897 resultados para acid production


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Members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily have wide-ranging influences on many tissue and organ systems including the ovary. Two recently discovered TGF-beta superfamily members, growth/differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) and bone morphogenetic protein-15 (BMP-15; also designated as GDF-9B) are expressed in an oocyte-specific manner from a very early stage and play a key role in promoting follicle growth beyond the primary stage. Follicle growth to the small antral stage does not require gonadotrophins but appears to be driven by local autocrine/paracrine signals from both somatic cell types (granulosa and theca) and from the oocyte. TGF-beta superfamily members expressed by follicular cells and implicated in this phase of follicle development include TGF-beta, activin, GDF-9/9B and several BMPs. Acquisition of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) responsiveness is a pre-requisite for growth beyond the small antral stage and evidence indicates an autocrine role for granulosa-derived activin in promoting granulosa cell proliferation, FSH receptor expression and aromatase activity. Indeed, some of the effects of FSH on granulosa cells may be mediated by endogenous activin. At the same time, activin may act on theca cells to attenuate luteinizing hormone (LH)-dependent androgen production in small to medium-size antral follicles. Dominant follicle selection appears to depend on differential FSH sensitivity amongst a growing cohort of small antral follicles. Activin may contribute to this selection process by sensitizing those follicles with the highest "activin tone" to FSH. Production of inhibin, like oestradiol, increases in selected dominant follicles, in an FSH- and insulin-like growth factor-dependent manner and may exert a paracrine action on theca cells to upregulate LH-induced secretion of androgen, an essential requirement for further oestradiol secretion by the pre-ovulatory follicle. Like activin, BMP-4 and -7 (mostly from theca), and BMP-6 (mostly from oocyte), can enhance oestradiol and inhibin secretion by bovine granulosa cells while suppressing progesterone secretion; this suggests a functional role in delaying follicle luteinization and/or atresia. Follistatin, on the other hand, may favor luteinization and/or atresia by bio-neutralizing intrafollicular activin and BMPs. Activin receptors are expressed by the oocyte and activin may have a further intrafollicular role in the terminal stages of follicle differentiation to promote oocyte maturation and developmental competence. In a reciprocal manner, oocyte-derived GDF-9/9B may act on the surrounding cumulus granulosa cells to attenuate oestradiol output and promote progesterone and hyaluronic acid production, mucification and cumulus expansion.(C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel strain of Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB 41171, isolated from a faecal sample from a healthy human volunteer and able to express beta-galactosidase activity, was used in synthesis reactions for the production of galactooligosaccharide from lactose. The beta-galactosidase activity of whole bifidobacterial cells showed an optimum activity at pH 6.8-7.0 and 40 degrees C. The transgalactosylation activity of the B. bifidum cells from 50% (w/w) lactose resulted in a galactooligosaccharide mixture (20% w/w) comprising (w/w): 25% disaccharides, 35% trisaccharides, 25% tetrasaccharides and 15% pentasaccharides. Using different initial lactose concentrations, the conversion rate to galactooligosaccharides was maximum (35%) when 55% (w/w) lactose was used. In fermentation experiments, B. bifidum showed an increased preference towards the produced galactooligosaccharide mixture, displaying higher growth rate and short-chain fatty acid production when compared with commercially available oligosaccharides.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the survivability of Bifidobacterium breve NCIMB 702257 in a three malt-based media supplemented with cysteine and yeast extract, and to determine the protective effect of these growth factors. A number of parameterised mathematical models were used to predict of kinetics of viability and total acidity during storage at different temperatures. Results demonstrated a good fit to the experimental mathematical model. The Arrhenius equations showed only reasonable fits and the polynomial plots contained a large area without data between 4 and 25 degrees C. In addition, it was shown that cysteine promotes growth and acid production by bifidobacteria, but does not extend survivability. On the other hand, increasing the yeast extract content of the fermentation media enhances the survivability of B. breve. To our knowledge, this is the first study to address the modelling of the survivability of probiotic bacteria in a cereal based fermentation media at different temperatures, introducing a more quantitative approach to the study of the shelf-life of a probiotic product. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The fermentation of three arabinoxylan (AX) fractions from wheat by the human fecal microflora was investigated in vitro. Three AX fractions, with average molecular masses of 354, 278, and 66 kDa, were incorporated into miniature-scale batch cultures (with inulin as a positive prebiotic control) with feces from three healthy donors, aged 23-29. Microflora changes were monitored by the culture-independent technique, fluorescent in situ hybridization, and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) and lactic acid production were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. Total cell numbers increased significantly in all treated cultures, and the fermentation of AX was associated with a proliferation of the bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, and eubacteria groups. Smaller but statistically significant increases in bacteroides and clostridia groups were also observed. All AX fractions had comparable bifidogenic impacts on the microflora at 5 and 12 h, but the 66 kDa AX was particularly selective for lactobacilli. Eubacteria increased significantly on all AX fractions, particularly on 66 kDa AX. As previously reported, inulin gave a selective increase in bifidobacteria. All supplemented cultures showed significant rises in total SCFA production, with a particularly high proportion of butyric acid being produced from AX fermentation. The prebiotic effect, that is, the selectivity of AX for bifidobacteria and lactobacilli groups, increased as the molecular mass of the AX decreased. This suggests that molecular mass may influence the fermentation of AX in the colon.


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An unstructured mathematical model is proposed to describe the fermentation kinetics of growth, lactic acid production, pH and sugar consumption by Lactobacillus plantarum as a function of the buffering capacity and initial glucose concentration of the culture media. Initially the experimental data of L plantarum fermentations in synthetic media with different buffering capacity and glucose were fitted to a set of primary models. Later the parameters obtained from these models were used to establish mathematical relationships with the independent variables tested. The models were validated with 6 fermentations of L. plantarum in different cereal-based media. In most cases the proposed models adequately describe the biochemical changes taking place during fermentation and are a promising approach for the formulation of cereal-based probiotic foods. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Prebiotics and probiotics are increasingly being used to produce potentially synbiotic foods, particularly through dairy products as vehicles. It is well known that both ingredients may offer benefits to improve the host health. This research aimed to evaluate the prebiotic potential of novel petit-suisse cheeses using an in vitro fermentation model. Five petit-suisse cheese formulations combining candidate prebiotics (inulin. oligofructose. hone) and probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis) were tested in vitro using, sterile. stirred, batch culture fermentations with human faecal slurry. Measurement of prebiotic effect (MPE) values were generated comparing bacterial changes through determination of maximum growth rates of groups, rate of substrate assimilation and production of lactate and short chain fatty acids. Fastest fermentation and high lactic acid production, promoting increased growth rates of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. were achieved with addition of prebiotics to a probiotic cheese (made using starter + probiotics). Addition of probiotic strains to control cheese (made using just a starter culture) also resulted in high lactic acid production. Highest MPE values were obtained with addition of prebiotics to a probiotic cheese, followed by addition of prebiotics and/or probiotics to a control cheese. Under the in vitro conditions used, cheese made with the combination of different prebiotics and probiotics resulted in the most promising functional petit-suisse cheese. The study allowed comparison of potentially functional petit-suisse cheeses and screening of preferred synbiotic potential for future market use. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High spatial resolution vertical profiles of pore-water chemistry have been obtained for a peatland using diffusive equilibrium in thin films (DET) gel probes. Comparison of DET pore-water data with more traditional depth-specific sampling shows good agreement and the DET profiling method is less invasive and less likely to induce mixing of pore-waters. Chloride mass balances as water tables fell in the early summer indicate that evaporative concentration dominates and there is negligible lateral flow in the peat. Lack of lateral flow allows element budgets for the same site at different times to be compared. The high spatial resolution of sampling also enables gradients to be observed that permit calculations of vertical fluxes. Sulfate concentrations fall at two sites with net rates of 1.5 and 5.0nmol cm− 3 day− 1, likely due to a dominance of bacterial sulfate reduction, while a third site showed a net gain in sulfate due to oxidation of sulfur over the study period at an average rate of 3.4nmol cm− 3 day− 1. Behaviour of iron is closely coupled to that of sulfur; there is net removal of iron at the two sites where sulfate reduction dominates and addition of iron where oxidation dominates. The profiles demonstrate that, in addition to strong vertical redox related chemical changes, there is significant spatial heterogeneity. Whilst overall there is evidence for net reduction of sulfate within the peatland pore-waters, this can be reversed, at least temporarily, during periods of drought when sulfide oxidation with resulting acid production predominates.


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A partial differential equation model is developed to understand the effect that nutrient and acidosis have on the distribution of proliferating and quiescent cells and dead cell material (necrotic and apopotic) within a multicellular tumour spheroid. The rates of cell quiescence and necrosis depend upon the local nutrient and acid concentrations and quiescent cells are assumed to consume less nutrient and produce less acid than proliferating cells. Analysis of the differences in nutrient consumption and acid production by quiescent and proliferating cells shows low nutrient levels do not necessarily lead to increased acid concentration via anaerobic metabolism. Rather, it is the balance between proliferating and quiescent cells within the tumour which is important; decreased nutrient levels lead to more quiescent cells, which produce less acid than proliferating cells. We examine this effect via a sensitivity analysis which also includes a quantification of the effect that nutrient and acid concentrations have on the rates of cell quiescence and necrosis.


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Ancestral human populations had diets containing more indigestible plant material than present-day diets in industrialized countries. One hypothesis for the rise in prevalence of obesity is that physiological mechanisms for controlling appetite evolved to match a diet with plant fiber content higher than that of present-day diets. We investigated how diet affects gut microbiota and colon cells by comparing human microbial communities with those from a primate that has an extreme plant-based diet, namely, the gelada baboon, which is a grazer. The effects of potato (high starch) versus grass (high lignin and cellulose) diets on human-derived versus gelada-derived fecal communities were compared in vitro. We especially focused on the production of short-chain fatty acids, which are hypothesized to be key metabolites influencing appetite regulation pathways. The results confirmed that diet has a major effect on bacterial numbers, short-chain fatty acid production, and the release of hormones involved in appetite suppression. The potato diet yielded greater production of short-chain fatty acids and hormone release than the grass diet, even in the gelada cultures, which we had expected should be better adapted to the grass diet. The strong effects of diet on hormone release could not be explained, however, solely by short-chain fatty acid concentrations. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy found changes in additional metabolites, including betaine and isoleucine, that might play key roles in inhibiting and stimulating appetite suppression pathways. Our study results indicate that a broader array of metabolites might be involved in triggering gut hormone release in humans than previously thought. IMPORTANCE: One theory for rising levels of obesity in western populations is that the body's mechanisms for controlling appetite evolved to match ancestral diets with more low-energy plant foods. We investigated this idea by comparing the effects of diet on appetite suppression pathways via the use of gut bacterial communities from humans and gelada baboons, which are modern-day primates with an extreme diet of low-energy plant food, namely, grass. We found that diet does play a major role in affecting gut bacteria and the production of a hormone that suppresses appetite but not in the direction predicted by the ancestral diet hypothesis. Also, bacterial products were correlated with hormone release that were different from those normally thought to play this role. By comparing microbiota and diets outside the natural range for modern humans, we found a relationship between diet and appetite pathways that was more complex than previously hypothesized on the basis of more-controlled studies of the effects of single compounds.


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In advancing age, gut populations of beneficial microbes, notably Bifidobacterium spp., show a marked decline. This contributes to an environment less capable of maintaining homoeostasis. This in vitro investigation studied the possible synergistic effects of probiotic supplementation in modulating the gut microbiota enabling prebiotic therapy to in elderly persons. Single stage batch culture anaerobic fermenters were used and inoculated with fecal microbiota obtained from volunteers after taking a 28 day treatment of Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 (GanedenBC30 (BC30)) or a placebo. The response to prebiotic supplements fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and galactooligosaccharides (GOS) in the fermenters was assessed. Bacterial enumeration was carried out using fluorescent in situ hybridisation and organic acids measured by gas chromatography. Baseline populations of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Clostridium lituseburense and Bacillus spp. were significantly higher in those having consumed BC30 compared to the placebo. Both prebiotics increased populations of several purportedly beneficial bacterial groups in both sets of volunteers. Samples from volunteers having ingested the BC30 also increased populations of C. lituseburense, Eubacterium rectale and F. prausnitzii more so than in persons who had consumed the placebo, this also resulted in significantly higher concentrations of butyrate, acetate and propionate. This shows that consumption of BC30 and subsequent use of prebiotics resulted in elevated populations of beneficial genres of bacteria as well as organic acid production


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Objective: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of acrylic resins containing different percentages of silver and zinc zeolite, and to assess whether the addition of zeolite alters the flexural and impact strength of the resins. Background: The characteristics of acrylic resins support microorganism development that can threaten the health of the dentures user. Material and methods: A microwave-polymerised (Onda-Cryl) and two heat-polymerised (QC20 and Lucitone 550) acrylic resins were used. The materials were handled according to the manufacturers` instructions. Fifty rectangular-shaped specimens (8 x 10 x 4mm) were fabricated from each resin and assigned to 5 groups (n = 10) according to their percentage of Irgaguard B5000 silver-zinc zeolite (0%- control, 2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5% and 10%). Flexural strength and Izod impact strength were evaluated. The antimicrobial activity against two strains of Candida albicans and two strains of Streptococcus mutans was assessed by agar diffusion method. Data were analysed statistically by one-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test at 5% significance level. Results: The addition of 2.5% of Irgaguard B5000 to the materials resulted in antimicrobial activity against all strains. Flexural strength decreased significantly with the addition of 2.5% (QC20 and Lucitone 550) and 5.0% (Onda-Cryl) of Irgaguard B5000. The impact strength decreased significantly with the addition of 2.5% (Lucitone 550) and 5.0% (QC20 and Onda-Cryl) of zeolite. Conclusion: The addition of silver-zinc zeolite to acrylic resins yields antimicrobial activity, but may affect negatively the mechanical properties, depending on the percentage of zeolite.


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Agitation rate is an important parameter in the operation of Anaerobic Sequencing Biofilm Batch Reactors (ASBBRs), and a proper agitation rate guarantees good mixing, improves mass transfer, and enhances the solubility of the particulate organic matter. Dairy effluents have a high amount of particulate organic matter, and their anaerobic digestion presents inhibitory intermediates (e. g., long-chain fatty acids). The importance of studying agitation in such batch systems is clear. The present study aimed to evaluate how agitation frequency influences the anaerobic treatment of dairy effluents. The ASBBR was fed with wastewater from milk pasteurisation process and cheese manufacture with no whey segregation. The organic matter concentration, measured as chemical oxygen demand (COD), was maintained at approximately 8,000 mg/L. The reactor was operated with four agitation frequencies: 500 rpm, 350 rpm, 200 rpm, and no agitation. In terms of COD removal efficiency, similar results were observed for 500 rpm and 350 rpm (around 90%) and for 200 rpm and no agitation (around 80%). Increasing the system`s agitation thus not only improved the global efficiency of organic matter removal but also influenced volatile acid production and consumption and clearly modified this balance in each experimental condition.


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Depolymerization of cellulose in homogeneous acidic medium is analyzed on the basis of autocatalytic model of hydrolysis with a positive feedback of acid production from the degraded biopolymer. The normalized number of scissions per cellulose chain, S(t)/nA degrees A = 1 - C(t)/C(0), follows a sigmoid behavior with reaction time t, and the cellulose concentration C(t) decreases exponentially with a linear and cubic time dependence, C(t) = C(0)exp[-at - bt (3)], where a and b are model parameters easier determined from data analysis.


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Lactobacillus plantarum and subspecies of Lactobacillus casei were isolated from good quality mature Cheddar cheese and characterized with respect to metabolic functions that would allow their use in cheesemaking. In this way microbiological control of the maturation process with particular emphasis on protein catabolism was achieved. The lactobacilli isolated were selected for low growth rates (and acid production) in milk, and low proteinase activity to allow for their addition in high numbers to cheesemilk together with the normal starter flora (group N streptococci). The growth and acid production of the starter bacteria were unaffected by the presence of the lactobacilli during cheese manufacture and it was found that the added lactobacilli were able to grow and function under the conditions prevalent in Cheddar cheese during maturation. It was also demonstrated that the lactobacilli could be grown in an artificial medium to high numbers under controlled conditions and could be harvested for the preparation of cell concentrates, a necessary characteristic for commercialization. The lactobacilli also metabolized citrate, a potential problem in cheese maturation associated with C02 production but this did not adversely affect the maturation process under the conditions used. Compared to the group N streptococci the non-starter lactobacilli possessed a proteinase system that had a higher temperature optimum and was less affected by heat and sodium chloride. They also possessed a more active peptidase system although both the lactobacilli and the starter organisms possessed a similar range of peptidases. Non-starter lactobacilli were added to normal cheese and cheese made with proteinase negative starter. The added organisms did not adversely affect manufacturing parameters and did not metabolize citrate or lead to the formation of biogenic amines. However protein catabolism rates, particularly with respect to peptide degradation, were increased, as was flavour development and intensity. It was observed that the body and texture of the cheeses was unaffected by the treatment. By controlling both the starter and non-starter microflora in the cheeses a practical system for favourably influencing cheese maturation was possible. The investigation has demonstrated that carefully selected and characterized non-starter lactobacilli can be incorporated into Cheddar cheese manufacture in order to influence flavour development during maturation. Moreover the organisms can be added to the vat stage of manufacture without causing problems to the manufacturing process. This approach is a simple cost effective means of improving the cost of Cheddar cheese production and provides an unique opportunity to improve and control quality of all Cheddar cheese produced.


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The effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and highly effective degradation fungi Mucor mucedo (MU) was studied on corncob decomposition in Pyr-contaminated soil for 120 days to identify the impact of a degradable immobilized carrier on the remediation of soil contaminated by persistent organic pollutants. Results showed that the corncob was mainly composed of hemicelluloses, cellulose, and water dissolved (WD) material, which accounted for 85 percent of its total weight. MU addition significantly affected corncob decomposition. Thus, humic acid production and WD and benzene-ethanol dissolved material degradation increased. The peaking of the WD content was delayed for 30 days or more. The extractable pyrene content positively correlated with the WD content in the corncob during the decomposition. These results theoretically support a refined remediation principle of immobilized microorganisms.