275 resultados para adaption


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An improved Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) for extracting phase and frequency of the fundamental component of a highly distorted grid voltage is presented. The structure of the single-phase PLL is based on the Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF) PLL and uses an All Pass Filter (APF) to generate the quadrature component from the single phase input voltage. In order to filter the harmonic content, a Moving Average Filter (MAF) is used, and performance is improved by designing a lead compensator and also a feed-forward compensator. The simulation results are compared to show the improved performance with feed-forward. In addition, the frequency dependency of MAF is dealt with by a proposed method for adaption to the frequency. This method changes the window size based on the frequency on a sample-by-sample basis. By using this method, the speed of resizing can be reduced in order to decrease the output ripples caused by window size variations.


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Glucocorticoid hormones are critical to respond and adapt to stress. Genetic variations in the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene alter hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and associate with hypertension and susceptibility to metabolic disease. Here we test the hypothesis that reduced GR density alters blood pressure and glucose and lipid homeostasis and limits adaption to obesogenic diet. Heterozygous GR βgeo/+ mice were generated from embryonic stem (ES) cells with a gene trap integration of a β-galactosidase-neomycin phosphotransferase (βgeo) cassette into the GR gene creating a transcriptionally inactive GR fusion protein. Although GRβgeo/+ mice have 50% less functional GR, they have normal lipid and glucose homeostasis due to compensatory HPA axis activation but are hypertensive due to activation of the renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system (RAAS). When challenged with a high-fat diet, weight gain, adiposity, and glucose intolerance were similarly increased in control and GRβgeo/+ mice, suggesting preserved control of intermediary metabolism and energy balance. However, whereas a high-fat diet caused HPA activation and increased blood pressure in control mice, these adaptions were attenuated or abolished in GRβgeo/+ mice. Thus, reduced GR density balanced by HPA activation leaves glucocorticoid functions unaffected but mineralocorticoid functions increased, causing hypertension. Importantly, reduced GR limits HPA and blood pressure adaptions to obesogenic diet.


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Kaolinite naturally occurs in the plate form for the interlayer hydrogen bond and the distortion and adaption of tetrahedron and octahedron. But kaolinite sheets can be exfoliated to nanoscrolls artificially in laboratory through multiple-step displacement intercalation. The driving force for kaolinite sheet to be curled nanoscroll originates from the size discrepancy of Si–O tetrahedron and Al–O octahedron. The displacement intercalation promoted the platy kaolinite sheets spontaneously to be scrolled by eliminating the interlayer hydrogen bond and atomic interaction. Kaolinite nanoscrolls are hollow tubes with outer face of tetrahedral sheet and inner face of octahedral sheet. Based on the theoretical calculation it is firstly reported that the minimum interior diameter for a single kaolinite sheet to be scrolled is about 9.08 nm, and the optimal 24.30 nm, the maximum 100 nm, which is verified by the observation of scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. The different adaption types and discrepancy degree between tetrahedron and octahedron generate various curling forces in different directions. The nanoscroll axes prefer the directions as [100], [1 �10], [110], [3 �10], and the relative curling force are as follows, [3 �10] > [100] = [1�10] > [110].


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Collecting has become a popular hobby within Western society, with collectables including anything from ‘bottle tops’ to ‘skyscrapers’. As the nature and size of these collections can impact upon the use of space in the home, the purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the collections, space in the home and the impacts on others. This qualitative study explores the experiences of 11 Australian collectors, investigating the motivations, practices and adaption techniques used within their urban home environment. The themes of sentimentality, sociability and spatial tensions, including physical, personal and use of space are discussed within the context of their home and family environments. Overall the practice of collecting objects is a complex, varied, sentimental and sociable activity, providing enjoyment, knowledge and friendships. Space can be a central consideration to the practice of collecting as collections shape and are shaped by the available space in a household.


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The study investigates the formal integration of English loanwords into the Swedish language system. The aim has been to analyse and describe the morphological/morphosyntactic and the orthographical integration of the loanwords. I have studied how the foreign language elements get accommodated to Swedish and which factors are relevant in the integration. The material for the study consists of Swedish newspapers published in Sweden and Finland in paper format (with a focus on the years 1975 and 2000) and newspapers in digital format on the net. The theoretical frame for the study is contact linguistics. The study is based on a sociolinguistic, structural and language political perspective on what language is, and what language contact is. The method used is usage-based linguistic analysis. In the morphological study of the loanwords, I have made both a quantitative and a qualitative study. I have analysed the extent to which loanwords show some indication of integration in Swedish, and to what extent they show no signs of integration at all. I have also analysed integration in relation to word classes i.e., how nouns, adjectives and verbs integrate and which factors are relevant for the result of the integration. The result shows that most loanwords (36 %) do not show any signs of being formally integrated in Swedish. They undergo neither inflectional, nor derivational changes. One fifth of the loanwords are inflected according to the rules of Swedish grammar. Nouns are generally more often than verbs placed in positions in the sentence where no formal adaption is needed. Almost all of the verbs in the material are inflected according to Swedish rules of grammar. Only 3 % of the loanwords are inflected according to English rules or are placed in an ungrammatical position in the sentence. The orthographical study shows that English loanwords very seldom get adapted to Swedish orthography. Some English vowel and consonant graphemes are replaced with Swedish ones, for example a, ay and ai are replaced with aj or ej (mail → mejl). The study also indicates that morphological integration is related to orthographical integration: loanwords that are inflected according to Swedish grammar are more likely to be orthographical integrated than loanwords that are inflected according to English grammar. The results also shows that the integration of loanwords are affected by mostly language structural factors and language political factors.


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Swan’s Lagoon, which is 125 km south-south-west of Townsville, was purchased by the Queensland Government as a beef cattle research station in 1961. It is situated within the seasonally-dry tropical spear grass region of North Queensland. The station was expanded from 80 km2 to 340 km2 by purchase of the adjoining Expedition block in 1978. The first advisory committee formed and initiated research in 1961. The median annual rainfall of 708 mm (28 inches) is highly variable, with over 80% usually falling in December–April. Annual evaporation is 2.03 metres. The 60% of useable area is mostly flat with low fertility duplex soils, of which more than 50% is phosphorus deficient. Natural spear grass-based pastures predominate over the station. Swan’s Lagoon research has contributed to understanding the biology of many aspects of beef production for northern Australia. Research outcomes have provided options to deal with the region’s primary challenges of weaning rates averaging less than 60%, annual growth rates averaging as little as 100 kg, high mortality rates and high management costs. All these relate to the region’s variable and highly seasonal rainfall—challenges that add to insect-borne viruses, ticks, buffalo fly and internal parasites. As well as the vast amount of practical beef production science produced at Swan’s Lagoon, generations of staff have been trained there to support beef producers throughout Queensland and northern Australia to increase their business efficiency. The Queensland Government has provided most of the funds for staffing and operations. Strong beef industry support is reflected in project funding from meat industry levies, managed by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and its predecessors. MLA has consistently provided the majority of operational research funding since the first grant for ‘Studies of management practices, adaption of different breeds and strains to tropical environments, and studies on tick survival and resistance’ in 1962–63. A large number of other agencies and commercial companies have also supported research.


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Indigofera linnaei (or Birdsville Indigo) is a native legume with widespread abundance in pastures across northern Australian, and occurs in all northern regions of Australia from the tropical Kimberleys and arid central Australia to subhumid coastal Queensland (Figure 1). I. linnaei in central Australia has been linked to canine fatalities due to the toxin indospicine. Indospicine, an analog of arginine, is an unusual non-protein amino acid found only in a number of Indigofera species including I. linnaei. Dogs are particularly sensitive to the heptatoxicity of indospicine, and while they do not themselves consume the plant, dogs have been poisoned indirectly through the consumption of indospicine-contaminated meat from horses and camels grazing in regions where I. linnaei is common (Hegarty and Pound 1988, FitzGerald et al 2011). I. linnaei is observed to occur in various forms from strongly prostrate in south-east Queensland to an erect shrub-like form growing to more than 50cm in height in some northern regions. It mostly occurs as a minor proportion of native pasture but denser stands develop under certain circumstances. The indospicine content of I. linnaei has not previously been reported outside of central Australia, and in this study we investigate the indospicine content of plant samples collected across various regions, including both prostrate and upright forms. All samples were collected in March-July, dried, milled and analysed by UPLC-MS/MS in an adaption of our method (Tan et al 2014). Indospicine was determined in all I. linnaei plant samples regardless of region or growth form (Table 1). Measured levels were in the range 159.5 to 658.8 mg/kg DM and indicate that this plant may pose a similar problem in all areas dependent on local seasonal abundance.


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Varttuminen vietnamilaisena Suomessa: 12 vuoden seurantajakso – Vietnamilaisten hyvinvointi ja sosiokulttuurinen sopeutuminen lapsena/nuorena sekä nuorena aikuisena Tämä tutkimus oli määrällinen pitkittäistutkimus lapsena tai nuorena vuosina 1979-1991 Suomeen saapuneiden vietnamilaisten akkulturaatiosta (kulttuurin muutoksista), psyykkisestä hyvinvoinnista ja sosiokulttuurisesta sopeutumisesta. Tutkimukseen osallistui ensimmäisessä vaiheessa (vuonna 1992) 97 satunnaisesti valittua vietnamilaista peruskoululaista ympäri maata, joita verrattin suomalaisiin luokkatovereihin. Seurantavaiheeseen (vuonna 2004) osallistui 59 ensimmäisessä vaiheessa mukana ollutta vietnamilaista, nyt iältään 20 – 31 -vuotiaita. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää mitkä tekijät ennustivat akkulturaation lopputuloksia, samalla huomioiden iän ja ympäristön (kontekstin) vaikutukset psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin ja sosiokulttuuriseen sopeutumiseen. Yksittäiset akkulturaatiodimensiot (kieli, arvot ja identiteetti) osoittautuivat tärkeämmiksi psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnille ja sosiokulttuuriselle sopeutumiselle kuin etniset, kansalliset tai kaksikulttuuriset profiilit, joissa yhdistyivät ao. kieli, arvot ja identiteetti. Identiteettimuutosta tapahtui (etniseen) vietnamilaiseen suuntaan ajan kuluessa, kun taas arvomuutosta tapahtui (kansalliseen) suomalaiseen suuntaan. Sekä suomen että vietnamin kielen taito lisääntyivät ajan myötä, millä oli myönteisiä vaikutuksia sekä psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin että sosiokulttuuriseen sopeutumiseen. Lähtötilanteen psyykkinen hyvinvointi ennusti hyvinvointia (masennuksen puutetta ja itsetuntoa) aikuisena, mutta sosiokulttuurinen sopeutuminen (koulumenestys) lapsena tai nuorena ei ennustanut kouluttautumista aikuisena. Parempi suomen kielen taito ja vähemmän identifioitumista suomalaiseksi aikuisena sekä masentuneisuuden puute ja vähemmän koettua syrjintää lapsena tai nuorena erottelivat psyykkisesti paremmin voivat aikuiset (ei-masentuneet) heistä, jotka olivat masentuneita. Parempaa kouluttautumista aikuisena ennustivat toisaalta vähemmän koettua syrjintää lapsena tai nuorena ja toisaalta aikuisena parempi suomen kielen taito, suurempi kansallisten (suomalaisten) itsenäisyysarvojen kannattaminen, mutta kuitenkin vähemmän identifioitumista suomalaisiin. Koetun syrjinnän merkitys psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnille, erityisesti lapsena tai nuorena, sekä sen pitkäaikaisvaikutukset psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnille ja sosiokulttuuriselle sopeutumiselle aikuisena osoittavat tarpeen puuttua varhain psyykkisiin ongelmiin sekä parantaa etnisten ryhmien välisiä suhteita. Avainsanat: akkulturaatio, psyykkinen hyvinvointi, sosiokultuurinen sopeutuminen, kieli, arvot, identiteetti, vietnamilainen, Suomi, lapset, nuoret, nuoret aikuiset


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The current day networks use Proactive networks for adaption to the dynamic scenarios. The use of cognition technique based on the Observe, Orient, Decide and Act loop (OODA) is proposed to construct proactive networks. The network performance degradation in knowledge acquisition and malicious node presence is a problem that exists. The use of continuous time dynamic neural network is considered to achieve cognition. The variance in service rates of user nodes is used to detect malicious activity in heterogeneous networks. The improved malicious node detection rates are proved through the experimental results presented in this paper. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Instituições de Ensino e Pesquisa possuem um papel fundamental na formação de seus profissionais considerando a ciência, tecnologia e o conhecimento que afetam toda a sociedade. A falta de um programa de gestão de resíduos, na maioria das instituições de ensino e pesquisa do país, tem levado, com certa frequência, a um descarte pouco responsável dos materiais residuais no ambiente, através das pias dos laboratórios ou do lixo comum, ou em muitos casos, resultando na geração de passivos ambientais acumulados precariamente por longo tempo à espera de um eventual tratamento. Entretanto, essas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), através de suas atividades de pesquisa, ensino e extensão, acabam gerando resíduos químicos perigosos, como os de laboratórios químicos. Nas Universidades, o volume de resíduos gerados é muito pequeno, porém a diversidade de resíduos é muito grande, o que dificulta o tratamento dos mesmos. Os resíduos químicos perigosos gerados no Instituto de Química situado no Pavilhão Reitor Haroldo Lisboa da Cunha da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, necessitam de procedimentos seguros de manejo para a sua passivação e/ou disposição final, já que eles requerem um descarte distinto daquele dado ao lixo doméstico, conforme estabelecidos na legislação. Este trabalho objetiva estudar os aspectos de gestão, saúde e segurança do trabalho relacionado ao manejo de resíduos gerados em laboratórios químicos, potencialmente perigosos, enfocando ações preventivas de minimização dos resíduos e o seu tratamento, particularmente nas fontes geradoras, estudando o caso dos laboratórios de Química Geral e Inorgânica comparando-os com o laboratório de Engenharia e Tecnologia de Petróleo e Petroquímica. O trabalho classificou-se como pesquisa exploratória e empírica através do estudo de caso. A metodologia utilizada constituiu-se da aplicação de um questionário, dirigido aos técnicos dos laboratórios, e observações, para avaliação do manejo de resíduos químicos perigosos de forma a propor uma possível adequação dos laboratórios às legislações vigentes, como as resoluções NBR RDC 306/04, CONAMA 358/05, das Fichas de Informação de Segurança, das Normas Regulamentadoras e a OHSAS 18001/07. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que os dois laboratórios estudados de Química Geral e Inorgânica não atendem, ainda, o que preconiza a legislação RDC 306/04 da ANVISA. Observa-se que os resíduos químicos perigosos são manejados inadequadamente, expondo a graves riscos físicos, químicos e de acidentes para os usuários dos laboratórios, além da poluição ambiental gerado pelo lançamento dos efluentes nas redes de esgoto, sem tratamento. O estudo corrobora para a necessidade da implementação do Programa de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Químicos Perigosos, da criação de uma Coordenação de Gestão Ambiental presidida por um especialista da área, da construção de saídas de emergência, com escadas de escape externo para os laboratórios estudados e, sobretudo, de capacitação permanente dos funcionários e alunos.


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西南地区在我国的经济发展和生态环境建设中占重要地位,但也是我国生态环境最脆弱的地区之一,生态系统退化,生态功能减弱,严重制约着西南林业的可持续经营与发展。本项目采用DNA 分子标记SSR 研究不同生境条件下粗枝云杉群体的遗传变异及其时空分布格局,考察遗传变异与复杂的山地生态环境间的潜在联系,系统地揭示粗枝云杉天然群体与环境系统相互作用的生态适应与分子进化机制。粗枝云杉适应性强,生长迅速,在植树造林和工业用材方面占有重要地位,研究成果可为中国西南部亚高山天然林的可持续经营及退化生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1. SSR 位点变异丰富,等位基因频率的分布格局多样。7 个SSR 标记全是多态位点,每位点的等位基因数变化范围为13~24,平均为19.9 个。SSR 位点的等位基因片段长度范围变化较大。73.1%的等位基因变异遵循逐步突变模型(SSM)而发生1 个重复基元的变化,22.3%和4.6%的变异分别按两阶段突变模型(TMP)发生1 个重复基元以上的变化和在SSR 位点侧翼区发生1 个碱基变化的插入-删除事件。 2. 粗枝云杉拥有中等偏高水平的遗传多样性和相对大的群体间遗传分化。通过分析代表10 个群体的250 个个体在7 个SSR位点的变化,调查了源自中国西南山区的粗枝云杉的微卫星变异。相当高的遗传多样性和强烈的群体分化发生在粗枝云杉中, 其群体平均Nei's 期望杂合度为0.707 , 群体间遗传距离为0.121~0.224(FST)和0.100~0.537(RST)。然而,群体间遗传距离与地理距离之间无相关性,从而排除了简单的距离分离模式并暗示迁移不是影响粗枝云杉遗传变异格局的主要因素。事实上,使用私有等位基因估算的基因流数量非常低,仅等于0.753。等位基因置换检验(Allele permutation tests)揭示逐步突变及遗传漂变都对群体间分化有贡献。另外,在多数位点检测到显著的群体间遗传差异,这个结果说明自然选择,假设通过环境压力,是引起粗枝云杉微地理分化的主要因素之一。根据SSR基因型,250 个粗枝云杉个体的70%被正确地归类入其各自的来源群体,结果表明微卫星(SSR)对区分来自中国不同生态地理位点的粗枝云杉基因型是有效的。 3. 在SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 位点,显著的群体间遗传结构被发现的,但三种标记间遗传分化程度和群体遗传关系有差异。利用来自10 个群体的247 个个体,我们报告了关于样本粗枝云杉群体间遗传关系的总体看法。根据各自对评价遗传关系的信息能力和适用性,SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 标记被选用,三种技术非常有效地区别这些基因型。使用的SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 标记分别估计平均Dice 相似性系数。Mantel 检验产生显著但相对低的共表型适合度(RAPD = 0.63£AFLP = 0.60和SSR = 0.75)。比较三种标记系统,RAPD 和AFLP 共表型指数相对高地相关(r =0.59),而RAPD 和SSR 及SSR 和AFLP 之间的相关系数分别是0.53 和0.35。所有系统树,包括不同标记资料结合获得的系统树,反映了多数群体依据它们的地理条件而成某种特定关系。结果暗示单个或结合标记系统能用来深入洞察粗枝云杉遗传研究,并且不同标记系统合并资料能提供更可靠的信息。 Southwestern region plays an important role in economic developmentand ecological construction in China. Yet, it is also one of the weak regionsof ecological environment in China with degraded ecosystem and imperfectfunction, which restricts the sustaining management and development ofsouthwestern forestry. The genetic variation and spatial distribution patternof P. asperata populations originating from different habitats wereinvestigated using SSR molecular markers in this study. The correlationsbetween genetic variation and ecological and environmental conditionswere detected, and the interaction between P. asperata populations andenvironmental system and the mechanism of ecological adaption -molecular evolution were revealed. Given the significant ecological andeconomic roles of the fast-growing and wide-adaptive species in reforestation and production of pulp wood and timber, the study couldprovide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for thesustaining management of subalpine natural forest, and the afforestationand rehabilitation of degraded ecosystem. The results are as follows: 1. The genetic variation at SSR loci was abundant and the distributionof allelic frequencies was uneven. All seven loci were polymorphic, and thenumber of alleles per locus varied from 13 to 24 with a mean valueequaling 19.9. The allele sizes at SSR loci were found to vary widely.73.1% of allelic variation followed stepwise mutation model (SSM) whichresults increase or decrease by one repeat type, and 22.3% and 4.6% wereresulted from two-phase mutation model (TMP) with allele size varying bymore than one repeat type and from insertion-deletion events in theflanking regions at SSR loci with a single basepair changing, respectively. 2. P. asperata possessed a moderate to high level of genetic diversityand considerable genetic differentiation. Microsatellite variation of P.asperata. originating from the mountains of southwestern China wasinvestigated by analyzing variation at seven SSR loci in 250 individualsrepresenting ten populations. A fair degree of genetic diversity and strongpopulation subdivision occurred with the mean gene diversity (H) of 0.707,and genetic distances among populations varying between 0.121 and 0.224(FST) and between 0.100 and 0.537 (RST). However, inter-populationgenetic distances showed no correlation with geographic distances between the population sites. This ruled out a simple isolation by distance modeland suggested that migration does not have a great impact. In fact, theamount of gene flow, detected using private alleles, was very low, equalingonly 0.753. Allele permutation tests revealed that stepwise-like mutations,coupled with genetic drift, could contribute to population differentiation.Moreover, significant genetic differences between populations weredetected at most loci. The results indicate that natural selection, presumablythrough environmental stress, may be one of the main factors causingmicro-geographical differentiation in the genetic structure of P. asperata.Based on SSR genotypes, 70% of the 250 individuals were correctlyclassified into their sites of origin. This suggests that microsatellites (SSRs) are effective in distinguishing genotypes of P. asperata originating fromdiverse eco-geographical sites in China. 3. Using a set of 247 individuals from ten P. asperata populations wereport an overview on the genetic relationship among the sampled P.asperata populations. RAPD, AFLP and SSR were used in terms of theirinformativeness and applicability for evaluate relationship and all threetechniques discriminated the genotypes very effectively. Mean Dicesimilarities coefficient were estimated using RAPD, AFLP and SSR,respectively. The Mantel test resulted in a significant but relatively low fit(RAPD = 0.63, AFLP = 0.60 and SSR = 0.75) of cophenetic values.Comparing the three marker systems to each other, RAPD and AFLP cophenetic indices were highly correlated (r = 0.59), while correlationcoefficient between RAPD and SSR was r = 0.53 and between SSR andAFLP was r = 0.35. For all markers a relatively high similarity indendrogram topologies was obtained although some differences wereobserved. All the dendrograms, including that obtained by the combineduse of all the marker data, reflect some relationships for most of thepopulations according to their geographic conditions. The results indicatethat single or combined marker system could be used to insight into geneticstudy in P. asperata and the combined data of different marker systems canprovide more reliable information.


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本文通过对高海拔两栖类西藏齿突蟾(Scutiger boulengeri)蝌蚪在实验室特定低温条件下的冷适应微空间行为分布的动态变化分析、温度耐受性实验及在不同适应温度的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶的酶量与活性比较分析, 探讨了高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的部分冷适应策略。 西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪在不同温度的行为分布是一连续、动态过程,需用多种检验方法综合利用才能进行判断;在15℃, 除低海拔分布的西藏齿突蟾种群外所有实验物种蝌蚪均符合负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布;在10℃, 高海拔两栖类蝌蚪均符合负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布;在5℃、0℃低温时,高海拔两栖类不同分组的西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪的负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布均呈现明显差异, 这可能与高海拔两栖类蝌蚪在低温条件下通过不断地改变其行为分布方式来避免自身被冻伤有关。野外观察表明:高海拔两栖类蝌蚪常选择与流动河水相连的静水水体这种微生境中生存, 蝌蚪应对环境温度极端变化会不断改变其行为分布方式来选择最佳生存温度以避免极端高、低温对自身身体的伤害, 这种对微生境的利用能力对高海拔两栖类蝌蚪耐受极端环境温度的变化极其重要。 两栖类蝌蚪的温度耐受性实验表明不同的驯化温度可以改变西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪、两栖类仙琴水蛙蝌蚪的最适温度、逃避温度,并具有显著影响。 随着驯化温度5℃、10℃逐渐升高, 其最适温度、逃避温度也在一定范围内升高,但驯化温度对低海拔的仙琴水蛙蝌蚪的最适温度、逃避温度的改变效应大于高海拔的西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪的改变效应, 仙琴水蛙蝌蚪对温度的耐受范围、最适温度和逃避温度的ARRS值都大于西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪, 这说明仙琴水蛙蝌蚪对环境温度变化的适应能力大于西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪。 高海拔地区不同分组的两栖类蝌蚪, 在0℃适应温度时, LDH5条带的酶相对含量最高,而在5℃、10℃、15℃适应温度时,LDH5条带的酶相对含量明显都降低, 这表明酵解作用是高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的一些组织在低温﹑缺氧环境中的重要供能方式。高海拔两栖类蝌蚪同一分组的LDH总酶活性总是表现为10℃适应温度的总酶活性最高,而对低海拔的两栖类蝌蚪则是0℃适应温度的总酶活性最高, 这说明高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH同工酶A、B两亚基基因活性在10℃时最高, 而低海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH同工酶A、B两亚基基因活性在0℃时最高。同时发现在15℃适应温度组的高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH电泳图谱都有第6条带,有可能由LDH - C亚基组成, 对高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH - C亚基只在15℃适应温度下才表达的机理还有待进一步的研究。 高海拔两栖类西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪通过行为分布方式的改变来选择最佳的生存温度, 这种温度选择过程与野外特定的微生境的存在密切相关, 现在由于人类对河道的不合理利用正在导致高海拔两栖类蝌蚪赖以生存的这种微生境逐渐消失, 这种微生境的消失将加速高海拔的两栖类种群数量衰退的进程。高海拔两栖类物种蝌蚪在低温(0℃)上表现出的同工酶多谱带说明,其A、B两亚基都有所表达,及其参与代谢的方式也是正常的,而低海拔两栖类物种蝌蚪只有A亚基表达的LDH5存在,因此其主要参与酵解过程,这种通过动物自身生理代谢方式的改变来适应极端环境温度条件的变化是高海拔两栖类蝌蚪能适应低温环境的重要策略。但高海拔物种的适应温度变化范围显著小于低海拔物种,对环境温度的变化适应能力有限,特别是对高温区域,因此全球气候变化可能对高海拔物种影响更为显著。 The partly cold-adaptation stratagem of the high altitude amphibian tadpole were researched in the laboratory by analyzing the high altitude amphibian tadpole of Scutiger boulengeri mainly on endpoints related to the dynamic variation of the micro-spatial behavior distribution patterns, the experiment of the temperature tolerance, and the enzyme content and activity of the lactic acid dehydrogenase(LDH) isozyme in special temperature condition. The behavior distribution of the Scutiger boulengeri tadpole is continuous and variable, but it can be figured out by multple testing ways. At 15℃, all of the experiment amphibian tadpoles behavior distribution fit both for the negative binomial distribution and NeymanⅡtype distribution except for the low altitude Scutiger boulengeri tadpoles. At 10℃, all of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles behavior distribution fit both for the negative binomial distribution and NeymanⅡtype distribution. At lower temperature, 5℃ and 0℃, the high altitude amphibian tadpoles of the Scutiger boulengeri at different groups behavior distribution fit for or don’t fit for behavior distribution respectively. It is denoted that the high altitude amphibian tadpoles probably avoid frostbiting by varying the behavior distribution patterns at low temperature condition. The high altitude amphibian tadpoles often actively select the special microhabitat which has the connected still water body and the flowing water body in the wild. It is important that tadpoles can endure the extreme temperature variety in this kind of microhabitat, because tadpoles can be better survival through select temperature condition through migrating in these kinds of microhabitats by varying their own behavior distribution patterns. Different acclimation temperature causes the significant change of preferred temperature(PT)、 avoiding temperature(AT) both in high altitude amphibian Scutiger boulengeri tadpoles and in low altitude amphibian Rana daunchina tadpoles in the temperature endurance experiment. With the acclimation temperature growing from 5℃ to 10℃. the PT and the AT of them would be uprise to some extent, but the effect of acclimation temperature on the PT and the AT of the tadpoles of Rana daunchina is more significant than the ones on the tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri, at the same, the effects on the temperature endurance range, the ARRs of the tadpoles of Rana daunchina would be stronger than the ones on the tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri. It is implied that the adaptation ability of tadpoles of Rana daunchina to the surroundings temperature alternation preferred to tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri. At 0℃ acclimation temperature, the LDH5 enzyme comparative content of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles at different groups was highest, but it becomes lower at 5℃、10℃、15℃ acclimation temperature. It indicated that the alcoholysis role was the important ways of applying energy for special tissue of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles in low-temperature and low-oxygen condition. The total enzyme activity of the LDH of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles in the same group always keeps the highest at 10℃ acclimation temperature, but the low altitude amphibian tadpoles’ was maximum at 0℃. It was denoted that the gene activity of LDH -A and LDH – B submit was highest at 10℃ acclimation temperature for the high altitude amphibian tadpoles, but the low altitude amphibian tadpoles’ was maximum at 0℃. Meanwhile, the LDH electrophoretogram of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles always composed of 6 stripes at 15℃ acclimation temperature,the extra stripe probably was composed by LDH-C submit。It is unknown why LDH-C expresses only under high temperature。. The high altitude amphibian tadpoles can select the most optimal temperature by changing their behavior distribution patterns ceaselessly, but this course of selecting the most suitable temperature correlated with the special microhabitat in the wild closely. Nowadays, this kind of microhabitat which the high altitude amphibian tadpoles rely on are lossing gradually for human being exploit the riverway unreasonably. The disappearing of the microhabitat would accelerate the decline of the high altitude amphibian population. Compare to one band of LDH5, which only composed by the LDH-A submit, presents in the low altitude amphibian at 0℃, the five bands which composed by the LDH-A and LDH-B are checked out, this means the species which occurred in the highland is more adaptable to the low temperature. It is an important stratagem for the high altitude amphibian tadpoles adapt to the limited low temperature depends on the animal energy metabolism change.However, this kind of adaption is restricted, the adaption range to the temperature is much norrow in the high altitude amphibian than in the low one, especially for the high temperature side. The global climate change will be more serious for the high altitude species.