994 resultados para accretion discs


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Survival, growth, above ground biomass accumulation, soil surface elevation dynamics and nitrogen accumulation in accreted sediments were studied in experimental treatments planted with four different densities (6.96, 3.26, 1.93 and 0.95 seedlings m-2) of the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Measurements were taken over a period of 1171 days and were compared with those from unplanted controls. Trees at the lowest density showed significantly reduced survival, whilst measures of individual tree growth did not differ significantly among treatments. Rates of surface sediment accretion (means ± S.E.) were 13.0 (±1.3), 10.5 (±0.9), 8.4 (±0.3), 6.9 (±0.5) and 5.7 (±0.3) mm yr-1 at planting densities of 6.96, 3.26, 1.93, 0.95, and 0 (unplanted control) seedlings m-2, respectively, showing highly significant differences among treatments. Mean (± S.E.) rates of surface elevation change were much lower than rates of accretion at 2.8 (±0.2), 1.6 (±0.1), 1.1 (±0.2), 0.6 (±0.2) and -0.3 (±0.1) mm yr-1 for 6.96, 3.26, 1.93, 0.95, and 0 seedlings m-2, respectively. All planted treatments appeared to accumulate greater nitrogen concentrations in the sediment compared to the unplanted control, and suggests one potential causal mechanism for the facilitatory effects observed; high densities of plants potentially contribute to the accretion of greater amounts of nutrient rich sediment. While this potential process needs further study, this study demonstrated how higher densities of mangroves enhance rates of sediment accretion and surface elevation, processes that may be crucial in mangrove ecosystem adaptation to sea level rise. There was no evidence that increasing plant density evoked a trade-off with growth and survival of the planted trees. Rather facilitatory effects enhanced survival at high densities, suggesting that local land managers may be able to take advantage of plantation densities to help mitigate sea-level rise effects by encouraging positive soil surface elevation increment, and perhaps even greater nutrient retention to promote mangrove growth and ameliorate nearshore eutrophication in tropical island environments.


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We calculate the chemical evolution of protoplanetary disks considering radial viscous accretion, vertical turbulent mixing, and vertical disk winds. We study the effects on the disk chemical structure when different models for the formation of molecular hydrogen on dust grains are adopted. Our gas-phase chemistry is extracted from the UMIST Database for Astrochemistry (Rate06) to which we have added detailed gas-grain interactions. We use our chemical model results to generate synthetic near- and mid-infrared local thermodynamic equilibrium line emission spectra and compare these with recent Spitzer observations. Our results show that if H2 formation on warm grains is taken into consideration, the H2O and OH abundances in the disk surface increase significantly. We find that the radial accretion flow strongly influences the molecular abundances, with those in the cold midplane layers particularly affected. On the other hand, we show that diffusive turbulent mixing affects the disk chemistry in the warm molecular layers, influencing the line emission from the disk and subsequently improving agreement with observations. We find that NH3, CH3OH, C2H2, and sulfur-containing species are greatly enhanced by the inclusion of turbulent mixing. We demonstrate that disk winds potentially affect the disk chemistry and the resulting molecular line emission in a manner similar to that found when mixing is included.


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We perform multidimensional radiative transfer simulations to compute spectra for a hydrodynamical simulation of a line-driven accretion disc wind from an active galactic nucleus. The synthetic spectra confirm expectations from parametrized models that a disc wind can imprint a wide variety of spectroscopic signatures including narrow absorption lines, broad emission lines and a Compton hump. The formation of these features is complex with contributions originating from many of the different structures present in the hydrodynamical simulation. In particular, spectral features are shaped both by gas in a successfully launched outflow and in complex flows where material is lifted out of the disc plane but ultimately falls back. We also confirm that the strong Fe Ka line can develop a weak, red-skewed line wing as a result of Compton scattering in the outflow. In addition, we demonstrate that X-ray radiation scattered and reprocessed in the flow has a pivotal part in both the spectrum formation and determining the ionization conditions in the wind. We find that scattered radiation is rather effective in ionizing gas which is shielded from direct irradiation from the central source. This effect likely makes the successful launching of a massive disc wind somewhat more challenging and should be considered in future wind simulations. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 RAS.


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We use a multidimensional Monte Carlo code to compute X-ray spectra for a variety of active galactic nucleus (AGN) disc-wind outflow geometries. We focus on the formation of blueshifted absorption features in the Fe K band and show that line features similar to those which have been reported in observations are often produced for lines of sight through disc-wind geometries. We also discuss the formation of other spectral features in highly ionized outflows. In particular, we show that, for sufficiently high wind densities, moderately strong Fe K emission lines can form and that electron scattering in the flow may cause these lines to develop extended red wings. We illustrate the potential relevance of such models to the interpretation of real X-ray data by comparison with observations of a well-known AGN, Mrk 766. Journal compilation © 2008 RAS.


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Ultraviolet and X-ray observations show evidence of outflowing gas around many active galactic nuclei. It has been proposed that some of these outflows are driven off gas infalling towards the central supermassive black hole. We perform radiative transfer calculations to compute the gas ionization state and the emergent X-ray spectra for both two- and three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamical simulations of this outflow-from-inflow scenario. By comparison with observations, our results can be used to test the theoretical models and guide future numerical simulations. We predict both absorption and emission features, most of which are formed in a polar funnel of relatively dense (10 -10 g cm ) outflowing gas. This outflow causes strong absorption for observer orientation angles of ?35°. Particularly in 3D, the strength of this absorption varies significantly for different lines of sight owing to the fragmentary structure of the gas flow. Although infalling material occupies a large fraction of the simulation volume, we do not find that it imprints strong absorption features in the X-ray spectra since the ionization state is predicted to be very high. Thus, an absence of observed inflow absorption features does not exclude the models. The main spectroscopic consequence of the infalling gas is a Compton-scattered continuum component that partially re-fills the absorption features caused by the outflowing polar funnel. Fluorescence and scattering in the outflow are predicted to give rise to several emission features including a multicomponent Fe Ka emission complex for all observer orientations. For the hydrodynamical simulations considered, we predict both ionization states and column densities for the outflowing gas that are too high to be quantitatively consistent with well-observed X-ray absorption systems. Nevertheless, our results are qualitatively encouraging and further exploration of the model parameter space is warranted. Higher resolution hydrodynamic simulations are needed to determine whether the outflows fragment on scales unresolved in our current study, which may yield the denser lower ionization material that could reconcile the models and the observations. © 2012 The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2012 RAS.


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Highly ionized fast accretion disc winds have been suggested as an explanation for a variety of observed absorption and emission features in the X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei. Simple estimates have suggested that these flows may be massive enough to carry away a significant fraction of the accretion energy and could be involved in creating the link between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies. However, testing these hypotheses, and quantifying the outflow signatures, requires high-quality theoretical spectra for comparison with observations. Here, we describe extensions of our Monte Carlo radiative transfer code that allow us to generate realistic theoretical spectra for a much wider variety of disc wind models than that was possible in our previous work. In particular, we have expanded the range of atomic physics simulated by the code so that L- and M-shell ions can now be included. We have also substantially improved our treatment of both ionization and radiative heating such that we are now able to compute spectra for outflows containing far more diverse plasma conditions. We present example calculations that illustrate the variety of spectral features predicted by parametrized outflow models and demonstrate their applicability to the interpretation of data by comparison with observations of the bright quasar PG1211+143. We find that the major features in the observed 2-10 keV spectrum of this object can be well reproduced by our spectra, confirming that it likely hosts a massive outflow. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 RAS.


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The Herbig Ae/Be stars are intermediate mass pre-main sequence stars that bridge the gap between the low mass T Tauri stars and the Massive Young Stellar Objects. In this mass range, the acting star forming mechanism switches from magnetically controlled accretion to an as yet unknown mechanism, but which is likely to be direct disk accretion onto the star. We observed a large sample of Herbig Ae/Be stars with X-shooter to address this issue from a multi-wavelength perspective. It is the largest such study to date, not only because of the number of objects involved, but also because of the large wavelength coverage from the blue to the near-infrared. This allows many accretion diagnostics to be studied simultaneously. By correlating the various properties with mass, temperature and age, we aim to determine where and whether the magnetically controlled mass accretion mechanism halts and the proposed direct disk accretion takes over. Here, we will give an overview of the background, present some observations and discuss our initial results. We will introduce a new accretion diagnostic for the research of Herbig Ae/Be stars, the HeI 1.083 µm line. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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To clarify some aspects of rock destruction with a disc acting on a high confined tunnel face, a series of tests were carried out to examine fracture mechanisms under an indenter that simulates the tunnel boring machine (TBM) tool action, in the presence of an adjacent groove, when a state of stress (lateral confinement) is imposed on a rock sample. These tests proved the importance of carefully establishing the optimal distance of grooves produced by discs acting on a confined surface, and the value (as a mere order of magnitude) of the increase of the thrust to produce the initiation of chip formation, as long as the confinement pressure becomes greater. © University of Science and Technology Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.


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(Abridged) The birth environment of the Sun will have influenced the conditions in the pre-solar nebula, including the attainable chemical complexity, important for prebiotic chemistry. The formation and distribution of complex organic molecules (COMs) in a disk around a T Tauri star is investigated for two scenarios: (i) an isolated disk, and (ii) a disk irradiated externally by a nearby massive star. The chemistry is calculated along the accretion flow from the outer disk inwards using a comprehensive network. Two simulations are performed, one beginning with complex ices and one with simple ices only. For the isolated disk, COMs are transported without major alteration into the inner disk where they thermally desorb into the gas reaching an abundance representative of the initial assumed ice abundance. For simple ices, COMs efficiently form on grain surfaces under the conditions in the outer disk. Gas-phase COMs are released into the molecular layer via photodesorption. For the irradiated disk, complex ices are also transported inwards; however, they undergo thermal processing caused by the warmer conditions in the irradiated disk which tends to reduce their abundance along the accretion flow. For simple ices, grain-surface chemistry cannot synthesise COMs in the outer disk because the necessary grain-surface radicals, which tend to be particularly volatile, are not sufficiently abundant on the grain surfaces. Gas-phase COMs are formed in the inner region of the irradiated disk via gas-phase chemistry induced by the desorption of strongly bound molecules such as methanol; hence, the abundances are not representative of the initial molecular abundances injected into the outer disk. These results suggest that the composition of comets formed in isolated disks may differ from those formed in externally irradiated disks with the latter composed of more simple ices.


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he double-detonation explosion scenario of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) has gained increased support from the SN Ia community as a viable progenitor model, making it a promising candidate alongside the well-known single degenerate and double degenerate scenarios. We present delay times of double-detonation SNe, in which a sub-Chandrasekhar mass carbon–oxygen white dwarf (WD) accretes non-dynamically from a helium-rich companion. One of the main uncertainties in quantifying SN rates from double detonations is the (assumed) retention efficiency of He-rich matter. Therefore, we implement a new prescription for the treatment of accretion/accumulation of He-rich matter on WDs. In addition, we test how the results change depending on which criteria are assumed to lead to a detonation in the helium shell. In comparing the results to our standard case (Ruiter et al.), we find that regardless of the adopted He accretion prescription, the SN rates are reduced by only ∼25 per cent if low-mass He shells (≲0.05 M⊙) are sufficient to trigger the detonations. If more massive (0.1 M⊙) shells are needed, the rates decrease by 85 per cent and the delay time distribution is significantly changed in the new accretion model – only SNe with prompt (<500 Myr) delay times are produced. Since theoretical arguments favour low-mass He shells for normal double-detonation SNe, we conclude that the rates from double detonations are likely to be high, and should not critically depend on the adopted prescription for accretion of He.


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It has been widely thought that measuring the misalignment angle between the orbital plane of a transiting exoplanet and the spin of its host star was a good discriminator between different migration processes for hot-Jupiters. Specifically, well-aligned hot-Jupiter systems (as measured by the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect) were thought to have formed via migration through interaction with a viscous disc, while misaligned systems were thought to have undergone a more violent dynamical history. These conclusions were based on the assumption that the planet-forming disc was well-aligned with the host star. Recent work by a number of authors has challenged this assumption by proposing mechanisms that act to drive the star-disc interaction out of alignment during the pre-main-sequence phase. We have estimated the stellar rotation axis of a sample of stars which host spatially resolved debris discs. Comparison of our derived stellar rotation axis inclination angles with the geometrically measured debris-disc inclinations shows no evidence for a misalignment between the two.


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We present optical spectra of pre-main-sequence (PMS) candidates around the Ha region taken with the Southern African Large Telescope in the low metallicity (Z) Galactic region Sh 2-284, which includes the open cluster Dolidze 25 with an atypical low metallicity of Z similar to 1/5 Z(circle dot). It has been suggested on the basis of both theory and observations that PMS mass-accretion rates, (M) over dot(acc), are a function of Z. We present the first sample of spectroscopic estimates of mass-accretion rates for PMS stars in any low-Z star-forming region. Our data set was enlarged with literature data of H alpha emission in intermediate-resolution R-band spectroscopy. Our total sample includes 24 objects spanning a mass range between 1 and 2 M-circle dot and with a median age of approximately 3.5 Myr. The vast majority (21 out of 24) show evidence for a circumstellar disk on the basis of Two Micron All Sky Survey and Spitzer infrared photometry. We find (M) over dot(acc) in the 1-2 M-circle dot interval to depend quasi-quadratically on stellarmass, with (M) over dot(acc) proportional to M-*(2.4 +/- 0.35), and inversely with stellar age, with (M) over dot(acc) proportional to t(*)(-0.7 +/- 0.4). Furthermore, we compare our spectroscopic (M) over dot(acc) measurements with solar Z Galactic PMS stars in the same mass range, but, surprisingly find no evidence for a systematic change in (M) over dot(acc) with Z. We show that literature accretion-rate studies are influenced by detection limits, and we suggest that (M) over dot(acc) may be controlled by factors other than Z(*), M-*, and age.


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External shocks to democratic systems are likely to threaten the stability of relations between the executive and the representative assembly. This article investigates the impact of the so-called “war on terror” on executive-assembly relations in comparative perspective. We analyze data from seven countries, which varied in terms of form of government, level of democracy, culture, social structure, and geographic location, to evaluate its effects. We find that whereas in some systems the “war on terror” altered the balance of power between the executive and the assembly, in other cases the extant balance of power was preserved. We postulate various conditions under which the constitutionally sanctioned balance of power is most likely to be preserved in times of crisis.


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Les facteurs de risque des maladies cardiovasculaires, telle, que la détérioration du profil lipidique, deviennent plus prononcés après la ménopause, ce qui fait de la maladie coronarienne, l’une des principales causes de décès chez les femmes ménopausées. Une proportion importante de femmes prennent du poids après la ménopause en particulier dans la région abdominale entraînant par conséquent des perturbations métaboliques. Des données récentes suggèrent également que l’absence des œstrogènes observée à la ménopause favorise le développement de la stéatose hépatique. Cette dernière a été incriminée pour incriminée dans le développement de la résistance à l'insuline, et est de ce fait considérée comme une composante hépatique du syndrome métabolique. Il est impératif d'établir des stratégies visant à contrecarrer l'accumulation de graisse dans le foie et l’accroissement du tissu adipeux chez les femmes ménopausées, en tenant compte que l'utilisation de l'hormonothérapie substitutive est de nos jours moins soutenue. Les quatre études de la présente thèse ont été conduites pour tenter de fournir des informations sur le traitement et la prévention de l’augmentation de la masse graisseuse et de la stéatose hépatique qu’entraîne la suppression des œstrogènes, à travers les modifications du mode de vie (diète et exercice physique) chez la rate ovariectomizée (Ovx); un modèle animal de la ménopause. Dans les deux premières études nous nous sommes concentrés sur l’augmentation de la masse graisseuse et sa reprise suite à une perte de poids. Dans la première étude, nous avons montré que les rates Ovx qui ont suivi un programme de restriction alimentaire (FR) ont diminué significativement (P < 0.01) leur poids corporel, leur contenu en graisses intra-abdominales ainsi que leurs triacylglycérols (TAG) hépatiques, comparativement aux rates Ovx nourries à la diète normale. De plus, l’entraînement en résistance (RT) a prévenu la reprise de poids corporel ainsi que l’accroissement du tissu adipeux et l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie des rates Ovx, après l’arrêt du régime amaigrissant. Les résultats de la deuxième étude ont confirmé l'efficacité de la restriction alimentaire associée à l’entraînement en résistance (FR + RT) dans la réduction du poids corporel, des lipides dans le foie et le tissu adipeux chez les rates Ovx. Tenant compte des résultats de notre première étude, l’entraînement en résistance seulement a constitué un atout pour atténuer le poids corporel et la masse grasse reprise par les rates Ovx suite à un programme de perte de poids (FR + RT); bien que l'impact ait été moindre comparé au maintien seul de la restriction alimentaire. De la même manière que la supplémentation en œstrogènes, les résultats de la troisième étude indiquent que l'entraînement en endurance mené concurremment avec l’ovariectomie a significativement atténué l'accumulation de lipides dans le foie ainsi que dans le tissu adipeux. Toutefois, l’entraînement en endurance effectué avant l'ovariectomie n'a pas protégé contre l'accumulation des graisses qu’entraîne l'ovariectomie, si celui-ci est interrompu après l'ovariectomie. Enfin, pour compléter les résultats antérieurs, nous avons montré dans la quatrième étude que l’expression des gènes impliqués dans la synthèse de lipide; SREBP-1c, SCD-1, ChREBP, et ACC dans le foie a augmenté après le retrait des œstrogènes, tandis qu’une diminution (P < 0.01) des niveaux d'ARNm de PPAR-α a été observée. De plus, l'expression hépatique des gènes des cytokines pro-inflammatoires incluant IKKβ, IL-6 ainsi que le contenu protéinique de NF-кB étaient augmentés (P < 0.01) chez les rates Ovx par rapport aux rates ayant subi une Ovx simulée (Sham). Toutes ces perturbations ont été améliorées avec la supplémentation en œstrogènes seulement, ainsi qu'avec l'entraînement en endurance seulement. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats indiquent que l'exercice physique (en résistance ou en endurance) a un impact significatif sur la réduction de l'accumulation des lipides dans le foie et dans le tissu adipeux des rates Ovx. De plus, chez les rates Ovx, l’entraînement en endurance mimerait les effets des œstrogènes sur l'expression des gènes impliqués dans l'accumulation de lipides et l’inflammation préclinique dans le foie.