955 resultados para Yield potential


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Cancer cell lines can be treated with a drug and the molecular comparison of responders and non-responders may yield potential predictors that could be tested in the clinic. It is a bioinformatics challenge to apply the cell line-derived multivariable response predictors to patients who respond to therapy. Using the gene expression data from 23 breast cancer cell lines, I developed three predictors of dasatinib sensitivity by selecting differentially expressed genes and applying different classification algorithms. The performance of these predictors on independent cell lines with known dasatinib response was tested. The predictor based on weighted voting method has the best overall performance. It correctly predicted dasatinib sensitivity in 11 out of 12 (92%) breast and 17 out of 23 (74%) lung cancer cell lines. These predictors were then applied to the gene expression data from 133 breast cancer patients in an attempt to predict how the patients might respond to dasatinib therapy. Two predictors identified 13 patients in common to be dasatinib sensitive. Sixty two percent of these cases are triple negative (ER-negative, HER2-negative and PR-negative) and 76% are double negative. The result is consistent with the findings from other studies, which identified a target population for dasatinib treatment to be triple negative or basal breast cancer subtype. In conclusion, we think that the cell line-derived dasatinib classifiers can be applied to the human patients. ^


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The 2011 tomato trial evaluated 16 fresh market cultivars for yield potential and fruit quality.


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Fungicides were rarely used on hybrid corn prior to 2007, however, in the past few years, some farmers have included fungicides in their common crop production, particularly as the value of grain has increased. Fungicides are recommended for foliar disease management to protect yield potential. There also have been reports of increased yields in the absence of disease. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application at various timings.


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The objectives of this project was to study the effect of planting date on the onset of soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS). It is believed, that avoiding planting soybeans into wet cold soil may delay or lower the severity of SDS. Planting date for soybeans is important and can have a large effect on yield potential.


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Fungicides were rarely used on hybrid corn prior to 2007, however, in the past few years some farmers have made fungicides a regular input in their crop production, particularly as the value of grain has increased. Fungicides are recommended for foliar disease management to protect yield potential. There have also been reports of increased yields in the absence of disease. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application at various timings.


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Advanced wheat lines carrying the Hessian fly resistance gene H27 were obtained by backcrossing the wheat/Aegilops ventricosa introgression line, H-93-33, to commercial wheat cultivars as recurrent parents. The Acph-N v 1 marker linked to the gene H27 on the 4Nv chromosome of this line was used for marker assisted selection. Advanced lines were evaluated for Hessian fly resistance in field and growth chamber tests, and for other agronomic traits during several crop seasons at different localities of Spain. The hessian fly resistance levels of lines carrying the 4Nv chromosome introgression (4D/4Nv substitution and recombination lines that previously were classified by in situ hybridisation) were high, but always lower than that of their Ae. ventricosa progenitor. Introgression lines had higher grain yields in infested field trials than those without the 4Nv chromosome and their susceptible parents, but lower grain yields under high yield potential conditions. The 4Nv introgression was also associated with later heading, and lower tiller and grain numbers/m2 . In addition, it was associated with longer and more lax spikes, and higher values of grain weight and grain protein content. However, the glutenin and gliadin expression, as well as the bread-making performance, were similar to those of their recurrent parents


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A irrigação quando bem manejada, pode minimizar os riscos econômicos da atividade sucroalcooleira, particularmente em safras com presença de instabilidade climática onde a restrição hídrica, promovida pela diminuição no volume de chuvas, pode reduzir a produtividade dos canaviais. Dentre as ferramentas disponíveis para a gestão eficiente da água na agricultura irrigada, a técnica de irrigação sob déficit pode se tornar uma escolha acertada para a cana-de-açúcar, desde que sejam identificadas as fases fenológicas e épocas de cultivo onde a limitação da oferta de água não implique em reduções antieconômicas no rendimento da cultura. Diante disso, a hipótese que norteia essa pesquisa, é a de que existe uma estratégia de irrigação sob déficit, que associada a uma variedade com características específicas, possibilite a expressão de indicadores de produtividade tão satisfatórios quanto os obtidos em condições de irrigação plena. Nessa linha, os objetivos da pesquisa envolveram o estudo da dinâmica foliar, acúmulo e particionamento de biomassa e ainda, índices de produtividade da água para biomassa, açúcar e etanol de 1ª e 2ª geração de oito variedade de cana-de-açúcar, submetidas a diferentes condições de disponibilidade hídrica no solo em dois ciclos de cultivo (cana-planta e cana-soca). A pesquisa foi realizada na Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", em Piracicaba/SP, onde foram estudados os dois primeiros ciclos de cultivo da cana-de-açúcar, sendo estes abordados nesta tese como Experimento 1 (cana-planta) e Experimento 2 (cana-soca). O delineamento experimental adotado para ambos os ciclos foi o de blocos casualizados, com três blocos completos. Os tratamentos foram compostos por três fatores em esquema de parcelas sub-subdivididas. Estas parcelas foram formadas por duas plantas (touceiras) alocadas em um vaso com aproximadamente 330 litros de solo. No Experimento 1, foram estudados três fatores, sendo o primeiro e segundo com quatro níveis e o terceiro com oito (4x4x8), totalizando assim 128 tratamentos, sendo eles: quatro níveis de irrigação ao longo do ciclo (125, 100, 75 e 50% da ETc); oito variedades comerciais de cana-de-açúcar e quatro procedimentos de maturação, impostos por meio de variações na intensidade do déficit hídrico aplicado. Para o Experimento 2, substitui-se o fator Maturação por Épocas de Corte, o qual consistiu em colheitas de um quarto do experimento a cada 90 dias. Os resultados encontrados apontaram que a área foliar responde positivamente a maior disponibilidade hídrica no solo, tendo sido verificado uma relação proporcional entre estes. Quanto ao acúmulo de biomassa, verificou-se que para as oito variedades estudadas houve incremento de biomassa a medida em que se aumentou o volume de água disponibilizado às variedades. No tocante ao particionamento, as folhas foram os drenos principais de fotoassimilados da planta até os 100 dias de cultivo, sendo que após este período, os colmos ocuparam o lugar de dreno preferencial. Os indicadores de produtividade da água apresentaram diferenças significativas para o fator lâmina, o que indica a existência de cultivares de cana-de-açúcar mais eficientes no uso da água. Por fim, observou-se que a produtividade da água para etanol total apresentou valores expressivos, com média para essa variável igual a 1,81 L m-3, o que denota o potencial de rendimento de etanol (1G + 2G) a partir da cana-de-açúcar quando é adotado o aproveitamento integral das plantas.


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A large portion of the world's poor farm in rainfed systems where the water supply is unpredictable and droughts are common. In Thailand there are approximately 6.2 million ha of rain fed lowland rice, which account for 67% of the country's total rice-growing area. This rice system is often characterised by too much and too little water in the same season. Farmers' estimates of their annual losses to drought are as high as 45% in the upper parts of the toposequence. In contrast to irrigated rice systems, gains from crop improvement of rainfed rice have been modest, in part because there has been little effort to breed and select for drought tolerance for the target rainfed environments. The crop improvement strategy being used in Thailand considers three mechanisms that influence yield in the drought prone targets: yield potential as an important mechanism for mild drought (where yield loss is less than 50%), drought escape (appropriate phenology) and drought tolerance traits of leaf water potential, sterility, flower delay and drought response index for more severe drought conditions. Genotypes are exposed to managed drought environments for selection of drought tolerant genotypes. A marker assisted selection (MAS) scheme has been developed and applied for selection of progenies in the backcrossing program. The plant breeding program uses rapid generation advance techniques that enable early yield testing in the target population of environments (TPE) through inter-station (multi-location yield testing) and on-farm trials. A farmer participatory approach has been used to identify the TPE for the breeding program. Four terrace paddy levels have been identified, upper (drought), middle (drought prone to favorable) and lower (flooded). This paper reports the change in the breeding program for the drought prone tainted lowland rice environments of North and Northeast Thailand by incorporating our knowledge on adaptation and on response of rice to drought. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Drought is a major constraint for rice production in the rainfed lowlands in Southeast Asia and Eastern India. The breeding programs for tainted lowland rice in these regions focus on adaptation to a range of drought conditions. However, a method of selection of drought tolerant genotypes has not been established and is considered to be one of the constraints faced by rice breeders. Drought response index (DRI) is based on grain yield adjusted for variation in potential yield and flowering date, and has been used recently, but its consistency among drought environments and hence its usefulness is not certain. In order to establish a selection method and subsequently to identify donor parents for drought resistance breeding, a series of experiments with 15 contrasting genotypes was conducted under well-watered and managed drought conditions at two sites for 5 years in Cambodia. Water level in the field was recorded and used to estimate the relative water level (WLREL) around flowering as an index of the severity of water deficit at the time of flowering for each entry. This was used to determine if DRI or yield reduction was due to drought tolerance or related to the amount of available water at flowering, i.e. drought escape. Grain yield reduction due to drought ranged from 12 to 46%. The drought occurred mainly during the reproductive phase, while four experiments had water stress from the early vegetative stage. There was significant variation for water availability around flowering among the nine experiments and this was associated with variation in mean yield reduction. Genotypic variation in DRI was consistent among most experiments, and genotypic mean DRI ranged from -0.54 to 0.47 (LSD 5% = 0.47). Genotypic variation in DRI was not related to WLREL around flowering in the nine environments. It is concluded that selection for DRI under drought conditions would allow breeders to identify donor lines with high drought tolerance as an important component of breeding better adapted varieties for the rainfed lowlands; two genotypes were identified with high DRI and low yield reduction and were subsequently used in the breeding program in Cambodia. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A large portion of the world’s poor farm in rainfed systems where the water supply is unpredictable and droughts are common. In Thailand there are approximately 6.2 million ha of rain fed lowland rice which account for 67% of the country’s total rice-growing area. This rice system is often characterised by too much and too little water in the same season. Farmers’ estimates of their annual losses to drought are as high as 45% in the upper parts of the toposequence. In contrast to irrigated rice systems, gains from crop improvement of rainfed rice have been modest, in part because there has been little effort to breed and select for drought tolerance for the target rainfed environments. The crop improvement strategy being used in Thailand considers three mechanisms that influence yield in the drought prone targets: yield potential as an important mechanism for mild drought (where yield loss is less than 50%), drought escape (appropriate phenology) and drought tolerance traits of leaf water potential, sterility, flower delay and drought response index for more severe drought conditions. Genotypes are exposed to managed drought environments for selection of drought tolerant genotypes. A marker assisted selection (MAS) scheme has been developed and applied for selection of progenies in the backcrossing program. The plant breeding program uses rapid generation advance techniques that enable early yield testing in the target population of environments (TPE) through inter-station (multi-location yield testing) and on-farm trials. A farmer participatory approach has been used to identify the TPE for the breeding program. Four terrace paddy levels have been identified, upper (drought), middle (drought prone to favorable) and lower (flooded). This paper reports the change in the breeding program for the drought prone rainfed lowland rice environments of North and Northeast Thailand by incorporating our knowledge on adaptation and on response of rice to drought.


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The first topic area of this thesis involved studies on the accumulation and translocation of glucosinolates (GSs), bioactive secondary plant compounds, in broccoli plants. Changes in GS accumulation and gene expression levels in response to exogeneous methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment were analyzed in different tissue types at different developmental stages of broccoli. Greater accumulation of GSs with MeJA treatment was observed in apical leaves of broccoli seedlings and florets of plants at harvest maturity. Increases in indolyl GS in apical leaves of seedlings and florets were coupled with the up-regulation of indolyl GS biosynthesis genes. The accumulation of indolyl GSs appears to be modulated by MeJA treatment in an organ-specific manner for optimal distribution of defense substances in the plant. Metabolic profiling of hydrophilic metabolites using GC-MS demonstrated increased accumulation of various phenolics, ascorbates and amino acids in broccoli tissues after MeJA treatment. Distinct changes in carbohydrate levels observed between different tissues (vegetative leaves and floret tissues) of broccoli plants after treatment suggest that carbon metabolism is differentially modulated by MeJA treatment in different tissue types depending on sink-source relationships. Reduced levels of hexose sugars and tricarboxylic acid intermediates after MeJA treatment may reflect the increased requirement for carbon and energy needed to drive secondary product biosynthesis to accumulate metabolites for defense against insects and other herbivores. Substantial increases of indolyl and aromatic GSs after exogenous treatment with MeJA in stem and petioles of seedlings and the existence of intact indolyl-GS forms in phloem exudates suggest enhanced de novo synthesis in combination with active transport. Indoly GSs share structural similarities with the auxin, IAA, and may interact with components of the auxin transport system for intra- and extra-cellular transport or translocation. Application of the auxin efflux inhibitor, 1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) reduced MeJA-mediated accumulation of indolyl GSs in broccoli florets and seedling tissues. NPA did not inhibit expression of indolyl GS biosynthesis genes shown to be upregulated by MeJA treatment or the accumulation of tryptophan, the amino acid precursor of indolyl GSs. Exogenous application of benzyl GS to Arabidopsis roots induced ectopic expression of the PIN1 protein associated with the auxin transport system similar to treatment with NPA, again suggesting GS interaction with the auxin efflux carrier system. The inhibitory effect of NPA on MeJA-mediated accumulation of GS may be due to competitive binding of NPA to auxin efflux carrier components and that GS transport is mediated by the auxin transport system. The inhibitory effect of NPA on indolyl and aromatic GS accumulation and the bioactivity of exogenous treatment of these GS compounds in PIN1 localization, Arabidopsis root growth, and gravitrophic response suggest that indolyl and aromatic GSs may be antagonistic to IAA transport and biosynthesis. Indolyl and aromatic GSs can also be potentially converted into IAA by hydrolysis. This intrinsic feature of GSs may be the part of a sophisticated regulatory process where the metabolic pathways in the plant shift from active growth to a reversible defense posture in response to biotic or abiotic stress. It seems likely that indolyl and aromatic GSs are important compounds that provide connections between jasmonate and auxin signaling. Further studies are required to reveal the regulatory mechanism for crosstalk between the two hormones. The third part of this research was to investigate effect of selenium fertilization and MeJA treatment on accumulation of GSs in broccoli florets. Increasing dietary intake of the element selenium (Se) has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer. Simultaneous enhancement of both Se and GS concentrations in broccoli floret tissue were conducted through the combined treatment of MeJA with Se fertilization. A low level of Se fertilization (concentration) with MeJA treatment displayed no significant changes in total aliphatic GS concentrations with 90% and 50% increases in indolyl and total GSs concentrations, respectively. This result suggests that Se- and GS-enriched broccoli with improved health-promoting properties can be generated by this combined treatment. The second topic of this thesis was conducted to provide basic information required to improve biomass quality and productivity and develop tools for gene transformation in Miscanthus x giganteus. The perennial rhizomatous grass, Miscanthus x giganteus is an ideal biomass crop due to its rapid vegetative growth and high biomass yield potential. As a naturally occurring sterile hybrid, M. x giganteus must be propagated vegetatively by mechanicalling divided rhizomes or from micropropagated plantlets. The effect of callus type, age and culture methods on regeneration competence was studied to improve regeneration efficiency and shorten the period of tissue culture in M. x giganteus propagation. Seven lignin biosynthesis genes and one putative flowering gene were isolated from M. x giganteus by PCR reactions using maize othologous sequences. Southern hybridization and nuclear DNA content analysis indicated that the genes isolated from M. x giganteus exist in the genome of other Miscanthus species as multiple copies. Analysis of lignin content and histological staining of lignin deposition indicated that higher lignin content is found in mature stem node tissues compared to young leaves and apical stem nodal tissues. Cell wall lignification is associated with increasing tissue maturity in Miscanthus species. RNAi and antisense constructs harboring sequences of these genes were developed to generate Miscanthus transgenic plants with suppressed of lignin biosynthesis and delayed flowering.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo a caracterização de variações anátomo-fisiológicas que decorrem do processo de aclimatação sazonal em bovinos leiteiros com alto (Altas) e baixo (Baixas) potencial leiteiro, com vista a selecionar animais que conciliem bons desempenhos produtivos e índices de adaptabilidade que possibilitem a mudança de homeostase face às condições climáticas presentes no clima mediterrânico. O estudo foi realizado numa herdade comercial, situada no Alentejo, utilizando 13 vacas multíparas (6 Baixas e 7 Altas), durante três períodos: P1 (animais aclimatados ao verão; presença de stresse térmico); P2 (animais aclimatados ao verão; termoneutralidade); P3 (animais aclimatados ao inverno; termoneutralidade). Em stresse térmico (P1), verificaram-se maiores esforços termolíticos e maiores armazenamentos de calor no grupo das Altas. Observou-se também que a produção de leite das Altas foi afetada pelo stresse térmico, evidênciando uma redução 24-48h após os valores de temperatura retal mais elevados. Nesta situação, as Baixas apresentaram uma variação na produção oposta à das Altas. Em P1, os valores de proteína e de gordura no leite foram significativamente mais baixos que em P3, em ambos os grupos. A ureia no leite foi significativamente mais elevada nas Altas durante o P1, revelando potencial como biomarcador de stresse térmico. Do P1 para o P3 obser-vou-se uma redução gradual do hematócrito, da hemoglobina e da triiodotironina (T3). As Altas apresentaram uma maior redução de triiodotironina (T3) que as Baixas, como consequência de uma maior intensidade de aclimatação. Nos pelos não se registaram diferenças entre os períodos, o que contrasta com alguma bibliografia. Porém, a ausência da insolação direta poderá ter sido um fator determinante; ABSTRACT: The main objective of the present study was the characterization of anatomical and physiological variations that occur in the seasonal acclimatization process of dairy cows with high (Altas) and low (Baixas) milk yield potential. In this way it should be possible to do a selection of animals with good productive traits and also with adaptability indexes that allow a change in homeostasis to cope with the climatic conditions of the mediterranean climate. Meteorological, clinical, productive, physiological and anatomical data were collected. The study was conducted in an Alentejo's dairy farm, using 13 multiparous cows (6 with low milk yield and 7 with high milk yield), during three periods: P1 (animals acclimated to summer, in heat stress); P2 (animals acclimated to summer, thermoneutrality); P3 (animals acclimated to winter; thermoneutrality). In thermal stress (P1), the high milk yield group (Altas) shown greater thermolytic efforts and also higher heat storage. The milk yield in this group was also affected by heat stress, showing a decrease in production when the rectal temperature increased, with a delay of 24-42 hours. In this situation the Baixas group showed an opposite milk production variation. In P1, the protein and fat milk content was lower than in P3, in both groups. Milk urea levels were significantly higher during P1 in the Altas group, revealing potential as an heat stress biomarker. Hematocrit, hemoglobin and triiodothyronine (T3) values gradualy decreased from P1 to P3. T3 values were lower in Altas than in Baixas group, as a consequence of a more intense acclimatization. The hair analysis didn’t show the standard seasonal acclimatization process, indicating the absence of direct solar radiation as a determinant factor.


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The common bean cultivar with carioca grain type, BRSMG Uai, is recommended for cultivation in Minas Gerais and stands out for its upright plant architecture, which facilitates cultivation and mechanical harvesting. This cultivar has high yield potential and is resistant to the major races of anthracnose that occur in region.


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BRS Ártico is a common bean cultivar with white grains with international standard size (62 g per 100 seeds), appropriate for cultivation in the Central region of Brazil and the state of Paraná. The cycle is semi-early, the yield potential 2677 kg ha-1 and BRS Ártico has moderate resistance to rust and curtobacterium wilt.


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Assessing the impacts of climate variability on agricultural productivity at regional, national or global scale is essential for defining adaptation and mitigation strategies. We explore in this study the potential changes in spring wheat yields at Swift Current and Melfort, Canada, for different sowing windows under projected climate scenarios (i.e., the representative concentration pathways, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). First, the APSIM model was calibrated and evaluated at the study sites using data from long term experimental field plots. Then, the impacts of change in sowing dates on final yield were assessed over the 2030-2099 period with a 1990-2009 baseline period of observed yield data, assuming that other crop management practices remained unchanged. Results showed that the performance of APSIM was quite satisfactory with an index of agreement of 0.80, R2 of 0.54, and mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) of 529 kg/ha and 1023 kg/ha, respectively (MAE = 476 kg/ha and RMSE = 684 kg/ha in calibration phase). Under the projected climate conditions, a general trend in yield loss was observed regardless of the sowing window, with a range from -24 to -94 depending on the site and the RCP, and noticeable losses during the 2060s and beyond (increasing CO2 effects being excluded). Smallest yield losses obtained through earlier possible sowing date (i.e., mid-April) under the projected future climate suggested that this option might be explored for mitigating possible adverse impacts of climate variability. Our findings could therefore serve as a basis for using APSIM as a decision support tool for adaptation/mitigation options under potential climate variability within Western Canada.