1000 resultados para action specification
Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a nonenveloped virus that has been shown to pass from surface caveolae to the endoplasmic reticulum in an apparently novel infectious entry pathway. We now show that the initial entry step is blocked by brefeldin A and by incubation at 20degreesC. Subsequent to the entry step, the virus reaches a domain of the rough endoplasmic reticulum by an unknown pathway. This intracellular trafficking pathway is also brefeldin A sensitive. Infection is strongly inhibited by expression of GTP-restricted ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (Arf1) and Sar1 mutants and by microinjection of antibodies to betaCOP. In addition, we demonstrate a potent inhibition of SV40 infection by the dipeptide N-benzoyl-oxycarbonyl-Gly-Phe-amide, which also inhibits late events in cholera toxin action. Our results identify novel inhibitors of SV40 infection and show that SV40 requires COPI- and COPII-dependent transport steps for successful infection.
Phosphine (hydrogen phosphide, PH3) is the fumigant most widely used to protect stored products from pest infestation. Despite the importance of this chemical, little is known about its mode of action. We have created three phosphine-resistant lines (pre-1, pre-7, pre-33) in the model organism C. elegans, with LC50 values 2, 5, and 9 times greater than the fully susceptible parental strain. Molecular oxygen was shown to be an extremely effective synergist with phosphine as, under hyperoxic conditions, 100% mortality was observed in wild-type nematodes exposed to 0.1 mg/l phosphine, a nonlethal concentration in air. All three mutants were resistant to the synergistic effects of oxygen in proportion to their resistance to phosphine with one mutant, pre-33, showing complete resistance to this synergism. We take the proportionality of cross-resistance between phosphine and the synergistic effect of oxygen to imply that all three mutants circumvent a mechanism of phosphine toxicity that is directly coupled to oxygen metabolism. Compared with the wild-type strain, all three mutants have an extended average life expectancy of from 12.5 to 25.3%. This is consistent with the proposed involvement of oxidative stress in both phosphine toxicity and ageing. Because the wild-type and mutant nematodes develop at the same rate, the longevity is unlikely to be caused by a clk-type reduction in oxidative metabolism, a potential alternative mechanism of phosphine resistance.
Two experiments using a temporal occlusion paradigm (the first with expert and novice participants and the second with participants of intermediate skill) were conducted to examine the capability of tennis players to predict the direction of an opponent's service in situ. In both experiments two different response conditions, reflecting differing degrees of perception-action coupling, were employed. In a coupled condition players were required to make a movement-based response identical to that which they would use to hit a return of service in a game situation, whereas in an uncoupled condition a verbal prediction of service direction was required. Experiment 1 provided clear evidence of superior prediction accuracy under the coupled response condition when ball flight was available, plus some limited evidence to suggest that superior prediction accuracy under uncoupled response conditions might hold true if only advance (pre-contact) information was available. Experiment 2 showed the former finding to be a robust one, but was unable to reveal any support for the latter. Experiment 1 also revealed that expert superiority is more apparent for predictions made under natural (coupled) than uncoupled response-mode conditions. Collectively, these findings suggest that different perceptual processes may be in operation in anticipatory tasks which depend on skill level, the type of information presented, and degree of perception-action coupling inherent in the task requirements.
Functional genomics is the systematic study of genome-wide effects of gene expression on organism growth and development with the ultimate aim of understanding how networks of genes influence traits. Here, we use a dynamic biophysical cropping systems model (APSIM-Sorg) to generate a state space of genotype performance based on 15 genes controlling four adaptive traits and then search this spice using a quantitative genetics model of a plant breeding program (QU-GENE) to simulate recurrent selection. Complex epistatic and gene X environment effects were generated for yield even though gene action at the trait level had been defined as simple additive effects. Given alternative breeding strategies that restricted either the cultivar maturity type or the drought environment type, the positive (+) alleles for 15 genes associated with the four adaptive traits were accumulated at different rates over cycles of selection. While early maturing genotypes were favored in the Severe-Terminal drought environment type, late genotypes were favored in the Mild-Terminal and Midseason drought environment types. In the Severe-Terminal environment, there was an interaction of the stay-green (SG) trait with other traits: Selection for + alleles of the SG genes was delayed until + alleles for genes associated with the transpiration efficiency and osmotic adjustment traits had been fixed. Given limitations in our current understanding of trait interaction and genetic control, the results are not conclusive. However, they demonstrate how the per se complexity of gene X gene X environment interactions will challenge the application of genomics and marker-assisted selection in crop improvement for dryland adaptation.
Controversies In its present condition, rural Australia is characterised by a discourse of decline that sees country towns and regions as places of demoralisation and despair. From a Foucauldian governmentality perspective, those who live in these spaces are not so much 'powerless' to the demands of urban-based governments and global capital, as rendered governable according to the socio-political ambitions of late capitalism. While important insights have been derived from such analyses, it is argued in this paper that excessive attention is often paid to the power of the state with little concern for the various ways in which local people engage with, and transform the strategies and effects of state power. Rather than utilising the concept of resistance to make sense of these interactions, a sociology of translation is adopted from the Actor Network Theory literature. Applied to two case examples, it shows how governmental policies and programmes are frequently the outcome of the interactions and negotiations that take place between all those enrolled in the actor-network.
Nosso objetivo foi compreender o juízo da representação da ação de plágio de estudantes do segundo e terceiro anos do ensino médio, provenientes de escolas públicas e particulares de Vitória, Espírito Santo. Participaram 40 discentes entre 16 a 18 anos, que frequentavam três escolas públicas e duas privadas da cidade de Vitória-ES, divididos igualmente quanto a sexo e tipo de instituição. Nosso instrumento de pesquisa foi a um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado, contendo uma história-fictícia que envolveu o comportamento de plágio. As entrevistas foram realizadas individualmente, em consonância com o método clínico piagetiano e, como procedimento de análise dos protocolos, utilizamos a sistematização de categorias proposta por Delval. Avaliamos os juízos dos adolescentes com relação a representação da ação de plágio do personagem da história-fictícia contada, nos seguintes aspectos: se consideravam a ação certa ou errada, se o plagiário deve ou não ser punido e qual (is) a (s) penalidade (s) sugerida (s). Foram solicitadas as justificativas de todos os aspectos anteriormente mencionados. A partir dos dados encontrados, constatamos que a maior parte dos estudantes: 1) considerou que o plágio é uma atitude errada; 2) justificou ser errado, principalmente pela “negligência do aluno no cumprimento do trabalho”, pela “possibilidade de consequência negativa” e pela “ação ser incorreta”; 3) afirmou que o personagem “deve ser punido”; 4) analisou, como castigo para este ato, “fazer um novo trabalho”, uma “conversa” e “receber nota zero no trabalho” plagiado e, por fim, 5) justificou as sanções sugeridas em virtude da “oportunidade de aprendizado e/ou reflexão do aluno com a punição” da “adequabilidade da punição” e da “possibilidade de consequência negativa para o aluno”. Por outro lado, as razões dos poucos escolares que consideravam que o personagem da história “não deve ser penalizado” foram a favor da “ausência de especificação e/ou proibição pelo docente” e por causa do plágio ser um “fato rotineiro”. De maneira geral, os dados de nossa pesquisa mostram que os participantes sabem que é errado plagiar, reconhecem que não se deve fazer este ato e a maioria dos estudantes penalizou a conduta investigada. Esse trabalho pode contribuir para a ampliação dos estudos na área da moralidade e colaborar com subsídios teóricos para a elaboração de projetos de educação em valores morais que contemplem, de uma forma geral, o enfrentamento da desonestidade acadêmica e, especificamente, o plágio. Consideramos que a inserção desse conteúdo nas propostas de educação em valores morais contemporâneas poderá enriquecer a formação moral dos estudantes. Assim, esperamos, a partir dos resultados encontrados na presente pesquisa, subsidiar e promover a realização de outros estudos e propiciar discussões e ações sobre o referido tema, principalmente na Psicologia e na Educação.
The paper proposes a methodology especially focused on the generation of strategic plans of action, emphasizing the relevance of having a structured timeframe classification for the actions. The methodology explicitly recognizes the relevance of long-term goals as strategic drivers, which must insure that the complex system is capable to effectively respond to changes in the environment. In addition, the methodology employs engineering systems techniques in order to understand the inner working of the system and to build up alternative plans of action. Due to these different aspects, the proposed approach features higher flexibility compared to traditional methods. The validity and effectiveness of the methodology has been demonstrated by analyzing an airline company composed by 5 subsystems with the aim of defining a plan of action for the next 5 years, which can either: improve efficiency, redefine mission or increase revenues.
The lack of a commonly accepted de nition of a software component, the proliferation of competing `standards' and component frameworks, is here to stay, raising the fundamental question in component-based development of how to cope in practice with heterogeneity. This paper reports on the design of a Component Repository aimed to give at least a partial answer to the above question. The repository was fully speci ed in Vdm and a working prototype is currently being used in an industrial environment
Soybean genotypes grown in sub-tropical climate may exhibit lodging. The plant lodging is influenced by soil type and fertility level, sowing date, latitude and altitude of the location, plant population and conditions of crop development. Plant regulators and herbicides are able to avoid or reduce plant lodging. This study aimed to verify the effects of the growth regulators TIBA and daminozide on vegetative growth and yield of soybean cultivar CD 214 RR. The experiment was carried out at a field in randomized block design with four replications in a factorial scheme. The A factor was represented by the combination of regulators TIBA and daminozide and its concentrations, and the Factor B was seven times of evaluation of injury and plant height or eight times of evaluation of lodging. In the range of doses used, the application of daminozide resulted in greater injury to soybean plants than TIBA. The smaller plant height was achieved by the application of 6 g ha-1 of TIBA and 1200 g ha-¹ of daminozide. Treatments with daminozide (100 g ha-¹) and TIBA (10 g ha-1) stood out due to the reduced lodging of soybean plants. Grain weight increased linearly when the levels of TIBA increased. There was a negative correlation between lodging and grain yield and a positive correlation between plant height and lodging. There was also a negative correlation between injury caused by the application of plant regulators and lodging.