804 resultados para addiction, treatment, alcohol, nicotine, dependence


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Background: The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic influences on the initiation of cigarette smoking, the persistence, quantity and age-at-onset of regular cigarette use in Brazilian families. Methods: The data set consisted of 1,694 individuals enrolled in the Baependi Heart Study. The heritability and the heterogeneity in genetic and environmental variance components by gender were estimated from variance components approaches, using the SOLAR (Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines) computer package. The mixed-effects Cox model was used for the genetic analysis of the age-at onset of regular cigarette use. Results: The heritability estimates were high (> 50%) for smoking initiation and were intermediate, ranging from 23.4 to 31.9%, for smoking persistence and quantity. Significant evidence for heterogeneity in variance components by gender was observed for smoking initiation and age-at-onset of regular cigarette use. Genetic factors play an important role in the interindividual variation of these phenotypes in females, while in males there is a predominant environmental component, which could be explained by greater social influences in the initiation of tobacco use. Conclusions: Significant heritabilities were observed in smoking phenotypes for both males and females from the Brazilian population. These data add to the literature and are concordant with the notion of significant biological determination in smoking behavior. Samples from the Baependi Heart Study may be valuable for the mapping of genetic loci that modulate this complex biological trait.


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O tabagismo é considerado a maior causa evitável de morbidade e mortalidade. O manuseio farmacológico da síndrome de abstinência de nicotina possibilita melhores taxas de cessação. Desenvolvemos um sistema de coleta de dados em nosso programa de assistência ao fumante, que inclui dois instrumentos novos: um escore para dependência de nicotina em fumantes de < 10 cigarros/dia e uma escala de conforto do paciente durante o tratamento do tabagismo. Descrevemos aqui os dois instrumentos, que estão em processo de validação.


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Acute alcohol consumption has been reported to decrease mean arterial pressure (MAP) during orthostatic challenge, a response that may contribute to alcohol-mediated hypotension and eventually syncope. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) increases during orthostatic stress to help maintain MAP, yet the influence of alcohol on MSNA during orthostatic stress has not been determined. We hypothesized that alcohol ingestion would blunt arterial blood pressure and MSNA responses to progressive lower body negative pressure (LBNP). MAP, MSNA, and heart rate (HR) were recorded during progressive LBNP (-5, -10, -15, -20, -30, and -40 mmHg; 3 min/stage) in 30 subjects(age 24 ± 1 yrs). After an initial progressive LBNP protocol (pre-treatment), subjects were randomly assigned to consume alcohol (0.8g ethanol/kg body mass; n=15) or placebo (n=15) and then repeated the progressive LBNP protocol (post-treatment). Alcohol increased (drug × treatment, P ≤ 0.05) resting HR (59 ± 2 to 65 ± 2 beats/min) and MSNA (13 ± 3 to 19 ± 4 bursts/min) when compared to placebo. While alcohol increased MAP (83 ± 2 to 87 ± 2 mmHg), these increases were also observed with placebo (82 ± 2 to 88 ± 1 mmHg; treatment, P < 0.05; drug × treatment, P > 0.05). During progressive LBNP, a prominent decrease in MAP was observed after alcohol (drug × time × treatment, P < 0.05), but not placebo. There was also a significant attenuated response in forearm vascular resistance (FVR) during progressive LBNP (drug × time × treatment, P < 0.05). MSNA and HR increased during all LBNP protocols, but there were no differences between treatments or groups (drugs). In summary, acute alcohol ingestion induces an attenuation in blood pressure response during an orthostatic challenge, possibly due to the effect that alcohol has on impairing peripheral blood vessel constriction.


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AIMS: To investigate pathways through which momentary negative affect and depressive symptoms affect risk of lapse during smoking cessation attempts. DESIGN: Ecological momentary assessment was carried out during 2 weeks after an unassisted smoking cessation attempt. A 3-month follow-up measured smoking frequency. SETTING: Data were collected via mobile devices in German-speaking Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 242 individuals (age 20-40, 67% men) reported 7112 observations. MEASUREMENTS: Online surveys assessed baseline depressive symptoms and nicotine dependence. Real-time data on negative affect, physical withdrawal symptoms, urge to smoke, abstinence-related self-efficacy and lapses. FINDINGS: A two-level structural equation model suggested that on the situational level, negative affect increased the urge to smoke and decreased self-efficacy (β = 0.20; β = -0.12, respectively), but had no direct effect on lapse risk. A higher urge to smoke (β = 0.09) and lower self-efficacy (β = -0.11) were confirmed as situational antecedents of lapses. Depressive symptoms at baseline were a strong predictor of a person's average negative affect (β = 0.35, all P < 0.001). However, the baseline characteristics influenced smoking frequency 3 months later only indirectly, through influences of average states on the number of lapses during the quit attempt. CONCLUSIONS: Controlling for nicotine dependence, higher depressive symptoms at baseline were associated strongly with a worse longer-term outcome. Negative affect experienced during the quit attempt was the only pathway through which the baseline depressive symptoms were associated with a reduced self-efficacy and increased urges to smoke, all leading to the increased probability of lapses.


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Nicotine influences cognition and behavior, but the mechanisms by which these effects occur are unclear. By using positron emission tomography, we measured cognitive activation (increases in relative regional cerebral blood flow) during a working memory task [2-back task (2BT)] in 11 abstinent smokers and 11 ex-smokers. Assays were performed both after administration of placebo gum and 4-mg nicotine gum. Performance on the 2BT did not differ between groups in either condition, and the pattern of brain activation by the 2BT was consistent with reports in the literature. However, in the placebo condition, activation in ex-smokers predominated in the left hemisphere, whereas in smokers, it occurred in the right hemisphere. When nicotine was administered, activation was reduced in smokers but enhanced in ex-smokers. The lateralization of activation as a function of nicotine dependence suggests that chronic exposure to nicotine or withdrawal from nicotine affects cognitive strategies used to perform the memory task. Furthermore, the lack of enhancement of activation after nicotine administration in smokers likely reflects tolerance.


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Introdução: A identificação de variantes genéticas que predispõem a maior susceptibilidade à dependência à nicotina pode ser importante para a prevenção e o tratamento do tabagismo. No contexto de medicina personalizada, os principais objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar se polimorfismos nos genes CHRNA2, CHRNA3, CHRNA5 e CHRNB3 estão associados com o nível de dependência em indivíduos fumantes e com o resultado do tratamento antitabágico. Métodos: Estudo de coorte com 1049 pacientes fumantes que receberam tratamento farmacológico (vareniclina, vareniclina e bupropiona, bupropiona e/ou terapia de reposição nicotínica). O sucesso na cessação tabágica foi considerado para os pacientes que completaram 6 meses de abstinência contínua. O teste de Fagerström para a dependência à nicotina (FTND) e o escore de consumo situacional Issa foram utilizados para avaliar a dependência à nicotina. A escala de conforto PAF foi utilizada para avaliar o conforto do paciente durante o tratamento. Os polimorfismos CHRNA2 rs2472553, CHRNA3 rs1051730, CHRNA5 rs16969968, CHRNA5 rs2036527 e CHRNB3 rs6474413 foram genotipados pela análise da curva de melting. Resultados: As mulheres portadoras dos genótipos GA e AA para os polimorfismos CHRNA5 rs16969968 e rs2036527 obtiveram maior taxa de sucesso no tratamento antitabagismo: 44,0% e 56,3% (rs16969968), 41,5% e 56,5% (rs2036527), respectivamente; em comparação com as mulheres portadoras do genótipo GG: 35,7% (rs16969968) e 34,8% (rs2036527), (P=0,03; n=389; P=0,01; n=391). Os genótipos GA ou AA para os rs16969968 e rs2036527 foram associados com maior OR para o sucesso em mulheres (OR=1,63; IC 95%=1,04-2,54; P=0,03 e OR=1,59; IC 95%=1,02-2,48; P=0,04; respectivamente), em um modelo multivariado. Não foi encontrada associação dos polimorfismos no gene CHRNA5 com o escore de FTND. Para os polimorfismos CHRNA2 rs2472553, CHRNA3 rs1051730 e CHRNB3 rs6474413 não foram encontradas associações significativas com os fenótipos estudados. Conclusão: Os polimorfismos rs16969968 e rs2036527 no gene CHRNA5 foram associados com maior taxa de sucesso no tratamento antitabagismo em mulheres. Estes resultados podem contribuir com avanços na terapêutica baseada em medicina personalizada


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O tabagismo é um problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo. Entre as mulheres, devido ao aumento da prevalência comparada aos homens, o tabagismo feminino tem merecido atenção. Para o enfrentamento, é necessário entender o fenômeno e criar estratégias mais adequadas que incluam aspectos emocionais e sociais da dependência do tabagismo. Este estudo buscou descrever os esquemas cognitivos, sintomas de ansiedade e depressão de 112 mulheres que procuraram tratamento para cessação do tabagismo e sua relação com o insucesso do tratamento. A coleta de dados incluiu roteiro de entrevista estruturada e escalas validadas para a população brasileira que têm o objetivo de avaliar os esquemas cognitivos, sintomas de ansiedade e de depressão, e aspectos da dependência do cigarro. O conhecimento de fatores emocionais envolvidos no tabagismo e sua cessação podem ser úteis às ações de apoio à mudança comportamental do fumante. Objetivo: Descrever o perfil psicológico de mulheres que buscam cessação do tabagismo quanto aos esquemas cognitivos, sintomas de ansiedade e depressão antes e depois do tratamento com Terapia Cognitivo- Comportamental em grupo, e analisar fatores que contribuem para o desfecho de cessação. O desenho do estudo foi longitudinal e transversal. Para avaliar os esquemas cognitivos, o Questionário de Esquemas de Young em sua forma curta foi utilizado. Os grupos de terapia cognitivo-comportamental foram realizados concomitantes ao cuidado usual por médicos do estudo. Esses profissionais foram treinados no protocolo do estudo e o seguimento foi realizado por telefone por um membro do estudo independente e cego. Resultados: Os resultados forneceram evidências de que esquemas cognitivos tiveram relação significativa com os sintomas de depressão e ansiedade, com a adesão e os resultados do tratamento (cessação do tabagismo)


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Alcohol Countermeasures, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Driver and Pedestrian Programs, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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We examined early social influences across stages of smoking within the context of a twin study using an environmental exposure specific to smoking: whether twins started smoking at the same time (simultaneous smoking initiation: SSI). We expected that SSI would be a good index of shared social influences on smoking initiation. Rates of SSI were indeed significantly higher in MZ twins and in twins who shared peers and classes, as well as in male twins. With the exception of regular smoking in females, we found no significant difference in estimates of genetic and environmental parameters between SSI and non-SSI pairs for any of the smoking measures that we examined (DSM-IV and Fagerstrom HSI measures of nicotine dependence; DSM-IV nicotine withdrawal; heavy smoking; and in males, regular smoking). For regular smoking in females, allowing for additional shared environmental influences associated with SSI only modestly reduced our estimates of additive genetic variance (56% vs. 68%). These results indicate the important social influences that may occur for smoking initiation do not appear to seriously bias estimates of genetic effects on later stages of smoking.