986 resultados para Younger Dryas Stadial


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本文所研究的区域是西赤道太平洋的两个边缘海盆-苏禄海和南中国海。这两个边缘盆地具有明显不同的水文特征,南中国海底层水冷(<4 ℃)并且通气较好(溶解氧浓度>1.75ml/l),而苏禄海底层水温暖(>10 ℃)并且含氧量低(溶解氧浓度<1.25ml/l)。这些不同的水文特征导致了不同的沉积环境,同时两个海盆的沉积记录也包含了这些水文条件在不同地质时间上如何变化的历史。笔者分别对南中国海的GGC-6孔(12°09'1''E,118°03'9'',水深2775米)和苏禄海的GGC-29孔(8°17'7''E,118°49'9''N,水深1535米)的浮游和底栖有孔虫动物群进行了系统地分析鉴定和统计,并用转换函数对古温度进行了分析,力求通过有孔虫化石群的面貌和定量古生态分析来反映古气候的变化。通过对浮游有孔虫氧同位素环境效应的分析来探索本区的古气候变化。此外还对沉积物中的有机碳和碳酸钙的含量进行了测试和分析。通过上述工作我们得出以下几点认识:1、氧同位素和古水温记录可分末次冰期和全新世两期,由于岩心的长度所限地质记寻年代较短为24000年左右。2、浮游有孔虫G.Grassaformis的最后出现是苏禄海末次冰期极盛时(~18000B.P)重要的地质界线。3、发现在北欧地区短暂寒冷的仙女木期(Younger dryas)在本区也有发现。这在一定程度上说明了仙女木期存在的全球性。4、本区末次冰期与全新世的夏季表层古水温相差不到2 ℃与CLIMAP(1976)赤道太平洋末次冰期以来古水温度的模拟结果相附。冬季表层水温相差较大为3.5 ℃左右。5、瓷质壳底栖有孔虫的繁盛和翼足类的大量保存是苏禄海冰期时底层暖水的良好指示标志。6、本区有机碳的含量反映了底层水含氧浓度的变化。高有机碳代表低氧浓度,低有机碳代表高氧浓度。南中国海一直受到西北太平洋水体的影响,致使其底层水一直处于充氧状态,只是在冰期最盛时稍有降低。而苏禄海底层水氧浓度较低,尤其是末次冰期极盛时隔绝状态加强,大量的降水使表层海水淡化分层,致使底层水缺氧状态加剧。7、本区做为西赤道太平洋的边缘海,其CaCO_3旋回模式却与太平洋相反,而与大西洋一致,即冰期碳酸钙含量低,全新世冰后期碳酸钙含量高。冰期陆源物质供应的加强和全新世浮游有孔虫生产力的提高是控制本区碳酸钙旋回的主要因素。此外,冰期海水溶解作用的加强是南中国海冰期低CaCO_3含量的另一个重要原因,而苏禄海的碳酸钙沉积受海水溶解作用的影响却很小。8、浮游有孔虫N.dutertrei的大量增加和相对较轻的δ~(18)O值说明冰期最盛时海水表面的盐度较低。末次冰期时东南亚地区东北季风加强西南季风减弱,由于特殊的地理环境使本区在冰期时降水大量增加。


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Longgang maar area in Northern China is a sensitive region to the change of Asian summer monsoon, and also an important area to understand the dynamic mechanism of global paleoclimate and paleoenvironment changes. The grain-size and major element analyses have been carried out on the samples of the core from Erlongwan maar for reconstruction of high –resolution paleoenvironment change in Northeast China. Subsampling was done by 1cm interval for the upper 19.39m. Connecting multi-proxies (including,dry density, total organic carbon, etc.), we have acquired the following conclusions: 1、 the coarse fraction in grain size reflects the intensity of surface flow, and thus the intensity of monsoon rainfall in the region. 2、 the 19.39-m-long sediment covering the past 33ka, can be divided into 3 periods: The last glacial stage (33-18.5ka B.P.):summer monsoon rainfall was low, temperature was minimum and climatic deteriorated. The last deglaciation (18.5-10 ka B.P.): temperature rose and surface water inflow increased. But it experienced a period, a Younger Dryas-like climatic deterioration. Holocene(10-0 ka B.P.):summer monsoon rainfall reached maxima and varied at century scale and major millennial scale. 3、 the climatic variability in the whole Holocene is positively correlated with Atlantic ice-rafting events and there is an influence of sunspot activity in the late Holocene


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In this study, 172 mollusk assemblages from the Weinan loess section in the southeast of Loess Plateau, China, were identified quantitatively at relative high resolution. The results show: 1) the history and processes of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes in Weinan since the last 70 ka; 2) the characteristics of climatic changes during the period of the last glacial maximum (LGM); 3) the spatial pattern of paleoclimate variations at the south and middle parts of the Loess Plateau during the LGM period; 4) the timing of the last deglaciation and the return event of rapid climate change during the last deglaciation. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) 172 mollusk samples taken from the uppermost 9 m deposits cover the past 70 ka, which were sampled at the internals of 5 cm for S_0, 3 cm for L_(1-1) and L_(1-2), and 10 cm for L_(1-3), L_(1-4) and L_(1-5). Author analyzed quantitatively all individuals including broken pieces of snail shells, percentages of 15 species identified from 172 samples. Three main groups were determined according to the ecological requirement of each taxon. Based on the variations of three ecological groups and typical ecological species, The author intended to reconstruct the history of and processes of climate and environment since the last 70 ka in the Weinan region. The climate and environment in this region experienced the following changes: relative warm and humid stage from 67.5-20.3 cal. ka B.P., a period of forest-steppe or steppe developed; cold and arid stage from 20.3-15.5 cal. ka B.P., a dry steppe period, later wetter and colder; cold and humid period once time from 15.5 to 12.3 cal. ka B.P., a typical steppe or forest-steppe stage; cold and humid again from 12.3 cal. ka B.P. to 8.2 cal. ka B.P., a tropical steppe stage; warm and humid climate, a forest-steppe developed. 2) The climate during the period of the last glacial maximum (LGM) in Weinan was characterized by a general cold-humid condition, represented by occurrence of a number of the cool-humidiphilous mollusk species such as Gastocopta amigerella and Vallonia cf. pulchella in the section. 3) Comparison of the variations in abundance of Puncture orphana at Weinan with those at Luochuan and Changwu sections suggests that the summer monsoon intensity influenced differently at the three regions during the LGM period. The Weinan was weaker summer monsoon impact during all the period, the Luochuan was influenced occasionally, and Changwu was only a very short time affected, which indicated it might be located at the western margin of the summer monsoon influence during that period. 4) The ratio of thermo-humidiphilous mollusk group to cold-aridiphilous one shows an increase tendency at about 15 cal. ka B.P., reflecting the climate warming after the deglaciation in Weinan, which is approximately corresponding to the timing of warming period of the last deglaciation, found in the East Atlantic Ocean, the South China Sea and the Loess Plateau (indicated by the phytolith study). 5) A remarkable decrease in the number of thermo-humidiphilous and cool-humidiphilous mollusk species from 12.7 - 11.6 cal. ka B.P. indicates a cooling in climate and might be the reflection of the Younger Dryas event in Weinan. 6) Variations in the ratios of thermo-humidiphilous mollusk species to cold-aridiphilous ones reflect the climate instability in Holocene. There were four warm-humid periods (10-8.1 cal. ka B.P., 6.9-6.1 cal. ka B.P., 5.2-2.6cal. ka B.P., 1.6cal. ka B.P. to the present ) and three relative cold-arid periods (8.1-6.9 cal. ka B.P., 6.1-5.2 cal. ka B.P., 2.6-1.6 cal. ka B.P.), showing about a 1,000 year climatic oscillation.


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The formation of civilization, one of great marks in the history of human's society development, has been remained one of the hottest topics in the world. Many theories have been put ford to explain its causes and mechanisms. Although more attentions have been paid to its development, the role of environmental change should not be ignored. In this paper, the level of ancient farming productivity was analyzed, the mechanisms and the process of Chinese ancient civilization formation was explored, and some causes why Chinese ancient civilization shows many different features from other 5 ancient civilizations of the world was analyzed. The main results and conclusions are presented as followed. 1. Compared with the productivity level of other five ancient civilizations, the productivity of ancient China characterized by a feature of extensive not intensive cultivation was lower than that of other five ancient civilizations whose agriculture were based on irrigation. 2. The 5 5000 a B.P. cold event may have facilitated the formation of Egypt and Mesopotamian ancient civilizations and also have had an influence on the development of Neolithic culture in China. 3. The 4 000 a B.P. cold event, which may be the coldest period since the Younger Dryas cold event and signifies the changes from the early Holocene Climate Optimum to late Holocene in many regions of the world, resulted in the great migration of the Indo-European peoples from north Europe to other part of the World and the collapses of ancient civilizations in Egypt, Indus and the Mesopotamian and the collapse of five Neolithic cultures around central China. More important than that is the emergence of Chinese civilization during the same period. Many theories have been put ford to explain why it was in Zhongyuan area not other places whose Neolithic cultures seem more advanced that gave rise to civilization. For now no theory could explain it satisfiedly. Archaeological evidence clearly demonstrate that war was prevailed the whole China especially during the late Longshan culture period, so it seemed war has played a very important role in the emergence of China ancient civilization. Carneiro sees two conditions as essential to the formation of complex societies in concert with warfare, i.e. population growth and environmental circumscription. It was generally through that China couldn't evolved into the environmental circumscription and population pressure because China has extensive areas to live, but that depends on situations. The environmental circumscription area was formed due to the 4000a B.P. cold event and companied flooding disasters, while the population pressure is formed due to three factors; 1) population grow rapidly because of the suitable environment provided by the Holocene Optimum and thus laid its foundations for the ancient human population; 2) population pressure is also related to the primitive agricultural level characterized by extensive not intensive cultivation; 3) population pressure was mainly related to the great migrations of people to the same areas; 4) population pressure was also related to productivity decrease due to the 4 000a B.P. cold event. 4. When population pressure is formed, war is the most possible way to solve the intensions between population and the limited cultivated land and then resulted in the formation of civilization. In this way the climate change during the 4 000a B.P. cold event may have facilitated the emergence of Chinese ancient civilization. Their detailed relations could also be further understood in this way: The first birth places of China ancient civilization could be in Changjiang areas or (and) Daihai area, Shandong province rather than in central China and the emergence time of ancient civilization formed in central China should be delayed if the 4 000a B.P. cold event and companied flooding disasters didn't occurred.


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The loess-paleosols in the Chinese loess plateau and Europe are the main eolian sediment sequences in mid-latitude area of north hemisphere. They record not only the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental processes since the last interglacial, but also the configuration of magnetic field during polarity transition. Comparisons of environmental magnetism, paleomagnetism and climate proxy analysis has been made for the loess/paleosol sequences in Datong and Czech Republic. The Datong loess/paleosol sequence is composed of the Holocene soil SO, the last glacial loess LI, the last interglacial soil SI and the upper penultimate loess L2. A basalt layer occurs in L2. The main magnetic minerals in LI and SI are magnetite, maghemite and ilmenite. The presence of local volcanic elastics in the loess and the characteristics of the magnetic minerals indicate that there are local materials in Datong loess, which differentiate the Datong loess from the central and eastern loess of the Chinese Loess Plateau. In addition, there are four polarity events in Datong loess, which are generally consistent with Gothenburg> Mono Lake, Laschamp and Blake events. Some signals of the East Asia monsoon were recorded in the Datong loess/paleosol sequences. Magnetic susceptibility, the content of >63um grains and the organic matter are used as climate proxies, which are similar to those of the typical eolian sediments in the loess plateau. In addition, it is possible that the Datong loess also recorded the Younger Dryas and the climatic fluctuations during the Holocene. The main magnetic minerals in the loess/paleosol at Znojmo section are magnetite, maghemite, hematite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and goethite. The morphology of these grains reveals that the iron sulfides originated from the eluvium loam above hypothetical ore deposits in the vicinity of the section or glaciofluvial sediments from nearby glacial margins. The pattern of the susceptibility variation at Dolni Vestonice section is coincident with that of the organic matter content. The grain size variation along the section recorded the climate instability since the last interglacial. The climate events in the Dolni Vestonice section may be correlated with the Heinrich events recorded in North Atlantic sediments, suggesting they controlled by the same marine-continent climate system.


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The term black carbon is used to describe a relatively inert and ubiquitous form of carbon, comprising a range of materials from char and charcoal to element or graphite carbon produced by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass. Due to its inertness, the BC in soils, lacustrine and marine sediments and ice can persist over a long period of time. So BC signatures in geological deposits can be used as evidence of natural fires happened in their surroundings. To study the temporal and spatial changes in paleofires over the Chinese Loess Plateau, black carbon concentrations were analyzed on the loess-paleosol samples from three sections including Lijiayuan, Lingtai and Weinan along a north-south transect. Using the orbitally-tuned time-scales of the sections, the black carbon sedimentation rates (BCSR) were calculated. Meanwhile, with objective to document fine resolution fire history during late Pleistocene and Holocene periods, we measured BC concentrations of loess-paleosol samples at dense sampling intervals since 28 ka BP. in Lijiayuan section. The BCSR of the samples were also calculated. In addition, we also conducted observation on black carbon morphologies to examine their sources. Based on the results, the following remarks can be concluded: 1. In the last two glacial cycles, the BCSR values in glacial periods are 2-3 times higher than in interglacial periods, and the BCSR variability has a relatively strong precession-associated 23 kyr period, suggesting that the glacial cold-dry climate conditions were apt to induce natural fires over the Loess Plateau, 2. Comparison of the BCSR records among the three loess sections demonstrates that natural fire occurrence was much more intensive and frequent in the northern and interglacial periods. 3. Pollen records and carbon isotope analyses of organic matter have shown that the Loess Plateau was covered by an Artemisia-dominated grassland vegetation both during glacial and interglacial periods, So grassland fires were the dominant fire types in the Plateau, which is also corroborated by the observation of black carbon morphology. In addition, statistics and comparison of BC particle sizes among the sections demonstrated that BC records probably reflected local fires. 4. According to previous studies about the effect of fires on vegetation changes, we considered that the fires might play an important role in the expansion of grassland during glacial periods, besides the control of climate changes. 5. The high resolution black carbon record in Lijiayuan section has shown that the BCSR series well documented Younger dryas (YD) and Heinrich (HI和H2) events, suggesting that natural fires in the northwestern part of Chinese Loess Plateau could regularly respond to the millennial scale climate oscillation.


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自20世纪60年代以来,探索全球性气候变化规律和环境变迁史的研究工作在世界各国广泛开展。大规模的深海岩芯的研究、中国北方黄土的系统研究、大型湖泊沉积岩芯的研究及对树木年轮、泥炭、珊瑚、冰芯等“自然环境历史档案”开展的研究工作,都为重建古气候和古生态环境提供了大量的资料。洞穴化学沉积物(石笋)由于其特有的微层结构及其内的稳定氧、碳同位素和微量元素所蕴含的古气候与古生态环境信息,并且具有分布广、时间长、信息保存完整等特点,因此,它是研究地球环境变化很好的自然环境历史档案。本论文通过对凉风洞洞穴体系的综合研究和对凉风洞石笋(微层)生长特征及石笋的碳、氧稳定同位素组成的研究,系统探讨了贵州凉风洞石笋的古气候记录和古生态环境意义,得出以下主要结论:1,地表植被的类型及生物量等信息可综合反映于洞穴体系的不同组.分(气样、土样、水样)中。而洞穴的水动力条件也能很好的被洞穴滴水中所含微量(常量)元素记录。根据分析,洞穴综合体系对外界气候与生态环境的响应关系存在一定规律性。通过对比说明,我们所选的凉风洞基岩的溶蚀和缓冲对水体中的信息影响不大,即洞穴滴水较好的继承了土壤水所携带的地表气候与生态环境信息,是理想的研究对象。2.凉风洞石笋具有多个沉积旋回,不同沉积旋回的纹层组合及纹层结构存在一定的差异,指示不同的沉积环境。根据年龄数据判断,旋回①至旋回⑧之间年龄跨度为1570-8000 aBP,以呈缓平顶(柱)对称叠复状的沉积形态组合为主,示洞顶滴水量较大,滴水点相对稳定,且均匀,与全新世较为稳定的气候与环境变化的主旋律相一致。旋回⑧以下至底部石葡萄状沉积物之上部分之间年龄跨度为8000-14220 aBP,期间经历末次冰期晚期向全新世大暖期过渡,受诸如新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas)等的影响,气候变化幅度大,且经历多次反复,石笋生长的沉积学特征表现为斜锥(柱)、尖顶锥不对称叠复纹层组合,示洞顶滴水水量较小但变化较大,且洞穴滴水不稳(固)定。与此时间段内不稳定的气候与环境变化的主旋律也相一致。3.凉风洞石笋上段微层具有典型南方石笋微层发育的特性:微层发育较差,层面多弯曲,层间界面模糊等。下段因为沉积间断较多、风化层面厚及受到若干时段内碳酸钙重结晶而导致晶体穿插层位生长的影响,尽管在某些层位有微层发育,但无法对石笋微层作连续观察记录。根据高精度的石笋TIMS、ICP-MS测年数据和在显微镜下所数石笋微层数量的对比,扣除若干个沉积间断及风化层导致的微层缺失,以及显微镜下肉眼对细小微层计数的误差,我们认为,凉风洞石笋微层是年生长层的可能性较大。4,由于部分测年数据仍在测试中,目前无法精确控制石笋中沉积间断的存在导致的信息缺失,因此,我们仅仅根据部分石笋测年数据,建立了凉风洞石笋在不同时段的生长速率。全新世以来石笋的生长速率在22μm/yr-51μm/yr之间,明显高于末次冰期晚期向全新世过渡这一时间段内的石笋生长速率(16μm/yr)。这些数据间接印证了石笋生长响应于外界气候,尤其是降雨的变化。5.通过对洞穴体系的综合分析对比,我们判断凉风洞洞穴综合体系相对完整,洞穴化学沉积物的6先值较为直接的响应了土壤c压的61t值变化,即反映了地表的植被(c3植物和c;植物)的组成状况。贵州地区降雨80%集中在5-10月份,在此期间,基本受西南季风和东亚季风所控制。西南季风盛行时贵州各地的降雨频繁,是一年中雨量最集中的时期,在东亚季风影响时期,贵州多晴少雨,往往形成干早的天气。又西南季风控制区大气降雨创的值的加权平均值明显低于东亚季风控制区大气降雨δ18O值的加权平均值。因此,贵州地区年均降雨量和年均降雨δ18O值主要取决于西南(印度洋)季风的强弱:西南季风加强,降雨量增加,年均降雨剐、值偏负;西南季风减弱,降雨量减少,年均降雨δ18O值偏正。洞穴滴水的6旧O值变化基本继承了大气降水的别勿值变化。因此,对地处我国西南地区贵州南部的凉风洞,源于洞穴滴水的凉风洞石笋的别勺值变化直接响应了外界的大气降雨量的变化和西南季风与东亚季风相互的强弱交替。6.对凉风洞石笋碳、氧同位素组成的时间序列曲线作20点移动平均,发现,特别是进入全新世后,石笋的引3c值和扩、值几乎具有完全一致的同步变化,只是在变化幅度上在某些时段存在差异。说明在凉风洞石笋反映的14220-1570 aBP时间段内,尤其是10500-1570 aBP期间,本区域气候具有雨热(或干冷)同期的气候特征:在气温较高时间段,西南季风增强,气候湿润多雨,更有利于地表。植物的生长。气温降低时,随着东亚季风增强,西南季风减弱,气候干旱少雨,地表C;植物的生长占有一定的比例。据此重建和恢复了本地区14220-1570 aBP期间的古气候和古生态环境:(1).14220-10500aBP,处于末次冰期晚期,气温较低。凉风洞石笋此时段的司、值都大于-9.8‰,最小值为-9.31‰,最大值达-7.290‰,平均值为-8.552‰。说明凉风洞洞穴地表的生长植被。植物占有一定的组分,石笋的δ18C值受C3植物和C4植物的共同影响。此时段内石笋6、值也存在一定的波动(-5.651‰-6.942‰),考虑到末次冰期晚期先全新世过渡期间气温变幅较大,O'Neil等(1969)所建立的氧同位素平衡分馏方程中的温度变化已不能忽略,并且大气降雨的温度效应作用也比较明显,因此我们对此时段的季风和大气降雨量的变化不作讨论。(2). 10500-9300 aBP,新仙女木事件结束,进入全新世,气温逐渐回升。凉风洞石笋此时段的扩3c值大都小于-9.8‰,最小值为-10.377‰,最大值为-9.267‰,平均值为-9.910‰。凉风洞洞穴地表植被已逐渐由C3植物占主导。此时段石笋δ18C值明显卜降,最小值为-7.420‰,最大值为-6.077‰,平均值为-6.854‰。反映在全新世早期夏季风盛行,降雨量较大,西南季风对本地区全年降雨贡献率大。(3).9300-8300 aBP,经历一段明显温度波动变化。仟3c值在-9.8‰上下波动,最小值为-10.155‰,最大值为-9.096‰,平均值为-9.712‰。凉风洞洞穴地表植被C4植物所占比例存在反复。此时段石笋岁a0值变化幅度不是很大,最小值为-6.796‰,最大值为-6.260‰,平均值为-6.490‰。受冬季风影响,夏季风有一定的减弱,总体降雨量一般,东亚季风对本地区全年降雨贡献率比全新世初期有所增大。(4).8300-3l000BP,俗称全新世大暖期,此时段全球气温明显回升,石笋δ18C值总体逐渐降低,最小值为-n.926编,平均值为-10.496‰。凉风洞洞穴地表植被基本由C3植物所控制。但在扩飞值总体逐渐降低的趋势一F,也存在若干扩3c值明显增大时段,如7700-6700 aBP时段,61七值最大值达-8.110‰,地表C4植物所占比例已不能忽略。此时段石笋6150值变化幅度较大,最小值为-7.373‰,最大值为-5.047‰,平均值为-6.261‰。反映在全新世大暖期的大背景下西南季风和东亚季风的交替以及大气降雨量的变化存在较大的波动,说明了季风气候的不稳定性。(5).3100-1570 aBP,在3100aBP前后,凉风洞石笋的δ18C值和δ18O值均急剧上升,标志进入晚全新世。此时段气温变幅很大,δ18C值总体虽然仍偏低,平均值为-10.275‰,但刻畜介于-6.495-12.097‰之间;δ18C值平均值为-6.184‰,变幅介于-4.677-8.65‰之间,均超过以往任何时段。此时段凉风洞洞穴地表植被基本上仍然由C。植物所控制,始于3100 aBP的急速降温事件使得在全新世晚期开始时段C4植物所占比例有一定的上升。此时段内西南季风和东亚季风反复多次交替,大气降雨量存在较大幅度的变化,说明了季风气候在此时段的很不稳定性。对于169于巧70 oBP百年时间段内石笋的δ18C值和司、值巨大幅度的急剧升高,有待进一步研究,也不排除石笋表层长期裸露受外界污染所致。


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Pollen analysis of continuous sediment cores from two lakes in the northern Chonos Archipelago (44S) in southern Chile shows a complete postglacial record of vegetation change. The fossil records indicate that deglaciation was complete in the northern Chonos by at least 13,600 14Cyr BP. Ericaceous heath and grassland persisted for more than 600 years after deglaciation under the influence of dry/cold climates and frequent burning. Nothofagus-Pilgerodendron-Podocarpus forest, with modern analogues in the southern Chonos Archipelago, was established across the northern islands by 12,400 14Cyr BP under increasingly warm and wet climates. There is no evidence for a return to cooler climates during the Younger Dryas chronozone. The rise of Tepualia stipularis and Weinmannia trichosperma as important forest components between 10,600 and 6000 14Cyr BP may be associated withclimates that were warmer than present. The collapse of Pilgerodendron communities during this time may have been triggered by a combination of factors related to disturbance frequency including tephra deposition events, fire and climate change. After 6000 14Cyr BP Pilgerodendron recovers and Nothofagus-Pilgerodendron-Tepualia forest persists until the present. European logging and burning activity may have increased the susceptibility of North Patagonian Rainforest to invasion by introduced species and to future collapse of the long-lived Pilgerodendron communities.


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A comprehensively C-14 AMS dated pollen and chironomid record from Boundary Stream Tarn provides the first chironomid-derived temperature reconstruction to quantify temperature change during Lateglacial times (17,500-10,000 cal yr BP) in the Southern Alps, New Zealand. The records indicate a ca 1000-year disruption to the Lateglacial warming trend and an overall cooling consistent with the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR). The main interval of chironomid-inferred summer temperature depression (similar to 2-3 degrees C) lasted about 700 years during the ACR. Following this cooling event, both proxies indicate a warming step to temperatures slightly cooler than present during the Younger Dryas chronozone (12,900-11,500 cal yr BP). These results highlight a direct linkage between Antarctica and mid-latitude terrestrial climate systems and the largely asynchronous nature of the interhemispheric climate system during the last glacial transition. The greater magnitude of temperature changes shown by the chironomid record is attributed to the response of the proxies to differences in seasonal climate with chironomids reflecting summer temperature and vegetation more strongly controlled by duration of winter or by minimum temperatures. These differences imply stronger seasonality at times during the Lateglacial, which may explain some of the variability between other paleoclimate records from New Zealand and have wider implications for understanding differences between proxy records for abrupt climate change. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Accurate chronologies are essential for linking palaeoclimate archives. Carbon-14 wiggle-match dating was used to produce an accurate chronology for part of an early Holocene peat sequence from the Borchert (The Netherlands). Following the Younger Dryas-Preboreal transition, two climatic shifts could be inferred. Around 11 400 cal. yr BP the expansion of birch (Betula) forest was interrupted by a dry continental phase with dominantly open grassland vegetation, coeval with the PBO (Preboreal Oscillation), as observed in the GRIP ice core. At 11 250 cal. yr BP a sudden shift to a humid climate occurred. This second change appears to be contemporaneous with: (i) a sharp increase of atmospheric C-14; (ii) a temporary decline of atmospheric CO2; and (iii) an increase in the GRIP Be-10 flux. The close correspondence with excursions of cosmogenic nuclides points to a decline in solar activity, which may have forced the changes in climate and vegetation at around 11 250 cal. yr BP. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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The vegetation history of the Faroe Islands has been investigated in numerous studies all broadly showing that the early-Holocene vegetation of the islands largely consisted of fellfield with gravely and rocky soils formed under a continental climate which shifted to an oceanic climate around 10,000 cal yr BP when grasses, sedges and finally shrubs began to dominant the islands. Here we present data from three lake sediment cores and show a much more detailed history from geochemical and isotope data. These data show that the Faroe Islands were deglaciated by the end of Younger Dryas (11,700 10,300 cal yr BP), at this time relatively high sedimentation rates with high delta C-13 imply poor soil development. delta C-13, Ti and chi data reveal a much more stable and warm mid-Holocene until 7410 cal yr BP characterised by increasing vegetation cover and build up of organic soils towards the Holocene thermal maximum around 7400 cal yr BP. The final meltdown of the Laurentide ice sheet around 7000 cal yr BP appears to have impacted both ocean and atmospheric circulation towards colder conditions on the Faroe Islands. This is inferred by enhanced weathering and increased deposition of surplus sulphur (sea spray) and erosion in the highland lakes from about 7400 cal yr BP. From 4190 cal yr BP further cooling is believed to have occurred as a consequence for increased soil erosion due to freeze/thaw sequences related to oceanic and atmospheric variability. This cooling trend appears to have advanced further from 3000 cal yr BR A short period around 1800 cal yr BP appears as a short warm and wet phase in between a general cooling characterised by significant soil erosion lasting until 725 cal yr BP. Interestingly, increased soil erosion seems to have begun at 1360 cal yr BP, thus significantly before the arrival of the first settlers on the Faroe Island around 1150 cal yr BP, although additional erosion took place around 1200 cal yr BP possibly as a consequence of human activities. Hence it appears that if humans caused a change in the Faroe landscape in terms of erosion they in fact accelerated a process that had already started. Soil erosion was a dominant landscape factor during the Little Ice Age, but climate related triggers can hardly be distinguished from human activities. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The late-glacial vegetation development in northern Norway in response to climate changes during the Allerod, Younger Dryas (YD), and the transition to the Holocene is poorly known. Here we present a high-resolution record of floral and vegetation changes at lake Lusvatnet, south-west Andoya, between 13500 and 8000 cal b.p. Plant macrofossil and pollen analyses were done on the same sediment core and the proxy records follow each other very closely. The core has also been analyzed using an ITRAX XRF scanner in order to check the sediment sequence for disturbances or hiatuses. The core has a good radiocarbon-based chronology. The Saksunarvatn tephra fits very well chronostratigraphically. During both the Allerod and the Younger Dryas time-periods arctic vegetation prevailed, dominated by Salix polaris associated with many typically arctic herbs such as Saxifraga cespitosa, Saxifraga rivularis and Oxyria digyna. Both periods were cold and dry. Between 12450 and 12250 cal b.p. during the Younger Dryas chronozone, the assemblage changed, particularly in the increased abundance of Papaver sect. Scapiflora and other high-Arctic herbs, suggesting the development of polar desert vegetation mainly as a response to increased aridity. After 11520 cal b.p. a gradually warmer and more oceanic climate initiated a succession to dwarf-shrub vegetation and the establishment of Betula woodland after 1,000 years at c. 10520 cal b.p. The overall late-glacial aridity contrasts with oceanic conditions in southern Norway and is probably related to sea-ice extent.


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Peatlands are a key component of the global carbon cycle. Chronologies of peatland initiation are typically based on compiled basal peat radiocarbon (14C) dates and frequency histograms of binned calibrated age ranges. However, such compilations are problematic because poor quality 14C dates are commonly included and because frequency histograms of binned age ranges introduce chronological artefacts that bias the record of peatland initiation. Using a published compilation of 274 basal 14C dates from Alaska as a case study, we show that nearly half the 14C dates are inappropriate for reconstructing peatland initiation, and that the temporal structure of peatland initiation is sensitive to sampling biases and treatment of calibrated14C dates. We present revised chronologies of peatland initiation for Alaska and the circumpolar Arctic based on summed probability distributions of calibrated 14C dates. These revised chronologies reveal that northern peatland initiation lagged abrupt increases in atmospheric CH4 concentration at the start of the Bølling–Allerød interstadial (Termination 1A) and the end of the Younger Dryas chronozone (Termination 1B), suggesting that northern peatlands were not the primary drivers of the rapid increases in atmospheric CH4. Our results demonstrate that subtle methodological changes in the synthesis of basal 14C ages lead to substantially different interpretations of temporal trends in peatland initiation, with direct implications for the role of peatlands in the global carbon cycle.


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Temporal and spatial patterns of relative sea level (RSL) change in the North of Britain and Ireland during the Holocene are examined. Four episodes, each defined by marked changes in the RSL trend, are identified. Each episode is marked by a rise to a culminating shoreline followed by a fall. Episode HRSL-1 dates from the Younger Dryas to early in the Holocene; HRSL-2 to HRSL-4 occurred later in the Holocene. There is extensive evidence for each episode, and on this basis the spatial distribution of the altitude data for three culminating shorelines and a shoreline formed at the time of the Holocene Storegga Slide tsunami (ca 8110 ± 100 cal. BP) is analysed. Ordinary Kriging is used to determine the general pattern, following which Gaussian Trend Surface Analysis is employed. Recognising that empirical measurements of RSL change can be unevenly distributed spatially, a new approach is introduced which enables the developing pattern to be identified. The patterns for the most widely occurring shorelines were analysed and found to be similar and common centre and axis models were developed for all shorelines. The analyses described provide models of the spatial pattern of Holocene RSL change in the area between ca 8100 cal. BP and ca 1000 cal. BP based on 2262 high resolution shoreline altitude measurements. These models fit the data closely, no shoreline altitude measurement lying more than −1.70 m or +1.82 m from the predicted value. The models disclose a similar pattern to a recently published Glacial Isostatic Adjustment model for present RSL change across the area, indicating that the overall spatial pattern of RSL change may not have varied greatly during the last ca 8000 years.


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Weathering rinds have been used for decades as relative age indicators to differentiate glacial deposits in long Quaternary sequences, but only recently has it been shown that rinds contain long and extensive palaeoenvironmental records that often extend far beyond mere repositories of chemical weathering on both Earth and Mars. When compared with associated palaeosols in deposits of the same age, rinds often carry a zonal weathering record that can be correlated with palaeosol horizon characteristics, with respect to both abiotic and biotic parameters. As demonstrated with examples from the French and Italian Alps, rinds in coarse clastic sediment contain weathering zones that correlate closely with horizon development in associated palaeosols of presumed Late Glacial age. In addition to weathering histories in both rinds and palaeosols, considerable evidence exists to indicate that the black mat impact (12.8 ka) reached the European Alps, a connection with the Younger Dryas readvance supported by both mineral and chemical composition. Preliminary metagenomic microbial analysis using density gradient gel electrophoresis suggests that the eubacterial microbial population found in at least one Ah palaeosol horizon associated with a rind impact site is different from that in other Late Glacial and Younger Dryas surface palaeosol horizons. © 2013 The Geological Society of London.