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Contient : I, livre 1禱告藥王誓疏Dao gao yue wang shi su.Prière au dieu de la médecine ; II, livre 1溫證論治Wen zheng lun zhi.Du traitement en cas de diagnostic par le tiède ; III, livre 1人身一小天地論Ren shen yi xiao tian di lun.Traité des analogies entre le corps humain (microcosme) et l'univers ; IV, livre 1書方宜人共識說Shu fang yi ren gong shi shuo.Traité sur l'exécution des ordonnances ; V, livre 2日講雜記Ri jiang za ji.Notes sur des leçons quotidiennes ; VI, livre 2金匱上工治未病一節辯Jin gui shang gong zhi wei bing yi jie bian.Discussion d'un point du Jin gui yao lüe lun ; VII, livre 3石芝醫話Shi zhi yi hua.Notes médicales de Shi zhi ; VIII, livre 3管見芻言Guan jian chu yan.Vues étroites et paroles humbles ; IX, livre 3核骨踝脛腨辨He gu hua xing shan bian.Discussion relative à la cheville, au tibia, au mollet ; X, livre 3爛喉丹痧論Lan hou dan sha (?) lun.Traité des inflammations et ulcérations de la gorge.Zang fu shou sheng bian.Discussion du contenu des organes internes.Bian zi rong zhi wei.Pour distinguer le faux zi rong, etc ; XI, livre 3大豆黃卷辯Da dou huang juan bian.Discussion au sujet du médicament da dou huang juan.Wen yi zhui yan.Notes sur les maladies épidémiques ; XII, livre 3合論丹溪景岳相火大意He lun dan qi jing yue xiang he da yi.Sur le sens de l'expression xiang he, d'après Dan qi et Jing yue ; XIII, livre 4人身一小天地亦有南北兩極論Ren shen yi xiao tian di yi you nan bei liang ji lun.Le corps humain, étant un microcosme, a un pôle nord et un pôle sud.Ming men mo zhen bian.De l'examen de la veine du rein droit ; XIV, livre 4治肝補脾論Zhi gan bu pi lun.Traitement du foie et de la rate ; XV, livre 4四維相代陽氣乃竭解Si wei xiang dai yang qi nai jie jie.Explication de la phrase : par la succession des quatre wei, le souffle mâle s'épuise ; XVI, livre 4辯素問濁氣歸心之訛Bian su wen zhuo qi gui xin zhi wo.Discussion de l'assertion erronée du Su wen que le souffle trouble revient au cœur ; XVII, livre 4祖氣論Zu qi lun.Sur l'influence productrice du ciel et de la terre ; XVIII, livre 5痘毒藏脾經說Dou du cang pi jing shuo.Le virus de la petite vérole est contenu dans la rate.Dou chu tong shi lun.Sur l'apparition simultanée de la petite vérole.Dou you tai yin zhuan shu yang ming lun.La petite vérole, du principe femelle, évolue vers le principe mâle ; XIX, livre 5擬張令韶傷寒直解辨證歌Yi zhang ling shao shang han zhi jie bian zheng ge.Sur le diagnostic de la fièvre typhoïde ; XX, livre 6三皇藥王考San huang yue wang kao.Sur la divinité de la médecine ; XXI, livre 6脈訣正訛Mo jue zheng wo.Correction au Mo jue ; XXII, livre 6趨庭雜記Qu ting za ji.Notes d'après Qu ting ; XXIII, livre 6辨醫書音義Bian yi shu yin yi.Discussion sur le son et le sens de termes employés dans les livres de médecine.Xia yue ji zhi shuo.Traité sur l'oranger épineux qui doit être évité pendant l'été ; XXIV, livre 6喜傷心恐勝喜解Xi shang xin kong sheng xi jie.Traité sur les maladies provenant de l'excès ou du défaut du souffle vital ; XXV, livre 6百合病贅言Bai he bing zhui yan.Notes sur la maladie appelée bai he ; XXVI, livre 7辨脾胃升降Bian pi wei sheng jiang.Discussion sur un traitement de la rate et de l'estomac ; XXVII, livre 7氣有餘便是火解Qi you yu bian shi he jie.Explication de la phrase : s'il y a excès d'esprit, c'est l'influence du feu.Dong yuan jing yue lun xiang he bian.Discussion des opinions de Zhang Jing yue et de Li Gao sur l'examen du principe feu ; XXVIII, livre 7幼科似驚非驚辨You ke si jing fei jing bian.Discussion sur une affection qui ressemble à la maladie dite jing (trouble, effroi) ; XXIX, livre 7司馬運氣贅言Si tian yun qi zhui yan.Notes sur les influences exercées par les principes célestes.Zhou shen jing luo zong jue.Traité du système des vaisseaux ; XXX, livre 8木鬱達之論Mu yu da zhi lun.Traité relatif à une phrase du Nei jing ; XXXI, livre 8保護元陽說Bao hu yuan yang shuo.Traité sur la protection du principe mâle ; XXXII, livre 8讀傷寒論附記Du shang han lun fu ji.Notes à propos du traité de la fièvre typhoïde ; XXXIII, livre 8論白痘Lun bai phei.Dissertation sur la maladie appelée pei blanche (ulcères laissant des croûtes ou cicatrices blanches) ; XXXIV, livre 8爛喉痧論Lan hou sha (?) lun.Traité des inflammations et ulcérations de la gorge ; XXXV, livre 8爛喉丹痧治宜論Lan hou dan sha (?) zhi yi lun.Sur le traitement des inflammations et ulcérations de la gorge ; XXXVI, livre 8痧疹今昔不同治法亦異說Sha (?) zhen jin xi bu tong zhi fa yi yi shuo.La maladie appelée sha (?) n'étant pas la même aujourd'hui qu'autrefois, le traitement aussi doit différer ; XXXVII, livre 8攝生雜話Sha sheng za hua.Notes pour régler la vie ; XXXVIII, livre 9四大家辯Si da jia bian.Discussion à propos de quatre personnages célèbres ; XXXIX, livre 9攷正古方權量說Kao zheng gu fang quan liang shuo.Traité sur la correction des poids des anciennes formules ; XL, livre 9生氣通天論病因章句辯Sheng qi tong tian lun bing yin zhang ju bian.Discussion de quatre paragraphes de l'ouvrage de Dan qi intitulé : Ge zhi yu lun ; XLI, livre 10虛勞論Xu lao lun.Traité de la maladie appelée xu lao (consomption ?) ; XLII, livre 10讀先祖保陰煎謹記Du xian zu bao yin jian jin ji.Notes sur la formule Bao yin jian, composée par son aïeul ; XLIII, livre 10六味地黃丸方解Liu wei di huang huan fang jie.Explication de la formule des pilules dites à six ingrédients et à base jaune ; XLIV, livre 10司天運氣徵驗Si tian yun qi zheng yan.Preuves des influences exercées par les principes célestes ; XLV, livre 11三焦說San jiao shuo.Traité des trois jiao


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La vraie doctrine de l'âme et du corps.Par le P. Lai Meng du, Dominicain, avec l'autorisation du P. Francisco Varo, Dominicain (arrivé en Chine en 1654 ; noms Chinois Wan Ji guo Dao jin). Préface de l'auteur (1663) ; préface par Li Jiu gong, de Fu tang (1673). Avertissement ; table gravée à l'église de Chang qi.8 livres.


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Examen de l'âme.Par le P. de San Pascual, avec autorisation du P. Ibañez (?) Préface de l'auteur (1680) écrite à la mission du Shan dong, à Li xia.33 feuillets.


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The anisotropy of the azimuthal distributions of charged particles produced in √sNN=2.76 TeV PbPb collisions is studied with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The elliptic anisotropy parameter, v2, defined as the second coefficient in a Fourier expansion of the particle invariant yields, is extracted using the event-plane method, two- and four-particle cumulants, and Lee-Yang zeros. The anisotropy is presented as a function of transverse momentum (pT), pseudorapidity (η) over a broad kinematic range, 0.3lision centrality from 0 to 80%. The results are compared to those obtained at lower center-of-mass energies, and various scaling behaviors are examined. When scaled by the geometric eccentricity of the collision zone, the elliptic anisotropy is found to obey a universal scaling with the transverse particle density for different collision systems and center-of-mass energies. © 2013 CERN. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.


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Evidence is presented for the associated production of a single top quark and W boson in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.9 fb -1. The measurement is performed using events with two leptons and a jet originated from a b quark. A multivariate analysis based on kinematic properties is utilized to separate the tt̄ background from the signal. The observed signal has a significance of 4.0σ and corresponds to a cross section of 16-4+5 pb, in agreement with the standard model expectation of 15.6±0.4-1.2+1.0 pb. © 2013 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.


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A study is presented of the mass and spin-parity of the new boson recently observed at the LHC at a mass near 125 GeV. An integrated luminosity of 17.3 fb-1, collected by the CMS experiment in proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, is used. The measured mass in the ZZ channel, where both Z bosons decay to e or μ pairs, is 126.2±0.6(stat) ±0.2(syst) GeV. The angular distributions of the lepton pairs in this channel are sensitive to the spin-parity of the boson. Under the assumption of spin 0, the present data are consistent with the pure scalar hypothesis, while disfavoring the pure pseudoscalar hypothesis. © 2013 CERN. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.


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A search is presented for free heavy long-lived fractionally charged particles produced in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV. The data sample was recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb-1. Candidate fractionally charged particles are identified by selecting tracks with associated low charge measurements in the silicon tracking detector. Observations are found to be consistent with expectations for background processes. The results of the search are used to set upper limits on the cross section for pair production of fractionally charged, massive spin-1/2 particles that are neutral under SU(3)C and SU(2)L. We exclude at 95% confidence level such particles with electric charge ±2e/3 with masses below 310 GeV, and those with charge ±e/3 with masses below 140 GeV. © 2013 CERN. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/3.0/Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.


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Results are presented of a search for the production of new particles decaying to pairs of partons (quarks, antiquarks, or gluons), in the dijet mass spectrum in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.0 fb-1, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2012. No significant evidence for narrow resonance production is observed. Upper limits are set at the 95% confidence level on the production cross section of hypothetical new particles decaying to quark-quark, quark-gluon, or gluon-gluon final states. These limits are then translated into lower limits on the masses of new resonances in specific scenarios of physics beyond the standard model. The limits reach up to 4.8 TeV, depending on the model, and extend previous exclusions from similar searches performed at lower collision energies. For the first time mass limits are set for the Randall-Sundrum graviton model in the dijet channel. © 2013 CERN. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.


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Measurements are presented of the production of primary KS0 and Λ particles in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV in the region transverse to the leading charged-particle jet in each event. The average multiplicity and average scalar transverse momentum sum of KS0 and Λ particles measured at pseudorapidities |η|<2 rise with increasing charged-particle jet pT in the range 1-10 GeV/c and saturate in the region 10-50 GeV/c. The rise and saturation of the strange-particle yields and transverse momentum sums in the underlying event are similar to those observed for inclusive charged particles, which confirms the impact-parameter picture of multiple parton interactions. The results are compared to recent tunes of the pythia Monte Carlo event generator. The pythia simulations underestimate the data by 15%-30% for KS0 mesons and by about 50% for Λ baryons, a deficit similar to that observed for the inclusive strange-particle production in non-single-diffractive proton-proton collisions. The constant strange- to charged-particle activity ratios with respect to the leading jet pT and similar trends for mesons and baryons indicate that the multiparton-interaction dynamics is decoupled from parton hadronization, which occurs at a later stage. © 2013 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.


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ḥibbērô ... Yiṣḥāq Abôhab


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ʿal yedê ... Yaʿaqōv Ben- ... Yiṣḥāq