quality parameters and the biomass of four dominant genera (Microcystic spp., Anabaena sp., Quadricauda (Turp.) Breb, Pediastrum Mey) in Dianchi. Results showed that the timing and magnitude of algal blooms of Microcystic spp., nabaena sp., Quadricauda (Turp.) Breb, and Pediastrum Mey in Dianchi could be successfully predicted. The evaluation of environmental factors showed that pH had more significant impact on concentrations of all the four dominant algal genera than the nutrient factors, such as total phosphorus and total nitrogen.


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In the desert areas of China investigated by the authors, various biological crusts were predominately associated with three blue-green algal (cyano bacterial) species, Microcoleus vaginatus Gom., Phormidium tenue (Menegh.) Gom. and Seytonema javanicum (Mitz.) Born et Flah. Their biomass and their compressive strength were measured simultaneously in the field in this study. It was also found that the compressive strength of algal crusts was enhanced with the increasing of algal biomass from an undetectable level to a value as high as 9.6mg g(-1) dry soil. However, when the algal biomass decreased, the compressive strength did not descend immediately, but remained relatively steady. The higher the algal biomass became, the thicker were the algal crusts formed. Given the same biomass, the highest compressive strength of man-made algal crusts in fields was found at an algal ratio of 62.5% M. vaginatus, 31.25% P. tenue and 6.25% S. javanicum, and it reached 0.89kgcm(-2). When the biomass of the crusts increased above the value of 8.16 mg chl ag(-1) dry soil, the compressive strength would not ascend easily. It indicated that the compressive strength of man-made algal crusts appeared temporarily saturated in the field. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Man-made desert algal crusts were constructed on a large scale (3000m(2)) in Inner Mongolia, China. Microcoleus vaginatus was mass cultivated and inoculated directly onto unconsolidated sand dune and irrigated by automatic sprinkling micro-irrigation facilities. The crusts were formed in a short time and could resist the erosion of winds and rainfalls 22 days after inoculation. The maximum biomass in the man-made algal crusts could also reach 35 mu g Chl a/cm(2) of soil. Effects of environmental factors such as temperature, irrigation, rainfall and soil nutrients on algal biomass of man-made algal crusts were also studied. It was found that rainfalls and lower light intensity had significantly positive effects on the biomass of man-made algal crusts. The preliminary results suggested that man-made algal crusts could be formed rapidly, and thus it might be a new feasible alternative method for fixing unconsolidated sand. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The oligohaline cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs (A. flos-aquae) has been reported in several countries to produce paralytic shellfish poisons (PSPs) or protracted toxic effects. In the past years, A. flos-aquae blooms have occurred annually in the eutrophic Lake Dianchi (300 km(2) in area, located in southwestern China). Material from natural blooms dominated by A. flosaquae was collected and lyophilized. Acute toxicity testing was performed by mouse bioassay using extracts from the lyophilized material. Clear symptoms of PSPs, intoxications were observed. To confirm the production of PSPs, a strain of A. flos-aquae (DC-1) was isolated and maintained in culture. Histopathological effects were studied by examining the organ damages using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Slight hepatocytic damage with swollen mitochondria was found. The ultrastructural pulmonary lesions were characterized by distortied nuclei and indenting of karyotheca, together with degeneration and tumefaction of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Control animals injected with acetic acid did not exhibit histopathological damage in any organ. Toxic effects of cultured algal cells on enzymatic systems in the mouse were studied using sublethal doses of extracts. Significant glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) increases, together with decrease of the glutathione (GSH) level, were measured. These results indicated a potential role of PSPs intoxicating and metabolizing in the test animals. HPLC-FLD and LC/MS analysis of extracts from cultured material demonstrated the PSP toxins produced by A. flos-aquae bloom. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting chemically and toxicologically confirmed PSP toxins related to A. flosaquae in China. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Persistent bioaccumulative toxins (PBTs) are organic substances that are persistent, bioaccumulative and can cause severe toxic effects (e.g. potential oncogens, mutagenic, endocrine disrupters) to human health or environment which are the ones that need special attention. PBT chemicals could be released to the environment from several types of sources and are ubiquitous in environment. However, fast and efficiency monitoring and assessment methods to investigate PBTs in environment are still lacking. In this study, a cleaning-up procedure of analyzing PBTs in fuels combustion soot was developed and its performance was assessed through comparing the chromatograms of crude extracts with their cleaned extracts after the cleaning-up procedure. The results showed that polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) were the main components in fuel combustion soot and the clean-up procedure developed in this paper can be well used as the method of analyzing PBTs in fuels combustion soot.


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Microcystins, one type of the cyanobacterial toxins, show a broad range of hazardous effects on other organisms. Most of the researches on the toxic effects of microcystins have involved in animals and higher plants. Little work, however, has been done on evaluating the mechanisms of microcystin toxicity on algae. In this study, the toxicological effects of microcystin-RR (MC-RR) on the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus were investigated. For this purpose, six physio-biochemical parameters (cell optical density, reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and glutathione S-transferase (GST)) were tested in algal cells when exposed to 100 mug(-1) microcystin-RR. The results showed that the growth of Synechococcus elongatus ( expressed as optical density) was significantly inhibited compared with the control. At the same time, the treated algae exhibited a pronounced increase in production of ROS and MDA after 6 days exposure to microcystin-RR. Signi. cant changes in GSH levels and GSH-Px, GSH activities were also detected in algal cells, with higher values being observed in the toxin treated algae after 6 days exposure. GST activities in the treated algae exhibited a decline after exposure and rapid augmentation on day 3, thereafter, they kept at a high level when compared to the control group. GSH contents and GSH-Px activities were also significantly raised in the toxin-treated algae cells from day 3, but they showed a sharp decrease on day 4, which was the onward of cell proliferation. These results suggested that oxidative stress manifested by elevated ROS levels and MDA contents might be responsible for the toxicity of microcystin to Synechococcus elongatus and the algal cells could improve their antioxidant ability through the enhancement of enzymatic and non-enzymatic preventive substances.


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Substantial amounts of algal crusts were collected from five different desert experimental sites aged 42, 34, 17, 8 and 4 years, respectively, at Shapotou ( China) and analyzed at a 0.1 mm microscale of depth. It was found that the vertical distribution of cyanobacteria and microalgae in the crusts was distinctly laminated into an inorganic-layer (ca. 0.00 - 0.02 mm, with few algae), an algae-dense-layer ( ca. 0.02 - 1.0 mm) and an algae-sparse-layer ( ca. 1.0 - 5.0 mm). It was interesting to note that in all crusts Scytonema javanicum Born et Flah ( or Nostoc sp., cyanobacterium), Desmococcus olivaceus (Pers ex Ach., green alga) Laundon and Microcoleus vaginatus Gom. ( cyanobacterium) dominated at the depth of 0.02 - 0.05, 0.05 - 0.1 and 0.1 - 1.0 mm, respectively, from the surface. Phormidium tenue Gom. ( or Lyngbya cryptovaginatus Schk., cyanobacterium) and Navicula cryptocephala Kutz.( or Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grun. and N. cryptocephala together, diatom) dominated at the depth of 1.0 - 3.0 and 3.5 - 4.0 mm, respectively, of the crusts from the 42 and 34 year old sites. It was apparent that in more developed crusts there were more green algae and the niches of Nostoc sp., Chlorella vulgaris Beij., M. vaginatus, N. cryptocephala and fungi were nearer to the surface. If lichens and mosses accounted for less than 41.5% of the crust surface, algal biovolume was bigger when the crust was older, but the opposite was true when the cryptogams other than algae covered more than 70%. In addition to detailed species composition and biovolume, analyses of soil physicochemical properties, micromorphologies and mineral components were also performed. It was found that the concentration of organic matter and nutrients, electric conductivity, silt, clay, secondary minerals were higher and there were more micro-beddings in the older crusts than the less developed ones. Possible mechanisms for the algal vertical microdistribtion at different stages and the impact of soil topography on crust development are discussed. It is concluded that biomethods ( such as fine species distribution and biovolume) were more precise than mineralogical approaches in judging algal crust development and thus could be a better means to measure the potentiality of algal crusts in desert amelioration.


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Microcoleus vaginatus isolated from a desert algal crust of Shapotou was cultured in BG-11 medium containing 0.2mol l(-1) NaCl or 0.2mol l(-1) NaCl plus 100mg l(-1) sucrose, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) or hot water-soluble polysaccharides (HWP), respectively. Photosynthetic oxygen evolution rates, photosystem 11 activity (Fv/Fm) and dark respiration of NaCl-stressed cells were enhanced significantly by the added sucrose or EPS under salt stress conditions (0.2mol l(-1) NaCl). Compared with cells treated with salt alone, sodium contents in cells reduced significantly; the content of cellular total carbohydrate did not change, and intracellular sucrose, water-soluble sugar increased significantly following the addition of exogenous carbohydrates. Sucrose synthase (SS) activity of NaCl-stressed cells increased following the addition of sucrose, and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activity of NaCl-stressed cells increased following the addition of exogenous sucrose, EPS or HWP compared with cells stressed with NaCl only. The results suggested that the extruded EPS might be re-absorbed by cells of M. vaginatus as carbon source, they could increase salt tolerance of M. vaginatus through the changes of carbohydrate metabolism and the selective uptake of sodium ions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The microbiotic crust study is among new focuses in investigating on the desertification control. Based on determination of algal crusts with different successive ages (4-, 8-, 17-, 34-, 42-year-old) and unconsolidated sand in the desert area, species composition and clustering analyses were carried out in this study. Results on successional orientation revealed that (1) the abundance of Cyanophyta, specially of Scytonema javanicum gradually decreased; (2) the abundance of Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta and a species of Cyanophyta, Phormidium tenue increased; (3) the biodiversity increased gradually with the community succession; and (4) biomass of microalgae increased at the early stage, but decreased at the later stage due to the abundance of lichens and mosses. But, the speed of natural succession was so slow that the community-building species was still the first dominant species after 42 years, except that its dominant degree decreased just slightly. However, successive speed and trend were affected by water, vegetation coverage, terrain, time and soil physico-chemical properties as well, especially Mn content in the soil appeared to have a threshold effect.


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34-, 17-, 4-, 1.5-year old natural algal crusts were collected from Shapotou Scientific Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 40-day old field and greenhouse artificial algal crusts were in situ developed in the same sandy soil and the same place (37degrees27'N, 104degrees57'E). Their different cohesions both against wind force and pressure were measured respectively by a sandy wind-tunnel experiment and a penetrometer. On the basis of these algal crusts, the cementing mechanism was revealed from many subjects and different levels. The results showed that in the indoor artificial crusts with the weakest cohesion bunchy algal filaments were distributed in the surface of the crusts, produced few extracellular polymers (EPS), the binding capacity of the crusts just accomplished by mechanical bundle of algal filaments. For field crusts, most filaments grew toward the deeper layers of algal crusts, secreted much more EPS, and when organic matter content was more than 2.4 times of chlorophyll a, overmuch organic matter (primarily is EPS) began to gather onto the surface of the crusts and formed an organic layer in the relatively lower micro-area, and this made the crust cohesion increase 2.5 times. When the organic layer adsorbed and intercepted amounts of dusts, soil particles and sand grains scattered down from wind, it changed gradually into an inorganic layer in which inorganic matter dominated, and this made the crusts cohesion further enhanced 2-6 times. For crust-building species Microcoleus vaginatus, 88.5% of EPS were the acidic components, 78% were the acidic proteglycan of 380 kD. The uronic acid content accounted for 8% of proteglycan, and their free carboxyls were important sites of binding with metal cations from surrounding matrix.


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Bighead carp is one of the most important freshwater filter-feeding fish of Chinese aquaculture. In recent decades, there have been a number of contradictory conclusions on the digestibility of algae by bighead carp based on the results from gut contents and digestive enzyme analysis or radiolabelled isotope techniques. Phytoplankton in the gut contents of bighead carp (cultured in a large net cage in Lake Donghu) were studied during March-May. In biomass, the dominant phytoplankters in the fore-gut contents were the centric diatom Cyclotella (average 54.5%, range 33.8-74.3%) and the dinoflagellate Cryptomonas (average 22.8%, range 6.8-55.8%). Phytoplankton in water samples were generally present in proportionate amounts in samples from the fore-guts of bighead carp. The size of most phytoplankton present in the intestine of bighead carp was between 8 and 20 mum in length. Bighead carp was also able to collect particles (as small as 5-6 mum) much smaller than their filtering net meshes, suggesting the importance of mucus in collecting small particles, Examination of the change in the integrity of Cyclotella on passage through the esophagus of bighead carp indicated that disruption of the algal cell walls is principally by the pharyngeal teeth, explaining the previous contradictory conclusions. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The role of phosphorus cycling in algal metabolism was studied in a shallow lake, Donghu, in Wuhan using the methods of measuring cell quota C, N and P, and calculating nutrients uptake rate by algal photosynthesis. The mean daily phosphorus uptake rate of phytoplankton varied between 0.04-0.11 and 0.027-0.053 g/m2/d in station I and station II respectively. The turnover time of phosphorus in phytoplankton metabolism ranged from 0.75-5.0 days during 1979-1986. The available P was 0.176 (+/- 0.156) g/m3 (mean +/- SD) in 1982 and 0.591 (+/- 0.24) g/m3 in 1986. The relationship between P/B ratio (Y) and TP (X: mg/l) was described by the following regression equation Y = 1.163 + 0.512logX (r = 0.731, P < 0.001). The dynamics of algal biomass and algal species succession were monitored as the indicators of environmental enrichment. The small-sized algae have replaced the blue-green algae as the dominant species during 1979-1986. The small-sized algae include Merismopedia glauca, Cryptomonas ovata, Cryptomonas erosa, several species Cyclotella. There has been drastic decrease in algal biomass and an obvious increase in P/B ratio. A nutrient competition hypothesis is proposed to explain the reason of the disappearance of blue-green algae bloom. The drastic change in algal size and the results in high P/B ratio (reaching a maximum mean daily ratio of 1.09 in 1986) may suggest a transition of algal species from K-selection to r-selection in Lake Donghu.