104 resultados para Zein


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"Limited to 500 copies, no. 361."


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Bionanocomposites systems clay base (montmorillonite and sepiolite), layered double hidroxides and biopolymers (carboxymethylcellulose and zein) were evaluated as topical delivery systems with antibacterial activity and as oral delivery systems. For this study, neomycin, a topical antibiotic, indicated mainly for open wound infections. The drug amoxicillin, an antibiotic indicated mainly for throat infections, were also used in this study. Both antibiotics were used as model drugs. Initially, drugs were incorporated directly into the biopolymer matrix, comprising the combination of carboxymethylcellulos and zein, being conformed as movies and balls and evaluated for their antibacterial activity and controlled release simulating gastrointestinal fluids. Moreover, hybrids materials have been prepared where the neomycin drug was incorporated into the lamellar inorganic solids, such as montmorillonite by ion exchange reaction, and the fibrous type, such as sepiolite by adsorption in aqueous solution. But the drug amoxicillin was incorporated into layered double hydroxides by anion exchange and montmorillonite by cation exchange. The resulting hybrids were in turn combined with the biopolymer matrix yielding bionanocomposites shaped materials such as films were tested for their antibacterial activity, and the shaped materials beads were tested for their release in the gastrointestinal fluids. Through the analysis of various physico-chemical techniques, we observed the interactions between the studied materials, the formation of hybrids materials, obtaining the bionanocomposites materials and material efficiency when applied in controlled release of drugs both topical and use oral mainly influenced by the presence of zein, are promising as topical delivery systems and oral drugs.


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In the mid-1980s, the magazine Projeto published the Actual Brazilian Architecture catalogue presenting texts by Hugo Segawa and Ruth Verde Zein with a corpus of works and engaged architects of the 1960s and 1970s. To comprehend the Brazilian architectural production post-1964, in those years of the 1980s, became a significant mission to reactivate the Brazilian architectural debate weakened by the military dictatorship. In his doctoral thesis Spadoni (2003) deals with the different ways which characterizes the Brazilian architectural production of the 1970s. Marked by inventiveness, this production was in tune with the modern thinking and in the transition period between the 1970s and the 1980s it synchronized with the international debate about post-modern architecture. Considering Spadoni s doctoral thesis, this work deals with the modern experience observed in the one-family-houses built in the seventies in João Pessoa. Some modern experiences were not clear outside, to observe it, it was necessary to search for the type of experience into the spatial disposition and of the know-how constructive, because into the appearance some houses not make explicit the use of the modern language. Other observed experiences allude to the repertoire of the Brazilian period in the years 1940s-1960s, to the experience of the modern architecture in São Paulo of the 1960s, to the experiences in which the climate of the Northeastern region strongly influenced the architectural conception. We can also find in a reduced number of houses a particular experience: it refers to experiences that expose the constructive doing, which leave the material apparent and apply to the residential type the experience of the industrial pre-fabricated buildings


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This paper studies modern houses built in the neighborhoods of Cabo Branco, Tambaú and Manaíra by the seafront in Joao Pessoa, built between 1960 and 1974. We start from the already widespread notion that Brazilian Modern Architecture was inspired by foreign ways, mainly European but also American here recast, adapted, often innovating repertoire and ideas received (Y. BRUAND, 2005; H. SEGAWA, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; M. M. ACAYABA e S. FICHER, 1982; M. B. C. ARANHA, 2008; F. C. L. LARA, 2001; R. V. ZEIN, 2005; L. E. AMORIM, 1999, C. V. STINCO, 2010). With this look, after a field study, we collected 61 specimens in the collection of the Central Archive of João Pessoa City Hall, in order to identify which reformulations, adaptations or innovations would exist in modern houses built along the coast in João Pessoa. As we try to analyze the houses by what the bibliography had suggested (G. C. ARGAN, 1992; L. CORBUSIER, 2002; C.E.D. e M. ADRIÀ, 2007; K. FRAMPTON, 1997; H. H. HITCHCOCK, 1976; L. BENEVOLO, 2004; R. DE FUSCO, 1992, N . PEVSNER, 2002; M. RAGON, 1986; B. RISEBERO, 1982; E. ROBBINS, 1997; W. J. R. CURTIS, 1982; V. SCULLY, 2003; B. ZEVI, 1984; D. DUNST, 1999; A. COLQUHOUN, 2002; R. WESTON, 2005; A. IÑAKI, 2006; J. PETER, 1994) the starting idea seemed to us not sufficiently developed. So we decided, first, to undertake a literature review comparing speech and image of modern houses most often cited by international and national literature, following a script freely inspired the Vitruvian triad: the functional and spatial (sectorization, guidance, spatiality, movement); constructive aspects (structural elements, modulation, deck, sealing), and aesthetic aspects (composition, apertures, ornaments) (Cap.1), then cast a look under this same route in 61 specimens obtained initially, trying to verify any specificities they would have (Cap.2). Failing to deepen the analysis of all these examples, we chose 10 projects which were redesigned and described in more detail to which we supplement with the aspects of place - location / lot location, access, axiality. (E. C. MAHFUZ, 2002; J. C. MIGUEL, 2000; E. C. CHEREGATI, 2007; M. COTRIM, 2007). (Cap. 3). The documentation and description resulting allowed us to approach some related questions about the canonical transcripts hybridizing, adoptions and any vernacular innovations of modern houses along the coast, We conclude that the appellants and anachronistic elements isolates found in each of the studied bind to the Brazilian Modern Architecture


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Haurrari dagokionez argi eta garbi azaltzen da aukeraketa onena zein den bizitzako lehen unean: amagandiko edoskitzea. Zenbaitetan biberoia pozoi gisa ere aurkeztu da, bere alde txarrak bizi guztirako ondorioak bihurtuta (LLL,web). Baina egoera aurrez aurre duzunean beharren aniztasuna ikusten duzu, batez ere umea elikatzeko aukeren aurrean. Eta bada askotan errepikatzen den zerbait: erruduntasun sentipena. Zergatik dauka edoskitzaroak hainbesteko garrantzia?


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133 p.


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Kapitalezko sozietate itxietan ohikoak izaten diren eskubide-abusu portaerak aztertzea da lanaren helburua. Horretarako lehenbizi, abusu kazu ohikoenen analisi txiki bat egin da, eta behin arazoa identifikatuta azkertu zein den ordenamenduak ematen duen erantzuna, ikusteko zein neurri har daitezkeen abusuari amaiera jartzeko.


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Lanaren lehen atalean zigor-arloko bitartekaritzak Zigor Zuzenbidearen zein Zigor-arloko Prozesuaren helburuekin duen lotura azalduko da, aldarrikatu ahal izateko justizia leheneratzailea hauek jarraitzen dituzten funtzio edo jomugekin guztiz bateragarria dela. Bestalde, bigarren atal batean, zigor-arloko bitartekaritzak Espainian duen presentziari erreparatuko zaio


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[ES] el objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar las características generales de la actual realidad penitenciaria en cuanto a la pena de prisión y las penas alternativas. Se analiza la pena de prisión desde una perspectiva crítica dando a conocer las limitaciones que presenta la prisión en cuanto a los derechos de las personas presas y haciendo una descripción sobre los principales efectos negativos que genera sobre estas personas. Desde la consolidación del Código Penal de 1995 hasta la última reforma penal de 2015 se ha dado un incremento constante de la dureza de las penas, aumentando la duración de la pena de prisión y su cumplimiento dentro de la prisión. Consecuentemente, se reduce la aplicación de las penas alternativas a la prisión, contrariando así el principio constitucional descrito en el artículo 25.2 orientado a la resocialización del penado y el principio de intervención mínima o ultima ratio del Derecho Penal.


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[eus] Lan honen helburua analisi dimentsionala nola erabiltzen den modu sinplean azaltzea da. Lana hiru zatitan banatuta dago. Lehenengo atalean analisi dimentsionalaren oinarriak aurkezten dira,teorema garrantzitsuenak nola erabili eta problemak nola ebatzi deskribatuz. Bigarren zatian, jariakinen mekanika eta dinamikako problemetan askotan agertzen diren zenbaki adimentsional ezagunenak zerrendatzen dira, eta bakoitza zein kasutan den garrantzitsua azaltzen da. Bukatzeko, analisi dimentsionalaren aplikazio nagusia aztertzen da azken atalean: modelaketa.