998 resultados para adaptation plan


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The Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (the Reef Plan) is a joint initiative of the Australian and Queensland Governments. The Reef Plan aims to progress an integrated approach to natural resource management planning by building on the existing partnerships between the different levels of government, industry groups, the community and research providers within the Reef catchments, principally through partnerships with the regional natural resource management (NRM) bodies.


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P>Aim To evaluate by 3D profilometry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the marginal adaptation of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Sealer 26 placed in root-end cavities with direct vision or under an optical microscope. Methodology The root ends of 52 root filled canine teeth were filled with MTA or Sealer 26 under direct vision or optical microscope (n = 13). In each group, eight specimens were analysed by profilometry for measurement of the area and depth of gaps. In the other five specimens, gap area was measured using SEM to verify marginal adaptation and surface characteristic. Data were analysed by parametric (anova and Tukey) and non-parametric (Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn) tests. Results The assessment of the adaptation of both materials to dentine was not influenced by the mode of visualization, which was confirmed by both profilometry and SEM observations. The voids measured with profilometry for Sealer 26 under direct vision were significantly wider and deeper than those for MTA under direct vision (P < 0.05). In SEM, significantly larger gap areas were observed with Sealer 26 (P < 0.05). Conclusion Root-end cavities filled with MTA had smaller gaps and better marginal adaptation than Sealer 26.


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Utilization of salt affected wasteland by growing forage shrubs has enormous economic and environmental implication for developing countries like Pakistan, where approximately 6.3 million ha of the land is salt affected. Considering the importance of Atriplex and Maireana species, research has been conducted using their different species on the salt affected soils of Faisalabad. Most of Atriplex and Maireana species survived under the environmental conditions of Faisalabad and gave the good yield in the form of forage. Some of these species are woody and can be used for fuel purposes. Sixteen genotypes of Atriplex and Maireana were tested for their tolerance to waterlogging in order to identify halophytic fodder shrubs suitable for growth on secondary salt-affected and waterlogged farmland. The physiological and morphological responses of the species tested were typical of species with a generally poor tolerance to waterlogging. Despite this, some species (eg A. Amnicola) were surprisingly resistant, surviving up to five months of waterlogging at moderate salinity and high evapotranspirational demand. The most resistant species, A amnicola maintained higher transpiration rates, leaf water potentials and shoot extension rates than most other species during five weeks of waterlogging, and a return to control levels more quickly than other species after plots were drained. Although little morphological adaptation to waterlogged conditions was detected, a shallow and extensive lateral root system and the formation of many short aerenchymatous adventitious roots from procumbent branches appeared to advantage A. Amnicola in an environment highly heterogeneous in salinity and low in oxygen concentration. Shallow fibrous rooted species were quickly killed by waterlogging, although the procumbent branches of some individuals survived as clones if they developed adventitious roots.


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We compared changes in muscle fibre composition and muscle strength indices following a 10 week isokinetic resistance training programme consisting of fast (3.14 rad(.)s(-1)) or slow (0.52 rad(.)s(-1)) velocity eccentric muscle contractions. A group of 20 non-resistance trained subjects were assigned to a FAST (n = 7), SLOW (n = 6) or non-training CONTROL (n = 7) group. A unilateral training protocol targeted the elbow flexor muscle group and consisted of 24 maximal eccentric isokinetic contractions (four sets of six repetitions) performed three times a week for 10 weeks. Muscle biopsy samples were obtained from the belly of the biceps brachii. Isometric torque and concentric and eccentric torque at 0.52 and 3.14 rad(.)s(-1) were examined at 0, 5 and 10 weeks. After 10 weeks, the FAST group demonstrated significant [mean (SEM)] increases in eccentric [29.6 (6.4)%] and concentric torque [27.4 (7.3) %] at 3.14 rad(.)s(-1), isometric torque [21.3 (4.3)%] and eccentric torque [25.2 (7.2) %] at 0.52 rad(.)s(-1). The percentage of type I fibres in the FAST group decreased from [53.8 (6.6)% to 39.1 (4.4)%] while type lib fibre percentage increased from [5.8 (1.9)% to 12.9 (3.3)%; P < 0.05]. In contrast. the SLOW group did not experience significant changes in muscle fibre type or muscle torque. We conclude that neuromuscular adaptations to eccentric training stimuli may be influenced by differences in the ability to cope with chronic exposure to relatively fast and slow eccentric contraction velocities. Possible mechanisms include greater cumulative damage to contractile tissues or stress induced by slow eccentric muscle contractions.


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The Lewis dwarf (DW) rat was used as a model to test the hypothesis that growth hormone (GH) is permissive for new bone formation induced by mechanical loading in vivo. Adult female Lewis DW rats aged 6.2 +/- 0.1 months (187 +/- 18 g) were allocated to four vehicle groups (DW), four GH treatment groups at 32.5 mug/100 g body mass (DWGH1), and four GH treatment groups at 65 mug/100 g (DWGH2). Saline vehicle or GH was injected intraperitoneally (ip) at 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. before mechanical loading of tibias at 7:30 a.m. A single period of 300 cycles of four-point bending was applied to right tibias at 2.0 Hz, and magnitudes of 24, 29, 38, or 48N were applied. Separate strain gauge analyses in 5 DW rats validated the selection of loading magnitudes. After loading, double-label histomorphometry was used to assess bone formation at the periosteal surface (Ps.S) and endocortical surface (Ec.S) of tibias. Comparing left (unloaded) tibias among groups, GH treatment had no effect on bone formation. Bone formation in tibias in DW rats was insensitive to mechanical loading. At the Ec.S, mechanically induced lamellar bone formation increased in the DWGH2 group loaded at 48N (p < 0.05), and no significant increases in bone formation were observed among other groups. The percentage of tibias expressing woven bone formation (Wo.B) at the Ps.S was significantly greater in the DWGH groups compared with controls (p < 0.05). We concluded that GH influences loading-related bone formation in a permissive manner and modulates the responsiveness of bone tissue to mechanical stimuli by changing thresholds for bone formation.


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Fish occupy a range of hydrological habitats that exert different demands on locomotor performance. We examined replicate natural populations of the rainbow fishes Melanotaenia eachamensis and M. duboulayi to determine if colonization of low-velocity (lake) habitats by fish from high-velocity (stream) habitats resulted in adaptation of locomotor morphology and performance. Relative to stream conspecifics, lake fish had more posteriorly positioned first dorsal and pelvic fins, and shorter second dorsal fin bases. Habitat dimorphism observed between wild-caught fish was determined to be heritable as it was retained in M. eachamensis offspring raised in a common garden. Repeated evolution of the same heritable phenotype in independently derived populations indicated body shape divergence was a consequence of natural selection. Morphological divergence between hydrological habitats did not support a priori expectations of deeper bodies and caudal peduncles in lake fish. However, observed divergence in fin positioning was consistent with a family-wide association between habitat and morphology, and with empirical studies on other fish species. As predicted, decreased demand for sustained swimming in takes resulted in a reduction in caudal red muscle area of lake fish relative to their stream counterparts. Melanotaenia duboulayi lake fish also had slower sustained swimming speeds (U-crit) than stream conspecifics. In M. eachamensis, habitat affected U-crit of males and females differently. Specifically, females exhibited the pattern observed in M. duboulayi (lake fish had faster U-crit than stream fish), but the opposite association was observed in males (stream males had slower Ucrit than lake males). Stream M. eachamensis also exhibited a reversed pattern of sexual dimorphism in U-crit (males slower than females) relative to all other groups (males faster than females). We suggest that M. eachamensis males from streams responded to factors other than water velocity. Although replication of muscle and U,,it phenotypes across same habitat populations within and/or among species was suggestive of adaptation, the common garden experiment did not confirm a genetic basis to these associations. Kinematic studies should consider the effect of the position and base length of dorsal fins.


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The toadfishes Tetractenos hamiltoni and Torquigener pleurogramma (Tetraodontidae) possess occlusable yellow corneas. We examine the light transmission and location of the yellow/orange pigment throughout the cornea, the temporal properties of pigment migration and the ultrastructure of the pigmented processes during light- and dark-adaptation. Each species was dark-adapted during the day and light-adapted during the night and then exposed to either sun illumination or darkness for different lengths of time (0-70 min). Movement of corneal pigment could be induced in both species regardless of time of day or night. The pigment was able to migrate in a dorsal or ventral direction and changed from minimal to maximal pigmentation within 60 min. Three types of transmission curves were found with varying degrees of transmission in the 400-500 nm waveband, indicating that the pigment distribution is not uniform across the cornea; some areas of the cornea transmit near UV light, while others absorb blue light. The gradual change of the transmission characteristics in different areas of the cornea indicates the presence of different concentrations of a single type of pigment. Ultrastructural examination of the corneas showed that the layer containing the pigment is situated within the scleral cornea either surrounding (T. pleurogramma) or abutting (T. hamiltoni) an iridescent layer. Long sheet-like processes or chromatophores extending centrally from dorsal and ventral reservoirs are filled with pigment during the light-adapted state but empty in the dark-adapted state.


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When asked to compare two lateralized shapes for horizontal size, neglect patients often indicate the left stimulus to be smaller. Gainotti and Tiacci (1971) hypothesized that this phenomenon might be related to a rightward bias in the patients' gaze. This study aimed to assess the relation between this size underestimation and oculomotor asymmetries. Eye movements were recorded while three neglect patients judged the horizontal extent of two rectangles. Two experimental manipulations were performed to increase the likelihood of symmetrical scanning of the stimulus display. The first manipulation entailed a sequential, rather than simultaneous presentation of the two rectangles. The second required adaptation to rightward displacing prisms, which is known to reduce many manifestations of neglect. All patients consistently underestimated the left rectangle, but the pattern of verbal responses and eye movements suggested different underlying causes. These include a distortion of space perception without ocular asymmetry, a failure to view the full leftward extent of the left stimulus, and a high-level response bias. Sequential presentation of the rectangles and prism adaptation reduced ocular asymmetries without affecting size underestimation. Overall, the results suggest that leftward size underestimation in neglect can arise for a number of different reasons. Incomplete leftward scanning may perhaps be sufficient to induce perceptual size distortion, but it is not a necessary prerequisite.


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Functional knowledge of the physiological basis of crop adaptation to stress is a prerequisite for exploiting specific adaptation to stress environments in breeding programs. This paper presents an analysis of yield components for pearl millet, to explain the specific adaptation of local landraces to stress environments in Rajasthan, India. Six genotypes, ranging from high-tillering traditional landraces to low-tillering open-pollinated modern cultivars, were grown in 20 experiments, covering a range of nonstress and drought stress patterns. In each experiment, yield components (particle number, grain number, 100 grain mass) were measured separately for main shoots, basal tillers, and nodal tillers. Under optimum conditions, landraces had a significantly lower grain yield than the cultivars, but no significant differences were observed at yield levels around 1 ton ha(-1). This genotype x environment interaction for grain yield was due to a difference in yield strategy, where landraces aimed at minimising the risk of a crop failure under stress conditions, and modem cultivars aimed at maximising yield potential under optimum conditions. A key aspect of the adaptation of landraces was the small size of the main shoot panicle, as it minimised (1) the loss of productive tillers during stem elongation; (2) the delay in anthesis if mid-season drought occurs; and (3) the reduction in panicle productivity of the basal tillers under stress. In addition, a low investment in structural panicle weight, relative to vegetative crop growth rate, promoted the production of nodal tillers, providing a mechanism to compensate for reduced basal tiller productivity if stress occurred around anthesis. A low maximum 100 grain mass also ensured individual grain mass was little affected by environmental conditions. The strategy of the high-tillering landraces carries a yield penalty under optimum conditions, but is expected to minimise the risk of a crop failure, particularly if mid-season drought stress occurs. The yield architecture of low-tillering varieties, by contrast, will be suited to end-of-season drought stress, provided anthesis is early. Application of the above adaptation mechanisms into a breeding program could enable the identification of plant types that match the prevalent stress patterns in the target environments. (C) 2003 E.J. van Oosterom. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Desde a d??cada de 1990, o Governo Federal brasileiro vem implementando uma agenda ambiciosa de reformas do Estado, centradas na redu????o da pobreza e na melhoria da efici??ncia dos servi??os p??blicos. As principais prioridades, conforme previstas no Plano Plurianual (PPA) para o per??odo 2003-2007, s??o as seguintes: inclus??o social e redu????o da desigualdade; crescimento econ??mico com gera????o de emprego; distribui????o de renda e respeito ao meio ambiente; promo????o e amplia????o dos direitos de cidadania; e fortalecimento da democracia. No in??cio de 2006, o Governo criou a Pol??tica Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal (Decreto 5.707), com o objetivo de melhorar e aumentar a efici??ncia e a efic??cia na presta????o de servi??os p??blicos. No marco dessa pol??tica recente, as escolas de administra????o p??blica desempenham um papel fundamental na identifica????o das compet??ncias que precisam ser desenvolvidas nas institui????es do governo, bem como na implementa????o de pol??ticas de capacita????o para os servidores p??blicos, diretamente e/ou em parceria com escolas de governo nos n??veis federal, estadual ou local. O Canad?? tamb??m est?? criando uma estrutura para levantar as compet??ncias necess??rias para os servidores p??blicos e desenvolv??-las como um componente da Renova????o do Servi??o P??blico em todo o governo. Como institui????es l??deres no desenvolvimento de compet??ncias de servidores p??blicos, a Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) e a Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP) firmaram uma parceria para implementar o Projeto de Desenvolvimento de Capacidade de Governan??a no Brasil. A finalidade do Projeto ?? melhorar a capacidade de servidores p??blicos federais, estaduais e municipais do Brasil para desenvolver e implementar programas de capacita????o e gerenciar pol??ticas p??blicas descentralizadas. Espera-se que essa parceria e o resultante compartilhamento de experi??ncias em capacita????o para governan??a efetiva contribuam para a redu????o da pobreza e das desigualdades no Brasil, por meio do desenvolvimento de compet??ncias de servidores na presta????o de servi??os p??blicos eficazes e eficientes, voltados para o cidad??o. O Projeto re??ne, al??m das duas principais Escolas de Governo no Canad?? e no Brasil, seis Escolas Brasileiras de Administra????o P??blica regionais e duas renomadas Institui????es Acad??micas Canadenses ??? a Queen???s University e a Western Ontario University. O Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome (MDS) e tr??s Secretarias Especiais do Governo Federal ??? Ra??a (SEPPIR), Direitos Humanos (SEDH) e Pol??ticas para as Mulheres (SPM) ??? tamb??m se envolver??o nas atividades de compartilhamento de conhecimentos com o Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) e a Canada Public Service Agency (CPSA). A CIDA fornecer?? CND$1.700.000 por meio do Programa Brasil-Canad?? de Interc??mbio de Conhecimentos para a Promo????o da Equidade (PIPE). A contribui????o da ENAP ser?? de CND$1.069.707 em esp??cie. A CSPS contribuir?? com cursos, al??m de conhecimentos e suporte t??cnicos, avaliados em CND$1.000.000. Aproveitando a parceria entre a CSPS e a ENAP, que resultou na transfer??ncia e na adapta????o bem sucedidas de cursos e metodologias canadenses, o novo projeto extrapola o n??cleo do servi??o p??blico em Bras??lia, alcan??ando escolas de governo em regi??es brasileiras em situa????o de desvantagem. ?? semelhan??a do papel da CSPS no primeiro projeto, a ENAP fortalecer?? a capacidade das escolas parceiras regionais para capacitar servidores p??blicos envolvidos na presta????o de servi??os aos brasileiros. O interc??mbio estruturado entre Minist??rios dos Governos canadense e brasileiro tamb??m aplicar?? a aprendizagem mais diretamente a quest??es de pol??ticas e programas sociais do Brasil. O desafio assumido neste Projeto ?? a adapta????o de conhecimentos e aprendizagem, com vistas a melhorar a implementa????o de pol??ticas e programas sociais. Para tanto, a CSPS e a ENAP introduzir??o novos cursos nos curr??culos das escolas parceiras e incorporar??o novos m??todos e tecnologias de aprendizagem como, por exemplo, comunidades de pr??tica virtuais e um componente de tutoria (mentoring) envolvendo o Human Resources and Skills Development Canada e o Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome do Brasil. Seis institui????es da Rede Nacional de Escolas de Governo do Brasil e do Programa de Parceria da ENAP foram selecionadas e convidadas a se unir ?? CSPS e ?? ENAP nesse novo Projeto: a Universidade Federal do Par?? (UFPA), de Bel??m (estado do Par?? ??? regi??o Norte); a Funda????o Joaquim Nabuco (FUNDAJ), de Recife (Pernambuco ??? Nordeste); a Universidade Corporativa do Servi??o P??blico / Secretaria de Administra????o do Estado da Bahia (UCS/SAEB), Salvador (Bahia ??? Nordeste); a Escola de Governo do Mato Grosso do Sul (ESCOLAGOV), Campo Grande (estado do Mato Grosso do Sul ??? Centro-Oeste); a Escola Nacional de Ci??ncias Estat??sticas / Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat??stica (ENCE/IBGE), Rio de Janeiro (estado do Rio de Janeiro ??? Sudeste); e o Instituto Municipal de Administra????o P??blica (IMAP) de Curitiba (Paran?? ??? Sul). Essas escolas de refer??ncia foram escolhidas segundo sua capacidade de trabalhar como p??los de pr??ticas inovadoras em pol??ticas p??blicas e disseminar os benef??cios do Projeto para outras escolas em suas regi??es, por meio da Rede Nacional coordenada pela ENAP. O objetivo dessa parceria ?? fortalecer as escolas de governo locais, para que estas desenvolvam, por meio de eventos de aprendizagem, compet??ncias em servidores p??blicos, a fim de aumentar a capacidade do governo na implementa????o e gest??o de pol??ticas p??blicas. O Plano de Implementa????o do Projeto (PIP) descreve o trabalho a ser realizado por essas institui????es nos pr??ximos 30 meses, ao tempo em que serve de guia para os Parceiros do Projeto no que se refere ??s a????es e aos recursos necess??rios para a obten????o dos resultados acordados. Na medida em que o Projeto estiver em andamento e os parceiros iniciarem um interc??mbio produtivo de conhecimentos, o Plano de Trabalho Anual ser?? atualizado e revisto por meio de reuni??es anuais de avalia????o e encontros do Comit?? Diretor do Projeto, com vistas a assegurar que os resultados descritos no PIP sejam alcan??ados com sucesso


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O presente Plano Anual de A????o (PAA 2014) inscreve-se em clara continuidade com os precedentes exerc??cios program??ticos do programa EUROsocial II. No entanto, na medida que se passou o equador e se entra na reta final do Programa, se realizou um grande esfor??o para concentrar a????es e se focar em pa??ses que apresentam menos riscos e maiores condi????es de viabilidade para o alcance dos resultados esperados. Neste sentido, no ano 2014 vai representar um ponto de inflex??o, no que culminar?? grande parte das a????es do Programa, documentar-se-?? uma boa parte dos resultados conseguidos, projetando para o ano 2015 linhas de trabalho mais intersetoriais e estrat??gicas. Por conseguinte tem-se um PAA mais simplificado e melhor estruturado (de 10 ??reas tem??ticas passou-se a 4 macro-??reas), com uma dimens??o regional mais potente que tem permitido elevar a dimens??o estrat??gica do programa, e com a????es mais interconectadas e coerentes que respondem melhor a uma vis??o unit??ria do Programa. Neste exerc??cio de programa????o tanto os s??cios operativos como os s??cios coordenadores t??m sabido conjugar melhor os dif??ceis equil??brios que deve manter o programa: orienta????o a demanda vs. gest??o para resultados; dimens??o regional vs. abordagem de problem??ticas a n??vel nacional; dimens??o estrat??gica vs. dimens??o operativa. Tamb??m se incorporou algumas das recomenda????es realizadas por parte da avalia????o de meio de percurso que se realizou no segundo semestre do 2013.