999 resultados para Zorlini, Ottone, 1891-1967 - Pintor, escultor


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This is the River Exe Fisheries Survey 1966-1967 by the Devon River Authority. This is the fifth Fisheries Survey to be carried out in the initial series, other surveys having been carried out on the Rivers Teign, Torridge, Dart and Erme. The object of the survey was to examine the distribution and relative abundance of salmonid fish in the river system, in order to assess the possibility, or desirability, of increasing salmon smolt production of the river by artificial propagation or other means. The survey was carried out from middle May to end of July in 1966 when further survey work was prevented by high water levels, and from the end of June to the end of September in 1967. It contains a brief introduction of general aspects of the catchment, chemistry, pollution, biology and fisheries in the river, methodology that looks at the selected transects and techniques for sampling, results and recommendations. The results goes through totals of all salmonid fish caught, adults, parrs and estimations of parr population individually for salmo salar and salmo trutta. Maps with survey sections and fish indices along with tables with size distributions and totals of salmonids found are attached.


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Este documento reproduce parte de la magnífica e importante obra del P. Francisco José Sánchez Labrador realizada durante su estadía en América desde su arribo en 1734 hasta la expulsión de la orden en 1767. Esta versión digital corresponde al libro editado por la Compañía General Fabril Editora S. A. en 1968 y cuyo manuscrito fuera preparado bajo la dirección del Dr. Mariano N. Castex (imagen).


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Throughout the year the Fisheries Departments of Tanzania and Uganda continued to forward to EAFFRO data on the commercial fisheries of the lake. Regular records of commercial fishing activity In Kenya waters have not been received, appropriate information has been made available on request from the Chief Fisheries Officer. None of the research staff at EAFFRO have been assigned to a detail ed survey of the statistica1 data available, although severa1 research officers have taken the opportunity of analysing the data appropriate to their own research programmes. As recorded in the last Annual Report, an important feature of the UNDP Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project will be to undertake the relevant statistical surveys essential to the proper.


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The present report was prepared to evaluate the performance of two fishing vessels, study trends in fishing condition, the status of the stocks exploited and also to contribute basic information required by the Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission for management of the tuna resources.


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Suitable areas for fishing have been located in the middle and upper regions of the Mahanadi course of Hirakud reservoir. In the former the suitable period is during summer and beginning of monsoons, and in the latter in summer and winter months. The fishery of the reservoir is contributed by four species namely S. silondia, L. fimbriatus, C. mirgala and C. catla.


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球果蝠Sphaerias blanfordi(Thomas,1891)是亚洲南部喜马拉雅-印度支那地区的特有种,甚为罕见而少有报道.曾被认为是单型种,几乎无雄性特征的描述.蔡桂全和张遁治(1980)根据采自西藏东南部墨脱的2只雄性标本订了一亚种一墨脱亚种Sphaerias blanfordi motuoensis,其主要特征是颈下侧有一对灰黄色的圆形毛斑.中国科学院昆明动物研究所先后在云南西北部高黎贡山地区采获25号标本(9♂♂,16♀♀),发现球果蝠两性在外形上有明显的性别差异,雄性的颈下侧有一对圆形、灰黄色的刷状毛斑,但雌性均无;对比墨脱标本,认为墨脱亚种的鉴别特征不可靠,亚种不能成立.Lunde(2003)曾报道采自越南北部Mt.Tay Con Linh Ⅱ地区的43号标本,其前臂长和上犬齿外宽明显与印度、缅甸和云南西北部高黎贡山地区的标本不同,可能是真正的地理亚种.


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Chapman, T. (2004). Meibion Afradlon a Chymeriadau Eraill: Golwg ar y Dymer Delynegol, 1891-1940. Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru.


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14 fotografías, trece a color.


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Loidi (Lazaroa 4:74. 1983) corrigió en contra del CNF el nombre de la asociación "Chenopodio-Oxalidetum violaceae Br-Rl. 1967", basándose en la determinacion errónea de la especie de Oxalis presente en la comunidad, ya que se trata de Oxalis latifolia Kunth y no de O. violacea L., según experiencia directa y referencias anteriores (cf. LAINZ, Collect. Bot. Barcelona 5 (3): 684, y DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Oviedo, 15 (2): 482). Subsiguientemente, propuso el nombre Oxalidi latifoliae-Veronicetum persicae Br-Rl. 1967 corr. Loidi.